Incompatible Interspecies Wives

Chapter 68: Formal Appearance (3)

Chapter 68: Formal Appearance (3)

After a full day of traveling, the Head Hunter unit finally settled in a plain.

To set up camp and prepare meals, it was better to rest when the sky was tinged with yellow

Arwin watched about 20 members preparing for camp.

They all continued their work amidst a cheerful and playful atmosphere.

You cook the rice. I did it last time.

You burnt it all that time! So do it again.

Hey, its a hassle! You know I cant cook!

They threw glances at themselves and Ner while playfully bickering.

Watching those members, Arwin felt the pronounced difference between the elves and the human race more keenly.

It might have been the difference between short-lived and long-lived species.

Humans always found joy in whatever they were doing.

It was so different from the relaxed and leisurely elves.

Perhaps their characteristic was to fill every moment faithfully since their lives were short.


However, Arwin didnt feel it was bad.

Rather, she thought such characteristics were their strengths.

Having been confined, she, more than anyone, sought stimulation.

But Arwin, sitting near the members, suddenly felt a subtle discomfort.

The rare glances directed at her were not comfortable.

It wasnt a major discomfort, but it was enough to make her want to leave her seat.

She stood up to move to a more comfortable place.

Ner had already moved somewhere.

Arwin-nim, where are you going?

Someone asked her, looking at her.

Turning around, she saw Bergs aide Baran.


Arwin replied briefly.

At her response, Baran spoke.

You should not go too far.

Arwin nodded her head.

Whether it was due to past memories or not, she did not like being restricted by someone, but she also did not forget...

She was not completely free yet. She was Bergs wife.

However, Baran didnt need to worry from the beginning.

Arwin already had a destination.

She looked around the vast plain and found her destination.

A little distance away, Berg was training with his sword.

Ner was also sitting nearby, watching him.

Even if she did not like Berg, she seemed most comfortable to be by his side.

It was the same for Arwin.

She had no choice.

In this unfamiliar plain, the most familiar place was next to Berg.

Thus, she slowly approached him.

Every time she saw him swinging his sword, it reminded her of the World Tree.


Arwins eyes went to his cheek where a scar remained.

Berg, who embraced such a scar for her and never blamed her, was truly an unusual person.

She kept thinking that either Berg was peculiar, or everyone outside the Celebrien territory was the same.

It had not been two months since she came outside.

Arwin consciously made an effort not to be engulfed in this peculiarity, no matter what it was.

After all, that peculiarity was also temporary and would leave her someday.


Arwin approached Ner, who was sitting and watching Berg.

Ner, a bit surprised, looked at Arwin and replied,


They only exchanged light greetings.

Arwin soon carefully sat beside Ner and watched Berg with her.

Arwins eyes were drawn to the leaf of the World Tree hanging on Bergs neck.


And she unknowingly furrowed her brows, looking at the leaf which was in a much better condition than before.

It was as if the leaf was telling someone was happy to be by Bergs side.

...Ive heard the story of the World Tree Leaf.

At the same time, Ner spoke in a whisper.

Ners eyes, like Arwins, were focused on the necklace Berg wore.

It represents Arwin-nims condition and mood.

Arwin quietly looked at Ner and responded.


The leaf was

-Because I left the territory.

Arwin spat out the reason to the unasked question.

She hoped Ner didnt misunderstand.

Arwin still hadnt achieved true freedom.

Only by leaving Bergs side could she attain the complete happiness she desired.

Life as a collectible by the side of a short-lived species couldnt possibly be happy.

So, the change in the leaf wasnt because of Berg, it was just because she had left the World Tree.

That was what Arwin told herself.

She wanted to tell her so she wouldnt misunderstand.

Ner quietly nodded at her words.


Soon, Berg let out a sigh and lowered his sword.

He wiped the sweat flowing from his forehead with his wrist.

Why arent you going around looking?

