Incompatible Interspecies Wives

Chapter 167: Hidden Truths (3)

Chapter 167: Hidden Truths (3)

It was a gathering of only the key individuals.

The king sat high above us, looking down from his throne.

There was an undeniable aura around the king who had successfully led us through the war.

Especially for me, now having to lead the Red Flames group, the weight of this burden felt even heavier.

The king addressed me.

“...Before we begin, I need to say this.”


“Although I abolished the customs of the Human race by my decision... I feel sorry for you. Nevertheless, I believe it was the right choice. There will be fewer children born irresponsibly, fewer conflicts among half-siblings, and no more wives hurt from not being loved equally.”

Having no intention of disputing the abolition, I simply nodded.

Though the king wasn’t trying to persuade me, he seemed puzzled by my unexpected compliance.

Tilting his head, he asked.

“You accept it more easily than I thought, Berg Reiker. Has something changed?”


I nodded slightly.

I didn’t really want to answer, but he was the king.

He nodded as well and said.

“Then we can proceed without issues. Everyone seems to be in agreement.”


At that moment, Ner stood up.

She looked at the king with bloodshot eyes.

The king raised an eyebrow at her action, and she bowed respectfully before speaking.

“...I can’t accept this.”

Gibson Blackwood and Gidon grabbed her arms, but she didn’t stop.

“This can’t be happening...”

The king stopped Gidon and Gibson from restraining her and slowly asked Ner.

“What do you mean?”

Before Ner could speak, the king continued.

“Didn’t you personally tell me you wanted the abolition of polygamy?”


Ner swallowed hard and froze.

Her wandering eyes found mine.

Clutching my ring tightly, she said firmly.

“I said that because I wanted to live with Berg alone.”


“Our race can only love one person. Seeing such an elf cling to my mate was unbearable, so I said that.”

Arwin also raised her voice.

“...I feel the same way.”

The king blinked, seemingly unsure how to react to this unexpected shift.

He didn’t seem deeply affected, but he hadn’t anticipated it.

I too was quietly exhaling.

Their emotions washed over me.

The king, as if resigned, spoke.

“...No matter what, one of your wishes won’t come true. Berg, who will you divorce?”

The moment had come.

This was truly the moment to announce the end.

After today, I would never face Ner and Arwin together again.

A marriage that felt long if it was long, and short if it was short, would come to an end.

I recalled my wedding day with Ner.

I remember her face and her trembling.

The moment I put the ring on her.

The staged kiss.

The moment we bound our souls under the zelkova tree in the forest.

I looked at Ner.

She was shaking her head as if begging me not to.

I also recalled my wedding day with Arwin.

The sacred vows we made looking into each other’s eyes in front of the world tree.

The moment we exchanged our leaves.

Even the night’s Bardi liquor.

I looked at Arwin.

Arwin was on the verge of tears.

I then spoke the irrevocable words.

“....I will divorce both of them.”

The king and his ministers were shaken.

Voices echoed from Celebreien and Blackwood.

“Both of them?”

The king, as if doubting his ears, asked me.

I nodded firmly.

“...Berg... please...”

I heard Ner’s sobs.

I didn’t look in her direction.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Arwin bow her head in silence.

I didn’t look at her either.

The king, frowning at the unexpected answer, asked.

“May I ask why?”


Gibson and Ascal looked as if they were sitting on pins and needles.

I hesitated for a moment.

How should I answer?

Should I reveal that Ner tried to disclose the mercenary group’s weaknesses and that Arwin meticulously planned to murder me?

That might be the right choice.

There was no longer any responsibility for me to bear.

...But saying that was not as easy as it sounded.

The remnants of my once unwavering resolve to protect them for a lifetime still clung to me.

I also thought about the consequences this truth might bring.

Lately, I had been increasingly aware of the power of rumors.

There wasn’t a soul who didn’t know about the Red Flames group now.

No one dared to mock Ner’s white tail in front of me anymore.

In this situation, if I revealed Ner and Arwin’s hidden truths... they might never lead a normal life as they wished.

Our relationship had already ended, but I didn’t want to destroy them completely.

Moreover, Arwin would live for over a thousand years.

I didn’t want to leave her with a lifelong stigma.

So I looked up at the king and answered.

“...I never truly loved them...”

I decided to bear the burden.

“...Not even once.”


“...Not even once.”

Ner felt the ground collapse beneath her at Berg’s words.

Berg was ending things without even looking at her.

There was no hesitation in his actions.

He was ending their relationship quickly and coldly.


Ner collapsed into her seat.

She knew Berg’s words were empty, spoken to protect her.

He was bearing the burden by saying he never loved her to hide her flaws.

...But even if it was a lie, hearing that he never loved her was a deep wound.

A scar that could never heal without Berg’s love was etched into her heart.

Ignoring her state, Berg continued.

“...Now that we no longer need our alliance, it’s fine if both of them leave me.”

