Incompatible Interspecies Wives

Chapter 43: The World Tree (3)

Chapter 43: The World Tree (3)

We hurried towards the World Tree as quickly as we could.

The reason was a letter received by Ascal Celebrien the previous night.

It warned that the boss monsters were advancing closer to the World Tree.

We didnt seem to have much time.

Perhaps, even before we could formulate a proper plan, we would be thrust into battle after merely identifying the type of boss monsters.

Amidst the escalating danger, Hyung furrowed his brows. The elf elder, seeing this, tried to persuade us with heightened urgency, offering to even connect us to the nobility.

I couldnt see Adam Hyungs face, so I couldnt discern what exact plan he had in mind. However, he nodded to Ascal, ordering a quicker pace.

Due to the suddenness of the request, we couldnt mobilize all our Red Flames units.

Some were already dispatched, fulfilling other requests. Others had stayed back in Stockpin due to prior commitments to other requests.

Adam Hyung said that the situation was less challenging than the Blackwood mission, so I hoped it would be alright.

But at the same time, the atmosphere of our group was decidedly different from the time in Blackwood.

There was a palpable seriousness in the air.

Perhaps the fact that we didnt have our usual pre-mission feast the previous night played a part, and so did the looming possibility of an imminent battle.

Given our rapid pace, there wasnt much opportunity for the members to converse, which might have been the biggest factor.

Still, the members followed us with a light jog. Compared to our usual training, this was a mild exercise. Maybe it was even beneficial to loosen up this way in preparation.

Ner, on the other hand, seemed to struggle more.

For her, it might have been an uncomfortable journey as her riding skills were not that great yet.


Occasionally, Ner would let out a soft groan.

She seemed in pain from bumping her hips or thighs against the saddle.

Are you okay?

I-Im fine.

But Ner didnt complain once.

She clearly didnt want to be seen as holding the Red Flames back.

So, I also refrained from showing excessive concern for her and looked in front of me.

It was a scenery that would have looked more beautiful if we had traveled leisurely.

The sky was clear, and the green meadows stretched out endlessly.

Everywhere, flowers bloomed beautifully, and from afar, wild animals and birds could be seen.

It was almost a pity that Ner was too focused on riding her horse to take in this scenery.

Suddenly, as I checked the terrain, I spoke to Adam Hyung.

Hyung, we need to move the formation to the left. Were venturing too deep into the territory of the Galdier family.

Its fine. Just keep going.

However, Hyung disregarded my words.

Venturing too deeply into the territory of an unfamiliar family could lead to unnecessary complications.

After all, we were a mercenary group made up of commoners, and our presence could be seen as a threat by anyone.

One wrong move, and we could end up in an unwanted fight.

I understood that we needed to quickly locate Celebriens territory, but I didnt expect us to move in such a linear direction.

Considering we had never taken such an approach before, I found Adam Hyungs decision quite surprising.

Sure enough, as we galloped on, I noticed a distant cloud of dust.

It was evident that another army was rapidly approaching us.

Soon enough, I saw soldiers waving the banners of the Galdier family, and we subsequently slowed down in response.

Their number wasnt large.

In fact, if it came to a confrontation, we could easily overpower them.

However, they held the moral high ground.

It was clear who was trespassing.


A knight in the most splendid armor shouted at us.

This is Galdiers territory! Who dares lead an army through anothers land without permission?

As they closed the distance, their races became more discernible.

The knight was either a short human or perhaps a half-dwarf. His stout body and long beard suggested the latter.

Following him were soldiers from the werewolf and lizardman races.

Their army was a mix of various races.

Which, in fact, was the norm.

It was our group, composed solely of humans, that could be considered more unique.

Adam Hyung straightened up, preparing himself to speak, but before he could get a word out, the other person recognized us.

...Hold on. A mercenary group composed solely of humans...?

I raised an eyebrow. Even though we had been gaining fame, I hadnt expected this half-dwarf knight to recognize us.

Soon after, a werewolf soldier who was following the dwarf expressed his surprise with a sharp exclamation.


His gaze was directed at Ner.

Soon he quickly approached the half-dwarf and whispered something into his ear.

Bits and pieces of the werewolf soldiers voice could be heard.

...White tail... Blackwood...