Then he spoke to Arwin and Ner, who were sitting and watching him.

He turned his head and their eyes met.


Seeing him smile at the same time, Arwin avoided his gaze, feeling strange.

It was the first time in her life that she felt this way.

Because of that feeling, she kept being like this, unable to look into Bergs eyes, who she approached thinking he was comfortable.

Arwin suddenly thought about how long it had been since someone smiled just because of her existence.

It was hard for her to understand the goodwill he seemed to show.

Could he unconditionally offer his heart like that, without her doing anything?

We are married, after all.

Arwin tightly shut her mouth to the voice she heard.

Was this all because of that one reason?

If so, it seemed utterly foolish.

After all, it was a bond tied by political strategy; why be so eager to keep the vows made at that time?

Arwin couldnt even remember now what she had said when she entered into marriage with him.

Berg quickly stuck his sword into the ground and began to finish his training.

Only after he turned his head away from her could Arwin look at Berg.

Lets go back.

He said, with his back turned.

Arwin and Ner rose from their seats at his words.


Lately, Ner had been strange.

Once she came to her senses, she found herself nearing Bergs side before she knew it.

When she was alone and the seat next to her felt empty, she looked for Berg.

When he disappeared from her sight, she wondered where he had gone.

Additionally, when he rose from his seat and moved somewhere, she felt the urge to ask where he was going.

However, out of consideration, she refrained from doing so.

Instead, she discreetly rolled her eyes and watched him until his figure disappeared from her view.

This inclination seemed to have grown stronger since the full moon.

Ner, who was familiar with Bergs scent, felt awkward when his smell did not waft over.

Once a sense had awakened, the emptiness felt even more profound.

Here, for the vice-captain.

20 members of the mercenary group sat in a large circle around a fire, continuing their meal.

The largest and tastiest cooked meat was given to Berg.

Even in their seemingly comfortable atmosphere, the hierarchy was clear.

Berg naturally accepted the food offered by Baran and immediately handed it to Ner.


The members admired his action playfully.

Ner, with her lost gaze, looked back and forth between the members, Berg, and the food.

These small acts of consideration kept stirring her emotions.

She tried not to think about it... but it really felt like she had found her pair.

It seemed like no matter what, he would be on her side.

She felt an inevitable sense of reliability and warmth.


Ners wandering gaze ultimately landed on Bergs face.

As it had been all day long.

While silently looking at him, she felt another gaze.

At the end of that gaze was Arwin.

With Berg between them, their eyes met.



Only after Berg turned his head towards Arwin did their exchange of glances end.





It was time to sleep after the meal.

Today was the day Ner would sleep with Berg.

According to Bergs request, there were two beds.

One bed was for Ner and Berg. The other was for Arwin.

Ner felt a small relief in the fact that it wasnt her who was sleeping alone.


And she wondered about the relief she felt.

She didnt know why she just felt relieved.

...Because its cold.

She thought to herself.

And she got into the spacious bed before Berg did.





Deepening Night.

Ner opened her eyes to the sleep that wouldnt come.

Naturally, Berg was lying next to her.

She felt a hint of regret.

Recently, they had grown closer and had shared short conversations before falling asleep, but due to Arwin being there, they couldnt do so tonight.

In that respect, she wondered if sharing a bed tonight wasnt so great after all.

Instead, she deeply inhaled Bergs scent and simultaneously let out a deep sigh.

...Why the sigh?

Then, Berg, who she thought had fallen asleep, asked.

Ner shuddered slightly.

...Were you not asleep?

She asked in a whisper so soft it couldnt be heard by Arwin, who was sleeping away from them.

Ner felt like she was doing something naughty for some reason.

And that fact brought its unique charm.

...I cant seem to sleep tonight.

Berg whispered.

Maybe its because I didnt drink.

Ner flashed a bright smile.

She also let out a soft laugh, ensuring Arwin couldnt hear.

Soon, she thought as she looked at him.

