Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 62: Despair and Event

Chapter 62: Despair and Event

(Raja Sect's HQ) 

After Giran had told his plan to the higher-ups of the Sect, they all set out to make the necessary preparations. And so most of the inner and outer disciples were left without anyone to train them. They started to fight against each other, or simply follow the steps described in the many books that the new Treasure Elder had distributed. 

The Inner Court's arena had become the place where most of the disciples of the sect would come to. Nearly everyone was there, to beat the hell out of each other in the name of training or merely observe others. 

One such observer was sitting by himself , the stone stairs around him being completely empty. No one wanted to sit behind that one person, except some inner disciples who had rarely ever saw the lower disciples. They didn't know who this person was, and so they sat besides him.

They were immediately warned by the other disciples, and that left them stunned. It was truly a changing experience with them.

" ARGHH !" An inner disciple cried out as he was launched away by a sudden palm strike that nearly broke his entire ribcage.

"The hell was that ? Inner and Outer disciples are talking to us now ? Did this siege make you grow a huge pair ?" The man responsible for this asked, putting his arm to it's previous position, crossed over the other behind his back. His colleagues all chuckled before looking over the loner who was whispering some strange things...Like an incantation almost. 

" This guy summoning something or what ? " The same elite disciple asked. He approached the person and tapped him on the shoulder. Getting no response he simply laughed it off and sat down, completely ignoring said loner.

The Inner and Outer disciples could have gotten angry at the way the Elite disciples treated them, but they didn't. They could be scared of said disciples but they weren't....

One by one, they started to step back. A few disciples turned to hundreds of them, and in a matter of seconds, everyone was looking at the elite disciples while slowly etching back. 

"Okay...Now this is creepy." One of the female elite disciple exclaimed. She looked at the loner and decided to try and comprehend what the hell he kept muttering again and again. 


"So ? The hell is he saying ?" The male disciple asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice. He had come to watch the fights, and they had all stopped because of this. Before the female could answer, something happened.

The loner moved, the lower disciples winced, the female disciple screamed....And all were stunned into a silence as they watched her whirl around...Clutching the bleeding stump that was previously her hand. 

She had lost all five fingers.

" HE FREAKING BIT ME !!" She screamed.

They all watched as the loner suddenly started to hit his head, before letting the fingers fall from his mouth...For some reasons, he let his mouth wide opened as he moved towards the female disciple. 

Even his way of moving was strange, as he was literally moving to a point before stopping and then moving to another. 

Now that he started to repeat the same words but louder, the female disciple noticed that he had a female voice.

" Help me you dumbasses !" She cried out.

" Hmmm....Aren't you one of us ? Help yourself." The male disciple said as he watched her with eyes full of disdain. It was obviously a direct attack at her, as all their colleagues knew she had used...Less than honorable ways to become an elite disciple. She wasn't nearly as strong as them. 

"That guy is speaking with a female voice, he bit my fingers and he is walking as if he can't freaking see even a meter before him ! That's too freaking creepy for me !" She said while applying some sort of medication over her hand. The oil seeped into her wound, and all of a sudden...Her fingers grew back.

The elite disciples were quite stunned to see her use such an expensive medication, but then again losing all the fingers of your hand...That was a situation that required the use of such a precious ressource.

However what she said confused them even more. They moved forward and positioned themselves in front of her, like they were protecting her, and they heard it too. This was indeed a female voice and it sounded quite panicked.

But they heard it only once, the full sentence, before the body once again lunger forward and did something that would traumatize the female disciple for at least a few months. 

"The Moon...Li Kuo, it's here...Mara...THE RESET MOON !"


(With Jian and Sun Sheng )

The day of the tournament had finally come. The capital was bumbling with activity as if the 'accident' never happened and tourists from all across the continent had come. This was quite the huge event, not because of the birthday itself, but because everyone had learned about the event that would come just before the tournament.

This was a chance to get one of the many treasures the Peizhi Kingdom had. And for a weak country, it certainly had a lot of treasures. No one ever questioned how that was even possible, or where those treasures came from. But Jian just happened to know the answer.

