Incompatible Interspecies Wives

Chapter 18: Marriage (2)

Chapter 18: Marriage (2)

The conversation at the dining table was mainly led by Gibson, Adam, and Gidon.

A gentle atmosphere and light laughter accompanied the food.

In that atmosphere, Ner glanced past Berg, who was sitting right in front of her.

As if to prove Laila's words were true. He showed a blunt expression and didn't say a word.

The initial greetings they exchanged marked the end of their interaction.

He only showed signs of interest when someone spoke, communicating through his eyes and attentively engaging in the conversation.

Ner was still calming her beating heart.

The sensation of his lips touching the back of her hand was still vivid.

The tingling sensation still remained.

Ner didnt know how to describe her feelings at the time.

Despite the discomfort, she also felt a slight sense of relief.

The monstrous image of him that she had created in her mind could not be seen yet.

He didn't appear cruel, ruthless, or someone who hate or disliked women.

Of course, she didn't dismiss the possibility that his current appearance could be an act.

"Ner, eat more."

While looking at Berg like that, she was neglecting her own meal.

At Gibsons advice, everyones attention turned to Ners plate.

Berg also looked at her plate.

This time, his gaze felt cold again.

For some reason, whenever he gave attention, a slow uncomfortable feeling came over Ner, and she wanted to hide her plate.

Ner held the knife and fork with trembling hands and focused on the food.

She hoped that Berg's interest would quickly fade.

Also, to be honest, she had no appetite today.

The person she wanted to get away from was right in front of her, so she couldn't swallow any food.

Ner didn't look at Berg, but she felt his gaze scanning through her body.

Once again, a chill ran down her spine, and her body hair stood on end.

She had kept her tail tucked and tried not to show any emotions, but she almost revealed her aversion.

Ner continued to act naturally.

While cutting a piece of steak into pieces, Berg opened his mouth for the first time.

"...What do werewolves people like?"

Gibson showed interest in Berg's first question.

Could you say that again?

"I mean food. What do you like to eat?"

He said that in a low tone.

While Berg's gaze turned towards Gibson, Ner secretly glanced at Berg again.

She wanted to read the other person, but she couldn't figure out what he was really thinking.

With no emotions revealed on his face, Ner couldn't even make a guess.

Gibson replied casually.

"Well, it varies from person to person. Werewolves have different preferences, just like humans."

Berg nodded slowly.

Then he started eating his food again.

'Was it a hint to eat properly?'

Ner was already thinking that she might not be compatible with Berg.

In terms of dining etiquette alone, Berg showed off his rawness.

He didn't switch knives and forks when different dishes were served.

He didn't cut the food into small pieces. He put big bites into his mouth and chewed.

His way of holding the wine glass was also strange. He didn't savor the aroma of wine.

His use of the fork was awkward. He was only skilled with the knife.

It seemed like he was just filling himself with nutrients rather than enjoying the food.

Simply put, nothing suited Ner.

And above all, the fact that she couldnt show any of her feelings was more frustrating than anything.

There were situations where she pushed herself, and there were times when she was afraid of Berg.

This kind of coercion had always been the most frustrating.

The conversation continued in full swing.

Ner felt like she was once again left alone in a group of people.

The conversation topics were difficult to keep up with.

Only stories about battles and monsters flowed.

Berg remained silent again.

As time passed, Ner felt a strange sensation, whether it was because of her own feelings or the topic of conversation.

It might have been because she had finally eaten something after a long time.

So, she cautiously placed the fork down and rested her hands gently on her knees.

She didnt want to eat anymore.



At the same time, Ner felt a sharp pain in the sole of her foot.

It was Gidon stepping on her foot with his thick heel.

Ner looked up at Gidon.

But he continued the conversation as if nothing had happened, with a smile still on his face.

Gidon was giving a hint not to disrupt the dining atmosphere.

Ner swallowed her saliva and reached out her hand toward the fork and knife.

She suppressed the urge to vomit.

She seemed to have to put more of the food she didnt want to eat into her mouth.

In the current situation with Berg right in front of her, Ner didn't have the courage to rebel against Gidon.


But at the same time, Berg put down his utensils.

Many of the dishes that were near him had already disappeared.

He roughly wiped his mouth with the cloth placed in front of him, showing that he was finishing his meal.

"Huh? Berg, you're done already?"

Adam asked Berg from the side.

He answered to his captain.


"It seems like the vice-captain has no appetite. Or perhaps the food didn't suit your taste?"

When Gidon asked, Berg shook his head.

"...I'm full."

Ner, watching that scene, was enveloped in a strange sensation.

Thanks to Berg's exquisite way of putting down his utensils, Ner no longer needed to continue eating.

There was no need to force more food into her mouth.

