Incompatible Interspecies Wives

Chapter 131: Harmful Tradition (3)

Chapter 131: Harmful Tradition (3)

Night falls.

Tomorrow was the day I had planned to return to Stockpin.

After finishing training to clear my head, I sat in a suitable spot, gazing at the darkness descending over the city.

A chilly wind brought back memories.

Maybe it was because of the human Village, it reminded me more of my childhood.

Sometimes, I think those days were happier.

There was no food or place to sleep, but I didnt have these worries.

Surviving day by day with friends was fun, and the time spent with Sien was blissful.

In times like these, it was easier when the body was weary.

Thinking and worrying were certainly not in my nature.


Just then, someone approached this place.

It was the sound of the heavy footsteps of a man.

Turning around, I saw a Lizardman from the Pantora family walking towards me alone.

Although Ive gotten used to meeting nobles through my wives, I didnt want to cause any trouble.

I stood up, preparing to show respect.

Stay seated, its alright.

But the Lizardman stopped me.

He then stood next to me, looking down at the city together.

This place has its charm. Theres a sense of openness.


The one who broke the silence greeted me.

I am Mir Pantora, the head of the Pantora family.

Im Berg.

Right, I know. Theres been a lot of talk about you. Ive been wanting to have a chat for some time.

The atmosphere wasnt hostile.

Relieved by that fact, I too let out a sigh.

He spoke.

Must be complicated in your head, right? Suddenly facing a divorce with one of your wives.

...Hasnt that decision not been made yet?


The head of the Pantora family, who approached casually, shrugged his shoulders.

In his words, there seemed to be an implication, as if to say just watch.

My expression naturally soured.

Honestly, it made me wonder if this was even reasonable.

But then again, I couldnt object.

Opposing the royal family would easily spell the end for a mercenary group like ours.

Another reason I could somewhat suppress my emotions was because of the feelings my wives had for me.

They were still just friends.

It was no secret that they wanted to leave me.

No matter how close weve become... a lifetime commitment needs a promise.

...Maybe they would be happy if polygamy was abolished.

Perhaps they were hoping to part as good friends.

This thought made me feel a bit suffocated.

How is your married life going?

Mir Pantora asked, as if inquiring about my well-being.

I just nodded, without another response.

I didnt want to tell him about the strains starting to show in our relationship.

Surprising. Who would have thought that such special beings would become your wives, a human, and a commoner.

I looked up at Mir Pantora.

Special beings?

Why, Ner Blackwood was famous for that white tail. You being a commoner might not have known. It was also a shocking fact that Lady Blackwood died because of her. And how sensitive Lord Blackwood became afterward, you probably wouldnt know.

...It wasnt Ners fault.

Well, thats what they say. And Ner Blackwood, despite all, was coveted by many because she grew up pretty. Who would have thought shed end up with a mercenary? Ah, Im not being sarcastic, dont take it the wrong way.

I nodded.

For a mercenary like me, it was indeed unusual as he had said.

Mir Pantora continued.

Then theres Arwin Celebrien. An elf born with an exceptionally long lifespan. But that very lifespan led to her ruin, and she went through a period of erratic behavior. Ha, never thought she would end up with someone.

I knew Arwin had many scars, but I didnt realize she was a topic of such gossip among the nobles.

I was unaware of how much information circulated among them.

Is it common for nobles to have such information about other families?

Not really, our family is a bit special. I have a keen interest in others stories. Thats also why I approached you, to dig into such information.

He said with a slight smile.

His frankness actually put me at ease.

So, the two of them... are they doing well?

Again, I nodded.


Perhaps that was more my hope than reality.

Mir Pantora nodded as he spoke.

Well, they seem to be getting along. I never expected Ner Blackwood to be so expressive with her tail. Nor did I imagine Arwin Celebrien could smile like that.


It was comforting to know that others saw our relationship positively.

I just hoped our slowly developing relationship would continue to progress.

I remained silent, looking ahead.

He asked.

...Have you been intimate?


I looked at him coldly in response to that question.

Even for a noble, it was too bold a query.

I was reminded of the inscrutability characteristic of Lizardmen.

Seeing my look, Mir Pantora smiled.

Dont be so hostile. I have my reasons for asking.


The more I see, the more you seem like a well-forged sword. Strong, dangerous, and useful. The problem is, youre just a sword, so the one wielding you needs to be capable. Seems like youve been in sync with Captain Adam.

When I remained silent to his sudden evaluation, Mir Pantora finally revealed his intention.

...If things are good enough, I was suggesting you consider having children.



At his words, I blinked.

You dont know His Majesty the King. He sticks to his principles, no matter what anyone says. If polygamy is abolished, youll certainly have to choose just one wife.

...By that logic, wouldnt it be worse to have children?

If you have children, you could argue it with His Majesty. How can one divorce in a situation with children? The child would lose a father, and the wife couldnt find a new partner.


Anyway, its better than if there were no children at all. Without children, separation is inevitable.

I mulled over Mir Pantoras words.

If I dislike the idea of separation, have children.

To me, this advice didnt seem very practical.

Apart from children, I hadnt even established deep relationships with my wives.

Yet, I pondered.

What would children with my wives be like?

A child with Ner.

A child with Arwin.

Despite it being a topic I should have considered, our relationship hadnt reached that point yet.

Only now did I begin to imagine it.


Then, soothing my complicated feelings, I shook my head.

...Why are you telling me all this?

Mir Pantoras long tongue flicked out and then retracted.

With an unreadable expression, he said,

Well, why indeed?


Ner now roamed freely in the now-secured estate of the Jackson family.

There was no one who didnt know who she was.

As a result, everyone treated her with caution.

