Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 81: Separation

Chapter 81: Separation

Whilst Biyu had been fighting with the enemies' leader, the bodyguard and Zhao Shu were still on that same roof. The bodyguard simply wouldn't leave Zhao Shu's side and said warrior had troubles healing himself. 

He had always focused so much on fighting skills that his healing techniques were honestly horrid. At least he had healing techniques compared to many cultivators, but that wasn't much to comfort him. The worst thing was that he could have blocked that piece of wood. Had he reacted quicker and protected himself, nothing would have happened. 

It seemed like he needed to work on his reflexes and his sense of danger. However at that moment, patience was what he really needed to work on.

"I told you to leave me already ! I won't just die randomly !" Zhao Shu yelled at the Bodyguard who shook his head.

"No way. You're here, I am too. " He responded. Zhao Shu could only glare at him while working on his shoulder. 

Fortunately for the young warrior's nerves, something happened and forced the bodyguard to leave in a hurry.

".....What the hell....What the hell is she doing here ?!" He exclaimed, looking at someone on the opposite street with widened eyes.

He shot out like an arrow and Zhao Shu merely sighed, finally being given some peace. Although he had an idea as to who the bodyguard had just seen, and it didn't really made him that relaxed. But then again, his sister always found ways to get herself into dangerous situations. 

And Zhao Shu's hunch was right. It was indeed his sister whom the bodyguard had spotted in the streets. How did he know that ? Well even someone like him worried about his family. He couldn't resist and took a peek. He then saw the bodyguard yelling at his daughter who then exploded on him. 

Sensing something was wrong, Zhao Shu decided to send his pet to follow them. He had only just gotten it, but the little monkey was smart and immediately got his order. 


(With the Bodyguard and Zhao Ai)

"What did you just say ?" The Bodyguard asked, his voice trembling as he feared he had heard right the first time. Given how Zhao Ai refused to say it once again, he just had to come to this conclusion. He had indeed heard right. 

"How.....How ?!" He yelled shaking her violently.

"Stop it ! I don't freaking know !!" She responded, glaring at him.

He didn't even take the time to apologize, no he was too shocked for that. Their stay in the peizhi kingdom continued to become worse and worse as the days passed. They met Zhao Shu, the royal family used a bunch of monsters to extermine all of annoying pawns in their plans and now this.....

He really shouldn't have suggested they take a break in this kingdom. But now....They had to leave as quick as possible. So maybe it would be for the better.

"You're sure this information is completely sure ? No way it's a lie or something ?" He asked as she shook her head.

"I went back to the place we had been staying at. There was a letter on my bed. It was written by one of the higher-ups of the flies, it even had the flies' seal on it. It was written by the Crow, but not the one you've been doing researches on. The flies' Crow. "Ai explained as the bodyguard cursed.

"Why the hell would it happen now ? Ain't that weird ? Everything is happening at the same time ! Those monsters, the plans of the royal family to get rid of the annoying nobles and sects...And now a goddamn demon !" He exclaimed. Since there wasn't anyone around them he could speak as loud as he wanted, or at least he thought so. Not too far away from their position however, a small monkey was eagerly listening to everything they were saying. One could wonder what a listening monkey could do, but if one knew what spiritual monkeys were able to do, it would be clear that the bodyguard should really lower his voice.

"So...Are we leaving ?" Ai asked while playing with her hair, a sign of her nervousness.

"Yeah..Obviously. We can't stay here. I think this kingdom won't last for long. The royal family got more than they bargained for I reckon. I don't know who is behind all this, but this is quite clearly an attempt at destroying the Peizhi Kingdom without having a single trail that could lead to the culprit. I wouldn't even know where to start and I am a pretty damn good spy/informer/detective." The Bodyguard said. Ai simply smiled and nodded.

"Good. I don't want to remain here. This was a really bad idea, we shouldn't have come here." She whispered. However her dear bodyguard heard her and ruffled her hair.

