Incompatible Interspecies Wives

Chapter 100: No Favoritism (6)

Chapter 100: No Favoritism (6)

...those feelings dont come if theres no love, you see?

Ners heart plummeted at those words.

A loved one.

Her mind went blank for a moment.

Unwittingly, Ner whispered, ...What?

The old woman continued, So perhaps youre mistaken. Its not that your mating cycle has intensified...its just begun.

...What does...that mean...?

The woman smiled broadly, It seems youve found the love of your life. Congratulations.

Ner blinked in disbelief.

Was this old woman suggesting she was in love with Berg?

It couldnt be.


Yet, no words came out as she opened her mouth to object.

She couldnt muster the simple denial.

Her heart was pounding violently.

Memories with Berg flooded her mind.


His smiling face as he called her name emerged in her thoughts.

Ners tail had unknowingly coiled around her waist.


Confused, Ner let out a bewildered sound.

The old woman smiled, Youre like a young girl in love. Hehe. Reminds me of my past.

Ner shook her head with difficulty, No, thats not it. It cant be.

Even as she spoke, she felt the strain in her words.

Still, she continued her self-defense, Berg is a... a human, right? A mercenary, and moreover, a commoner...

The old woman replied with a kind expression, But you know all that is just an excuse, dont you, Blackwood Yeong-ae?


Hehe. We find it hard to admit when love arrives.


Its hard to believe in the miracle of having that one person right before us. We worry if they are the right one before giving our heart... And its difficult to accept the truth that might feel embarrassing: that weve fallen in love.

Ner squeezed out her words cautiously, But the mating cycle is periodic, isnt it...?

The old woman shook her head.

There was not even an inch of hesitation.

As you know, our kind loves only one.


We dont love just anyone. Even if I want to fall in love, it doesnt happen.


If our sexual desire was uncontrollable every full moon, if our mating cycle was triggered by it, wouldnt we be like the... cat people, indiscriminately sharing love with anyone?


...The full moon does have an effect, but its not everything. The target of the mating cycle is clear. Simply put... theres no more accurate proof of love than the mating cycle.

Ner, unable to counter, yet stubbornly persisted, How can you be so sure of that?

The old woman smiled.

Ive lived a long time. Throughout, Ive heard countless stories. The advice I give is based on a lot of experience. It was true for me, and for those around me...

Ner, faced with the old womans effortless rebuttals, finally closed her mouth.

I never thought the day would come when Id say this to Blackwood Yeong-ae.


Like she did in the past, when confused, she tightly embraced her tail.

It was a reflex action that had followed her since childhood.

Even now, hugging her white tail tightly, Ner tried to sort out her thoughts.

It wasnt easy.

Seeing her expression, the old woman said goodbye, Then, Ill take my leave. Call me if you need anything else.

Ner couldnt even see her out.

Her mind was too crowded with thoughts.

She remained frozen in the same posture for a long time, deep in thought.

Ner gently closed her eyes.

Her heart was racing.

Ignoring the noisy thoughts in her head, she kept asking herself.

Does she love Berg?

Had she already given him her heart?

Had she found the partner shed love for a lifetime?


With the endless pounding in her heart, amidst the memories shed built up, she had to admit it.

The realization came emptily.

...Maybe she had fallen in love.


Arwin felt the warmth as she watched the drizzling rain.

The heat from Bergs body against her back was too comfortable.

There was no discomfort from the wet clothes.

Instead, she wished for this time to last a little longer.

...It wasnt something she could experience often.

It was nothing else.

Would she, a noble, ever have such an experience again?

No matter how many days she had left to live.

That was when Arwin once again pondered her own excuses.

Suddenly, there was an overwhelming emotion in her chest.

There was a peacefulness in this calmness.

The sound of rain echoing through the forest, and the warmth of Berg coming from behind her.

The discomfort of being under a tree was overlaid with memories of Berg.

Of course, the torture of 160 years wasnt something that could be easily forgotten... but for now, it was okay.

