Imposter System

Chapter 14: Final Assessment

Chapter 14: Final Assessment

(A/N: Chapter two of the double release! Throw those stones my way. Again, if we can get first place in the WFP I'll release two more chapters today! And possibly, another four chapters tomorrow if we maintain first.)


The CK94 Blaster Carbine was standard issue because it has the shortest charge time between all of the blaster weapons while having an effective range of five hundred meters. Only taking six seconds to create a new plasma round from air. The downside of the carbine was its power usage. Each clip only lasted twenty shots. Once he stepped onto the shooting platform, he trained his sights forward and waited for the first dummy to pop up. It didn't take long for the sound of a spring going off to echo toward him.

The first dummy was actually a crewman appearing only ten meters away. The closeness of the target and the tensed nerves almost caused Matt to fire upon it. He didn't have much time to recover as the next dummy popped up. It was a metal dummy wearing a prison uniform. Matt shot it cleanly in the center of the chest without hesitation. That one appeared about forty or fifty meters away. The next one popped up at eighty meters and Matt carefully aimed and shot it. Another clean hit in the center of the chest.

The next dummy was a crewman appearing at the maximum distance of a hundred meters. It was wearing a uniform which closely resembled the prison uniform, but he could tell the slight difference in the dummy. This one was clearly an observation test. Being able to identify your comrades and enemies in the heat of battle was important. The next dummy was accompanied by the sound of blaster fire. Matt quickly ducked until the sound was finished, then came back up to shoot the dummy square in the chest.

The next four dummies popped up at varying distances and Matt shot them all with ease. He had kept a mental tally, and the next dummy was the captain. However, his reaction was too slow after the ninth dummy, so he kept his weapon trained. Instead of the captain, a dummy twice the size of the others appeared and began moving toward him. He didn't think and simply shot three times at its chest.

The dummy went down, and strapped to the back of the large dummy was the captain's dummy holding a baton. This was the first time he saw this situation. It seemed that they wanted to specifically throw this trick at him. This was likely due to interference by someone higher up. The test wasn't over, so Matt slung the carbine over his shoulder and sprinted into the shooting field. He grabbed the last baton, clipped it on his belt, and made the hundred-meter dash to the finish line.

"And Done. Twenty-four minutes and thirty-two seconds. Good work soldier, return to formation."

Matt placed his gun on the rack and placed all of the batons in the metal basket. Then he jogged back to the group of soldiers that had already finished their examination. The dummies that were 'slain' stood up and began cleaning the obstacle course, resetting it for the next person. When he arrived at the group of soldiers, he received some congratulations and some envious glances. His performance on the jumping obstacle and the appearance of the large dummy made people think he was getting help from above. Little did they know, the test was actually slightly harder than the others.

The hidden path in the array was supposed to be visible, not covered up. Also, the dummy in the first sprint was triggered to come up once Matt passed it. From outside it looked like he missed it and wasted time because of it. However, this was a manipulation to slow his time. The situation was different than what people imagined which led to a misunderstanding. This is why he received those angry glares.

"I bet our times would also be that good if we received insider information and help from above."

One of the soldiers mentioned with a sneer. No one else said anything because they didn't want any trouble, but more people began to look at Matt in that jealous gaze. These people had been trying to get into the Strike squads since they first signed up to be part of the USS Odyssey. Out of the four hundred military personnel, a hundred were bridge and command crew, and the remaining three hundred were security. From those three hundred, only fifty were part of the First and Second Strike squads. This was a very prestigious position.

It came with an immediately rank up depending on the higherups decision, and many benefits like leaving the military quarters. Many knew that Matt lived with a high-ranking officer that was in the Second Strike squad and yet he was still trying to take double the benefits by joining it himself. They would naturally start to feel jealous. Matt simply ignored them and watched the rest of the assessments. He had more things to worry about than a bunch of jealous soldiers. If they made a move, he wouldn't shy away from getting a few free Evolution Points.

Once the last person finished his test, the day was already reaching an end. They had received a small break for lunch, which was brought to them. However, they were not released for dinner and had to wait for the last few people to finish. Once it was over, the commander dismissed everyone that didn't get less than twenty-five minutes. With the remaining group of ten, he paced back and forth in front of them.

"This has exceeded my expectations. You maggots did good enough to join the Second Strike squad. However, there are only four positions and ten of you. What do you think is the solution to this situation? Ensign Romero!"

"Yes, Commander! A spar between the ten of us would be appropriate for this situation, sir!"

"A spar? But even if we eliminate half of you, there is still one too many. Do you volunteer to resign, Ensign Romero?"

"No, Sir!"

"Petty Officer O'Connely, you are a doctor, why not shine some wisdom for us now."

"Yes, sir! I suggest a battle royale. The four that last the longest would be the most qualified, sir!"

"Haha, aren't you afraid to get targeted? You are a brave one, O'Connely, I'll give you that. A battle royale it is then! Meet here tomorrow at 0800 for the final assessment. Dismissed."

Matt was the first to leave since he had arranged a meal with Alexis after his assessment. She said she would use her authority to order a steak for him. It wasn't something she could do often, so she saved it for special occasions. There were a few soldiers at the door trying to block him, but as soon as they opened their mouths, Matt elbowed one of them in the nose and slipped past the group. He jogged a few corridors and made his way to the cafeteria.

'I'm not interested in your petty arguments. I have a juicy steak waiting for me.'

He arrived at the cafeteria and it was empty. This made sense since it had already been an hour after regular dinner time. However, this made it strangely romantic. Alexis was sitting by herself in table for two with a covered meal in front of her. Matt snuck up behind her and then circled his arms around her waist. She yelped in surprise and turned her head up, almost headbutting Matt in the face.

"Sorry Lexi, I'm late. A lot of slow people in the test today."

"Heh, you make it sound you weren't one of them? Does that mean you made it into the Strike Squad!?"

"Not quite. Apparently, there are only four spots but ten people met the criteria. Me included."

"Oh, what's the game the commander will have you do to eliminate the other six?"

"No game, I suggested a battle royale and he accepted."

"Oh Matt it was a good try at least. Next year you can attempt to join the Strike force again when you have a better foundation."

"Are you saying I'll lose?"

"Of course. You are going to get targeted by all nine of the long-time candidates and then they will decide amongst themselves while pretending to fight. You really scammed yourself on this one."

"I think I'll be fine. Don't underestimate me."

"If you say so. I kept your meal warm. I couldn't wait anymore so I already ate mine."

"Ah, your company is appreciated."

Alexis smiled at Matt while he pulled the tray toward himself and raised the heated cover. His steak looked fresh and since he was hungry, he couldn't resist immediately going at it. This was his first steak in nearly a week. The way he chewed his food and savored the taste was like a hungry wolf eating for the first time after a long winter. He didn't even notice the notifications of Evolution Points. Alexis was slightly shocked at first, but eventually started laughing at his behavior.

"You are eating as if you will die if you don't have steak. I didn't realize you liked it so much. Maybe I'll try to get a steak for you more often. As long as I don't overdo it, no one will say anything."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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