Imposter System

Chapter 3: Vampire?

Chapter 3: Vampire?

The next day, Matt sat at his workstation filling out paperwork. Fortunately, Cindy remembered what he said yesterday before they slept together and got the drugs for him. Matt was scared to face the doctor without preparations otherwise he would have gone himself. He carefully slipped a few pills into his pocket and embedded one of the capsules in Sheila's favorite treat. He fed her one capsule while pocketing two.

Matt didn't know how many he would need to gain the ability, but he couldn't make a mistake now. If one of the other scientists tested Sheila's blood and saw there was no drug in it, he would be in big trouble. After he finished his work that day, he promised Cindy he would go to the Human Resources department and submit a change in his relationship with Cindy. This was a major headache.

Fortunately, he could utilize his current relationship turmoil as an explanation for any flaws in his behavior. Matt made his way toward the cafeteria for dinner. This was the first step to his path of evolution. When he retrieved his rare steak, he gulped in anticipation. He carefully slipped the drugs in his mashed potatoes and took a large spoonful before cutting into his steak. The moment his knife sliced through the meat; red juices poured out. He took the first bite, chewed, and swallowed.

[Genetic Material Detected. 68% compatibility. Grade 1. Consume for 1 Evolution Point.]

'I see, the whole steak will only provide me with a single point.'

The notification appeared after he swallowed a single slice, and he could tell instinctively that he needed to eat the whole meal to complete the process. This meant that in five days, he could begin his evolution path. However, he still hadn't decided which tree to go down. Matt had to consider the pros and cons of each of the pathways. There were no redoes so the decision had to be perfect.

After he swallowed the last bite and even scooped up all the juices with a piece of bread, the notification popped up once more. Matt had gained his first evolution point and it came with a strange sensation. It was as if he could feel his genes becoming active and ready to begin optimization. Matt had already considered it and he decided that it would be best to increase his absorption skill first and foremost.

[DNA Absorption Lv. 1 -> 2]

[Host: Matthew O'Connely

Status: Grade 0 Parasite

Evolution Points (EP): 1 -> 0

Abilities: [Perfect Mimicry Lv. Max]

Skills: (NEW!)[DNA Absorption Lv. 2], (NEW!)[Drug Resistance Lv. 0], [Weak Hypnosis Lv. 0], [Weak Transformation Lv. 0], [Weak Spawning Lv. 0]]

[DNA Absorption Lv. 2: You were born to gather and assimilate the genetic material of other species into your own. Whenever you consume blood or tissue containing genetic material, gain EP.

]Absorption Grade Limit: 1 -> 1

]Efficiency: 10% -> 20%

]Level Cost: 1 EP -> 3 EP]

Matt noticed that his ability had successfully leveled. The feeling was like letting out a fart with a bloated belly. His genes were bloated and ready to optimize. Once he decided on what to spend them on, the began to quickly reshuffle. Once the process was over, he felt relief and strength. He could only imagine how much better he would feel in the future when spending more than one point at once. With the system open, he noticed the new level zero skill that he had been trying to obtain.

[Drug Resistance Lvl. 0: You have been exposed to a substance deadly to your species. Since you have perfectly fused with your host, the substance has stimulated genetic potential instead.

]Prerequisite: DNA Absorption Lv. 3

]Drug concentration: 700 mg/1000 mg]

'So that's how it works.'

Seeing the unattained skill, Matt nodded his head. This was something easily doable in another three days. He had only received ten 400 mg doses of the drug, so if he took one the next three days, he should be able to reach and maintain 1000 mg concentration. Hidden skills were different from learned skills in this way. Instead of spending evolution points to earn and level them, the Parasite needed to complete certain conditions. In a way, they were similar to titles in many role-playing games.

Matt returned to his chambers with a smile. Although there were some hiccups yesterday, today went wonderfully. However, fate would have other plans for him. The moment he opened his door, he saw his two lovely partners with clothes torn in the middle of a brawl. Alexis had a busted lip, but Cindy had a nosebleed. When they saw Matt enter, they stopped while holding each other's shirts ready to strike.

"Matt, tell her that you have no intention of changing partners."

"Hmph, tell her how you'd rather be with me."

This was why proper procedure was necessary these matters. Matt had already submitted the papers, but the three of them would have to get independent psychological evaluations and then group evaluations. The military stressed cohesion and teamwork above all else. The main issue was these two were not supposed to have a private meeting until the documents were processed.

"This isn't appropriate. What's gotten into the two of you? Is there a need to fight over someone? I'd rather request for a single room than watch you two come to fists."

"Ah Matt's right. I don't know why I've been so on edge lately. I'm sorry, Cindy."

"Sigh, we've let things go too far. I promised you that I was okay with you sharing a bed with him, so I'll keep my promise until the evaluations are done."

Cindy was about to leave, but Matt blocked her. Her nose was still bleeding so he wiped her lip and pinched her nose. Realizing what he was doing, she let Matt lead her to the bathroom. After cleaning her up, she left back to her room.

[Genetic Material Detected. 100% compatibility. Grade 2. Consume for 2 Evolution Points.]

In the bathroom, he carefully absorbed as much of her blood as possible. Matt could feel his small parasite body directly taking in the genetic material like a starved animal. That liberating feeling was building up again, but stopped just short of completion. There was no more viable blood from Cindy, but he remembered another source. When he finished washing, he walked into his bedroom and saw Alexis sitting on her bed with a pout.

"Is it because I made fun of your stamina? I was kidding about the centrifuge; you don't have to go if you don't want to!"

"Lexi, it's not about that."

"I don't understand. Did you lie on your evaluation? It was supposed to perfectly match us"

Matt realized that she must be feeling insecure about the situation. Although, she was usually very positive and easy going, there must be some negative thoughts floating around. Mentioning the evaluation, Matt assumed that she saw it as matching with the perfect partner. There was a level of confidence you can get from a relationship you know will be strong.

However, science and tests weren't perfect. Humans constantly changed and didn't really know what they wanted themselves. This is why there was a procedure in place to change partners' mid-journey. Alexis probably assumed we would always be together, but that wasn't something that a personality test could determine. Although, technically, he was a different personparasite.

"I wish I could tell you something to cheer you up, but honestly, I'm just as confused. I have feelings for the both of you, but I don't really understand them. Let's just get reevaluated by Dr. Goodman and sort things out. Maybe we'll learn something new about ourselves."


Alexis nodded her head and rubbed her eye. Fortunately, he had the perfect mimicry, otherwise he wouldn't dare going to a psychologist. Even if he finds out that Matt's personality is different from when the mission started, there are many explanations. Everyone knew his relationship with the two girls, so it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for something like this to happen. In fact, some of his colleagues joked about the time bomb he was playing with.

Now that Alexis was a lot calmer, Matt started to take off her clothes in a sensual manner. She was still sensitive emotionally from earlier, so she let him take the lead. Although he was initiating things, his actual goal was her lips. The blood wasn't dripping like Cindy's nose, but with enough kissing, it would naturally bleed into his mouth a bit. After an extremely intense make-out session and foreplay, Matt was able to finish the night's activities with a wide grin.

[Warning: Grade 2 Genetic Material unable to be completely absorbed due to inefficient level.]

[1 Evolution Point Gained.]

'Humans are Grade 2 lifeforms according to the Imposter System. If I remember correctly, once I am level five in DNA Absorption, I'll be able to utilize the crew members blood I am seeming more like a vampire at this rate. Seduction and blood sucking sigh.'

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