It seemed Ner heard him, as she discreetly hid her white tail behind her back.

I had noticed several times that Ner didnt seem to like the color of her tail.

The knight, after sizing us up, cleared his throat and cautiously inquired,

...Are you... the Red Flames Group?

A wry smile formed on my face at his shift in demeanor.

I had heard that our reputation was changing through other members, but experiencing it firsthand felt quite different.

I never thought that the day would come when a knight would address us with such respect.

I looked at Ner.

Ner returned my gaze with a cautious look in her eyes.

Was this the power of bearing the prestigious Blackwood name?

After all, in front of Blackwood, many families had to lower their stance.

Adam Hyung, without any hesitation, replied,


...Could you please inform us of the purpose of your visit here?

We are heading to the Celebrien territory. We chose this aggressive approach due to pressing time constraints. Wed appreciate it if youd let us pass.

The half-dwarf knight took a moment, glanced at Ner, and then nodded.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Adam Hyung and the knight put distance between them.


At Hyungs command, the Red Flames Group started moving again.

I looked back at the retreating soldiers of the Galdier family.

Then, I asked Hyung,

...Did you anticipate all of this?

He chuckled softly.


His response was so unexpected that I had to press further.

If you didnt anticipate it, then why on earth-

-I was going to mention Celebriens name.

He replied.

Then, he also glanced at Ner, who was beside me.

I slowly nodded and closed my mouth.

Indeed, a change was beginning to unfold.

It felt as if we had gained an intangible power in an instant.





Following that, we encountered soldiers from various families several times.

However, once they realized our group was entirely comprised of humans, and that among us was a white-tailed werewolf girl, their attitudes unanimously softened.

They remained cautious, but that was the extent of it.

Given that we would prevail in a show of force, and the esteemed name we carried on our backs, none dared to block our path recklessly.

Especially when we added that we were on our way to assist the Celebrien family, some even wished us well.

Still, we did come across a few soldiers who were uneasy. In those instances, even the elf elder stepped forward to vouch for us.

Thanks to that, we were able to leapfrog over a journey that would have taken several days.

By tomorrow, we would reach a position where we could see the World Tree.

For the sake of the members who had been running all day, we set up camp at a suitable distance.

We had that much leeway.

I took a deep breath.


To be honest, I was astonished.






After a brief conversation with Adam Hyung, we dispatched a scouting party.

The nights inky darkness initially gave us pause, but luckily, a luminous moon illuminated the night sky, alleviating some of our concerns. More importantly, we needed to verify the presence of the boss monsters.

Our goal was to roughly pinpoint from a distance where these bosses were roaming.

With that information, wed be able to strategize more specifically based on the terrain and the types of boss monsters.

That should do. Now go get some rest, Berg.

You too, Hyung.

With those words, I left Adam Hyungs makeshift tent.

Campfires lit up here and there, and the scent of food wafted through the air.

Perhaps because we had been running all day, this respite felt particularly sweet, and a warm atmosphere enveloped our mercenary group.

The heavy mood from earlier was nowhere to be found.

This food smells incredible.

Hey, make plenty!

It didnt feel like we were heading into battle tomorrow.

Perhaps this was because they had heard that this time wouldnt be as challenging as Blackwoods.

In truth, this atmosphere was preferable to one heavy with fear.

After all, there was nothing more foolish than being afraid of something one has to experience anyway.

Did you see that? The way everyone acted.

The faces on those knights... hehe... all hesitant.

But there seemed to be another reason for the mercenaries lifted spirits.

I could immediately sense their newfound pride.

These individuals, often looked down upon for being human, had taken a moment to outrun and overshadow various families, which mustve been exhilarating.

I couldnt help but smile at the thought.

Adam Hyungs decisions always seemed to be the right ones.

I then began searching for Ner.

I asked each member I encountered about her whereabouts.

Have you seen my wife?

Ah, vice-captain. Are you asking about Ner-nim? No, I havent seen her. Perhaps shes resting in your tent?

Wheres my tent?

Over there, that one.

The member pointed towards a distant tent.


Yes, take care.

I followed his directions and headed to my tent.


Ner sat on the bed inside the tent, letting out a heavy sigh.

The day had been more exhausting than she had anticipated.