"Yeah yeah. Go back to our place and pack our stuff. I'll go finish some business. When you've finished, wait for me at the east gate of the capital." He said, getting a gasp from the girl. 

"The east gate ? But...Isn't that where that thing will come from ? I just said the letter stated that a wandering Asura is approaching the city due to all the fights. And it's coming from the east !" She yelled. The bodyguard merely put a finger on his forehead and smiled.


And so he left with that. Ai had no other choices than to do as she was told. Even though she obviously didn't like that plan and thought it would fail...Potentially ending with their deaths. A sect she could face without fear, same with the guards. Those monsters who spread all around the capital, she could also face for she didn't know how dangerous they were, but an Asura ? Absolutely not. An entire knight order would be needed to kill one of those, or at least the legend said so. 

As for the bodyguard, he wasn't going for Zhao Shu, no the young warrior would find himself alone...And for quite some time. The bodyguard went to someone else. He went to the Bat of the Flies. 


(With Uma )

She observed. She watched, with horrified eyes, as the chaos unfolded. The guards in the room all trembled as she did. Be it or fear or anger, she didn't know. But she was sure only the royal family could ignore what was going on. 

And the Queen certainly looked like she couldn't care less as she was speaking with her oldest son.

"You're close to reaching the next realm ? Oh my !" She exclaimed as she stuffed her face with some biscuits. The crown prince went with a meager cup of tea, not really in the mood to eat anything.

"Yes, mother. But I have hit a bottleneck. It seems as though I simply cannot reach the next realm without an external source. My Qi always had trouble circulating inside my body, but it was never that huge a problem. It is now. I was thinking maybe some golden roses to help the process...But I would need a tremendous amount and the problem might come again. I think I'll need a soul pellet of the next realm. " He said. His mother immediately stopped smiling as she entered her famous serious mode. It was rare to see the Queen like this, but sometime she was indeed able to actually be serious.

"Hmm....A soul pellet of that level would require some really rare ingredients. I once saw the list of the ingredients needed for all soul pellets up to that current realm of yours. If i'm correct...Most of the ingredients needed where in your little's sister personal stash...The one we used for the tournament and which was stolen. Well, I'll just send some of our alchemists to get the materials from mount Hangua. You'll need to find a blacksmith to make a good cauldron though. The one we have is getting old and it has started to crumble due to Qi corruption. " She said. The crown prince nodded and got up.

"At once, mother. i'll return with the cauldron in a few days. I'll also take this occasion to pay a visit to our old ally, The Sword Sage." He said, getting his mother to cough loudly as she nearly chocked on her biscuits.

"The Sword Sage ?! He is in the capital ?!" She asked. Her son appeared to be quite confused, as though he thought she was aware of that. As though she was the last person he thought wouldn't have known. 

"Hmm..Yes ? I mean, weren't you the one who invited him ? He sent me a message saying he got a weird invitation to the capital and since there wasn't a name of the message, he thought it came from you." The Crown prince explained. He was quickly dismissed by his mother and left still confused, while said Queen furrowed her brows.

"Seems like things are spiralling out of your control, your highness." Uma said as she took the seat the crown prince had been sitting on.

"Indeed, and with my husband in closed cultivation, I can't get him to help. It seems like someone was aware of our plans and responded with his own. We got played but this is still in our favour. Some brief interruptions won't hinder my plans. Our potential rivals will be crushed and in the end, we'll only have to point at another target for those monsters to leave." The Queen explained. Meanwhile Uma could only think of how she was impatient to see Jian. 

With all this chaos, she was quite worried about him. Actually she was worried about all the others, she didn't want anything to happen to them, so she really wanted to go back to their mansion and see them again.

She had no idea that no one was waiting for her at home. One was wounded, all alone on a roof. Another was planning an expedition and the last was.....In a bad position the say the least. 

One could only imagine what would happen if the rest of the group knew what had just been offered to Biyu....And the fact that she had accepted the proposition. 

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