In Warhammer Fantasy as my ERP Character



In the evening. The search party hasn't returned yet. But things are calm enough. I also believe to have found a small remedy on my numbing emotions.

“Who’s the good boy?” I said playfully as I tickled and rubbed one of the male werewolf heads.

Woof . He along with his pack excitedly wagged their tail. These are the herd wolves that are turned into werewolves when Mal gave them Lycanthropy. They now permanently turned into werewolves. Though they don’t get much smarter or can change into a human. Its quite funny seeing the werewolves' usually menacing faces turn into dumb happy faces when they see me. The contrast along with their wagging tail made them quite cute and adorable. They are my emotional support werewolves now.

Didn’t get the chance to properly get acquainted with them yesterday. The werewolf I currently play with is the very first wolf I gave birth to since I came here. I should name him. Forgot to name him because of everything that is happening. The name Ulric comes to mind but I am certain I will draw the ire of a certain human god with the same name.

“From now on your name will be Wolfe.” I decided on a name that isn’t too complicated.

He barks in joy and starts licking my face all over. I start giggling as it tickles. But then the entire pack follows along in excitement. My giggling turn into a full blown laugh as they start licking me all over.

“Oooh.” I moaned as one of the werewolves got naughty and licked my pussy.

“Stop it. I still need to be ready just in case.” The werewolves' ears dropped.

“Wait till night. We can do it then.” Their ears rise up again and bark in excitement before I command them to guard the camp. Keeping Wolfe as my new cuddling pet, I finally checked what new concepts I can take.


Advanced Concept

Sacrifice 200 souls to take

Concept Eater

Advanced Concept

Sacrifice 100 souls to take

Allow the eating of a chosen concept for instant benefit. On the downside, you cannot comprehend, gain, and experience the chosen concept in a normal way anymore. Example concepts that can be chosen: Knowledge, one specific emotion, Dream, Memory, Blessing/Curse, Magic, Soul. (Warning: Choosing Memory will make you incapable of remembering new things yourself and only gaining memories of those you eat.)


You have some degree of control over Lust. Unlock sex magic and increase magical effects based on pleasure. Can influence those that have a feeling of lust towards you (effect can be nullified if they have high willpower. Will not work on those that lack parts for it)



Pick one of the eight lore of magic to specialize in; Heaven, Light, Shadow, Life, Death, Fire, Beast, Metal. Magical spells from the chosen lore will be magnitudes more powerful, faster to channel, and easier to sustain.


You gain an unnatural talent to replicate and mimic other people's mannerism, personality, and way of thinking. You gain magical power to mimic other people's form and gain greater control and less focus on spells to create a lifelike illusion of other people. (the mimicry spell allow you to reduce and increase your mass and size quadruple time at max level)

The lust option is still there. Causality can now also be bought. I reckon I can buy Concept Eater because I defeated the Lord of Change back in Ulthuan. Definitely won’t be taking Concept Eater anytime soon or at all. The Magic concept only allows one to pick one of the 8 lore and not the others. Does it mean that I cannot pick lore of Ice and Necromancy because I haven’t encountered them yet? Or because they are categorized as advanced magic that it might evolve into later like High Magic? As for the Facsimile concept definitely from the Changeling. It might evolve into Shapeshifting concept that allow me to fully transform into other beings or something.

I rub my chin on Wolfe’s soft fur as I contemplate my options. Definitely cannot buy any advanced concepts for now. Doubt Lust could provide much as the influence aspect could be nullified with those with high willpower. In Warhammer Fantasy, I reckon there’s quite a lot of them. The sex magic sounds like buffing and utility kind of magic. But there is a chance the Lust concept could evolve into something interesting.

Picking Magic concept seems to be the safer option as I practically rely on that. As a daemon I can access all the lore spells. I just don’t know how the complex spells work and need to learn them first. The question when picking this concept is which lore I should be specializing for now if I did pick that. Heaven allows me to divine the future and manipulate the weather to some degree. Wonder how big my favorite spell, Comet of Casandora, would become if I specialize in that. Picking Light would make me an anti-daemon daemon. Shadow is for stealth. Life would be a great help as I will be able to support in battle with powerful healing spells. But won't be helping much since I and the herd already have regeneration mutation. Death has the most damaging spells. Fire is self explanatory. Beast gave me some semblance of control on wild beasts which is useless as I already have the Divinity concept. Metal will help me disarm enemies with metal weapons and armors in battle and transmutation stuff.

Facsimile concept might give the least benefit at the start. Only allowing me to mimic other people. But if it did evolve into Shapeshifting concept, it could be the most versatile concept to have. 

Three choices.

One slot.

In a small pub in Grimminhagen. One day ride south of Middenheim and near the border of Hochland.

Bertrand, the captain of the battle against the Golden herd sat alone. He chugs an entire bottle of Couronne Brandy. Wincing when he saw his right arm again. When asked what reward he would have by his lord Boris Todbringer, he said he wanted to continue to serve despite losing his right and primary arm. Boris then called a druid to regrow his arm in respect of his dedication. Bertrand just doesn’t expect the stump to need to be cut open again before casting the spell. He is under a big dose of painkillers but the sight is very surreal even for him at the time. He is also rewarded with a greatsword that is enchanted to never rust and never lose its edge as his heirloom. But Dagobert, his best friend and sergeant died in the battle with the golden herd and there’s no replacing that and he has been drinking ever since.

Then a man sat in front of him. The man put down a fur cap with a long red feather adorning it.

“Bertrand the Golden Hunter?” The newcomer starts. Bertrand just laughed.

“Never like that name. Think I Burrp drink enough to hallucinate the Huntmarshal himself.” He start laughing again

“You know me?” Markus Wulfhart unfazed and ask

“How could I not? Everyone knows your name. Recognize you since I saw you when you returned after hunting the three-headed Chimera”

“Ah.” The Huntmarshal now knows how Bertrand recognizes him. He then ordered the pub’s best beer.

Both eyed each other in silence. Markus stroked his well groomed beard. Bertrand squints, he never keeps a long beard as it looks tedious to take care. But seeing the Huntmarshal’s beard he might reconsider. Might.

“The name. Why don't you like it?” Markus asked as his beer arrived

“Pssh. I would have failed twice if I didn't get help from the Eonir and the Bretonnian.” He chugs his bottle again. “No wait. Three times. The High Something-something helped too. Just remember the thing the golden daemon almost threw at us. Me and my men barely survived.” Bertrand continues but his tone grows more grim with each sentence.

“That so?” Markus drinks his beer before spurting it. Such sights usually make Bertrand and Dagobert laugh. They usually invite new recruits to drink the town’s worst pub’s beer as a prank.

“Ever though surviving is its own achievement?” Markus continued without missing a beat.


“Really? I wouldn’t have avenged my family if I didn't survive the Drakwald Cyclop’s rampage long ago.”

Bertrand slams down the now empty bottle of Couronne Brandy.

“If you want to preach, the temple of Ulric is two streets away. Now what you really want?”

“Very well. Want to join my company of scouts?”

“You attempt to poach me!?” Bertrand now surprised.

“I have been given permission to ask. Whether you join me or not is up to you.”

Bertrand leans his chin to his hand as he starts to think. He has been moping around long enough. His lord already gave permission to the Huntmarshal to recruit him. There is only one question left to ask.

“What’s your next hunt?”

“Taurox, the Brass Bull.”

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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