The peace she had longed for was here.

Had she ever thought she would feel such emotions in a place like this?

She had never imagined resting under a tree.

Perhaps nothing she saw henceforth would be as memorable as this moment.

With gratitude, she wanted to excuse her earlier odd behavior.

The moment she had raised her voice, insisting on not seeking shelter from the rain, kept circling in her mind.



...The truth is, I hate places like this.


Do you know why...?

Berg nodded.

I can guess.

...Its hard to forget the pain of 160 years.


Seeing Berg exhale a strangely heavy breath, Arwin felt as if her mood was lightening.

...Thats why I didnt want to come in earlier. Im sorry. But now that Im here, it feels cozy and nice.

...Thats good then.

Arwin smiled.

Surely, having him by her side made such thoughts possible.

Then she began to ask Berg questions.

Do you often seek shelter from the rain in places like this?

No. Its my first time too.

Arwin smiled at his response of it being his first time.

...In the future, whenever it rains, I think I will always remember this moment.

Berg nodded.

Arwin wasnt sure if Berg understood the significance of her words.

As an elf, she would not forget this moment.

She would retain and cherish the memory of him for more than a thousand years.

She would hold onto this memory more vividly than anyone else for a long time.

There were already several such memories.

The incident with Gallias. The sea. And the ring.


Suddenly, Arwin felt her heart slowly settling.

She began to think of the world after Bergs death.

Despite the certainty that the freedom she had awaited was coming... now she didnt feel inclined towards it.

It was unbelievable that this too was coming to an end.

It might have been the first time she wished something wouldnt end.


Arwin shook her head.

She decided not to dwell on such negative thoughts now.

They would only serve as obstacles to this memory.

In a memory she would cherish for over a thousand years, there was no room for such impurities.

So, she rested, inhaling the natural fragrance the night air brought.

She briefly wondered.

Could she ever imagine she would feel this way for a... short-lived being?

It felt like Berg was lifting the burdens off her heart, one by one.

She had never exposed her flaws to anyone before.

For 170 years, there had been no one who truly understood her.

But Berg was different.

The more she was with him, the more comfortable she felt, fostering a belief that he would accept her no matter what.

With this feeling, Arwin slowly leaned her body against Bergs back.


Then, naturally, she rested her head on his neck.

At that moment, Berg flinched.

Startled by his reaction, Arwin quickly lifted her head.

Had he disliked it?


Turning to look at him, she understood what had made him shiver.

...There were Ners teeth marks where she had rested her head.

The clear teeth marks were visible amidst the blue bruising.


Arwin felt a surge of emotion.

She couldnt identify the feeling, but knew it was unpleasant.

She didnt like Ners mark interrupting their moment.

Another obstacle had appeared.

Berg spoke, Sorry. It wasnt that I disliked it...just felt a bit stiff for a moment.


Berg was groaning again from such pain.

Why did such a man have to suffer because of that woman?

Why does he have to carry such unnecessary marks?

Such barbaric customs of theirs were beyond Arwins comprehension.



Arwin turned to glance at the wedding ring on Bergs left ring finger, a symbol of his union with Ner.

...Then she whispered, Theres a secret about Ner... you should know.

Arwin couldnt control her racing heart.

Its necessary so that Berg receives less hurt. Only then... will these reckless actions cease.

Arwin gently touched Bergs scar.

Berg shook his head.

It was my request. Ner is-

-Ner is.

Arwin cut him off.

She had thought several times about revealing this fact.

Now, the opportunity had arisen.

Berg blinked in confusion, looking at Arwin with a questioning expression.


Arwin felt no guilt.

It wasnt a lie, after all.

Perhaps it was even a consideration for Ner.

Wasnt it Ner who had said she didnt like Berg?

The one who questioned how she could love a human mercenary?

Perhaps it was alright to create a little distance between them.

Ner... she has no intention of loving you to the end.

Bergs eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Despite seeing this, Arwin continued.

...Shes already waiting for someone else.

The End of The Chapter

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