Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 70: Dinner with the Queen

Chapter 70: Dinner with the Queen

Knowing just how long he had been asleep, Jian immediately started to think of just how much training sessions he had to make up for. No matter what happened in the next days, he would be training non stop and going to the very limit of his Venerable Immortal Body. 

However there were other matters at hand. Starting with why the Queen seemed so interested in both him and Uma. That and the reason as to why he had been sleeping for so long. The Queen, seeing that even he didn't know what happened, said that it might have been due to the potion he drank just before passing away. 

Vehr had apparently been questioned by the Queen and had told her about the potion. The problem was that Vehr didn't suffer any side effects from the potion. There were no traces of foreign Qi in Jian's body, so it couldn't have been the result of a spell or technique. 

While Uma and the Queen discussed the different possibilities, Jian was absent-mindedly playing with his food as another conversation was going on, one that neither Uma nor the Queen knew about. 

" I mean, it all points towards this. My guess is that this oh so amazing system forgot to tell you about the side effect. He had been silent ever since you passed out and even now, he ain't there. " Mara said as he sat on the ground while resting on the back of Jian's chair.

'I really hope this evolution of his is worth it. ' Jian thought. He had no ways of calling the system forth, so all he could do was wait. But there was a heated argument ahead if the evolution of the system brought only basic changes. 

"Jian, the Queen asked you a question." Uma said with a louder than usual voice. Jian snapped out of his inner discussion and looked at the Queen, waiting for her to ask her question again. 

The Queen smiled softly and cleared her voice. " I simply asked what is your goal with this whole 'Crow' persona. Uma explained a few things already, but I can only get the final version from you. And do not be worried, I have let the Flies run rampant for as long as they desired because I couldn't honestly care less about this country. I cannot be as patriotic as my parents were, I have no reasons to. Before me and my husband even ascended to the throne, the situation was horrible and the citizens were all too content to just let the sects run free. When your people don't give a damn about such obvious dangers, even as a leader you can't bring forth the courage to do anything about the situation. So no matter what you do, as long as it doesn't hurt my family, it will be alright." 

A quick look as exchanged between Uma and Jian, and the latter sighed loudly. He couldn't hide anything anyway. Especially since Uma most likely told the Queen everything she knew. He could see it from her look, she was urging him to explain his plan to the Queen. He could be angry at her, but he didn't see a single reason for her to betray him. She must have a reason to be that sincere to the Queen. Because even if the Queen doesn't care about his actions, it still is a risky thing to just reveal the whole plan to her. But to hell with it.

" I simply want to mimick a certain Knight Order that was active a few decades ago. I want to do good everywhere I go and help people, but not like a Hero.....Heroes sacrifice themselves and I won't, at least not on every occasion. My order will be a sign of hope, but people won't ever be able to solely depend on us. We will be a passing help for everyone, no matter what they did in life. I can't stress enough just how meaningless it is to me to judge people based on their alignment. Good, evil....I could be any of those two at any time. So I can't really judge people who are exactly like me, people who seizes opportunities and try to think of the consequences later. " Jian explained as the Queen released a soft laugh.

" So an order of Mini-Wukongs, huh ?" She said. Jian smiled as she seemed to have understood his reasoning. It was indeed the same as Wukong. A man who did everything he wanted, listening to his every instincts and being even evil at times...But who in the end always helped those who were too weak to defend themselves. The goal was to stand at the top of mountain and help those who couldn't even begin to climb it. 

He reckoned this type of thinking will surely end with his order being full of criminals who wanted to have good images or just wanted to redeem themselves, but he didn't really care. He couldn't exactly be against that...He was a criminal himself, though no one around him knew, and he was guilty of one of the highest possible crimes. But this was all behind him, it was the crime of another person.....Not the crime of Jian, simply Jian. 

"About this, your highness.....I wanted to ask something of you, but I needed you to talk to Jian before that....." Uma suddenly said, not daring to look at the Queen. She seemed quite terrified of the woman, not that Jian faulted her for that. The Queen was something else, he could see that just by looking at the way her eyes shone as she leered at Uma.

She was like some sort of depraved and psychotic monster trapped in the body of an innocent looking woman. And innocent looking she truly was. Everything from her long golden hair, her cute little nose, her petite face and her thin body. If you took away her noble manners and her dress, she would look like......A golden haired Chimi. 

"Oooh, that gotta hurt kiddo." Mara said as he chuckled. Jian was cursing himself for thinking about her once more, but he couldn't help it. The Queen looked like an older Chimi with golden hair, and that was hurting him. But at least she didn't act like her....Not too much. Chimi was demented, The Queen was perverted. 

