Imposter System

Chapter 10: Secrets and Deception

Chapter 10: Secrets and Deception

"So, how was your first day?"

"Yes, Lt. Commander!"

Matt had since turned off his mimicry in order to personally enjoy his dinner. He was sitting with Alexis and decided to mess with her when she started being informal again. However, he only received a kick in the shin as a response. He could only chuckle and cross his arms in defiance.

"It was easier than I remember. I feel like I gained quite a lot during the training."

"You're lucky that you are still technically an important doctor to the future colony otherwise you would be forced to stay in military quarters."

"Why are you able to stay outside the military quarters then?" That bought him another kick in the shin.

"I'm a high-ranking officer. In the security department, only two people are above me. Naturally I would get a choice in my quarters. I worked hard on Earth to get this position!"

"I'm proud to be riding on your coat tails then!"

"Tsk, although I do get a choice in my quarters, I wouldn't be having such a free life if not for the captain's policies. Cheers to him."

"Speaking of the captain, don't you think it is strange that he extended the offer to join the strike squad so easily?"

"I don't see an issue. I shouldn't say this, but since you are already half a member, I'll let you in on a secret" Alexis leaned in and looked around to make sure no one was listening. She tapped her personal device to turn off the sound and Matt followed suit. "We've already lost four members. Although they died due to 'training accidents', it's actually because of"

"Lt. Commander, Dr. O'Connely, how are you doing today?"

Before Alexis could finish her sentence, one of the other training instructors came over to their table to greet them. Although he was part of the exercise today, many of the higher-ups still referred to him as doctor instead of petty officer. This was either due to respect or habit, but Matt didn't really care either way. This wasn't a degree he earned, so his pride wouldn't be hurt.

The timing of his interruption was too perfect. Perhaps they were being monitored. Matt wouldn't be so nave to think that they would let a high-ranking individual hang around with a scientist without keeping a close eye on them. They probably made a move as soon as our devices were turned off.

"Hello, Commander. We are doing well, talking about names for the child."

"Oh, what did you have in mind?" Alexis seemed to catch on to Matt's lie and give him a sidelong glance. However, she was just about to tell him top secret information and the interruption was suspicious.

"I was thinking an ancestral name from my homeland like Vlad or Yuri, but Matt wanted to name it after his parents."

"Seems like you two have a lot to discuss, I'll leave you to it then."

Once he walked away, Alexis let out a sigh. She turned her device back on and rested her head on her palm. Instead of continuing their conversation, they just waited for food to be served. Matt received a ten percent increase in calories after his request, but unfortunately it was in the form of side dish instead of the main meal. Nevertheless, he was happy to fill his stomach with delicious food. He never ate like this in his past life.

"You seem to enjoy your food more than before." Matt paused for a second and then smiled up at her.

"I guess having a child changes you."

"Hmm you're right. I've started noticing your expressions and emotions more, recently. I also never thought I'd want to get tied down to anyone until I found out I was pregnant. Thinking about bringing a child into this world is incredible."

Matt kept up his faade but he knew he could never really have emotions for Alexis as they were. For one, the child wasn't even his, technically. Secondly, he simply could not trust her. Matt had no doubt that if she found out he was an alien she would take the matter into her own hands. He was not arrogant enough to think their casual relationship was strong enough to protect him as an imposter.

'That is the case, at least until I put some safeties inside her mind.'

"Although we know not what the future will hold, I go forward while paving the road." Matt said while holding his hand to his heart.

"Sigh, I never cared much for the Federation's motto, but it fits strangely well here."

Matt finished his meal and made his way to check on Dr. Bradshaw. When he arrived, he discovered that Bradshaw returned to his lab an hour early and the AI forced him into Rest Protocol. This was essentially a forced vacation of three days where you were not allowed to even think about work. Although it was called a vacation by the description from the AI, it was really more like hell. Under the protocol, you were forced to rest and watch an endless series about the dangers of overworking. The issue being that it was in the theme of a children's educational cartoon.

When Matt arrived to his room and opened the door, he saw Alexis eating nuts from the plant Martha. The basket was on the night stand with one empty bag already. Although frustrated, Martha could create more nuts, so he simply leaned against the door frame and crossed his arms.

"You sure like eating my nuts."

"Uhthey are just so tasty." The two of them chortled at the innuendo.

"It's fine, the supplies are not too limited."

He took one of the bags and started to snack on some nuts as well. They were both sitting in their bed leaning up against the headboard. Matt silently munched on nuts while Alexis rested her head on his shoulder. Eventually, she fell asleep and he had to readjust her position. In order to prevent the evolution points from being wasted, he decided to eat the rest of the nuts before bed.

[1 Evolution Point Gained.]

[1 Evolution Point Gained.]

[1 Evolution Point Gained.]

[Host: Matthew O'Connely

Status: Grade 0 Parasite

Evolution Points (EP): 8

Abilities: [Perfect Mimicry Lv. Max], [Improved Metabolism Lv. 1]

Skills: [DNA Absorption Lv. 4], [Drug Resistance Lv. Max], [Weak Hypnosis Lv. 0], [Weak Transformation Lv. 0], [Weak Spawning Lv. 0]]

'Five more days until my medical examination. Since Dr. Bradshaw is unavailable for three days, I'll only be able to test my DNA theory in the last two days coming up to the appointment. That is also two evolution points every day from dinner. So, at the very least I'll gain ten more points, but hopefully I can save up thirty points to immediately strengthen myself after evolution.'

With his plan in mind, Matt cleaned up and went to sleep. The next three days went without any surprises. He woke up early, attended military training, ate dinner, and slept at the same time. On the fourth day, Matt was excused from training due to his responsibilities in the lab. While doing his checkups and tests on the animals, Dr. Bradshaw suddenly came into his lab.

"Dr. O'Connely, I am finally free! Let us delve into the beauty of plants and genetics together!"

"You seem a lot more energized than before."

"Ah, I was told to keep it a secret to promote good work ethic, but the Rest Protocol got changed recently. It was quite stimulating."

"I was just finishing up here. I'm ready to go once I label these and put them in storage."

Dr. Bradshaw helped clean up his work place so that they would be able to leave earlier. The first thing they did in the botany lab was check on Martha. When the two of them entered, the tree seemed to shudder in fear, dropping several dozen nuts all over the cold floor. Strangely, Dr. Bradshaw didn't seem to detect the acute response by the plant and assumed it was simply happy to see him.

Matt, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes slightly. He had clearly sensed the fear from the plant for a split second. However, at this time, he couldn't identify whether it was true or his imagination. He did not make a habit of ignoring his instinct, so he placed this into the corner of his mind. Once he gained more information about the plant, he would address his concerns once more. After checking on the plant, the two of them returned to the main area and began preparing reagents and glassware.

"Dr. Bradshaw, when exactly did this mutation occur? Do you have observational data, watering logs, and behavioral patterns recorded anywhere?"

"I'm afraid that information is above your access level Never mind those things, let's focus on the DNA extraction."

'It seems this plant is not as simple as a "mutated flora." It is most likely an alien species or a genetic splicing of an alien and a terrestrial plant. I must get access to the DNA results.'

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