Especially now, with the King present on the estate, everyone was more mindful of their behavior than ever.

In such circumstances, Ner stepped out to breathe the night air.

She had hinted to the members of the Red Flames that she wanted to tour the Jackson familys garden and had set out for a walk.

There was a reason for her actions.

...Every time she went for a walk at night, Berg always came to find her.

The restrictions he once imposed, which felt like a leash, had long since become pleasant.

It also meant that he was looking out for her.

Now, even waiting for him had become enjoyable.

The anticipation of when he might arrive was thrilling.

She knew that eventually Berg would come looking for her, a trust that had grown over time.

The chill she felt while waiting dissipated into warmth the moment she was with him.

The playful game of him finding her hiding was also fun.

Everything was just wonderful.

That was why, even here, she couldnt give up her night walks.


As she waited, she soon heard footsteps approaching.


Ner, gripping her racing heart, turned around, but instead of Berg, another figure was approaching.


The Saintess, emanating a strange aura, approached.

In her hand was a small book.

...I wanted to meet you.

The Saintess said to Ner.

Ner tilted her head at that remark.


The Saintess nodded.

Then, turning her head as if recalling something, she said,

...When I was young, I wasnt very healthy. I received a lot of help from the Werewolves tribe doctors. I even visited the Blackwood territory. I remember a large waterfall there.

Ner nodded slightly at her words.

...I see. Its good that you received help.

The Saintess smiled.

But it was a smile that didnt seem entirely happy.

She calmly approached and stood beside Ner.

Reaching out to a flower blooming in the garden, she asked,

...So, youre returning tomorrow?

Ner nodded.

Berg had told her so.

Yes. It looks like Ill be going back tomorrow.

At this, the Saintess turned her head slightly and said,

Thats a shame. I wanted to become closer with Ner-nim.

Ner took the comment positively.

She responded with an awkward smile.

Then, the Saintess changed the subject.

Ner-nim, why are you out here at this time of night?

Ner hesitated.

She was still not accustomed to talking about herself to others.

Especially if it involved Berg.

But she had nothing else to say.

She didnt know when Berg would come looking for her.

...I was waiting for my husband.

So, Ner answered, suppressing her embarrassment.

Why she felt so embarrassed about such a simple truth, she couldnt say, but she couldnt help the feeling.


The Saintess nodded at her answer.

Again, a voice tinged with sadness.

Unable to hold back, Ner finally asked,

...Is something troubling you?


Your voice sounds sad.


Upon hearing the question, the Saintess body stiffened, and then she managed a strained smile.

...No, its nothing.

Then she took a deep breath.

Quickly wanting to shift back to the main topic, the Saintess turned around.

Looking directly into Ners eyes, she handed her the book she was holding.

...What is this?

Ner asked, and the Saintess replied.

...Its a book filled with various medical knowledge.



Ner carefully received the book, making sure her fingers didnt touch the Saintess hand, and simultaneously asked,

Why this... to me...

Ive traveled the world healing people, thanks to the miracle bestowed upon me by the goddess Hea.

The Saintess said with a smile.

At the same time, as a reward, I received many gifts... but medical knowledge isnt necessary for me. My mere touch heals wounds.


Ner felt grateful, but the Saintess answer still didnt explain why she was giving her the book.

It was odd for someone she had no prior connection with to give her a gift.

Ner spoke,

Thank you. But... I still dont understand why youre giving this to me.

Why out of so many people, she chose her.

The Saintess cautiously explained.

Use it to protect your husband.


Ner suddenly became defensive.

Her expression involuntarily frowned.

She already didnt like the exchange of looks between Berg and the Saintess, and this only added to her discomfort.

Could it be that the Saintess has developed feelings for Berg?

Even though shes a Saintess.

Being from the same human race, Ners guard was raised even higher.

Why would you, a Saintess, be concerned about my husband?

...Its my way of repaying Ner-nim. I received much help as a child. Besides, knowing the werewolf tribes extensive knowledge in medicine, I thought it could be helpful. And...


Ner waited for the Saintess to continue.

After a moment of hesitation, the Saintess finally spoke.

...Because Berg saved me.


Ner was stunned by her words.

Before she could let anger rise, the Saintess added,

...In the recent war, he moved me to safety when I was unconscious.


So, please take it. It might be of great help someday.

Ner, about to express her anger over the Saintess casual use of Bergs name, realizes its not that simple.

She wasnt the type to easily show anger towards someone.

She also wondered if she was being overly sensitive.

Berg had saved her life, after all. Maybe it was okay to act this way.

Getting angry at the Saintess just for calling his name felt petty.

Moreover, Ner had been worried about Berg getting hurt.

As the Saintess said, this book might contain vital information she needed.


Despite feeling displeased, Ner decided it was right to express her due gratitude.

...Thank you. Ill take a look at the book.

At her words, the Saintess once again wore a bittersweet expression and nodded.


Just then, Bergs voice echoed from somewhere.

Ner immediately turned her head toward the direction of Bergs voice.


She ran towards him, feeling a sudden surge of joy.

However, Bergs eyes were not on Ner.

Instead, he was looking past her, seemingly in a standoff with the Saintess behind her.


Realizing Bergs gaze wasnt on her, Ner felt a twinge of displeasure and turned around.

The Saintess had already turned her back and was walking away.

What were you talking about?

Berg asked as he approached.

Ner held up the book she had just received.

I got this book. She said she hopes it will be helpful.

What kind of book is it?

A book with medical knowledge. She hopes it will be useful to us.


Berg closed his mouth, falling silent.

After a moment of silence, he finally said to Ner,

...Lets go back. We need to depart tomorrow.

The End of The Chapter

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