In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character



Current Alignment
Self 36% (+1%)
Slannesh 48% (+1%)
Khorne 10% 
Tzeentch 4% 
Nurgle 2% (-2%)

Like usual, I am within the sanctuary after blacking out. The real Valariel tolerates me now. Or ignore me at least. I want to ask about her relatives in Ulthuan, however things are peaceful for now. Awkward but peaceful nonetheless. I will ask about that later.

I woke with a gasp as I felt a pressure lifted from my belly. Seems like I woke up in the middle of giving birth. As usual the beastwomens are helping me during the process. This time I gave birth to four beastmen. Three of them are females. As I was not awake, only one of them got wings.  Laying down again, an idea comes up to me. Gathering some magic to my loin, I focused and tried to create some enchantment to increase the amount of children I can carry. 

Passive Blood:

  • Children inherits at least half of parents mutations
  • Increased loyalty from children
  • Increased litter size

It’s a success. Different from the passives on Authority, there seems to be no limit on the amount of passives I can add as of now. I immediately went to add this passive to the rest of the women. 17 beastwomen, two who just matured today and the 12 humans. I managed to give it to all of them because for the beastwomen, it is a minor tweak while it is more tiring for the 12 humans. Already feeling tired, it seems like I can’t do more magic for today. Other than that, I managed to raise the Blood concept by two levels, now level 4, equal to Authority. Will test what I can do tomorrow.

Checking on other things I have missed, it seems like the quest for finding out the reason for unusual Bretonnian activity was completed yesterday. With 10 attribute points gathered (6 from the last two days and 4 from the quest), I immediately put more of it into the Constitution. Raising it to base of 3 and 4.5 after modifier. Hopefully this will help me last with Druig later tonight. Another problem also presents itself. As it is completed after finding out the information on my body’s relatives in Ulthuan, I can expect some high elven interference in the future. This is a problem as I intend to move to Bretonnia but they are in a much closer proximity to Ulthuan. Where should I go then? Kislev? Further east to Cathay? Not anytime soon. Not with our current number.

Warherd size: 94/100 (2 Bestigor, 6 Bovigor, 50 Caprigor, 6 Ungor, 24 beastwomen)

The number are reduced to 60 after yesterday's fight. But immediately rebounded to 94 after all the women gave birth. Guess it was a successful raid after all. Then a loud pig squeal sound catches the attention of the camp. A loud cheering followed soon after as I saw that Druig manages to catch a tuskgor. A hybrid beast of a boar and a bear. Druig dragged the beast and presented it to me.

“Can I have my reward now?” He asked

“Fine” Sighing as I already tire myself from using magic for today.

He pulled me as soon as the other beastmen tied down the tuskgor and pulled it elsewhere. Druig have grown bigger yet again. Now I don’t even reach his shoulder. I know he will grow even more bigger as far as I remember, Bovigors are usually twice the size of a human. He lifted me up easily and pulled me down on his bovine dick. I gasped as it entered and split me easily and moaned as he fully hilted it inside. I grabbed his head above me as he started to walk around the camp. Showing off as I moaned every time he took a step. We packed up our camp after yesterday’s celebration soon after. Moving deeper into the Laurelorn forest.

I was too busy enjoying myself when suddenly Druig broke into a sprint. Grabbing on his head to not fall off, the sudden movement brings more pleasure to further cloud my mind. Only when something splatters on my body does I become aware again. We have been ambushed by another beastmen herd. It seems we are finally encroaching on other herd territories. Thankfully most are quickly dispatched by my children. Only 3 of us died after checking our herd size from the quest menu. Then Druig grabbed me by the hips with both of his hand and starts pounding me with reckless abandon. I screamed as I orgasm but Druig keep pounding. Blending my orgasm overlapping with the next over and over again. He pressed the bulge on my belly as he slammed into me one last time before pouring his  seed into my womb. He kept me in the position for a while before finally pulling out. Barely managing to keep my consciousness after the last explosive orgasm, I see that many of our herd are forming into groups.

“Wh-what are you doing?” I struggled to sit myself up

“We are going to strike them back, mother.” Kal answers, now fully armed and armored with modified plate armor taken from the last raid.

“No, not now.”

“Why not!? They are much smaller than us and have little horns. This will be quick.” Kal barked back

“I have put some enchantments on the females. We will give birth to many more children starting today. There is also a chance the other herd will try to take our females while you are away. So we should increase our number first.”

Hearing that Kal grows calmer and starts thinking. He looked at Druig who just shrugged before finally making decisions.

“Make camp here! Tonight we breed!” He then splits the herd into two. First half with the biggest horn will have their turn to breed today while the other half will keep guard. Then Druig lifts me up again and we starts fucking again. But this time we are facing each other. Soon after the camp are ready again, the usual sounds of slapping flesh and moans filled the camp.

All the womens are gathered in one place so that we can be easily protected. Druig exclusively use me tonight while Kal as usual settles with his twin. Another one of my bovigor daughters reached adulthood and both of them are now being gangbanged by most of those in breeding duty today. This frees up some of the women for my wolves and apparently one of the female knights are given to the tuskgor. Guess I will try the tuskgor tomorrow. So the night passes quite uneventfully.

As I am the first being bred, I am the first giving birth. This time I gave birth to three Bovigors. One of them is female. Now I only need to wait for my ascension quest to be completed. Which is not much later as heat starts to flare in my head before expanding to my entire body. I roared as it was soon followed by excruciating pain on my entire body. Then it’s gone as if the pain were just an illusion. Standing up again, I am pleasantly surprised as I am the tallest one in the camp again. I also grew another extra pair of horns at the back of my head that extend backwards. A cheer arose from the beastmen with my new form. Compared to others, it seems like I am as tall as a primaris. Then I went to check my stats.



Daemon Race Bonus: Increase player stats by 150% (rounded up)

Original Race

Unaligned Daemon

Current Race

High Elf (Daemonhost)


Base Attribute

Current Attribute






















My race changed from lesser daemon to just daemon. Moreover a flat 100% increase in stats is a nice addition. Multiple notifications rise up as I check them one by one. I now have one more concept slot while Authority and Blood are raised by 1 level. The next notification is that I can see what my current concept can evolve in advance. Authority can evolve into Divinity or Causality. While Blood can evolve into Slaughter, Immortality, or Progeny. The last notification is an update on my quests. On Survive quest, while the credit reward stays the same, the attribute reward is reduced to 1. Guess I am powerful enough at my current location. Next is a new quest.

New Quest: Ascension 2

Lead and grow the warherd. Increase the warherd size to 10.000 (Currently 144)

Reward: Ascension from Daemon to Greater Daemon

I take the quest and returned to the rest of the women and get busy again.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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