“...That’s a lie...”

Arwin shook her head, denying Berg’s words.

“...You can tell the truth...”

Covering her trembling eyes with her hands, she pleaded.

“Just don’t say you never loved me...”

Ner felt the same.

She didn’t care if the whole kingdom laughed at her.

She didn’t mind being condemned as a woman who tried to betray her husband.

But she couldn’t bear hearing that Berg never loved her.

Even if it was for her sake... she couldn’t endure it.

Berg remained unwavering, looking only at the king.

The king seemed to sense there was more to it but didn’t press further.

Taking a deep breath, he finally spoke.

“...Alright, we will accept it as such.”


“The relationships between Blackwood, Celebreien, and Reiker are severed-”

“...How are we supposed to live now...!!”

Ner suddenly cried out, unable to bear it anymore.

“Ner! How dare you speak to His Majesty like that-!”

“-It’s alright.”

Gibson, her father, grabbed her arm, but the king let her outburst pass once more.

Ner looked back and forth between Berg and the king.

The bond connecting Berg and her was about to break.

If the conversation ended like this... Berg would turn and leave.

Instinctively, she felt he would never see her again.

This might be the closest she’d get to him for the rest of her life.

The thought drained her of blood.

Her breath became ragged, her vision blurred.

Her extremities tingled.

Her health had deteriorated drastically recently.

It was incredibly difficult to stay conscious.

That’s why she ended up shouting even at the king.

Suddenly, Ner thought of something.

“I-I’m already... Berg’s.”


“Both my body and heart... belong to Berg. I can’t imagine anyone else touching me...!”

She confessed her true feelings.

If she lost Berg... she’d be alone forever.

She couldn’t love anyone else.

She didn’t want anyone else’s love.

She only wanted Berg to see her.

So she continued.

“For the rest of my life... alone... sob...”

The king summarized her words and asked.

“...Because you lost your purity to Berg, you cannot find another mate?”


Ner swallowed hard.

That wasn’t what she meant. But the king’s interpretation sparked a possibility.

She could offer her purity to Berg anytime.

Though she hadn’t given it yet… She only wanted to give it.

What would happen if she said otherwise?

If she said she hadn’t been with Berg.

If she uttered that senseless statement... would she be able to stay by Berg’s side?

Wouldn’t it just become another reason for them to separate?

Ner had no other choice.

All she could do was nod.

It was a sordid, sordid lie, but it was all she had.

The king stroked his chin, pondering for a moment.

But his deliberation didn’t last long.

“...Ner is pure.”

With those few words, the conference room fell silent.

Berg was speaking firmly.


He repeated the same words while looking at Arwin.

“...Arwin is the same. Neither of them... has been with me.”

Murmurs and whispers began to spread.

Months of marriage.

Ner knew how strange it sounded to claim that they hadn’t been intimate.

It was the result of Berg cherishing her.

Despite being able to force himself, he had protected her.

But for now, it only made them seem like a loveless couple.

Especially after Berg had said he never loved them.

All eyes turned to Berg, Ner, and Arwin.

She wanted to shout ‘No.’

To declare that they had shared a deep love.

She didn’t want anyone to doubt their relationship.

But the lie wouldn’t come out of her mouth.

Her last shred of dignity held her back.

Regret washed over her.

Why had she rejected Berg all this time?

If she had accepted him just once... the current situation might be entirely different.

The king then asked Arwin for the truth.

“...Is it true?”


Arwin, too, shook her head without looking at Berg.

She probably had nothing more to say.

Like Ner, she clung to her last hope.

“...We were in love...”

Suspicion clouded the king’s face.

Was it because Berg was of the human race? Or because two people claimed to have been intimate? Or because it was hard to believe a married couple hadn’t been together?

Doubt about Berg grew.

Under the king’s scrutinizing gaze, Berg merely shook his head.

“I did not touch Ner or Arwin.”

He stated.

“They remain... untainted by me. And of course... there are no children.”

Ner understood that even this was for their future.

He was giving them a chance to meet someone new.

But the more he spoke, the darker Ner’s heart grew.

Berg was truly pushing them away.

Even using the word “tainted” pained her.

For she saw his existence as a blessing.


The king lightly struck the table.

After contemplating, he commanded.

“Contact the Hea Church, and bring the Orb of Purity.”

Ner blinked at his words.

The Orb of Purity.

She had never heard of it.

But for some reason, her unease grew.





Together with the bishop of the Hea Church, the orb entered the conference room.

Unconsciously, Ner took a step back.

Though she didn’t know what it was, an overwhelming sense of unease filled her.

The king spoke.

“Where is the Saintess?”

The bishop shook his head.

“...I will explain later.”

At those words, the king nodded and looked at Ner.

“Ner Blackwood. Go and place your hand on the orb.”


“It is a sacred object that emits light when touched by someone pure. We will see who is telling the truth.”


