In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character



The bloodletters using me suddenly disappear. The swords that pin my hands and right leg are also gone. Finally finished. That felt like my longest gangbang I have experienced so far. I looked at my arms and body as I healed my hands. Now there are patches of red on my sheer white skin. Even more so than the purple one

Seems like the Khornate taint spread much further because I was gangbanged for longer than when the Slanneshi mass of flesh tried to pull me out. I checked the notification properly about the Khornate trait. Increased spontaneity and irritability? My patience never lasted long and now this. Feeling irritated by my loss. I checked on how much attribute points I have now

27 points. That means I have defeated 15 from the last wave, 10 from the daily reward, and 2 that is still unused. Added 31 I have won by defeating the bloodletters, in one day I have gathered 56 attribute points in one day. The gain in one day is already equal to spending time in Ulthuan for 8 days by doing nothing. Not to mention how much I can gather if I continue winning. Almost worth the consequence. Almost.

I evaluate yesterday’s battle. While my magic is indeed more powerful, it is lacking when swarmed. Spamming magic missiles is also not worth it. Needing to chant it over and over is also a hassle. Not to mention I did not have a weapon. Daemonettes of Slaanesh have their large pincer claws. Horrors of Tzeentch have their fires and claws. Daemons of Nurgle are either many or extremely hard to kill. Then the Bloodletters with their weapons. I need to have my own weapon. Soulbound weapons since I cannot bring things from the material world here yet. Then a notification appeared.

Owned souls: 5


Leslie Leoncoeur

2 Bretonnian Knights

1 human herbalist

Sacrifice souls to make soulbound weapons. (Quality depends on the soul used and host Authority level and Willpower)

So that is another use for the gathered souls. Other than extra lives that I don’t know how it works. For now I will save them up. Not planning to try survival mode again anytime soon. Then I felt that I could return to the material world. Finally, I hope Teclis is willing to compromise.

“Ah, the newest toy within the great game finally returned” The definitely not Teclis greets me.

What the fuck! The Changeling is here! Where’s Teclis!? I checked my surroundings. The room is covered in pink flames. Asahane fucking died and a realm tear on the ceiling that extends out of this room. Thousands of horrors of Tzeentch invaded directly from the warp.

“Quite a sight isn’t it? My work here is done.” The Changeling transforms into a Lord of Change and flies up towards the realm tear. What is happening?

Trial of Tzeentch

Escape the Tower of Hoeth as horrors of Tzeentch raided the tower for its arcane knowledge

You cannot be banished from Arcane Banishment spells for the duration

Success Reward:

+20%  spell power (permanent)

-3% Slaanesh alignment

+3% Tzeentch alignment

+15 Attribute points

Failure Consequence:

-40% spell power for 9 days

That explains a bit. This looks like Tzeentch’s personal scheme rather than the Changeling’s usual pranks. Because if it's the Changeling’s prank, Tzeentch’s daemons are not personally involved. The trial looks simple enough. I readied myself as I accepted the trial. Already looking for an opportunity to escape. I must nor fail. Then another notification appears

Bonus Trial from Khorne, Nurgle, and Slaanesh

Kill the Lord of Change leading the raid

+100% on all stats during the trial

Success Reward:

Keep +50% increase in all stats

+30 Attribute point

Failure Consequence:

None, all three just want to see the Lord of Change dead if possible

Tzeentch squints at the pettiness of the other Three

I balked at the incredibly generous trial. Technically both trials objectives are achievable without hindering each other. I accept. After all, the reward is pretty generous and has no consequence. If things go out of hand I can just focus on escaping. Out of the frying pan and into the fire house. Except the entire house is literally burning. Just outside the ritual room there are already multiple dead bodies. I picked up a longsword from one of the fallen high elves. Most armors and shields are charred black and melted on some parts. So I did not take any of that. Then I just noticed that I am wearing a modified dress to accommodate my wings. First article of clothing I wear since I arrived in this world.

“Invisibility.” I casted to myself to help me stalk the place unseen. I took the stairs down. First I need to find a room with a balcony. In case of the worst outcome I can just fly away. What I saw was a set of hallways with many rooms. These are probably private study rooms. Blue and pink horrors running around. Tentacle and arms grow in a haphazard way. Their blue and pink skin faintly luminescence. They chortled, screeching, and giggling with weird echoes as they carried various books and scrolls away from the various rooms.

I doubt I will get anything by killing them so I keep hiding and checking the rooms. Besides, killing pink horrors will only make them split into blue horrors. I checked the rooms and all of them just fully enclosed rooms. Even the room on the edge of the tower is fully enclosed. How the fuck does the high elven wizards stay sane in this environment? Is the tower fully enclosed for some security reason or something? There must be a room that has a balcony somewhere.

This floor is a dud. Then I follow the horrors downstairs. They should lead me to the Lord of Change. And if I am lucky Teclis is there too which makes killing it easier. Hopefully. As I followed them there are still library rooms where there are still some high elves making their stand on this floor. The guard on the front while the wizards on the back channeling a barrier of banishment to keep the daemons away.

The smaller blue horrors can’t do anything, only surrounding the barrier while giving out a chorus of maddened laughter. But the pink horror keeps throwing their flames at the barrier. Should I help? I can just walk away and leave them to their fates. But then I hacked at one of the pink horrors. There is a chance I need to backtrack and go up if things downstairs are much more troublesome than here. My invisibility gone after my first attack

The pink horror is instantly split in half in one strike due to my increased stats. Already the two split parts start turning blue and more tentacles and arms grow. Dodged a thrown pink flame. Cleaved another pink horror before making some distance.

“Missile, explosion.” I chant and gather my magic and shoot. The explosion engulfed the remaining pink horrors while I cut down the surrounding blue horrors. The commotion I start has taken the attention from the blue horrors surrounding the barrier. As soon as the blue horrors turn back and charge at me, the high elven guard takes this opportunity to attack the blue horrors back. Some guards stay back to guard the wizards as they start casting spells too. The floor is cleansed from daemons quite quickly after that.

“You must be Valariel. I am Rivandil, one of the guard captains of the tower. Thank you for your help.” The one with the most ornate armor greets me. The name sounds familiar.

“That is me. I didn’t know that I am well known here.” I looked at the survivors. Just 21 of them on this entire floor. 15 guards including Rivandil and 6 wizards.

“Vaertharin lips are quite loose after some drinks. Besides, the news of a perfectly healthy soul after the body is possessed by daemon is unprecedented. It will not stay secret for long.” This Vaertharin must be the scribe then. And they thought I am the real Valariel which is nice. I don’t need to make excuses or kill everyone.

“All of you seem to be able to take care of those daemons yourself. Why hunkering down?” I asked as I checked the rooms for a balcony. He and the others also checked in hopes of finding more survivors.

“We can. But not without casualties. Your intervention is just what we need.”

This floor is also a dud. Guess I need to keep going down.

“Well then Ravandil, seems like the only way is down. There is no one left upstairs.”

“I see.” A flicker of frown and grief flashed and left. Then he commanded all the survivors into formation. The guards at front and mages back with some guard to keep them safe while casting. “Also I am Rivandil. Ravandil is my cousin and he is a chairmaker.”

Then we go down the stairs.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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