Incompatible Interspecies Wives

Chapter 52: The Second Wife (4)

Chapter 52: The Second Wife (4)

After Arwin left, Ner asked the elf servants to bring her some papers.

She wanted the paper to write on.

Soon, according to her request, the elves brought her a thin leather-bound book. Ner sat down, cleared her mind, and began to fill the blank pages.


That was the first word she wrote in the book.

It wasnt a decision she made after deep thought.

But it was something she felt she should do.

There was no harm in broadening her options and then making a decision. Having conversed with Arwin, she finally remembered her own goal.

Would there ever come a day when she would need this book?

She didnt know.

Because she had already realized that betraying Berg had become too difficult.

Still, the thought that she shouldnt be by Bergs side grew increasingly strong.

This was what she thought when she killed her emotions and considered the matter objectively.

Berg, being human, could love many women.

Ner didnt like that human trait.

As a mercenary, Berg continually gambled with his life

Ner hated that aspect of a mercenary.

While he wasnt a seer...


....Berg had a way of burrowing into her heart.

She would never love him... but she would keep him as a friend.

Yet, ifjust ifshe ever started to like him, she couldnt even predict how painful and difficult the future would be.

Just considering the facts she had already listed, pain lay ahead.

Different cultures, different races...there would be too many arguments and too much pain inflicted.

Happiness seemed far off.

So perhaps she should act before getting any closer to him.

She didnt want to regret it in the future.

Hadnt she already approved Arwins marriage proposal for that very reason?

This was a predetermined sequence.


Ner looked down at her white tail.

Then she shook her head vigorously from side to side.

Only Berg had ever told her that her tail was beautiful, but she pushed that fact to the back of her mind.

Suppressing her emotions, she continued to write, like a soulless doll.

In the process, her eyes caught the sight of the ring on the little finger of her left hand, which rested on the desk.


But Ner moved her left hand under the table and continued writing.

-Knock Knock.



Startled by the sudden voice calling her name, Ner hastily closed the book.


When she turned around, there stood Berg, who seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, opening the door with his timorous eyes.

...Whats the matter? Why are you so surprised?

He asked with a smile.

Slowly, Ner hid the book behind her back. Berg couldnt read the language, so it would be fine.

I...I was writing... my diary.

Berg approached her, his words tinged with intoxication.

...I see. Well, it makes sense youd want to keep memories now that youre in a place like this.

Regaining her composure, Ner naturally asked him,

...Youve been drinking?

Yes. Had a bit too much because I was drinking with the members...and the elf elder. Sorry. Am I late?

...I told you its okay; you dont have to tell me where youve been or what youve been doing.

Ah. Right.

Loosening up, Berg continued to approach her.

This was the first time she had seen him this drunk.

Yet the fact that she wasnt afraid of him.... made Ner suddenly realize just how much she had let her guard down around him over time.

As Berg began to prepare for bed, he naturally took off his upper garment.

Only then did Ner notice his newly acquired wounds.

Before her mind could even process the reality, her body had already reacted.


She sprang up from her seat, startled.

The blood-soaked bandages he was wearing clearly needed changing.

Ner quickly gathered the medical supplies she had brought with her and seated Berg in an appropriate chair.

What are you doing?! These wounds need attention! Why havent you changed your bandages yet?!

Huh? I thought they would heal just fine like this.

You idiot! You could get an infection!

Ner, these bandages arent that old...I washed the wound and applied medicine properly.

Berg said, defending himself.

Drinking alcohol at a time like this could make it worse!

Ner hurriedly unwrapped his bandages to inspect the wound.


True to his word, the wound itself was well-cared-for. However, Ner couldnt calm her startled and worried heart.

Having no more room for nagging, she silently changed his bandages.


All the while, Berg sat there, blinking his eyes with a smile on his face.

Only after ensuring his wound was properly dressed did Ner exhale in relief.

Feeling a bit embarrassed about her outburst, she spoke in a more subdued tone.

Th-there. Its done. Go to bed. Dont doze off here.

Should I?

As he spoke, Ner felt as if her body was soaring toward the sky.

Before she knew it, Bergs arms were under her back and legs.


Despite her moan, Berg wordlessly carried her to the bed.

Any resistance now would be meaningless.

Perhaps it was because of the alcohol, but Bergs actions were noticeably bolder tonight.

Thanks for taking care of me.

Berg said with a gentle smile.

Ner felt her heart racing.

Afraid that her words might tremble if she spoke, she bit her lip and remained silent.