Ner froze in place.

Her thin lie was about to be exposed in an instant.

She could easily predict what would happen once the truth came out.

She wasn’t afraid of being ridiculed.

...She feared that if her purity was proven, it would mean separation from Berg.

“...Go on.”

The king commanded.

Ner remained rooted to the spot.

Behind her, Gidon gently pushed her forward.

Ner resisted her older brother’s guidance, but Gidon spoke firmly.

“...The truth will come out anyway. Dragging it out will only prolong the pain.”

Before she knew it, Ner was standing in front of the orb.

Berg stood silently beside her, his expression complex.



Ner couldn’t even remember the last time she felt his warmth.

In that moment, Berg was the only person in her world.

Everything else faded away.

To him, Ner whispered, only loud enough for him to hear.



“...I’m scared... Berg.”

She was terrified of the separation.

She was afraid of a life without Berg.

Ner made one last plea.

Please, don’t do this.

Berg’s eyebrows twitched.

As if taking it as permission, Ner slowly walked toward him with her arms outstretched.

She felt like she could survive if she could just embrace him.

But before she could take more than two steps, Gidon and Blackwood soldiers held her back.

A barrier stood between her and Berg.

Ner couldn’t understand.

Why were they stopping her from going to her husband?

Why couldn’t she embrace the person she loved?

Gidon whispered again.

“Ner. Place your hand on the orb.”



“...I said no...!”


Gidon grabbed Ner’s arm, trying to force her hand onto the orb.

Ner struggled desperately to hide her purity.

“No!! Berg, please...!!”


In that moment, Berg pushed everyone aside and grabbed Gidon’s wrist.


Berg let out a pained sigh.

Ner thought, for a brief moment, that he was helping her.

But then Berg placed his own hand on the orb.


And at that moment, a bright light burst from the orb, illuminating the conference room.

No one could speak in the face of that brilliant light.

Berg was pure.

He had not been with anyone.

Their peculiar situation was revealed.

“...Is this enough?”

Berg removed his hand from the orb.

As the light dimmed, Ner’s weakened hand finally touched the orb.

A bright light shone once more, proving Ner’s purity.

“...This is unbelievable. A human race member...?”

The king muttered to himself.

But Ner’s eyes were only on Berg.

She felt every connection between them dissolving.

“...Arwin Celebreien.”

With Berg’s purity confirmed, Arwin lost the will to resist.

She too was pushed forward, her hand forcibly placed on the orb by another elf soldier.

The orb shone brightly once more.

Berg looked at his two wives from up close.

Ner couldn’t take her eyes off his face.


Even as Arwin’s hand left the orb and the light faded, he said nothing.

As if he had already said everything.

The king, too, was silent.

Berg bowed deeply to the king.

“...I will take my leave now.”


The king nodded slightly.


Berg turned away.

Ner’s heart felt like it was about to burst.


She called out his name.

Is this truly the end?

The dream-like times she had spent with him.

The happiest period of her life.

Was it really coming to an end now?


Berg hesitated for a moment, then bowed his head once and continued walking.

Watching Berg move farther away, Ner spoke.

“...You... are mine, Berg...”

The words slipped out unconsciously.

Sticky, clinging emotions were born within her.

Her harsh life and the love she received from Berg combined, creating a deep and heavy obsession.

Feelings that would never have existed if Berg hadn’t tried to leave her.

“...You must always... be mine...”

She could never let Berg go.

She had no intention of sending away the one who had walked into her life.

-Thumb... Thumb...

But he didn’t slow his pace.

“So please... Berg... please...”


“Don’t go!!!”

Even as she screamed, Berg kept walking.

Perhaps it was his firmness that had saved her all this time.

But now, that same firmness was causing her immense pain.

In a burst of frustration, her anger exploded.

“If I don’t have you... sob...”


“I... I’ll die...”

Ner no longer knew what she was saying.

Her love was leaving her life.

She couldn’t believe this might be the last day she saw him.

“I’ll die... Berg...”

Berg froze at her words.

Ner tried to break free from the Blackwood soldiers and run to him, but her weakened body no longer had the strength.

“Yes... sob... stop, Berg...”

With a painful ache in her heart, her vision darkened, and the world spun around her.


At that moment, Berg turned around.

Ner’s fading vision couldn’t make out his expression.

‘Both of you.’

She could only hear his voice.

‘...Thank you.’


When she regained consciousness.


The sun was setting, and Berg was nowhere to be seen.

Ner’s eyes stared at the ceiling of a carriage.

The hand she had reached out to grab Berg only grasped the wind.


She was in a carriage heading to Blackwood.

“....Ah.... Ahhh...”

Tears streamed down her face.

Only then did she realize she was truly alone.

Her first friend.

Her first mate.

Her first love.

...And her last love, Berg, had left her.

– – – The End of The Chapter – – –

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