Imperfect Desires

Chapter 883 - Xiu Wants To Sleep

Chapter 883 - Xiu Wants To Sleep

Seeing Xin Zimen actually begging him, Darren could only tell him where Xiu was at that moment. He was helpless before these fathers. Their feelings for the said daughter are too intense. Even Darren was startled to see it. After all, it's not been long for these two Xin brothers to even be acquainted with Xiu and yet, they loved her deeply.

It must be because of the same blood running through their veins that seemed to be boiling with feelings now.

After learning about Xiu's location, Xin Zimen instantly called his own men and Xin Zemin did the same. Seeing them frantically moving about, Darren had a headache.

His phone rang and he sighed out, "Dad..."

"Did you hear about Jinhai?" came Zhou Xichen's voice. He sounded quite troubled at the moment. And Darren could understand his feelings. No matter what relationship his father had with Niu Peizhi, he had always treated Zhou Jinhai as his eldest son. It would be surprising if he wasn't worried about Jinhai right now.

"I know, dad," said Darren. "Don't worry. He'll get the best treatment. I've called for the best doctors for him."

Zhou Xichen was quiet for a long while before he voiced, "There is some news about his mother as well. Have you heard?"

"Yes," Darren didn't try to hide it from his father at all.

Zhou Xichen sighed out, "Forget it. I don't care what happens to her. But I don't want Jinhai to pay for his mother's crimes. He doesn't deserve that."

"Let's hope for the best," said Darren in an attempt to console him.

"You don't think about it so much. I'll take care of it here. You focus on your own health. I really want to visit you but your mother is fierce. She might scratch me to death if I showed up."

Darren actually smiled at his words, "Dad, you're still very cautious around mama."

"I'm indebted to her," was Zhou Xichen's response. "That's why I don't want to upset her."

Even Darren knew that the reason why his father always stayed so respectful towards Francesca was that she had raised him. Although Zhou Xichen didn't know about Darren's existence until he was a teenager, it didn't change the fact that he had been missing from his son's life. That's why Zhou Xichen felt indebted to Francesca who wasted away her own youth to raise his son.

And that's why he always listened to what she said. Since currently, she refused to let him see Darren, he wouldn't argue with her over it. He always believed that Francesca had more right on Darren than himself. After all, Darren only got some blood from him. But that woman gave him real life. He didn't have the qualifications to fight with her.

"Dad, since you can't be here. Make sure you're there for Jinhai."

Zhou Xichen took a deep breath, "I'm here for him. As I just said, stop thinking about the matters of here. You have to take care of yourself and my daughter-in-law as well."

When his father hung up the call, Darren stared at the screen as he muttered, "I hope you don't see the said daughter-in-law in the Capital. Or else, you might really be shocked to see how she isn't the one in need of protection. It's the people around her who need protection from her for now at least."

"What are you talking to yourself about?" questioned Xin Zimen.

Darren was startled to see him. He thought they left but these two fathers were still in the room surrounding him. What did they want from him now? Didn't he already give away his wife? What more did they want?


Xin Zemin narrowed his eyes at Darren and said, "Someone told me, there had been some firing case reported. One died, one critically injured, and one brutally assaulted."

"Oh..." Darren lowered his head as he responded.

"Won't you want to know who the people involved are?"

"Do I have to?"

"You should," this time Xin Zimen was the one talking. "After all, the critically injured one is your elder brother." He looked at his phone and added, "And since you had just been talking to your father, I believe you already know the details. In fact, I think you know better than the police."

"Why would you assume that out of nowhere?"

"I'm not assuming anything," replied Xin Zimen. "I'm certain about it. There were no video cameras on the road where this whole incident happened. But don't think I'll believe in just some statements given to the police." He stood up and rubbed his forehead, "Xiu is involved in this matter?"

"If you already know, why are you interrogating me like a criminal?"

Xin Zimen cursed under his breath, "I should have known she won't sneak out of here in peace. She was up to no good!" Darren could only nod in agreement, his wife was certainly up to no good. "Leave the matter of the police up to me. I'll handle it in my own way. You don't have to worry at all."

"I wasn't worrying," replied Darren. Seeing how Xin Zimen stared at him, he grinned, "My Sweets is good at hiding her tracks. There was nothing to worry about from the beginning."

The images that he just received from the Capital flashed through Xin Zimen's head and he felt another headache coming up. Seeing that bloody scene, he was reminded of his wife.

"How can I contact her?"

"Why? You want to scold her?"

"Do you really think I can scold her?" retorted Xin Zimen. "I can't even raise my voice at her. I just want to hear her voice and make sure that she is okay. Now, give me her number."

Darren begrudgingly gave him the contact number and saw how both brothers ran off immediately.

"Dad," Xin Xiaoli called out to his father as he saw his father coming out of Darren's room. "Did you find where Xiu is? How is she? How did she leave? When did she leave?"

"Stop asking questions," said Xin Zimen impatiently. "Let me talk to her first."

Xin Xiaoli instantly shut up. As long as there was a way to contact Xiu it meant she was somewhat fine. That was enough to know for now. He had been worried sick since the moment he heard how they couldn't find Xiu anywhere.

As Xin Zimen called the number that he got from Darren, he didn't have to wait for long before the phone was picked up and a groggy and lazy voice said, "The caller is currently roaming in dreamland. Please, call another day! Thank you!"

"Don't you dare hang up on me," Xin Zimen said. Even though his voice sounded calm, one could hear the warning loud and clear.

Since Xiu's mind was still half-asleep, she didn't respond for a moment. And when she did, it took Xin Zimen's breath away. Because...

"Daddy, Xiu wants to sleep."

Not only Xin Zimen forgot to breathe, he even forgot to speak. That sweet voice calling him 'Daddy' had left his heart and soul both shaken. His brain went into disarray for a moment and he didn't even realize when she hung up the call and went back to sleep as if nothing happened.

Xin Zemin shook his brother, "What happened? Why aren't you saying anything? How is she?" He took the phone and frowned when he saw that the call had already ended. He was about to dial the number again when Xin Zimen stopped him.

"She is sleeping," he said. "She seems really tired. Let her sleep for a while. We will call her later."

Although Xin Zemin didn't know what happened, he still agreed with his brother. Just knowing that his daughter was tired, he lost the urgency to talk to her. They will just let her sleep in peace for now. They already knew that she wasn't hurt, that was enough for now.

"Zizi," Ying's voice rang out that broke Xin Zimen's daze. "I think I know how she sneaked out of here."

"How?" the question came from Xin Xiaoli.

"It seems my boyfriend helped her," replied Ying with a strange tone. She was holding back her urge to beat Han Bohai right now. That boyfriend of hers had grown audacious. He actually sneaked around behind her back! And left her in the dark!

If she had been let in on their plan, she would have obviously helped!

Just thinking about it made her upset with Xiu as well who actually went to Han Bohai to ask for help but left her aside. She was just wondering when did these two people grow so close to each other that they were actually sneaking around together now?

As she showed the surveillance video of Han Bohai dragging a suitcase out of the main gate, she paused it and said, "She is inside that."


"I'm certain! She is definitely inside of that. There is no other way for her to sneak out of here without anyone catching a glimpse of her."

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