Imposter System

Chapter 40: Where's Martha

Chapter 40: Where's Martha

"Did my appearance shock you so much you started crying?" Alexis joked.

"Yes, you are just too beautiful."

"Wha youah!"

Alexis was taken by surprise. When Matt turned around and saw Alexis in a simple summer dress, his heart skipped a beat. He stood up and lifted her into the air in a hug. She didn't own any dresses to Matt's knowledge. Therefore, she must have borrowed this from someone or brought it out of storage. The dress reminded him of her casual clothes from the dream they had. The sight along with his turbid emotions caused him to feel a warmth spread through his body.

"Your hair is long."

"Y-yeah, I wanted to try it out so I had someone help me put in extensions."

"Hmm I think it fits you really well."

"Can you let me down now?"

"Ahright. Sorry."

Matt put her down and awkwardly scratched the back of his head. He returned to setting up the blanket and pulling out the lunch he put together. Alexis stood by the side watching him smiling the whole time. After accepting her feelings, she felt a lot more comfortable with herself. Unknown to her, Matt was in the exact same position. His mind felt light and all of his worries were pushed back by his bright mood. Forgetting his troubles and enjoying himself was a luxury he never thought he'd experience again.

Alexis sat down awkwardly which garnered a chuckle from Matt. She had never worn a skirt before, let alone a dress. Once she was seated, Matt stealthily placed a necklace around her neck. It was a simple silver necklace that he took with him on this trip. Matthew O'Connely's mother had given it to him to remind him of home. Several days earlier, while digging through his personal items, he found it and thought Alexis. His lack of self-awareness amazed him looking back at all of his thoughts and actions.

"What's this?"

"It's my mother's necklace. I don't like wearing anything around my neck and I wanted to give it to you."

"I like it."

Alexis never wore jewelry either since she never felt it suited her. However, the necklace reminded her of something that made her start to turn red. It didn't help that the dress made her feel defenseless. However, she didn't hate the feeling. They started to eat together and talk about what's been going on the last week. Matt also talked about his childhood and his parents. He unknowingly began speaking of his modern parents and not Matthew O'Connely's parents.

The two of them shared a lot of stories from their youth and as the lunch was ending, the dome began to open. Alexis looked up at the starry sky. She was wearing a plain white dress while eating a picnic under a tree watching the stars. Her memory was stimulated and a very similar scene appeared in her mind. During the dream, this was the circumstances in which the dream Matt did something incredible.

"This reminds me of a dream I had." Alexis said without turning to look at Matt

"I was just thinking the same thing. In that dream, did something like this happen also?" Matt said as he knelt next to Alexis and took her hand into both of his. Alexis's heart started pounding as she nodded.


"Do you remember what happens next?" Alexis felt choked up. She clearly remembered. Matt moved forward and whispered in her ear.

"I don't want to wait two years this time."

Alexis only nodded in response. Her heart was beating out of her chest. Marriage was an antiquated practice that fell out of favor over a hundred years ago. However, there were many stories left behind. Her biggest secret was that she used to read those old romance novels.

"Alexis, will you"

Suddenly a group of security officers surrounded them with their weapons engaged. Matt froze and tried to sort out his thoughts so that he wouldn't seem suspicious. He did not know why there were here but it was not friendly. They had guns trained on the two of them so the worst-case scenario was his identity was revealed. A tall, burly man stepped forward which Matt didn't recognize. Alexis saw him and lowered her head.

"Commander, we are here to take Dr. O'Connely away. Don't cause any problems."

"You can't do this! Who authorized an armed arrest?"

"You're mistaken, Commander. Dr. O'Connely here is pending to join the Second Strike squad. I need no authorization to discipline him."

Four of the security officers stepped forward and grabbed Matt. Alexis couldn't do anything but shouted that she would speak to the captain immediately and get him rescued. Matt was touched but also frustrated at his current situation. He didn't dare resist and planned to deny everything. If this was an official matter, Matt would easily slip through the cracks. However, if this was personal and off the record, he would be in trouble.

Matt walked for a while until he realized they were not going toward any security stations on the ship. In fact, the direction seemed to be going toward his lab. When they arrived in front of his lab door, he knew what this was about. The door was opened normally by the thug leader of the group. It seemed Willard either withdrew his help or was beaten. Matt would rather trust his abilities so he assumed Willard lost to the AI.

Only the leader, Matt, and two security officers went inside. The rest stayed out and kept anyone from approaching. As soon as they turned the corner into the animal cage area, Matt saw the empty space where Martha used to be. His mind worked quickly and he created three scenarios in his mind. First, Martha went missing just before they discovered this hiding location. Second, the death of Sheila was finally being used as an excuse to put more pressure on Matt. And third, they caught Martha and were trying to force him into a confession.

"You know why we're here, don't cha'?"

Matt sneered internally when he heard the open-ended question trying to trick him. However, Matt faked a look of sadness.

"She was my favorite. Taking care of her brought me great joy." Matt said with fake tears.

"So, you admit it?"

"What am I admitting? How much I loved her?"

"Quit messing around. Did you think what you did here could be kept secret?"

"No, I already told the captain and the first officer. They were completely aware of the situation." Matt said with a confused 'didn't you know' look.

"What the hell, shepI wasn't told this. Kowalski, report!"

"Sir, this wasn't in the briefing." One of the soldiers responds quickly and the leader clicks his tongue.

"Alright doctor. How about we cut you a deal? Help us find the missing specimen and you will be immediately promoted to the Second Strike squad." The man said haughtily as if he figured it all out.

"What specimen? I already destroyed her body."

"What!? You madman, you destroyed the greatest discovery of the century!"

"Commander, it is just one goat. No need to be so upset." Matt sealed his victory with that last sentence so he felt very proud of himself. The commander began stuttering and stammering. His rage was boiling and it seemed like he would attack Matt where he stood.

However, before he could make a move, the sound of fighting could be heard outside. The commander turned in shock and checked around the corner with his officers. On the ground were the entourage he brought with him. Alexis and three others were making their way through the fallen bodies. She was wearing her skin tight suit and reminded Matt of a certain zero-g suit wearing heroine.

"Commander Barlott, you have unjustly taken action against a member of the Science and Research division without prior authorization. You are herby taken under custody and relieved of your position as the leader of the First Strike squad until further notice. Take away the wounded."

The captain stepped forward with several medical officers and gave his orders. Matt was shocked that the same captain that said he wouldn't help came to his aid. The theory that the captain was trying to slowly weaken Shephard's power was solidifying in Matt's mind. Perhaps he only stated that he wouldn't help Matt in order to bait Shephard out into the open. The commander of the First Strike team seemed to be one of Shephard pawns so this was a big win.

While Matt was in deep thought, Alexis came over and gave him a strong hug. She was a bit supercharged in her suit with all of the adrenaline running through her. Realizing she may be hurting him, she let go and put her hands in his. She looked into his eyes through blurry vision and nodded.

"I do. I want to be your wife again. Let's not wait two years."

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