Imposter System

Chapter 6: Red Alert

Chapter 6: Red Alert

Alexis was very happy with his response and hugged him. She seemed on the verge of tears. Matt honestly wanted to be a father one day, but he was no longer human. This child was technically his, but also not. The situation about changing partners must have really stressed her out recently. Fortunately, they found out about the pregnancy early enough or there would have been a lot more issues later.

"I'm so glad. I didn't want to give up on our baby."

"Ah, you wanted to be on the first strike team. You can't qualify now, right?"

"If I get the spot first, and then go on maternity leave, I'll retain a support position until I'm ready to go again!"

"Isn't it dangerous to do skirmishes right now?"

"The doctor told me he'll prescribe me some stabilizing medication and I should be safe for the first trimester."

Matt felt a bit bad for using her to get to the military suits, but this was about his survival. Maybe he should go down the Hive Queen route and make Alex his first infested target. This way, he could share his secrets and be honest with her. The parasite itself is genderless and reproduces asexually, so gender distinctions are irrelevant. However, the image of being a giant egg laying alien is a bit too much for Matt to handle. He would rather put her under complete hypnosis as a Mind Flayer.

All branches of evolution have capability to infect more hosts with sub-bodies of himself, but the Hive Queen branch is naturally the most efficient. Additionally, to create a sub-body has a lot of negative effects on the original if you aren't in the Hive Queen branch. The other issue with the Hive Queen branch is that having many alien lifeforms on the ship could reveal his existence. Unless there are extreme circumstances, Matt did not plan to pick Hive Queen path.

Due to the colonization initiative, everyone was encouraged to have children. However, this only applied for the first one-hundred couples. The food reserves on the ship were calculated very carefully. Matt's team in charge of the live stock were very important for the future of self-sustainability on this mission. Although, if it were up to him, having them run out of food would be ideal

Regardless, there were already thirty-two children aboard the USS Odyssey. It was discovered in a study over a decade ago that fertility is much lower in hyper speed. The reason has not been identified, but some believe it is related to some of Einstein's theories of relativity and cellular function. This is why it took two years for the first animal to get pregnant and also why there were so few children among the two thousand crew members.

Alexis and Matt didn't speak much the rest of the night. Matt simply held her in his arms and occasionally rubbed her belly. From his memories, Alexis was a very hardcore battle junkie who loved talking about weapons. However, in this current state, she was extremely gentle and soft like a flower. Matt wasn't an expert in psychology so he didn't think too much into it. Once Dr. Goodman discovered that Alexis was pregnant, the application for partner change would likely be denied.

This was actually very good news for him. This relationship situation was really frustrating. Matt wished he could just drop it all, but was scared of the repercussions. Alexis was very easy going and although pregnancy was not an easy process, the AI is built to ensure the best parameters are met. Now that he had a good reason, he could feign that he was focusing on the pregnancy when really, he was just focusing on evolving.

'Paternity leave will be the perfect opportunity to evolve. My body will be extremely weak. If I make the excuse that I'm spending time with Lexi and am tired, no one should see through my lie.'

However, Matt was currently unable to use the perfect mimicry. He had attempted to turn it back on a few times, but the original host would begin to panic. At least pregnancy was a big deal and a change in personality could be explained. Now that he has reached the third level of DNA absorption, the cost is increased to six. Matt planned to bring that skill to level five before even considering evolution.

After he promotes to a grade one parasite, all of his skills will cost a lot of evolution points. Being a grade zero parasite gives him the benefit of an easily reshufflable genetic structure. In the meantime, he could focus on deciding which branch to take between Mind Flayer and Faceless Devourer. Once he locked it in, there was no going back. Matt fell asleep with these thoughts swimming through his head.

Over the next six days, Matt had the same daily routine. Working out with Alexis, monitoring and examining the animals, gaining an evolution point from dinner, and sleeping with Alexis. After the doctor gave her the pregnancy stabilizing injection, she was safe to practically do anything. With this, Matt had enough points to level up DNA Absorption to four.

[DNA Absorption Lv. 3->4: You were born to gather and assimilate the genetic material of other species into your own. Whenever you consume blood or tissue containing genetic material, gain EP.

]Absorption Grade Limit: 1 -> 1

]Efficiency: 30% -> 40%

]Level Cost: 6 EP -> 10 EP]

'I've already been reborn for over a week. Life has been pretty stable for me, but my annual full body checkup is coming in one more week.'

Matt stood staring at his bare body in the mirror. The improved metabolism had made huge improvements to his functions. Although he wasn't becoming visible muscular, he could feel the difference in the excess fat around his body. Additionally, his strength had improved enough for two times gravity to be no issue for him. While he was staring at his body, Alexis couldn't hold it in anymore and entered the bathroom, pushing passed him in order to relieve herself.

"Oh, sorry. I must have gone into a daze."

"Wow, the narcissism is overwhelming, staring at your own body like that. But I do admit, you've gotten a lot more fit since we started exercising together. Maybe you should apply for the Second Strike force?"

"I'm a doctor not a fighter."

"Yeah, you're a bit too squishy for combat, ha-ha."

"Hmm, who's squishy?"

Matt said while grabbing her cheeks in both his hands and squeezing and pulling to make silly faces. Alexis grabbed his in frustration since he interrupted her business. It wasn't easy to keep peeing when someone was in the room. She kicked him out and Matt could only make a tactical retreat for now. After keeping perfect mimicry off for a week when talking with people, he felt a lot less stressed out. Many had even pointed out his change in mood and he naturally mentioned Alexis's pregnancy. It was practically the perfect excuse to everything.

While getting dressed for the day, Alexis suddenly exited the bathroom in a rush. She dressed in her military garbs very quickly and prepared to head out. Typically, she would wear casual clothes for their workout so Matt was aware that she was likely called in to work.

"Is everything alright?"

"Just a surprise drill. I might not return tonight, don't wait up."

Although that's what she said, his instinct told him it wasn't that simple. In the game, the ship would frequently be attacked by aliens. Matt had wondered how the parasite came to be, and now his suspicions were being confirmed. There was a day before his awakening where Alexis did the same thing with a similar expression and atmosphere. There must be an alien threat attacking the ship.

'Could I have latched onto Alexis and then infected Matt's body later when she returned?'

Later that day, while he was working in his lab, the red alert was activated and the captains voice came over the intercom.

"Red Alert Drill. All stations prepare for response evaluation."

Matt was now certain that they were currently under attack. The military must be hiding the information about alien's existing from the crew. This was a potential hidden danger for him. However, with danger came opportunity. Alien entities means potential for high grade lifeforms for him to absorb. He began to consider joining the Second Strike force. Although he would risk exposure, the gains would be astronomical.

The other scientists shuffled out to the emergency area and successfully locked down and evacuated. In the last week, Matt and Cindy maintained a civil work relationship, but did not partake in any other activities. Now, they were cramped in a room together and he started to feel a bit awkward.

"You don't have to feel bad, Matt. I'm happy working by your side. Although it would have been nice, your child takes priority. Maybe after we can still pursue our relationship."

"You are truly magnanimous. I'd be happy to try again in the future. We have many years ahead of us after all, no rush."

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