Incompatible Interspecies Wives

Chapter 76: Old Friend (2)

Chapter 76: Old Friend (2)

Ner, who found a seashell shining in the colors of a rainbow, turned to look at Berg.

Berg! This is...

And then, she froze at the sight before her.


Berg was slipping a ring onto Arwins finger.

A gentle smile was exchanged between the two.

It was clear that they were teasing one another.

At that sight, Ners heart sank heavily, and once again, an uncomfortable pain washed over her.

Flustered by the sensation, Ner turned her head away.

She crouched down, gazing into the clear seawater.


She kept getting lost in thought. Why does her heart sting so much?

The pain seemed to intensify as the days went by.

At first, it was a feeling of suffocation. Then, it became a heavy pressure. Now, it was sheer pain...


Ner looked out at the horizon, watching the sunset.

It was a sight so beautiful that no other words could describe it.

...Berg and Arwin were, in such a breathtaking place, having their own kind of wedding.

Ners brows furrowed deeper upon realizing this.

She looked at her reflection mirrored in the shimmering waves.

She couldnt recall the last time she wore such a negative expression.

It was a look she never wore when she was with Berg.

Suddenly, Ner felt the urge to intervene between them.

Arwin didnt welcome this marriage.

She claimed she couldnt love Berg, who was of a short-lived specie.

Therefore, Ner wasnt sure if interrupting their time together would truly be in Arwins best interest.

With that thought, Ner stood up from her spot.

Turning her body, she looked at Berg.

Seeing his smiling face, she walked towards him.

Berg... Ah!

Suddenly, a sharp pain shot up from her foot.

Ner, due to the sudden pain, lost her balance and fell.


Red blood began to spread in the clear water.

As she sat in the shallow water, groaning in pain, someone rushed over hurriedly.


Only rolled her eyes to see, it was Berg running towards her.

Seeing him run over, the pain from her foot seemed to dissipate.

Even the heaviness near her heart seemed to fade.

Be... Be careful!

At the same moment, Ner sent a warning to Berg.

She hoped he wouldnt get hurt the same way she did.

However, Berg didnt seem to heed her warning.

With long strides, he approached and lifted her.


Berg lightly clicked his tongue, seemingly regretful about her injury.

Then, without a word, he carried her towards the shore.


Ner found herself unable to speak, much like Berg.

She just sneaked a glance at Arwin and then leaned into Bergs embrace.


I looked at Ners foot.

The sole of her feet was slightly torn open.

It looked as if she had stepped on sharp rocks.

I quickly used part of the cloth to dress the wound, but it seemed we needed to return to our accommodation soon.

...Im, Im sorry, Berg. We were having fun, and now because of me...

I shook my head slightly.

It was getting dark anyway.

Then, I spoke to Arwin.

Lets go back, now.

Arwin, covering the hand with the ring, replied.


I then hoisted Ner onto my back.

Ner didnt resist my actions.

In the first place, there was no other way to return.

One must not forget that Ner was of the nobility.

I couldnt ask her to endure the pain and walk.

She was also my wife.

With that, we began retracing our steps.

The sky gradually darkened.

A cool night breeze began to blow.

Given our wet condition from the seawater, the only warmth I felt was from the parts of Ner touching me.

The previously somber atmosphere was momentarily lifted.

The journey back had its own ambiance, making everything seem more captivating.

Ner, resting her chin on my shoulder, was looking around curiously.

Arwin. Arent you cold?

When I asked Arwin, she replied.

A bit. But its bearable.

I nodded and continued walking.

Then, Ner whispered a question.

...Arent you going to ask me?

Were close together, so its warm.


Ner didnt refute my statement.

Instead, she shifted the topic.

...Did you give a ring to Arwin-nim too?

I slightly turned my head to look at Ner.

Were you watching?


I did. Shes my wife, after all.


After a moment of silence, Ner asked.

...Wouldnt Arwin-nim feel uncomfortable?


Well... she already has the World Tree leaf, so why...

I pondered upon Ners words for a moment.

I understood that the cultural differences might make it harder for them to accept.

Finally, I exhaled a deep sigh and asked Ner.

...Is it really that uncomfortable?

I had heard her mention this multiple times.

So, now I had to ask.


I mean, the ring.


Ner seemed lost in thought, silent.

After all, it wasnt surprising that she found the ring uncomfortable.

She had always valued freedom.

Was it because we were so close now? Or because we had fun today?

I felt that we had grown closer emotionally, so I didnt feel the need to force the discomfort of a ring upon her.

In long marriages, even loving couples often choose not to wear their rings.

Do you want to take it off, then?

I asked Ner.

Startled, Ner replied, Huh? Me?

Yeah. If its that uncomfortable, you can take it off. Many of the Humans also choose to take theirs off over time.

I felt Ners grip on my neck tighten.

She clenched her hand as if to hide it.

...I-Im fine with it now, Im used to it. I was just wondering about Arwin-nim.

Im fine too.

From behind, Arwin chimed in.

Ner looked surprised again. Ah...! You heard that?

Yes. But thank you for caring, Ner.


Ner turned her head to look at Arwin.

And their conversation ended there.