She placed her hands back on her knees and pondered.

'Was it a coincidence?'

Ner wondered what the hell she was thinking.

There was no way that a blunt, cold, cruel, merciless, and strict man would have paid such delicate attention to her.

Of course, it must have been a coincidence.

She had to consider that exquisite timing as a stroke of luck.

With Berg even taking his hands off the food, it gave off an atmosphere that the meal had come to an end.

And with that, Gibson brought up an important subject.

"...So, how will the wedding proceed tomorrow? The Humans must have their own culture.

Adam answers Gibsons words with a question.

"How does the werewolves tribe conduct their weddings? I know you have a cultural practice called 'Soul bonding'."

Ner secretly bit her lip.

As the word "Soul bonding" was mentioned, the ritual clearly became something that had to be performed.

She wished the other person didn't know about it. She hoped she could skip the soul-binding ritual. But even this became a stubbornness that Ner had to give up.

Gibson said.

"We don't call soul binding our weddings. We have a procedure of soul binding during our marriage process."

Adam expressed interest.

"Oh, I see. How does it proceed?"

"It's the final stage of the werewolf wedding. It's a ritual that must be performed by only the two of them at night. In the depths of the forest, they kneel together with a tree they have chosen as a witness, intertwine their tails, and swear to the moon. They promise to be each other's strength and love only each other, a sublime oath."

Gidon also explained from the side.

"The meaning varies depending on the type of tree. A pine tree represents unwavering love, an oak tree represents unwavering trust, and a birch tree represents flexibility and consideration... It depends on what you value after marriage.

Adam laughed.

"That sounds great. But... what about a partner without a tail?"

Gibson answered.

"All the issues that arise during the soul-binding process must be resolved by the two who will become a couple. It's a tradition that signifies solving future problems together as a couple... So that part should also be entrusted to Berg and Ner tomorrow."

Gidon spoke again.

"When I performed soul binding with my wife, a bear suddenly appeared in the forest. I had to kill it for my wife's sake."

Now Gibson asked the question again.

Anyway, what about the culture of the humans?"

"We hold a feast. We share food with many people and receive their blessings. We also swear to love each other in front of all those people, exchange rings on the fourth finger, and well... spend the first night together."

Ner's heart sank at the mention of the word First night.

She couldn't breathe properly.

She took shallow breaths, trying to calm herself.

Put the ring on the fourth fingerHmm. Does that means something?

"It signifies a pledge of love. Its a long tradition, so Ive never thought about its deep meaning.

"I see. Anyway, for the werewolves, the first night follows after the soul-binding ceremony."

"Then, should we follow our customs for the initial wedding ceremony and perform the soul-binding afterward? Since our cultures overlap, there shouldn't be any issues afterward."

Gibson nodded in agreement.

"Yes, that's how we should do it."

As the situation progressed, Ners heart became heavier than ever.

Adam spoke up.

"By the way, given the circumstances, I don't think we can have a fancy party. It seems like we'll just share simple snacks and drinks."

"That part is still part of the human race culture, so I won't interfere. I'll leave it to you."

"Haha, sounds good."

Given the circumstances, Ner didn't expect a grand wedding either.

After all, she was in a position where she was being sold.

The wedding was just a process for that.

There was no need to spend a lot of money on it.

But Ner also once had romantic notions about her wedding.

Doing it this way, having to perform the wedding like this, was ultimately sad and painful.

No, in fact, no matter what kind of wedding it was, it would have been the same if the other person was that human mercenary.

As soon as the plans for tomorrows wedding were finalized, Gibson said.

"Well then, shall we end the meal here?"

Adam nodded.

"Yes, that's a good idea. Since tomorrow is a big day, it's better to rest early."

With that, the conversation ended, and one by one, they got up from their seats.

Ner also quietly stood up.

Berg and Adam, who were guests, left their seats first.

Adam politely bowed and said, "We'll be going inside. Thank you for inviting us to the meal."

Gibson replied with courtesy, "It was enjoyable."

Ner secretly glanced at Berg once again.

And her eyes met Berg, who was staring at her.

Ner's body trembled.

However, Berg simply lowered his head with a firm expression on his face.

Soon, he turned away.

Adam and Berg left like that.

Only the three of them remained in the room, and Gibson let out a long sigh.

It was a sigh filled with many emotions even at first glance.

"...Did you have to show so much disdain?"

Gidon sneered and said to Ner.

Gidon, stop it."

Gibson stopped Gidon, but Ners older brother did not stop.

"You withdrew your hand from the person you were greeting. You didn't say a word throughout the meal and sat there with a sad expression. What difference would it make if you did all that? You wished to ruin this meeting to break up the marriage and bring the demise of Blackwood."


With Gibson's forceful reprimand, Gidon finally closed his mouth.