As a result, she found herself easily giving in to him.

Its because hes my first friend. Its only because hes my first friend.

Ner whispered to herself.

She tried hard not to give it too much meaning.

Soon, Berg carefully laid Ner down on the bed, lying down beside her.

However, Berg didnt withdraw the arm hed placed behind Ners back.

He slightly lifted her head, merely supporting her neck.

For the first time, Ner experienced what it was like to use an arm as a pillow.

Lets sleep,

He spoke as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Ner tried to sit up to resist, but Berg gently laid her back down.

Lets just sleep.


Gradually, Bergs eyes slowly opened.

...Well be sleeping separately starting tomorrow anyway.

Ners heart sank for a moment at his words.


Im going to get married tomorrow. Its a bit rushed, but... what can change with more preparation in this situation anyway?


Tomorrow, Ill be sharing a bed with Arwin Celebrien. So just bear with me tonight, Ner.

Ner was at a loss for words.

She couldnt even muster a formal reply.

Though she had already anticipated this future, facing it made the impact all the more significant.

Her body felt completely drained of energy.

And so, Ner found herself comfortably lying in his arms.

In contrast, her eyes, now wide open, seemed unable to close.

Im sorry.

But then Berg apologized.

...For what?

...For marrying Arwin. I wont take any more wives.

While Ner understood the intent of his apology, she couldnt comprehend why he was doing this.

She was the one who had accepted the marriage; Berg was the one who didnt want it.

And yet, here he was, apologizing.

Why...why are you apologizing?

Just... I knew you...wouldnt feel...good about it.

Berg seemed to be stumbling over his words, gradually drifting to sleep.

Leaning on Bergs arm, Ner watched him as he spoke those words.

A torrent of emotions swept over her.

...You have nothing to be sorry for.

Ner whispered as if soothing her own prickly conscience.

Just when she thought he had fallen asleep, Bergs eyes flickered open.

Ner saw a hint of mischief in his dark eyes.

He grinned.

...Your tail looks beautiful even at night, huh?


At those words, her breath caught in her throat again.

But whether she had grown used to it or was resisting him, this time she could withstand the shock.

Again with that. My tail is weird

...Did you have a hard time?

Yet, his ensuing words stirred her emotions once more.


Ner found herself unable to utter a single word; her lips were sealed tight.

She knew all too well what he was asking if she had had a hard time with.

Her throat tightened again.

Perhaps her struggles were the reason why she clung so desperately to the prophecy.

In a place where she had no allies, she had endured daily torment.

She had lived believing herself to be cursed.

Aside from her grandmother, she had never once felt the sensation of being loved.


- Shush.

With his other hand, Berg tousled Ners hair.

In the process, her ears folded and got stroked.

It felt like he was comforting her for that unchangeable past.

Soon, Berg drifted soundly into sleep.


Silently, Ner watched Berg as he slept peacefully.

She couldnt help but let her expression contort on its own.


Why did it feel so uncomfortable every time he mentioned going to Arwin?

Why did she feel a sense of relief at the thought that Arwin might dislike him?

Why did she feel so selfish when it came to Berg, her friend?

...Maybe it was because he was the person who had cared for her the most since her grandmother.

...Arent you supposed to listen to the answer before you fall asleep?

A smile pierces through Ners crumpled expression.

Maybe it was because his drowsiness was contagious.

Or perhaps it was because today had been so exhausting.

Ner too began to feel a wave of sleepiness washed over her.

Resting on Bergs wrist, she murmured to herself.

...Its uncomfortable.

Though no one was listening, she muttered an excuse.

Then she shifted, leaning not on his wrist but his forearm instead.

It was an unavoidable choice, given the discomfort.

She snuggled a bit closer into Bergs embrace.

Leaving a slightly inebriated Berg behind, she secretly observes him up close.

Until not too long ago, even the mere touch was off-putting.

Now, lying against his arm no longer felt unpleasant.

No, rather...

...Because were friends...

Ner murmured to herself, burrowing deeper under his arm.

She then quietly examined his face.

Now she could finally understand why women from the human race find him handsome.

...Because were friends...

Gently, she touched his face.

After all, Berg had touched her hair and ears, so it should be fine.

...Because were friends.

She feared what kind of emotions she would feel tomorrow.

But Ner curled her body into Bergs embrace.

His warm heat transferred to her.

To any onlooker, they would appear as nothing less than a couple deeply in love as she drifted into sleep.

The End of The Chapter

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