Soon, Ner buried her face into my shoulder, looking forward.

We walked in silence for a while.

As we did, Ner began rubbing her head against my neck, perhaps because of the cold.

-Swish... Swish...

Seeing this, I quickened my pace.

Being wet, it seemed crucial to get back quickly to avoid catching a cold.


Upon entering the village, I intended to look for a doctor.


-No, Berg...!

But Ner quickly stopped me.

The wound isnt that deep... it shouldnt be hard to treat.


Cant you help me just a bit? And... I also dont like others touching me, like you.

Hearing Ners words, I replied, Alright. Lets head in.

Considering it wasnt a major injury, I felt I could attend to it.

Plus, I had knowledge from Ner.

We passed the villagers and the members who were sending us concerned glances and entered our lodgings.

Only Arwin attempted to follow us in.

I said to her,

Arwin, go wash up first.


I think we can treat the wound quickly. Wash up first, and lets prepare something to eat.

After a brief pause, Arwin responded,


I nodded at her response and closed the door.


I seated Ner on a nearby chair and fetched her medical bag.

What should I take out?

I opened the bag, looking at Ner as I asked.

...The orange bottle.

This one?

Yes. Its a disinfectant.

I untied the cloth wrapped around Ners foot.

Upon inspecting again, I felt relieved.

The wound wasnt that deep.

Of course, this was my assessment. I couldnt possibly know the pain she might be enduring.

The seawater might have exacerbated the pain.

However, when I gently lifted Ners foot, contrary to my expectations, she began to giggle softly.

Why are you laughing?

When I asked seriously, she covered her smile with her palm and teased,

...Do you know, Berg?


In werewolf couples, theres a tradition of licking each others wounds?

I stared at her for a moment before bursting into a surprised laugh.

...You want me to lick it?

At that response, Ner laughed even brighter.

Then, she lowered her head, looking back at her foot.

Following her gaze, I opened the orange bottle.

I soaked a clean cloth with the liquid inside and cautiously applied it to her wound.


Ner stopped laughing, squinting one eye and wincing.

I could tell she was trying to hold back her pain.

Seeing her like that, I couldnt help but frown sympathetically.

Regardless, I carefully disinfected the wounded area.

After the disinfection, under Ners guidance, I crushed some medicinal herbs.

I placed the crushed herbs onto Ners wound, covering it with a clean cloth.

Finally, I wrapped the cloth with a bandage, securing it tightly around her foot.

That should do it.

I commented, looking at the neatly wrapped bandage.


However, Ners attention was captured by my right hand.


Only when I called her name did she snap back to the present.


What are you so engrossed in?

Pondering for a moment, Ner spoke.

...Youre not wearing the ring on your left hand?

You mean, the ring from Arwin?


I have your ring on my left hand.

But isnt the tradition to wear it on the left hand?

...True, but its more about the sentiment of wearing it than which hand its on.

...I see.

Watching Ner subtly press her lips together, I asked,


She shook her head fervently.

No, its nothing.

Then she said, with a slightly brighter expression,

Lets go wash up now.


After a short while, Arwin and Ner emerged, having washed off the salt residue from their bodies.

Ner mentioned she had Arwins help in bathing.

Their closeness was truly a blessing to me.

As always, we headed to the inn and requested food.

After exchanging brief greetings with the members, I spoke to Ner and Arwin.

Lets eat and rest well. We need to depart for Stockpin tomorrow.

Ner and Arwin nodded in agreement.

As we were wrapping up our day, chatting amongst ourselves, noisy voices from outside reached our ears.

We dont have any rooms left today. The members of the Red Flames have taken all of them...

No, you dont understand. Step aside for a moment. I need to check something.

Baran, who was drinking, shifted his attention towards the commotion.

...Whats going on?

Though not overly worried, one by one, the members went on alert.

No one was pleased by this sudden disturbance.

Baran looked at me.

I gave him a nod, signaling him to proceed.

Baran nodded, sheathed his sword, and stepped outside.

...Whats happening?

Ner asked me with a worried expression.

I reassured her, Dont worry. Its probably nothing.

Soon after, Baran returned to the inn with a perplexed look on his face.

He said, Some man outside wants to see the vice-captain?


I was just as bewildered as Baran.



Both my wives shared the same confusion.

I wondered who could possibly be looking for me.

After a moments thought, I decided it would be best to resolve the matter quickly.

I got up and headed outside.

From outside the inn, voices echoed.

Just let me see his face for a moment. It wont take long. Why are you being so difficult?

And as the voice became clearer, I felt a sense of familiarity.


Feeling that familiarity, I found myself quickening my pace.

And so, I stepped outside the inn.

And then, I spotted a man, raising his voice and tussling with the innkeeper.

I thought it might not be him, but...! Shouldnt I at least check-


A friend with whom I spent my entire childhood.

Flint looked at me.

After gaping for a moment, he muttered,

...F*ck, it really was you.

Soon after, he brushed off the innkeeper and approached me.

A friend I hadnt seen in 7 years.

A friend with whom I endured the slums together.


We embraced more naturally than anyone else could.

Flint said with a smile,

You were alive, Berg!

The End of The Chapter

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