Incompatible Interspecies Wives

Chapter 161: Fated Partner (1)

Chapter 161: Fated Partner (1)

Arwin had finished preparing to head to the capital with the Red Flames group.

The rain had stopped, revealing a clear sky.

Arwin thought to herself that under different circumstances, she would have discussed the weather with Berg.

The sky was clear, but the air was getting colder.

Leaves began to fall one by one, signaling the approach of autumn.

It was her first autumn since leaving the Celebrien estate.

Yet, none of this held any meaning for Arwin at the moment.

Her gaze was solely fixed on Berg, who was inspecting the Red Flames group.

Like the other members, Berg had donned a coat against the chill.

Arwin and Ner did the same.

If anything was different now, it was that they had chosen their attire themselves.

In the past, Berg might have given them a hint.

Telling them to wear a coat to keep warm as the weather turned colder.

He might have even smiled while advising them.

However, Berg said nothing to them now, and Arwin felt a coldness that no coat could fend off.

“Cough...! Cough...!”

Ner, suffering from a cold, erupted into a cough.

Berg’s eyes instinctively darted towards Ner.

He could ignore consciously, but his unconscious reactions were beyond his control.

Seeing Berg’s eyes on her, Ner smiled, and only then did Berg turn his head away and disengage.

Arwin felt jealous of that exchange.

A heavy, pathetic jealousy.

  1. Berg finally turned to face the end of the line from the front of the column.


    Seeing him there made Arwin’s heart ache.

    Perhaps it was because Berg had taken Adam’s place as captain.

    Or perhaps it was because she knew he felt betrayed by her and Ner.

    ...In that moment, Berg seemed profoundly alone.

    Arwin momentarily recalled the life story Berg had once shared with her.

    The realization that she could do nothing for him, that she had contributed to his loneliness, weighed heavily on her.

    She saw the resolute expression on Berg’s face.

    It was painful to watch him hiding his wounds, standing up, and moving forward again.

    “Let’s go.”

    Berg then spoke to Baran.

    Baran nodded and loudly commanded the start of their journey.


    Throughout the journey to the capital, Ner spoke to no one.

    Berg was not receptive, and Ner was not in the mood to talk to the others.

    Ner knew her own guilt.

    Indeed, from the moment her diary was discovered, Ner could not have objected to any punishment from the Red Flames group, or from Berg.

    Arwin was in the same position.

    Both had once prepared to commit a betrayal that could have shaken the very foundation of the Red Flames.

    As a noble, Ner was well aware of how grave a sin betrayal was.

    Even the royal Draigo family treated treason as the gravest of crimes.

    Just consider what happened in the Jackson estate.

    A younger son of the Jackson family who betrayed the hero party was summarily executed.

    Even Berg had mentioned this during a previous mercenary meeting.

    He hated traitors the most.

    When Shifre, the dragonian woman and leader of the Arak group, tried to recruit Berg by betraying her deputy, Berg had humiliated her... Ner still remembered it well.

    It was Ner who had done such a thing.

    And it was directed at Berg.

    No matter how much she tried to excuse it as a momentary mistake, Ner knew excuses were futile.

    The fact that Ner was living safely now was all thanks to Berg’s consideration.

    What would have happened if the other members of the Red Flames knew about the diary?

    They would surely have reacted with the same anger as Berg.

    All the care Ner had previously provided would have lost its meaning.

    Thus, Berg swallowed all of it alone, endured, and kept their secret for their sake.


    Had Berg made such a choice because of their past bond?

    Or because he believed that they no longer intended to betray him?

    Officially, it seemed he wanted to let all of it pass as if it never happened.

    Traces of his kind nature seemed to remain, protecting her.

    Perhaps it was because Ner was a noble.

    The Red Flames group still needed the power of the nobility.

    For this reason, before the war ended, the members of the Red Flames group risked their lives to help them.

    Perhaps Berg was enduring it all because of this.

    Ner let out a bitter laugh in secret.

    Who would have thought that Blackwood, which had caused her so much pain, would now be of help in this way?

    Everything felt awry.

    It felt like tears would start flowing if she relaxed even for a moment.

    She had never thought it would be so hard to be unloved by Berg.

    She hadn’t imagined it, and there had been no need to imagine it.

    She had never thought such a day would come.

    However, the harsh reality that had dawned on her brought endless pain.

    Ner remembered the day she met Berg’s childhood friend, Flint.

    Flint had said something about Berg: ‘He’s infinitely kind to his people, but relentlessly cold to his enemies.’

