Immortal Only Accepts Female Disciples

Chapter 16: Emotion and Trust

Chapter 16: Emotion and Trust

Wu Qianyu woke up after some time and saw that it was early morning. She was lying on a soft bed in a cozy tent. The clothes that she wore were not hers and she blushed as she remembered her previous encounter. She saw a bit of her belongings had been retrieved and were placed neatly besides the bed. She gathered them up and also found that the man had also recovered her sword which she put on.

She got out of the tent to see that it was a simple campsite beside a small stream. The man, Chen Wentian, was sitting on the ground and silently cultivating. The blazing blue spiritual cloak around him made him look awe-inspiring and also quite handsome. She thought back to their blaze of passion and she became extremely embarrassed and tongue-tied so she just stood there silently and watched him. Chen Wentian was aware of her but he pretended not to notice to act cool for a bit.

He eventually opened his eyes and turned his head towards her. "You're awake, I'm glad you're alright." He said gently.

There was no response as she continued to look at him. She seemed to struggle with some internal conflict.

"Do you have any family?" Chen Wentian gently prodded.

She shook her head. Wu Qianyu's mind was currently is a mess of emotion.

"I... I have no one. The sect master was my father and he's dead..." Wu Qianyu choked out, her eyes watering and a tear falling down her face, as she started recalling the scenes that were seared into her memory.

She thought of how her entire sect was destroyed and the people she swore to teach and protect dying one by one. She recalled the images of how they were violated and their screams piercing her soul. She remembered every single detail and moment vividly of how her father was tortured in front of her until he died. In her hatred and her anger, she struggled and fought to her last breath to slay those demon monkeys, to destroy the one that killed her father. But in the end she was so powerless, she felt so useless and weak.

"Well, don't worry about the demon monkeys anymore, I killed all of them including the alpha." Chen Wentian said.

Wu Qianyu kneeled to the ground and bowed, "Sir Immortal, thank you, thank you with all my heart. I'll never be able to repay your life saving grace." She said stiffly.

"Get up, get up. Don't worry about it, I'm glad I was able save you." He said cheerfully. She looked up at him with wet soulful eyes but remained kneeling. Her tears continued to fall down even though she tried to hold them back.

Chen Wentian looked at her with concern as she just wouldn't stop crying. Did he say something wrong? He didn't know how to comfort a woman so he just stared at her dumbly, waiting for some kind of response.

In her mind, Wu Qianyu's thoughts were spiraling into darkness and despair. She really did appreciate Chen Wentian for destroying the demons to avenge her sect and also for saving her life. But she felt so ashamed that she had forced herself on him, she had sullied her savior, she had also sullied herself! She was also distraught at her abject uselessness. When her father died, she swore she would follow him to the grave, but what had she done? She wasn't even able to kill herself when she was captured and was almost made a breeding whore for her mortal enemy. What did she have left in this world, not even her dignity or virtue were left, what did she have to live for?

Wu Qianyu gritted her teeth and steeled herself. She closed her eyes to be resolute in her final decision. She drew her sword and sliced towards her own neck in one sweeping motion. This is my only path left, the only way!

"Woah! Calm down!" Chen Wentian yelled as he also burst into action. knocking away her sword with his spiritual blast before flying to her. He grabbed her hands so she wouldn't do anything else stupid.

Wu Qianyu finally broke down. "Ahhhhh!" She yelled to the sky in sorrow as she cried. She tried to hit him in desperate frustration. "Why are you so mean to me!" She screamed at him, "I gave you my virtue and you won't let me even die! Let me go! Let me die!"

Chen Wentian quickly embraced her, holding her tight. "Shhh, sweetheart. Its ok... its ok." He said gently as he spread a calming sensation through his spiritual energy. She continued to sob and wail into his chest. He only continued to hold her and gently stroke her back.

Perhaps in a stroke of genius, Chen Wentian kept his mouth shut and didn't utter more insensitive comments. Wu Qianyu slowly recovered and was quiet for some time in his arms. At some point or another, she started telling him about what had happened to her sect. The Green Leaf Sect was a local grassroots sect built up over many generations by herb farmers. About ten years ago, small numbers of demon monkeys started appearing within the mountains. At first the attacks were minor and didn't attract attention. It slowly got worse and worse and and within the past year, cultivators from the sect started being targeted. She lost her mother to one of these ambushes.

The sect fought a prolonged war and ultimately had to ask for assistance, but it was too late. The demon monkeys hid their numbers deep within the mountains in order to launch a secret attack. They were too strong and too many. Chen Wentian sensed she was about to cry again and he embraced her again, patting her head warmly. "Its ok, you don't have say anymore."

Chen Wentian wasn't an immortal for no reason and he wasn't and idiot. "Qianyu, sweetheart," He smiled reassuringly, "You didn't lose your honor, you fought with all your strength. You never gave up. What happened in the end you had no control over it, its not your fault! There will always be enemies stronger than you. There are immortals stronger than me. You can only continue to live your life, to fight and get stronger, to walk forward step by step. This way, your path will appear to you once again."

Chen Wentian felt like he was doing some sort of cult brainwashing but he couldn't find better words to express himself. Ultimately he only had one goal in mind and he made the last sales pitch. "But there is indeed a path for you. Be my disciple! Be the disciple of the youngest immortal in the world. I will show you the way. Trust in me that I will help guide you to immortality."

Wu Qianyu felt his warmth and his conviction and was entranced. She was like a little girl again in his embrace, seeking security, wisdom, and direction. She said softly and shyly, "Disciple Wu Qianyu, accepts master's grace and will follow you always."

Chen Wentian's heart soared in happiness at finding another beautiful and wonderful woman as his disciple. He laughed out loud in delight as he cupped her face and sealed her lips to his with a searing kiss.

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