Although she couldnt complain about the travel as she was on a horse, and the scenery was indeed beautiful...

...but she received more attention than she had in a very long time.

She encountered countless members of her werewolf tribe.

Each one recognized her by the distinctive tail she carried.

That tail had always been her Achilles heel.

Ner was different from her birth.

Instead of the gleaming black and gray tail that symbolized the Blackwood, hers was a pure white without a hint of darkness.

Even if one wasnt from the Blackwood lineage, the color was unusual.

It was the mark that made it easy to recognize Ner, who was believed to have taken her mothers life.

Only now did Ner realize that she was far more well-known than she had thought.

She remembered the way everyone whispered upon seeing her white tail.

For some reason, she felt increasingly self-conscious, as though they were pointing fingers at her.

Would it have been different if she had been loved by her siblings?

Would she have felt pride in her unique tail if someone had reassured her that it was okay?

Having faced torment because of her tail, Ner couldnt help but despise it more.

The only person who ever praised her tail was her grandmother, and even those might have been mere words of comfort.

That was why the day felt so long.

A once-forgotten insecurity seemed to engulf her again.

This physical flaw, which she could never change, always haunted her.

Then, from outside the tent, she heard someone clearing his throat.

Soon after, Berg entered.


You were here.


Ner quickly hid her gloomy feelings upon seeing Berg.

Staying like this wouldnt help anything.

With an unaffected demeanor, she naturally asked Berg, Can we rest now?

...If you have eaten...

But Bergs reaction was slightly different from usual.

He seemed to be observing her intently.

His steps became cautious as he approached her slowly.


When Ner questioned the change.

What happened?

Berg replied straightaway.


Ner wondered how he detected her inner turmoil so easily.

It should have been hard to read her emotions, especially since her tail was coiled beneath her.

No, its nothing, she responded.

She didnt want to reveal her pain about her tail to Berg.

It would only make her feel more miserable.

After all, Berg might be aware of how unfortunate her tail color was, so she didnt want to have this conversation.

It was easier when he pretended not to know.

However, in an instant, Berg took a seat beside her.

...Why? What is it?

Berg probed further.

With Berg so close, Ners eyes darted around.

Its... nothing...

Is it? Tell me.


Ner remained silent for a moment.

Then, she felt an unexpected surge of emotion from the attention Berg was giving her.

She felt silly being so affected over something so trivial.

Was it because she had been dealing with all the pain alone?

She never knew that someone showing concern could feel like this.

Just being asked felt like a form of comfort.

But this was one thing Ner wanted to keep hidden.

Just as Berg would sometimes forcefully pulls her wrist, now it felt like he was trying to force out her innermost feelings.

She tried to reject his inquiry again, but this time, her words failed her.

Her throat felt momentarily constricted.

For some reason, Ner felt on the verge of tears.

It truly was nothing significant.

It was a pain that would be forgotten after gazing at the moon and falling asleep.

But after a long pause, when her lips naturally parted again, Ner found herself unintentionally revealing her pain.

...Its really nothing... just... something minor.

She couldnt deny its existence.

Berg wouldnt let go of the topic.

Whats minor?


Ner lowered her head. Berg, following her cue, tried to meet her gaze by leaning down as well.

He then teased, What, is the bed too narrow?

The tension in Ners heart eased, and a faint smile emerged. She couldnt help but react to such a silly remark.

Or are you hungry?


Or maybe your thighs hurt from riding?

Ner eventually chuckled.

Tears that felt like they were about to spill paused at the corners of her eyes.

...tell me, what is it?

When Berg, who lightened the mood, asked again, Ner replied,

...My... tail.


I just... felt once again how much I despise my tail.

Contrary to what she expectedthat he would harden his expressionBerg looked genuinely puzzled.


His expression seemed to say that he wouldve understood if she said it was because the bed was too narrow.

For a moment, Berg glanced at her tail, and Ner instinctively curled it closer.

Why the tail?

You know. Its color is awful. Everyone recognizes me as Ner Blackwood just by looking at it.


Just thinking about how much discrimination and pointing fingers Ive faced because of it... But I get it. Even I find it disgusting.


You saw it today, right? How the other werewolves kept staring at this tail.


You probably dont like it either. I just... suddenly despised it.