    At the time, Ner understood why Berg was so distant towards other women.

    She even felt a certain pride, thinking that Berg only had eyes for her.

    But now that she was outside the circle of Berg’s precious people, she finally grasped the piercing truth of those words.

    Ner was feeling Berg’s coldness.

    He treated her with the same distant attitude he reserved for other women.

    Days had passed since she last touched Berg.

    The absence of their routine displays of affection left her heart aching.

    Even simple hugs and hand-holding... Not being able to engage in these acts made her feel unbearably lonely.

    Ner also felt a deep, profound sense of loss for what she had lost.

    The expressions of affection she had not yet experienced haunted her mind.

    Their kisses. Their intimate moments.

    The fact that she might never be able to express her greatest love felt suffocating.

    What would it have been like to embrace each other with bare, wet bodies, rubbing skin against skin?

    What emotions would whispering love while touching each other’s most intimate parts have evoked?

    Things she had never imagined when she could have done them, now swirled in her mind, unattainable.

    Would she now never meet... the child she and Berg could have had?

    Would she never see those beings born with the white tails Berg would adore, smiling brightly at them?


    Tears welled up in Ner’s eyes again.

    She surely could have had a beautiful family.

    Ner would never have had to feel lonely again.

    She could have lived loving only her family.

    Ner clenched her teeth.

    Of course, she hadn’t given up yet.

    But it had become so difficult, and perhaps it might be impossible, that was certain.

    Tears threatened to spill again.

    But fearing that crying too much would annoy Berg, Ner pretended to adjust her bangs while secretly wiping away her tears.

    It seemed the members of the Red Flames group were starting to notice the change in the dynamics between Berg and themselves.

    While no one spoke, knowing how serious the situation was, a few brave members began to make jokes amidst the prolonged tension.

    Shawn muttered as if to himself.

    “…They say marital spats are like cutting water with a knife.”

    Burns, surprised but amused by Shawn’s audacity, laughed quietly.

    Ner looked at Berg with a glimmer of hope sparked by the joke.

    Berg, however, showed not the slightest reaction, not even a hint of a smile.

    She knew all too well that he had no reason to smile.

    Still, Shawn didn’t give up and continued.

    “Vice-captain, after the war—”

    “—It’s captain now, Shawn,” Baran interjected abruptly.

    “...It’s about time we start using the right titles.”

    A momentary silence ensued. Only then did Berg’s expression slightly crack.

    Even Ner could see that Berg, having no one to rely on, was faltering.

    Caught off guard, Shawn tried to maintain the flow of conversation as if nothing had happened.

    “Anyway. The plan to have children after the war—”


    This time, it was Berg who sighed.


    Eventually, Shawn closed his mouth at the sound of the sigh.

    His attempt to lighten the mood had failed, dissolving into silence.

    Ner bowed her head like a sinner, her face contorting.

    Her throat felt choked, as if she were about to suffocate.

    She didn’t know what to do.

    It might really be leading to a parting with Berg.

    The thought terrified her profoundly.

    But conversely... there was still a chance.

    The ring still on Berg’s finger proved it.

    Eventually, Berg would have to choose between her and Arwin, considering the Red Flames group.

    That was Ner’s last thread of hope.

    She had heard that everyone was converging on the capital now that the war was over.

    Numerous surviving noble families and aristocrats were gathering in one place.

    Blackwood would surely be attending.

    Ner thought she must somehow ask her father for help.

    She wasn’t sure if it was possible, given their distant relationship... but surely he would help.

    Thanks to Ner, Blackwood had survived until the end of the war.

    He owed her that much.

    Ner prayed fervently to the heavens.

    She even prayed to the earth deity and to the five gods she had never believed in before.

    ‘Please just let me stay by Berg’s side.’

    She vowed to live in repentance for the rest of her life.

    ...But she knew that Arwin was likely praying the same prayers.


    Time passed, and we arrived at the capital.

    From a distance, I could sense the endless festive atmosphere.

    Even before entering the capital, cheers resonated.

    It made sense, given the kingdom had nearly been destroyed in the war.

    Seven years of hardship had finally ended.

    I still couldn’t quite believe the war was over.

    I didn’t know what to do next.

    Everything had been part of Adam Hyung’s plan.

    ...For now, all I could think about was continuing his legacy.

    I didn’t yet know how that would be achieved.

    Gale approached me quietly, while the other members stayed back.



    “…What happened, Berg? Why are you in such a state with your wives?”


