Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 72: Sorrow and Hatred ( 2 )

Chapter 72: Sorrow and Hatred ( 2 )

As Jian entered the mansion that served as his group's temporary home, he was surprised to hear Fang and Zhao Shu argue. It had been the first time Jian had heard Fang's voice clearly, and he had to say the man had quite a somber voice. He sounded like an older Peng Fu, so it would give any normal person the chills.

However, even as impressive and creepy as he was, Zhao Shu wasn't in a state where that would suffice to keep him down. He was quite literally held back by Biyu while he tried to jump on Fang. 

Said man was simply sitting on a couch and looking at the windows, completely ignoring Zhao Shu who continued to rage. Fang would bite back at Zhao Shu every once and a while, but other than that he seemed quite fed up with this whole thing.

"Mind telling me what's going on ?" Jian asked Biyu who sighed as she spotted him.

"Uma ain't with ya ? Figured she wouldn't come back....I'm not feeling this whole Queen situation too well, but whatever. Mister Zhao here has become a ball of anger ever since he came back last week, and anything makes him snap. He just refuses to tell us what's wrong though." Biyu explained before the back of Zhao Shu's head hit her right in the mouth and she bit her tongue. 

"Fucker !" She screamed, as blood ran out of her mouth and splattered on the ground. Zhao Shu wasn't free though as Biyu kept holding onto him.

"It ain't none of yer business !" Zhao Shu yelled. 

It was perhaps the first time Jian had seen anyone this mad. This was the next level of anger. Zhao Shu looked like he wanted to tear everything apart at the moment, and clearly...Nothing short of a punch straight in the face would make him stop.

"Oh yeah and that little dumbass went back to speaking like the Zhao Warriors." Biyu added as she started to punch him in the lower back. 

"Unholy damn, this is some family moment right here. Happy with your little group kiddo ? I guess not. But you know, you won't get the group you want until you grow enough to be able to become less of a comrade and more of a leader. Biyu doesn't really respect you, she merely listens to you because you interest her. Become strong enough to beat her, or find ways to make yourself more intimidating and she might just follow orders for another reason than her personal whims. And that goes for the others too." Mara said as he leaned against a wall.

'When are you going to come back inside of me ? This is starting to get on my nerves.' Jian said in his mind. But all he got as an answer was a shrug. 

"Ugh.....Very well then. Shu, you're gonna speak or we are just going to toss you out. And of course we won't let you in unless you.....Argh !....You little.....Where the hell are you going ?!" 

Biyu gasped when Zhao Shu elbowed her in the stomach, and she was about to snap but she noticed that he was heading for the door. Jian simply held up a hand, and Biyu's eyebrows rose. 

As Zhao Shu left, Jian sat on the second couch and sighed loudly.

"Just follow him to see what this is all about. He certainly won't tell us this easily." Fang suddenly proposed. Jian said nothing while Biyu made an O sign with her hand and left the room too. 

The room was thus returned to it's previous silent state as both Fang and Jian just laid on the couches without making a single noise.

That was until Jian remembered a little something.

"Fang weren't you supposed to go recruit the guys from your group or something ?" He asked. He had been quite confused about Fang, but he simply went with what Biyu did and didn't ask any questions. Fang represented a good opportunity, although Jian still had no idea what the man's group was supposed to be. 

"Indeed. My group has had many years over the years, but they were all given by other people. We have no name, we are just random criminals who wanted to work for the flies but without giving them our everything. We are a clan inside of the flies like there are many, the only difference about us is that we only accept the reasonable criminals. We don't take those who are more demon than man and we sure as hell don't take in the little spineless scums who wanders the street in search of weak preys. We attack only the strong and we defend the weak sometimes, only when it gets us some coins though. The problem is that such a group only moves when a good reason is given or a huge amount of money. You don't have that kind of money and I can't find any good reasons to get them on the move. Sure you could recruit some of them, but if you don't get the whole group...You won't go far." Fang explained and Jian silently thanked him. The man had noticed Jian was completely lost and he didn't fault him. They rarely spoke and Biyu just randomly brought him there without taking the time to tell the others.