"Why this expression on your face ? Ask away." The Queen said as she took a bite out of the purple meat that was in her plate. Jian hadn't touched it since he knew which animal it came from, but the Queen had no trouble stuffing her face with the stuff. It was an animal known for it's poisonous blood that made it insanely hard for anyone to cook it. But looking at just how much the purple blood filled the entire plate, Jian knew the cooks hadn't bothered cooking it right. He could only wonder what the Queen was made out of. 

"I wanted to ask...Would you become our first ally ?" Uma asked as the juice that Jian was drinking quickly escaped his mouth. 

' The hell was that ?!'

" I gotta say, the girlie has some balls. " Mara exclaimed as he got up and stood over Jian's chair, looking at the Queen and Uma. 

"An ally ? Would you be so kind as to explain what you are talking about ?" The Queen asked. Ever since Uma got to know the Queen, this was the first time she saw her make a blank face. She was always very expressive, but now...She looked like all emotions had been sucked out of her, and it was starting to scare Uma a lot, so she explained herself quickly.

"A-Alright so....You said that you cannot even muster the courage to help your country, but you don't have to. We are supposed to help people everywhere we go, and the weak people getting abused by the Flies and the Sects here...They need help. We can't possible take on the Flies right now, but we can at least push back the members they have here and you would only have to defend your country and run inspections to make sure they don't come back. As for the sects...Well there will always be sects in every countries. But we can use the ones we want to keep to destroy or push back the others. You would be left with a country free of the Flies and with Sects that actually the country instead of taking advantage of it. " Uma explained as Jian looked at the Queen intently. What Uma just said was exactly what he had been thinking. They needed allies, and a country that could be made totally independent by simply punching people in the face until they left was just what he wanted. Not only would they get the sects they spared as allies, they would also have the government with them. And no one could complain. The other countries were all too busy anyway. 

But to start with the Queen directly, this was a bit risky. Jian had wanted to use the Prince Uma got close to....Actually now that he remembered it....Said prince had been attacked and the culprit was most likely Biyu. He prayed that the Queen didn't know and that Biyu got all the treasures. 

If they played their cards right, they could get absolutely everything. But a single mistake, and they wouldn't have any allies in this country. 

"You'll still have that kid, Sun Sheng. Not much, but he is still the heir to a noble family. Make them rich and powerful and you'll become rich and powerful yourself. " Mara added his views on the matter at hand. 

Jian nodded but didn't respond as he was too busy observing the reaction of the Queen.

" So....You want the royal family and by extension the government to support your group....And by extension the Raja sect, in exchange for you pushing back the Flies and the sects we don't want. A good deal...But a nearly impossible one. I won't give you support until you push those annoying people away, and you can't push them back without my support." The Queen said as Uma flinched. That was actually a problem she had been thinking about. The Queen was bound to accept, if only because she was a bit too interested in Uma. But Uma knew that this whole thing revolved around Jian's Order winning.....But they simply couldn't. With the current strengh they had, they could maybe take on a few elite disciples, maybe an elder or two....But not an entire sect, much less many sects AND the flies at the same time.

"You have time though, right ?" Jian asked, getting the attention of everyone in the room. The Queen was really impatient to see how he would try to convince her.

"We can't win today or tomorrow...But at some point we will be able to win. It's just like with the Raja Sect. We need to do everything we can to help, but here we are...Wasting time. And that's because we can't do anything now. The more time we take, the more people suffer....And it's quite a weight on our shoulders...But if we win at the hand, I don't really care. Even if the people who suffered end up cursing me, I would be content with my win. "

"Hahaha, well said child. You won't get my help until you help the country, but you don't have to do it now. My husband has devised a plan to get rid of some of the most annoying people, but of course it will take a lot of time, efforts and it might not work. We have currently trapped the members of a certain organisation in the capital, and we are using the little knowledge we have about them to pit them against some sects. So you'll have less work when you come back to help us, but be aware that my husband's plan has many layers...And he might save the country all by himself, that is if we don't count our children, and so....Clock's ticking. " The Queen said as Jian got up and motioned for Uma to do so too. He bowed to the Queen and left without another word as Uma followed him, although she was a bit lost.

The Queen was left alone with the few guards that were in the room, and she turned to the one who was the closest to her.

"You haven't been paying attention, Agent Mercury." She said as the guard smiled at her.

"No I haven't, but my dear little associate will of course resume the whole thing later. I have to say though, I was absorbed by another matter, it seems like there will be an interesting reunion soon. "

"A reunion you say ?" The Queen asked as she chewed on her steak. Mercury discarded his helmet, and sat at the table too. 

"Yes, a reunion. One between two siblings....And from the Zhao Warrior Tribes at that !

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