    Instead of answering, I just shook my head.

    I wasn’t ready to talk about it yet.

    Now that I had become the captain, I needed to ensure the safety of the Red Flames.

    It was the Red Flames group that Adam Hyung and I had built together.

    Gale mentioned that I was to become a noble... but that was not yet certain.

    The king had promised a noble title to Hyung.

    I had to be wary of the king changing his words like a slippery snake.

    Now, I could no longer read the thoughts of these other races.

    I had to accept that the thoughts of other races and our own were different.

    After hearing about Adam Hyung’s past and his dreams.

    And after the incident involving my wives.

    I could sense a faint change within myself.

    It wasn’t that I distrusted everyone, but... a certain wariness had developed.

    If it hadn’t, perhaps I would have been the odd one out.

    Still, Gale was someone I could trust.

    He was sometimes uncomfortably honest.

    “…Berg. I told you, having a child would at least give us a reason to speak to His Majesty—”


    I shook my head.

    I spoke to Gale, who was looking at me intently.

    “…There are no children.”

    I had preserved their purity from the start.


    I didn’t want to delve into thoughts about Ner and Arwin right now.

    After months of endless effort and now returned, I was exhausted.

    I had no energy left.

    Though my body had survived, it felt like my spirit had not.

    I couldn’t tell whom I could lean on anymore.

    As we stopped in front of the city gate, someone from above the walls called out.

    “Where From, Who are you!”

    Their tone was businesslike, not overly cautious.

    It even seemed a bit elevated.

    Gale stepped forward to speak first.

    “Dragonian’s finest warrior, Gale here!”

    The gatekeeper responded.

    “Welcome, finest warrior! May I ask who is beside you?”


    Gale looked at me and nodded.

    I looked up and said.

    “Red Flames group’s….”

    After clenching my teeth briefly, I continued.

    “…Captain, Berg.”





    As the gates opened, cheers poured out.

    Numerous other races surged forth, shouting their acclaims toward us.

    Even the members of the Red Flames group were taken aback by such enthusiastic cheers.

    The most fervent cheers came from the humans.

    Perhaps they were celebrating the mercenaries, centered around humans, for their valor in the war.

    Flowers cascaded before us, and the bright sunlight bathed us in its glow.

    I led the way on horseback, lost in memories of the past.

    “...Berg, remember...?”

    Ner, who had shared those memories, suddenly asked from beside me.

    Her voice wavered, but I did not turn my head.

    “You called me after... you had subdued all the boss monsters in the Blackwood estate...”

    Ner’s fingers lightly rested on my arm, trembling.

    “...and we rode together on the horse, right...?”


    “And the people of Blackwood... they cheered for us and threw flowers like this...”

    Her voice grew increasingly choked up.

    “I was so happy for the first time to be thanked by the people of Blackwood... Berg, you said it was like having a second wedding ceremony—”

    “—Back then.”

    I was uncertain how Ner could bring up such a topic.

    It was indeed a precious memory to me.

    It was the moment I felt close to Ner for the first time.

    ...But upon reflection, it was a memory precious only to me.

    “...Even then, you were planning to betray me.”

    How many days had it been since we last spoke?

    I whispered, looking into Ner’s eyes.


    As if struck to the core, Ner’s eyelids fluttered.

    Speaking these words brought no relief.

    But I could not hold back the words, burning with a sense of betrayal as intense as my affection had been.

    And so I told her.

    “...Don’t say anything more. Even precious memories become tainted.”


    A single tear trickled down Ner’s cheek.

    Sadness settled on her once beautiful, beloved face.

    Her eyes lost their color.

    I clenched my teeth and looked forward.

    This was why I had avoided conversations.

    ...Honestly, I no longer felt capable of being with them anymore.

    I didn’t know when I could quell these feelings.

    Could I ever? That remained uncertain.


    Ner’s hand fell away from my arm.

    Before the cheering crowd could sense anything amiss, I moved forward.

    The sounds of my name, Ner’s, Arwin’s, and the Red Flames group echoed around us.

    Then, up ahead on a raised platform, I saw several figures looking down at us.

    The king and what appeared to be nobles. Gibson of the Blackwood family and Ascal of the Celebrien family were there too.

    And the hero party as well.

    My gaze naturally fixed on one person alone.

    She, too, was looking only at me.



    In a belated moment, I came to a realization.

    After being endlessly hurt, I finally understood.

    ...The only person who truly loved me was just one.

    – – – The End of The Chapter – – –

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