However, Berg chuckled softly.

Taken aback by his reaction, Ner looked up at him.

You think I dont like it?


Berg pondered for a moment before continuing,

Do you find me disgusting because I dont have a tail?

...No? But youre a human.

Exactly. Im a human. Whatever your tail looks like, it doesnt bother me.

Bergs tone was light as he spoke.

The fact that he didnt sound overly serious made him feel even more trustworthy.

Ive never once thought your white tail is disgusting. Arent you overthinking this?


Blinking, Ner retorted,

...Youre lying.

Why would I lie about this?

Tell me honestly. If youre lying just to comfort me, it hurts more.

Ner was appreciative of what he said, but paradoxically felt childish resentment.

Accepting his consolation wasnt easy when the wounds she had suffered over the years ran so deep.

Should I answer honestly?

Berg inquired again.

For a moment, Ner felt her heart sink.

Biting her lip, she nodded.

Yes, honestly.

Berg scratched his head.

To be honest, I think the white makes it look even more beautiful.


Ner experienced a strange mix of emotions looking at Berg, who seemed to dismiss her long-held insecurities so easily.

She felt a surge of defiance, but simultaneously, warmth pulsed from near her heart.

She was so overwhelmed that she couldnt even respond.

She never thought thered be someone whod call what she had deemed ugly her whole life beautiful.

She felt silly for being so shaken by a mere compliment.

She was shaken by just those words.

...Its because youre human.

That was all Ner could muster.

I know.

However, Berg didnt feel the need to dispute that fact.

Thats why.


Ner bowed her head, hiding her face.

Everyone else despised this color. But did Berg genuinely find it beautiful?

Her heart raced, and her fingertips tingled with sensation.

...You really think its beautiful?

Ner had to ask again about this almost unbelievable fact.

She wasnt even sure why she was questioning it.

Perhaps she wanted confirmation.

...Yes, I like it.

Suddenly, Ner realized that the last person who had told her that her tail was beautiful was her grandmother.

Once again, she felt a surge of emotion.

This time, she couldnt hold back.

Tears streamed down her cheeks.

Whats wrong? Why are you crying?

Berg asked, seemingly taken aback and puzzled.

Even Ner herself couldnt understand it.

But after enduring such prolonged pain, being validated by someone caused her to be deeply moved.

...Why am I crying?

Ner sobbed, wiping away her tears.

She had to fight the urge to break down completely.





Night fell, and Ner found herself on the narrow bed beside Berg.

As Berg began to remove his top, he caught a glimpse of her watching him and hesitantly redressed.

However, this time, it was Ner who spoke up more assertively.

Just... do as youre comfortable.


...You will be fighting soon. I dont want to disrupt your rest.

Ner wasnt even sure why she had blurted that out.

The day had been full of inexplicable moments.

She had been acting on impulse throughout.

Berg didnt argue with her. With a smirk, he swiftly removed his top.

Then, stretching out on the bed, he said, Lets sleep. Tomorrow will be busy.


Slowly, Ner settled beside him.

Once again, the space was limited, forcing them close together.

Like before, Ner laid down, leaving only a tiny gap, her posture tense.

Berg let out a deep sigh and soon drifted off to sleep.

Ner pretended to sleep, but then opened her eyes.


She kept thinking about what Berg had said.

She gazed at her white tail.

Could it truly be considered beautiful? She wondered, but it didnt feel like he was lying.

Her heart raced again.

This human... the man who, for better or worse, had become her husband, was again so close to her today. This made Ner feel a little different; not exactly uncomfortable, but...

As she was lost in thoughts, Berg shifted in his sleep, almost falling off the bed.

Hey, what the...ugh...

When he roused from his light slumber, it was Ner who made the proposal.

...We can move a bit closer if you want.


Berg looked at Ner with groggy eyes.

He then shrugged and moved further onto the bed, drawing closer to her.

Lying on her side, Ner felt Berg moving nearer to her.


She swallowed hard.

There was no trace of discomfort.

Instead, his presence felt reassuring.

Relaxing the slight tension in her body, Ners arm, which had been defensively positioned in front of her, now touched his bare side.


Yet, she didnt pull her arm away.

For tonight, she just wanted to remain this way.

End of Chapter

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