Imposter System

Chapter 27: Contingency Plan

Chapter 27: Contingency Plan

Without Hesitation, Matt pulled up his skill list.

[Whispers Lv. 0->1: Utilizing your mental energy, you may whisper into someone's mind directly. They will hear an unrecognizable voice in their mind.

]Ability: Whisper

]Level Cost: 3]

[Whisper: Wrap your words in mental energy and send them into the mind of someone you can see. They will hear the words as a thought.

Activation: Sight and Voice

Duration: Instant

Limitation: 5 words]

As soon as the skill was learned, he sensed his mental energy change slightly. Before, he had to focus it to move from himself as an origin. However, it seemed to have the property of sending waves. He wasn't sure if it would work through a monitor, but Alexis technically wasn't that far away from his location. Additionally, he had mentally linked with her before so he gambled on that increasing the reception. Matt examined the battlefield and began to remember his days playing first-person-shooters with objectives and formulated a plan.

{I have to fall back}

Matt sent the Whisper while making sure to cover his mouth so no one saw. He decided to make it seem like she was suddenly thinking of this. Since the concept of telepathy didn't exist, when she 'thought' that, she immediately did it. She retreated and began to think of what to do next. Matt saw this as a chance to slip in another whisper.

{Find the leader}

When Alexis 'thought' to find the leader, she immediately understood what to do next. The two-gun squads headed toward the objective that the leader was currently occupying. She seemed to have deduced that he would go toward this unattended objective. Originally, she planned to get a few guns while defending three objectives. However, she underestimated the leadership of the invaders. Matt watched the shifting movement and saw Alexis go toward the objective the gun team was going toward.

{The gun room}

At some point, a group of two invaders broke off to the gun room objective. They were only one objective away from winning. As soon as Alexis thought this, she began sprinting toward that objective. Meanwhile, a team was able to intercept the leader and begin fighting him. Although the guns were not charged, they were still useful weapons. The leader, however, was a skilled fighter and kept the two of them distracted. Alexis reached the gun room and saw the invader in the middle of putting in the sabotage code.

She essentially flew through the air in a dropkick and knocked him two meters across the floor. She quickly recovered and began fighting off two of them alone. Meanwhile, the reinforcements she called toward the room with the large man were able to cut him off from his retreat and beat him into submission. They cuffed him and proceeded to deactivate the objective. Matt scanned the monitors again and saw that the two defenders that were being distracted had finally managed to reactivate the objective.

The invader they were facing had already ran to join up with the leader. Almost ten minutes had gone by since the leader was facing off against two people and he still wasn't perturbed. There seemed to be two invaders going his direction. Matt realized that there was a group of three on the invaders side that had never shown themselves. Just as he thought this, one person appeared at three unattended objectives. They seemed to have been lying in wait.

Luckily, Matt didn't need to intervene and give himself away. One of the invaders that was by himself got caught by a team that was hiding in the doorway between the cameras. The room the invaders' leader was defending eventually got reactivated when they forced the leader on full retreat. At this point, only the two unattended rooms got switched over to disabled while Alexis still had four under her control.

Unfortunately, she was still in a bad position. But during all this time, one group of guns was able to successfully be loaded. They were immediately called to sweep the objectives and leave Alexis to hold off the two invaders herself. Matt was honestly surprised at his resilient and strong Alexis was. She never went all out in their spars based on what he was seeing. The group with the loaded gun was able to catch two more invaders rather easily. With half their forces down, Alexis, who only lost a single person, was able to easily bring down the hammer.

Watching the skirmish was rather fun. As the last few invaders were caught, the group watching had already begin to wind down. Although it seemed to go rather quickly, there was a lot of time in between movements. The total time the skirmish took was two hours. This was mainly due to the sneaking early and near the end. Although Alexis's team was overwhelming in numbers, the opposing leader still tried to sneak in a win. He was able to take out three more from the defenders' team before finally getting caught. The man was truly brilliant based on the performance he saw.

The cuffs were disabled and they all exchanged handshakes for good sportsmanship and returned to the entrance. Everyone in the room was excitedly waiting for them. This was the first time the Second Strike squad beat the first in any skirmish or spar. Once the blast doors opened, Alexis and her team were the first to come through. Without answering the barrage of questions, she split through the crowd and went straight for Matt.

Once she arrived to where he was standing, she shamelessly embraced and kissed him. Matt saw the extremely excited look on her face and didn't resist her show of affection. In his past life, he would often share his happiest moments with his loved ones so he understood. Alexis told the group she wouldn't answer any of their questions and to instead, ask her teammates. After which, she pulled Matt toward the turbo lift. Seeing her 'don't talk to me' attitude, the crowd begrudgingly went toward her teammates and the First Strike squad to talk about the match.

Similarly, to Alexis, the leader of the invader team ignored the fans and went toward Alexis. When the two of them arrived inside the lift and planned to leave, the other leader blocked the door and entered with them. Alexis looked upset at his interference but didn't voice it. In the end, he was a part of the First Strike Squad and she wasn't officially brought over. In the Strike squads, military rank didn't matter.

"Alexis, you performed wonderfully. I wanted to congratulate you myself on your victory."

"You did well too, Lieutenant Strauss."

"I see you are excited to be alone with your partner. I'll get off here then, computer."

The lift stopped on the nearest deck and the leader exited. Once he was gone, Alexis stayed silent. However, she was bubbling with excitement. Once the lift reached their deck, she actually grabbed Matt and thew him over her shoulder. Although surprised, he didn't think anything much about it. However, he started to worry a little. Did she discover that Matt was the one sending those thoughts? Would she oust him as an alien imposter?

With these thoughts, Matt began to plan his course of action. He was no match against her while she wore the suit. He needed to go after a weak point. He would feign striking her stomach and then put her into a choke hold. Once she loses her strength, he would undress her and begin attempting to use hypnosis, dream casting, and whispers to erase her memory or change her conclusions. Then he would temper her mind to be completely loyal to him. Once he was convinced that she wouldn't betray him, he would eat the lamb pieces and feed on her blood until he could create a sub-body to infect her.

In the middle of his thoughts, they had already entered their quarters. She threw him on the bed and stripped her suit in a much faster speed than putting it on. She was completely naked underneath the suit in order to reduce unnecessary layers. Her body was glistening with sweat which gave her a very alluring look. She climbed on top of, the now stunned, Matt and began taking off his clothes. This was the first time she behaved so aggressively. However, he didn't mind it since that meant his earlier thoughts were just his paranoia.

"Congratulations, I knew you could do it." Once Matt said something, Alexis paused her actions of undressing him. She had a huge smile plastered on her face that made her look even more charming.

"Shut up and make love to me."

Matt wasn't one to argue with that kind of logic. He started playing an active role in the process. However, he thought back to his plan and realized it was a bit underdeveloped. He would set aside some time to refine and improve it in case something did happen in the future.



Anyway, here's two chapters at the same time! Since I wrote them as soon as I woke up and haven't had breakfast, give me a bit of a break and I'll write more for the rest of the day. Enjoy!

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