Ner couldn't refute anything about it. She already knew.

That she couldn't do anything throughout the meal. She didn't even do anything that would warrant favorability.

But as herself, she had no other choice.

Because she was so afraid of Berg.

Due to the presence of the parties involved, the absurdity of this marriage became even more apparent and agonizing.

Furthermore, because of his stoic nature, she couldn't figure out what he was thinking at all.

Overwhelmed by the atmosphere, she couldn't bring herself to speak.

Just like the calm before a typhoon, his quiet demeanor seemed to foreshadow a rough future.

His arm, still covered in fresh scars, vividly reminded her of his many fights and battles.

How many fights had he experienced to have so many scars on his arms?

How many people had he struck with those arms?

A mercenary couldn't escape the signs of being a mercenary.

"Both of you, go inside."

In the ambiguous atmosphere, Gibson urged them.

Gidon sighed and turned away first, followed by Ner.

Ner looked at her white tail for a moment.

The maids were diligently anointing it with rose-scented oil, and the adorned tail now looked really ugly.

Once again, she felt useless.

As they exited the room, the attendant and the maids followed closely behind the two Blackwoods.

Ner wanted to quickly return to her room.

She wanted to go back and lament over another difficult day while looking at the moon.

But since Gibson wasn't there, Gidon's attacks began once again.

Anticipating it to some extent, Ner bit her lip firmly.

"Useless. Finally paying a small price for taking mother's life."

"Always disappointing. The reason your other siblings hate you must be more than just because of Mother."

"How long do you plan on living like this... Even if you weren't born a Blackwood-"


At that moment, the sound of footsteps stopped Gidon, Ner, and the group of werewolves who followed them.

Ner looked ahead.

And there, she saw a figure hiding in the dark.

Only the lower half of the figure was illuminated by the moonlight, making it impossible to properly identify who it was.

Gidon also gazed at the figure in an attempt to determine its identity.

-Thud. Thud.

The shadowy figure walked out slowly.

With each step, the upper half of his face, concealed in darkness, was revealed little by little.


Ner let out a small gasp as she recognized the person.

It was Berg.

He was walking through the mansion alone, having separated from Adam.

Ner looked at the cold expression on Berg's face.

'Could he have heard all the conversations?'

Ner felt a surge of embarrassment.

There was nothing more agitating than showing an unwanted scene to someone you disliked.


Gidon called out to Berg.

"...Why have you returned?"

Berg silently observed the two of them without replying.

His gaze shifted towards Gidon, then towards Ner, and back to Gidon.

Once again, she couldn't fathom what he was thinking.

Maintaining his silence, Berg created an eerie atmosphere.

Gidon spoke to him.

"...If you need something..."

Gidon's words contained a faint hint of emotion.

Unlike the lively atmosphere at the dining table, Gidon expressed discomfort, as if giving a warning.

It was an implicit request for him not to meddle in family matters.

Without saying a word, Berg stood still.

He sighed and approached Gidon.

I was looking for a restroom.

"Miles, please escort Vice-captain Berg to the restroom."

Gidon said coldly.

An attendant named Miles appeared from behind.

Come this way, Vice-captain Berg.

This time, instead of reacting immediately, Berg continued to look at Gidon.

The two engaged in a staring contest for a while until it ended with Berg following an attendant named Miles first.

Berg walked away in the opposite direction.

Ner watched Berg's back as he moved away, following Gidon.


Then, Gidon called out to Berg.

Berg turned to face them once again.

Gidon spoke to him as if trying to release any remaining discomfort.

"Werewolves dont like eavesdropping on or interfering in family affairs."

"...It's better for you to know."

Berg remained silent for a moment, then slowly nodded his head.

Then he followed Miles and disappeared.


After everything was done, Ner sat on the bed and looked at the moon once again.

Berg's image kept flickering in her mind.

Clearly, everything about him was etched so strongly, as if it were terrifying.

She had no idea when or how she would become acquainted with such a person and gather crucial information about the mercenaries.

It seemed like a harsh future awaited her.

Another day comes to an end and Ner spoke to the moon.

"Like Laila told me... He was cold and stoic. I'm afraid I might discover his cruel side later on. He doesnt even look at me, maybe he doesnt like women either. Should I call this good or bad?

On the bright side, he might not give her any attention, but on the negative side, she could become a target for his anger.

Ner instinctively wrapped her tail around herself.

The scent of roses emanating from her tail calmed her anxious heart.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

Then, the moment when Gidon scolded her in front of Berg came to her mind.

She replayed that embarrassing scene over and over, and she spoke to her fated counterpart.

"...If it were you, would you have protected me from my older brother at that moment?"

As always, the moon did not respond.

End of Chapter

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