Imposter System

Chapter 54: Deadly Meeting

Chapter 54: Deadly Meeting

Matt dressed in some casual clothes and made his way to Scorch's bar. The realization that Martha was possibly far more important than he originally thought bothered him. Matt used to think this future was based on the game he played, but he had never given the opposite any thought. What if the game he remembers so well is actually based on this future, instead? Matt wondered what exactly the biotronic brain is. Could it be that it isn't about processing, but power instead?

These questions swirled around in his brain but he couldn't answer any of them. His knowledge was limited to simple tooltips. The research for biotronic brain was vague and just referenced the Cyborg Mobile Processing Unit. It was a mixture of biological and mechanical parts. Perhaps the 'brain' was a misnomer. Then, Matt had a thought which hadn't occurred to him before.

'If Martha is the key to the AI creating a Cyborg unit, what is the key to the Android unit?'

In the game, the research needed to unlock the Android unit was related to a minigame about collecting various data chips hidden around the ship. Thinking about it, such a situation sounded just like something Willard would do. This would mean that the reason he is not disturbed is not because of fear, but because the higher ups expect him to create the technology necessary for an Android.

Matt smacked his forehead and realized that it was already there. The virus he created must be one of the three data sets needed for the technology. The ability of the virus to evolve on its own and become harder to solve the more you mess with it must be the key. No wonder the AI and higher ups tried to steal it. Willard likely was the head or part of the team in charge of creating the Android unit but had some sort of falling out.

All of these thoughts pointed to the severe gap of information. Matt needed to prevent the completion of the Mobile unit, whether it be Android or Cyborg. The only leads he had were Martha and the Virus. Matt wondered if he could convince Willard to destroy the Virus technology. There is no perfect encoding or perfect security. Eventually, his technology would be reverse engineered and the AI would become stronger.

In the meantime, Matt had already reached the bar and saw that it was packed. It seemed to be some sort of date night as everyone was here with their partner. Matt felt awkward not having anyone with him but still broke through the crowd. He tried to slip through without many people noticing him. Fortunately, he wore casual clothes and not his uniform or he would stick out like a sore thumb. After some bobbing and weaving, Matt made it to the bar and Scorch looked at him with his same neutral expression.

"I never thought you would host a party like this."

"It's on the calendar." Scorch responded in his usual 'matter-of-fact' style.

"Never mind that, I need some information." Scorch simply stared at him without saying anything. Matt was about to continue speaking when Scorch spoke up at that exact moment as if on purpose.

"I see you've become acquainted with Willard."

"I guess he told you then?" Matt said with some suspicion in his tone. Willard didn't seem like the type to tell others about what he's doing. Scorch shook his head and pointed to his eyes. Matt activated the contacts and saw that someone had posted a blank message. The username was 'Scorch.'

"I see Then you are aware of my secret?"

"I wonder." Scorch said mysteriously.

"Sigh, you are difficult to talk to sometimes. I need information about a room on this ship. The ship models and maps don't have it listed anywhere. It is a spacious room with a high ceiling. The room would draw a lot of power since it is filled with cables converging in the center. I believe there is some sort of super computer there able to bypass the ship's AI."

"What will you do if you find it?" Scorch asked.

Matt was about to respond but then stopped himself and thought some more. He had no idea what his plans were. He did not have any combat capabilities since he wasn't officially part of security. He could not hold a weapon legally and his powers were underdeveloped. He could ask Alexis to lead the charge and perhaps bring some allies, but he would just be a by standard.

For the first time, Matt regretted his choice. His skills were in stealth, scouting, spying, and espionage. However, he was useless in a direct fight. His physical skills were strong, but the opponents were using powerful combat suits. Matt placed his head in his hands and thought about his decisions. It wasn't completely wrong. He wouldn't have made it this far if he chose anything else. The only thing he lacked was an attack skill.

"Straighten out your thoughts. When you think you are ready, open this." Scorch took out a piece of paper, wrote on it, and then put it into a small envelope. He placed it in front of Matt, and then went back to his work. Many people came up to the bar and get a drink and most didn't even take a glance at Matt.

"Why have you been helping me?" Matt said curiously.

"You'll find out one day. When that day comes, you'll pay me back."

The mystery was only getting deeper and deeper surrounding Scorch. Matt didn't want to see what thing he would say next so he took the envelope and started to leave the bar. That is when he coincidently saw someone, whom he vague knew. He was leaving by himself with a bit of a swaying in his movements. It seemed he had been alone getting drunk. Matt didn't find this surprising since his partner wasn't a fan of drinking. Matt was curious and hadn't seen Cindy in a long time so he decided to follow the man.

This man was Richard Fowler, an engineer with an extreme personality. Matt had never personally met him, but he had seen him occasionally interacting with Cindy. She had been working in the lower decks for a while now and Matt wondered if he could hypnotize out some information from her. Given their history together, it shouldn't be difficult. As Matt silently stalked Richard on his way back to his room, he started coming up with questions to ask her.

Richard stopped in front of his quarters, and entered. Since Cindy was fairly high up and a valuable researcher, this man had the pleasure of a not staying with roommates. His room was still markedly smaller than Matt and Alexis's but it was nice regardless. Matt used Life Sense and saw that no one was inside. He was about to give up when he saw the interior of the room from the few seconds the door was open.

Everything was a mess. Books torn to shreds on the ground, clothes strewn everywhere, empty food containers, and an unmade bed. All of these things were impossible to exist for a place Cindy stayed in. She was at the height of cleanliness. Matt decided to enter the room and investigate. The first thing he noticed was the smell. It reeked of sweat, dirty clothes, alcohol, and whatever was going bad in the food containers.

The thing he didn't understand is why the AI allowed for such living conditions. This must be some heavily laced threat. Shephard's men took Cindy that day and Matt didn't think anything about it at the time since he wasn't completely aware of how much of a threat Shephard was. However, he never gave her a second thought because of Sheila's death. In his mind, Cindy had betrayed him. Seeing the living conditions of her partner, Matt realized that perhaps Cindy is being held against her will, and they are threatening her partner from saying anything.

Although Matt didn't have any feelings for Cindy, he still wanted to help here now. The reason was fairly simple. This was an opening to attack Shephard. The more angles and evidence he held against Shephard's wrongdoings, the easier it will be to officially force him out. The AI had the ability to unilaterally declare someone guilty if there was a mountain of evidence. This was in the case that the captain was incapacitated in any way.

Matt flipped Richard over and slapped him awake. He groggily opened his eyes but didn't react in any way. It seemed that he always expected something like this to happen and was even happy. Matt wondered what exactly they said to him to make him like this. Matt activated his hypnosis and started interrogating him. What he discovered was shocking to say the least. Cindy had never returned after that day she was taken by those men in the name of Shephard.

He tried to force out details, but Richard resisted as if his life depended on it. When Matt finally made progress to getting even a shred of information, a strange sound like whistling and grinding came from his chest. Then, a sudden shock went through Richard's body and his heart stopped dead.

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