Once again, the Flies and the Worms knew a bit too much and they really should train their members better. Jian had learned a whole lot from those members and while he had forgotten most of the things they had talked about, since he never thought it would be of any uses, he still remembered certain informations.

One such information was how the Peizhi Kingdom, who was an ally of the Wukong Empire at some point, stabbed said empire in the back and quite literally raided the treasure vault of the Wukongs.

Now this was an incident that had been erased from history, the Peizhi Kingdom not wanting people to know just how greedy it was, and the Wukong Empire not wanting to look like weaklings, however some people still remembered it. 

It had been on the day of the current wukong's birth. Not only had they tried to assassinate the newborn for some obscure reasons, they sent legions of their spies to raid the vault and take everything they could carry.

Now the Wukong Empire had been at war with many kingdoms right after that and was never able to take back all the treasures....However the young Zhigang Wukong just so happened to have paid a little visit to the Peizhi Kingdom years before he became the emperor. 

It was a quest of some sort, a prophecy leading him to one of the treasures the kingdom had stolen, a certain weapon named kinto. It was on that day that the Sun family became acquainted with the young Wukong.

And they discovered that the Sun family wasn't named so for no reasons.

" Wait...Let me guess...You were related to the Wukongs of old ?" Jian asked as Sun Sheng merely nodded his head.

The young heir who looked like he had lost a ton of weight was currently being interrogated by The Crow. Jian wanted to understand why their family had been attacked by a phoenix, although they didn't seem to be all that important or even possess anything the phoenix could have wanted.

" Indeed. One of the first Wukongs, Shin Wukong, had children with a woman from the Peizhi Kingdom but had to leave her once his family discovered that affair. And so the Sun Family was born. We were never meant to have any sort of importance, past the one of a normal noble family that is...However Zhigang Wukong came to us one day. I never knew what he head talked about with my family, No one ever told me, and even my brother didn't know so I guess it was a pretty huge secret....Even to this day I still wonder what it was, but I was there when that thing burned the house. I was protected by my uncle and was merely blasted away from the house, but I was there....I listened to the conversation it had with the members of my family, before scorching them alive. It talked about a certain map drawn by a 'dumb little monkey'. I guess that refers to Emperor Zhigang. I don't know what this map is about, or even what it's supposed to show, but that being was insanely pissed off when my mother said no one knew where the map was....." 

With that, Sun Sheng went back to his silence while getting patted on the back by Jian. The other contestants looked at this scene weirdly, no one getting up to tell Jian that he wasn't supposed to be with the contestants to the actual tournament. Everyone merely watched, silently analyzing The Crow. Not only did he have a certain intimidating aura, he also seemed oddly close to Sun Sheng....A man who became an heir after his brother oh so luckily happened to day before the tournament. 

Of course one was to suspect something was at play there. But no one knew who the Crow was. That's why no one reacted, even though he was supposed to be ennemy number one. To be more exact, the thing that allowed Jian to actually show himself out was that...He wasn't the only one with a crow symbol on his clothes. The description that had been given of the Crow by whoever decided to pin the blame on him had been...Quite simple. In fact it almost seemed like it was done on purpose, because the informations given were all confusing and could point to a great many deal of people. And no one could just point a finger at someone and yell 'That's the crow', so until the government pointed at a potential suspect, no one would accuse anyone. 

He was quite lucky, but he also felt as if that wasn't a good news...As if it was more troublesome than anything. 

However now wasn't the time to worry about such things, Biyu had set out to do her part of the mission...And Jian had to prepare for his. 

Getting back to the other contestants' room, Jian looked left and right, before deciding on a seat. He was interrupted by someone suddenly moving towards him. To be more precise, said person was moving towards the door he had just used. They wanted to enter the real contestants' room, and Jian had been in front of the door, so of course they would crash onto each other.

And so Jian laid his eyes on...

'...Kid ?....Helllooooo ? The hell is going on with him ? Why did he just....Oh.' Mara exclaimed, before looking through Jian's eyes and noticing the otherwordly beauty that had just now, taken Jian's breath away. 

[ I do believe the User is currently experiencing what is called.....Love at First Sight. ]

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