Imposter System

Chapter 23: Dead and Gone

Chapter 23: Dead and Gone

[Host: Matthew O'Connely

Status: Grade 1 Mind Slug

Evolution Points (EP): 17

Abilities: [Perfect Mimicry Lv. Max], [Improved Metabolism Lv. 2], [Mental Resistance Lv. 1]

Skills: [DNA Absorption Lv. 5], [Drug Resistance Lv. Max], [Weak Hypnosis Lv. 1], [Dream Casting Lv. 0], [Primary Reproduction Lv. 0], [Whispers Lv. 0]]


Activation: Eye contact

Duration: Special

Proficiency: Minor (20/100)]

While Matt was walking, he decided to check his status and was happy to see his Evolution Points and Proficiency steadily increasing. His body felt a lot better since drinking all of that blood. That was, until he suddenly felt a strange sensation in his stomach. He recognized it as one of vomiting and tried to hold it in and find a waste bin or a bucket. He kicked open a utility closet and vomited blood.

[Drug Resistance Lv. Max has mutated to Toxin Resistance Lv. 1]

'What the hell did they poison this goat with It was so much that my skill mutated. Would I have died if not for this? Wait, I can't count that out yet'

He vomited again and lost strength in his muscles. Matt was shocked at how strong the poison was. He felt his consciousness slipping away. This was a random utility closet on the way to the military quarters so it was unlikely anyone would find him. He wondered if this was also planned by Shephard. However, there was no way he would think that Matt would drink the goat's blood. This was likely to be as obvious as possible when he did the blood test. Matt had to act fast and spent twelve points right away.

[Toxin Resistance Lv. 1->5: You have been exposed to an extremely toxic substance that can kill you. Your resistance gene has spontaneously mutated to protect you from all types of toxins.

]Drug Resistance: 60%->80%

]Poison Resistance: 20%->40%

]Radiation Resistance: 5%-13%

]Level Cost: 3->3]

Matt's eyes and nose started to leak black fluid and he coughed up a mouthful of black fluid. Then, he fell to the side breathing heavily. The black liquid he coughed up was likely related to his quick upgrade of Toxin Resistance. However, his body was still poisoned. Fortunately, with improved metabolism he should be able to clear the rest of it without dying.

'Damn Shephard, just wait to see how I pay you back for this.'

He cleaned himself up with a towel and left the utility closet. Although the interruption was inconvenient and painful, Matt continued his way toward a bar. The meat was likely toxic, but it shouldn't be nearly as toxic as the blood. Since he just used up twelve points in a panic, he needed to make full use of this goat. He didn't dare turn his perfect mimicry on based on how attached Matt was to this goat. Even if he wasn't, perfect mimicry would be dangerous with such a weakened body. The only reason he was able to move right now was because of the 'puppeteering.'

The first bar he arrived at was run by a guy named Scorch. No one really understands how he got onto the ship, but he is the best mixologist on the ship. Some say that the captain secretly drinks here and that is how he was able to get into this mission. Other's say that he is actually a renowned chemist and hides his identity. However, everyone knows his specialty brewed alcohol is a killer.

It is dubbed the Scorch Special and it is where he gets his nickname from. The drink can destroy your throat and stomach if you have too many, so it was limited to one per person. The original Matt O'Connely never came here but he heard a lot about it from his colleagues. When he arrived, the bar was empty. Business didn't start until after dinner since most people were asleep or working at the moment. However, Scorch stood at his bar cleaning glasses as if he expected company today.

"Doctor Matt O'Connely, what brings a first-timer like you to my bar in the middle of the day?"

"The rumors that you know every person on the ship are true it seems. I'm here for two things"

[Hypnosis Activated.]

"First, who is the Shephard and what is his plan. Second, can I use your kitchen."

"Shephard is not someone you want to know. Once you know who they are, you will regret finding out. This is my advice to not only you, but advice I live by as well. I can't answer your first question because I do not know the answer. As for the kitchen, be my guest. But make sure to clean up when you're done."

Matt tried two prompts at once in order to see what result it would have. His proficiency only went up by one to twenty-one but he wasn't sure which of the two things he said were drawn out by his ability. Based on this, he decided it would be best to limit the hypnosis to one idea or command. Matt walked to the kitchen door and turned back to Scorch before stepping in.

[Hypnosis Activated.]

"Make sure no one comes in while I'm here."

"Sure, but be quick."

Matt saw his proficiency go up again and realized that Scorch is a pretty open-minded person. Perhaps he is someone worth making friends with. With his strange background and knowledge base, he could know quite a bit about the ship. When he entered the kitchen, he made sure the door was locked behind him. Then he took out the black bag from over his shoulder and released the vacuum seal.

He began to clean up the goat by skinning it first. While he was working, he thought about the thing Scorch said. Shephard seemed quite fearsome based on what the Captain and Scorch said. However, there was still one other person he could ask for information. After that was exhausted, if he still did not have any leads, he would really have to drop it. Matt could not fathom fighting an enemy he did not even know.

Once the skin was off, he looked at the discolored meat underneath. The actual amount of meat on a goal was fairly low. They were lean animals with thick skin. He removed the heart and liver and threw the rest into the trash compactor. He started to cut the heart and liver into smaller pieces and cleaned them along the way. When he began on the muscles, he planned where he would cut. Matt wasn't a professional butcher, but used his instincts to cut pieces out that had a good density of points.

After an hour, he threw out what remained and had a pile of poorly cut meat. He found fresh bag to seal the meat in and cleaned up. These bags were different than normal vacuum sealed bags. They had a special chemical lining the inside that delayed cellular decay and bacterial growth to a near stop. This was known as stasis technology. In the past, the scientists creating this technology intended to put humans in a deep sleep, but it ended up killing every living organism put under using it. Since then, the technology was repurposed to storing food near indefinitely.

This chemical, once it made contact with atmosphere, quickly dissipated and left nothing behind. It was also safe to consume anything sealed with it. This technology was the basis to extend space travel. The issue of supply always plagued the people that wished to travel the stars. There were many attempts like sending additional rockets into space and meeting up with the main ship, but this severely limited distance. With this technology, they were able to store large amounts of perishable foods.

Once Matt was ready to leave, he unlocked the door and exited. There were two people drinking by themselves at the bar, but they didn't pay any attention to Matt as he walked out of the kitchen. Matt decided that since he was already here, he may as well try some liquor. In his past life, he drank on the weekend with his friends and had some fond memories. Although drinking alone was not his style, this was like paying respects to the friends he left behind.

"Give me something strong."

"What's the occasion?"

"Paying respects to the dead."

"Drinking is about emotion. I have just the drink for the mood."

Scorch prepared something for him and set it in front of him. Matt didn't bother asking with it was and let the feeling of melancholy fill him. He drank the whole thing in one go and sighed. The drink was incredible. He felt the burn down his throat that he remembers so much and memories of his drinking buddies flashed in his mind. His eyes glazed over and a single tear drop fell. After a few moments of reminiscing, he felt a lot better. A huge weight was taken off his shoulders that he didn't even realize he had.

"What is this called?"

"Forget-me-not. It's a drink you can't order. I was right about you. Your reaction was exactly what this drink is meant to illicit. Feel free to come by any time."


Only one official chapter today since I have a long work day. If I come home early enough, I may throw out one of those bonus chapters I promised.

Owed chaps: 6

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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