In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character



Man, Teclis’ intuition is scary. I am not even indirectly mentioning Tyrion at all. Just a mention that he will regret knowing and somehow he manages to link in to Tyrion. Wonder how his brain works. But I managed to make some time again. Tomorrow I can already increase my base Willpower again. The daily reward of 7 attribute points is very helpful. I’m hoping I can increase it to a base of 10. Already thinking on how I will try to delay again. But everything is out of my control. 

Letting Valariel get a hint of all this will allow me to delay a few more days. But should I risk it and hurt her in return? I did promise to protect her and will let no harm fall on her. I also wonder why Teclis decided to not ask that one thing he said I can give him. Did I forget something? Seems like I am missing something but I cannot point out what.

Valeria’s POV

We are finally within Drakwald. As usual we made camp for the day. I have reported what happened yesterday night to Mother. She seems pleased with the news. Also pleased that Khorne’s debuff was lifted yesterday. As for now, we return to our usual routine. Being within the tall and overgrown forest is nice. Those Knights will have more difficulties chasing us now.

As the one that takedowns the mercenary leader, I get the first turn on her. At first she is indignant and boasts that I will not break her. But the face she made when I grew my barbed dick is priceless. Just fully inserting my dick already broke whatever bravado she had. Now she just moans like the rest. Mal is also currently using the fire/Bright wizard. She said that she want to experiment something while also trying to make more beastmen that have magical aptitude

I let out a satisfied moan as I pushed my knot into the mercenary leader. With this, there will be one more lesser daemon joining us soon. Currently there are 5 of us including me. Every lesser daemon that I made came out in the form of a female elf. I wonder why? Well, the good thing is that we can just grow a dick and fuck each other to multiply. The only problem is that we need three days or perhaps more to fully mature. My eldest daughter just reached adulthood and joined in the breeding for today. I just noticed this because the lesser daemons are maturing much more slowly when Mother is not around. There is also a probability they will grow even much slower with Mother’s prolonged absence.

Same thing with the chaos mammoth. He is growing quite fast but it is comparably very much slower compared to the beastmen. The chaos mammoth still can’t use his thing yet. So we can’t make more of him yet.

The sound of battle got my attention. I pulled out from the mercenary and went to check. The battle ends even before I get there. There are dead beastmen. Or what’s left of them. Not of our herd judging by its dirty brown fur. Seems like there will be more problems with other beastmen herds within Drakwald. But it doesn’t matter, anything that stands in our way to this Border Princes Confederacy will be dealt with.

Teclis’ POV

My consciousness returned to my body. I immediately rise from my sitting position. There are questions to be answered

“Lord Teclis, is everything alright?” Asked Valariel, now dressed in custom made white dress to accommodate her wings

“It’s alright.” I tried to assure. “I just remember that I haven’t visited your mother yet. I will inform her of your wellbeing.” I start to leave the room. Leaving the maintenance of the seal to the two other wizards.

“Continue what you are doing. I will return shortly or tomorrow to see your progress.”

“What’s your decision?” My footsteps are halted.

“No, the daemon will only cause more problems.” I answered her on the daemon’s fate

“I see.” She tried to hide her disappointment. What exactly is the nature of Valariel’s relationship with the daemon? She speaking for the daemon’s behalf is already surprising and now this.

“Don’t worry, the preparation to sever your connection to it will be done soon.” Now she visibly frown

I immediately left before she could speak again. Best finish one headache before adding another. I returned to my private study

“Escort Asahane here.” I asked one of my assistants. She promptly leave and fetch her

I paced around thinking. How does Asahane manage to seduce Tyrion? How is the daemon involved in this? Are there any others that are also involved in this? From the looks of it, Asahane is alone in this. Else the tower is visited by more than one person. I have received no report of more visitors or even anyone asking about Asahane. And then… There is only one group who I reckon is both always a thorn to Ulthuan and have direct contact with daemons.

A knock sounds on the door. I stopped my pacing and I prepared a spell.

“Come in.” My assistant brought Asahane to my room before promptly leaving the room. I turned to pour myself some tea

“How is my daughter? Can she be saved?”

“Tell me… How did you manage to seduce Tyrion?”

A silence fell on the room. I sips my tea

“Is that what the daemon told you?” She begins her retort. “I never thought the High Loremaster would believe in what a daemon said”

“But it did tell me about the price.” I bluffed. My back is still turned on her. All that is left is for her to take the bait

She approached. I cast my prepared spell. I am immediately surrounded by lightning. Asahane’s attempt on backstabbing me immediately received her retribution as the lightning struck her. She dropped her dagger as she was thrown away. I turn to face her and cast another spell, holding her and suspending her in the air.

Then I picked the dropped dagger. From a glance it is just a normal dagger. It is in fact a minor artifact and one that confirms my suspicion.

“A chaos artifact. From the cult of pleasure. Seems wielding this gives you enough courage to stab me in the back.” I put it somewhere secure

“Now tell me, what is the daemon’s price that made you lose composure and made this petty attempt at an assassination?” She looks surprised realizing she had been baited.

“I don’t know! Only that it will come and claim her for whatever purpose!”

“And the daemon has done it.”

“There must be a way for you to save her right?”

“Depends, tell me how you manage to seduce Tyrion.” Her face turns into a grimace on my demand. Clearly unwilling to answer. I continue to drink my tea as the silence extends.

“I did not.” Asahane finally confesses. Oh no. I sense more complications

“What do you mean you did not?” She grits her teeth. Eyes filled with hate.

“It’s Tyrion’s fault! Your brother never once saw or even knew I even existed! To him I am just another of Alarielle’s handmaidens! All my efforts to even make him acknowledge are vain!”

“Enough! Tell me what you did!” I interrupted her confession. There are more important things than this.

“They… they made an offer to me.” 

“They!? Everything! Now!”

“They give me a mask. It gives me Alarielle’s face for a time. Tyrion finally saw me. Then another one appears after we have done it. I-i thought by having her, I can have a chance with him”

“You FOOL! How many have claims on Valariel’s soul!?” Madness. This is madness.

“I don’t know. It doesn’t matter to me! I have done everything to hide and shelter her. I just needed to tell Tyrion about her but then she ran and boarded a trade ship to Marienburg.” I did not see even a semblance of guilt for what she did.

I massage my temple. I called my assistant. Two of them immediately entered my study.

“Lock her under the tower. Let no one visit her and no word of anything you managed to hear from outside.” I commanded. They took her and promptly left. Asahane kept shouting but I didn’t listen. Headache kept hammering my head.

Now how do I explain this or even say anything at all to my niece.

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