She didnt know much about Berg.

Curiosities about him were also beginning to arise, one by one.

...Why do you like alcohol so much?

Ner asked.


Berg questioned back as if he didnt hear.


Ner moistened her lips, slowly moving closer to him.

Then, by mistake, she pressed her chest against him and, startled, pulled back.


On the other hand, Berg showed no reaction, as if nothing happened.


Initially embarrassed, Ners lips pouted slightly at his response.

Given that he kept other women at bay, why was his first one, her, not flustering him like hed held hundreds before?

However, putting such thoughts aside, Ner moved closer again.

His scent became more potent.

Pretending not to notice his fragrance, she whispered into his ear.

...Why do you like alcohol so much?

Berg contemplated for a moment before responding.

I guess I just grew to like it as I kept drinking.


Ner continued the light conversation, and only then did she start to feel like they were concluding the day.

She had always been the type to feel at ease only after having a conversation before sleep.

The conversations she used to have under the moon were now with Berg.

Since when did you start drinking?

Curious about Bergs past, Ner asked.


But he remained silent to this question.

Ner, sensing the elongating silence, wondered if he had fallen asleep and lifted her head.

At her action, Berg turned his head and teased.

...We should sleep.

Realizing the conversation had ended, Ners face wrinkled in regret.

...What, you said you couldnt sleep.

She pulled back, feeling the continuation of disappointment.

She too closed her eyes as if refusing further conversation.

And found it odd, feeling disappointment over something so trivial.

However, as she kept her eyes closed, she felt something stroking her head.

By the time Ner opened her eyes, Berg had already adjusted his posture and closed his eyes.


Her anger, too, had subsided.


...The smell of salt.

Ner mumbled, looking at the village visible in the distance atop a hill.

Arwin asked beside her.

Is there a smell of salt, Ner?

Ner nodded.

Yes. But it might be hard for you, Arwin-nim, to distinguish.

Burns, the new recruit of the Head Hunter unit who entered the village ahead, waved his hand.

The gate that surrounded the village had also opened.

The Head Hunter unit naturally entered the village.

Ner, like Arwin, looked around, appreciating the new space.

It wasnt a village composed of only one race.

Various races were mixed, looking up at those entering.

...Ner Blackwood...

Someone whispered from within the crowd.

Naturally, Ner coiled her tail.

It was not so pleasant to be revealed by her white tail every time she met new people.

As she discreetly avoided eye contact and bowed her head, a finger quickly lifted her chin.


Berg, retracting his hand, spoke to her from the side.

...Its alright.

He seemed to have already understood what she was worried about.


Ner felt much lighter at his words.

She remembered someone sincerely telling her that her tail was beautiful.

She nodded and lifted her head.

Took a deep breath.

Then someone shouted in the bustling village.


Following the shout, someone hastily ran out.


Ner was surprised, observing the race of the man presumed to be the chief.

Long rabbit-like ears.

He was from the Cat tribe.

Berg naturally dismounted and approached the chief.

Alongside the chief, a young woman with equally long ears also followed.

Berg greeted first.

I am Berg, the vice-captain of the Red Flames. Weve come regarding a request.

Ah! Welcome! I am Nox*, the chief of this village. To think the renowned vice-captain of the Red Flames would personally visit


Isnt the Red Flames the most talked-about lately?

However, Ner couldnt hear their conversation.

The reason she was surprised to see the Cat people was something else.

It was because a certain rumor followed them.

The people from the Cat tribe were as debauched as the Humans.

Ner couldnt take her eyes off the Catwoman next to the chief.

That womans eyes were already inappropriately scanning Bergs body.


For some reason, just her existence made Ner slightly uncomfortable.

The End of The Chapter

[TL: *- The author called him (Rox) here, but I changed it to (Nox) as he used (Nox) every time for him after this chapter. So, I presumed he mustve made a typo here and called him Rox instead of Nox. 

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