Hell even he was confused. She had just cashed in a favour he owed her and then all of a sudden he learns that he will be part of a child's group. And then some time later he gets told that the group will be an order whose goal will be to grant people wishes as they explore the world. To be completely honest, only the explore the world part interested him. He wanted to get to know all sorts of things on the 'outside' world. That and he might get a few things to bring back home. 

"....Hmmm...I may come up with something if I meet your leader." Jian suddenly said, eliciting a strange noise from Fang. The man cleaned his ears and asked Jian to repeat what he just said, and when the boy did.....

"WHAT ?! Are you dumb or something ?!" Fang exclaimed. Jian knew exactly why he was reacting like that, but he still asked just in case.

"The leader of such a rowdy bunch, I think anyone can guess just how dangerous such a person is. You can't meet him and just hope an idea will come to your mind ! " 

Jian sighed and got into a thinking position before laying out his own reason. A reason which told Fang just how crazy he had been to accept Biyu's request.

"I could care, you know. I surely could. Thing is...I don't. I mean as I like to tell myself every once in a while, plans are nice and all, but they can fail so easily. A dear friend of mine, pretty much one of the only friends I ever had, told me just how useless it was to have plans for the future...When you didn't know what you wanted to do with yourself. I want to help people by granting their wishes, I want to become strong, considering my old hobbies I might even want to make clothes for the order and myself...Who knows ! But these are all meaningless. These aren't lasting goals. The only way to make them last is to search for trouble. Well except for the last thing that is. So either I plan my every steps carefully to avoid dying or I simply make little plans on the spot and then go for the action...Considering the fact that most of my goals require me to just fight again and again, against anyone who would stand up to me...You can see where this is going." The boy explained.

He couldn't see it, but Fang had a look of disbelief on his face. As for Mara, he was simply smiling.

'That's the way of Wukong, just ask for trouble all the damn time !'

"You...Are you perhaps mentally ill ?" Fang asked, earning him a chuckle from Jian who just lasted a few seconds before the boy went back to seriousness. 

"Maybe. That dear old friend of mine might have had some effect on me that I only began to see after I entered my sect. Frankly speaking, and as you must have guessed already, I don't really care. I'll question myself after reaching at least one of my goals...And this moment ain't getting any closer if I don't move my ass." Jian said as he jumped off the couch. 

"....You want to see go to my boss now, huh ?" Fang dreadfully asked. After getting a nod in return, Fang's shoulders slouched and he just decided to lead Jian, albeit he was a bit reluctant.


( With Biyu )

The man-eating serial killer had always been insanely good at tracking people and staying hidden in the shadows, at least as good as someone reeking of death and blood could be. So an amateur like Zhao Shu had simply no way of detecting her. 

However he wasn't a problem at the moment, the problem seemed to be another figure following the Zhao Warrior. A rather tall and bulky figure. He was clumsily tracking Zhao Shu, so Biyu figured she would have no troubles with him. If he was so bad at tracking people, he couldn't be that much better at detecting his own pursuers. 

Sadly he was still a problem, simply because Zhao Shu could notice him and would look out for more pursuers. She had to make sure he wouldn't get the both of them spotted. Creeping on him slowly, Biyu used her more than unusual abilities to blend in with the darkness. 

However a sudden 'Boo' surprised her and she was thrown out of the shadows, falling in the dark alley from which the man was observing Zhao Shu. The man jumped back a bit when she hit the ground, and they both looked at each others with widened eyes. 

Although the man was even more panicked when whoever spoke stepped out of the shadows behind Biyu. She quickly turned around when she felt the person behind her, but she saw nothing. 

Yet the man was clearly looking at someone. And if that wasn't enough of a proof that there was indeed someone at the end of the alley, the man confirmed it.

"W-What are you doing here ? Who is that girl, your successor or something ? " The man asked with a trembling voice that draw a stark difference from his intidimidating appearence. 

"Not at all, can't you see how confused she is ? I'd say she is even a bit scared." The person spoke. But only the man heard them, Biyu couldn't figure out what was happening and it was starting to annoy her. As such, she quickly got unto her feet and drew two daggers from her black coat.

"Y-Yeah. But you're from..Ya know. Wouldn't be surprised if yer successor was actin' this way." The man said. And before Biyu could get anymore confused by the situation, she finally got to see the person who had been invisible for the past minute.

And what she saw left her stunned. This wasn't what she had expected....At all. 

Was this even a human ?!

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