Incompatible Interspecies Wives

Chapter 92: Halo (3)

Chapter 92: Halo (3)

I stepped out, folding the tent behind me.

Baran, Shawn, and Jackson standing around looked puzzled.

Your wives... Huh? Vice-captain?

Now Im here.

I left Baran and moved on.

With confused expressions, they watched as I walked away.

I headed towards the Arak group camp.

I heard that they had provoked more than anyone else.

Was it because I ignored Turo yesterday?

I sighed deeply.

No matter how much time passed, this reality of being disregarded didnt seem to change.

The deep history that had been continuous since the days of the previous mercenary group with Adam Hyung.

Perhaps it was because we were human, but they often pick fights.

Maybe I was so accustomed to it that I couldnt see the situation objectively.

Realizations dawn on me yet again.

It was not just my pride that was at stake when it came to my name anymore.

For the sake of my wives, I needed to stand up.

I still havent fully adapted to intervening in every situation.

Like returning a favor on the battlefield, maybe there was still a part of me that faintly hoped to live quietly.

What would Adam Hyung say about this choice of mine?

Even though he said it was okay to fight... he might find it troubling.

No matter what, as a vice-captain, I should act more seriously.

...Still, for now, I didnt want to think about it.

Hey, Vice-captain! Where are you going?

A member standing at the boundary between the Arak group and the Red Flames asked me, but I didnt stop.

I entered the Arak groups camp.

Members of the Arak group blocked my way.

...The vice-captain of the Red Flames? If you have business here-

Ignoring the approaching mercenary of the Arak group, I walked past.

And then I continued walking deeper into the camp.

Finally realizing my intent, a Red Flames member shouted from behind.

Hey... Bring the members! No, bring the captain!


Turo was dining with his subordinates, a smile playing on his lips.

Upon returning to camp, the news that reached him had put him in good spirits.

The word was that the members had made one of those noble wives, Blackwood one, cry.


While enjoying his meal, Turo imagined Bergs feelings.

The humiliation Berg must feel, yet unable to lash out.

Spreading lies about being a formidable fighter for the sake of reputation, and yet, powerless to even protect his own wife.

Just imagining that stoic face twisting in anger was enough to satiate Turos appetite.

There was nothing as entertaining as tormenting the weak.

Turo glanced at Shifre.

She appeared to be lost in thought, her gaze distant.

The way she was mechanically chewing her food, she was surely thinking of Berg.

Turo couldnt fathom why shed harbor any affection for such a pitiful man.

Was it because half of her blood was that of humans?

Turo shook his head, speaking, ...Captain.

Shifres icy eyes met his.

Today, she had only bitter words for Berg.

Perhaps now was the chance for her to break free from her unrequited love.

...Let go of such a pitiful man.


A man who remains silent even after hearing of the humiliation of his wives. Captain, keeping such a feeble man by your side-


Vice-captain Tu-Turo!!

Suddenly, a member from the lower ranks infiltrated the tent where the high-ranking members were dining.

Every member there grimaced in response.

Turo was no exception.

Frowning, he spoke, ...If this isnt urgent, you better be prepared.

The member licked his lips, adding, Vice-captain Berg has arrived.




Turo snickered as he saw Berg standing alone at the center of the massive circle formed by the mercenaries of the Arak group.

He wondered what Berg was thinking, coming all the way here.

Vice-Captain Berg, what brings you here? Turo asked.

Meanwhile, thoughts raced through his mind. Did Berg come here to kneel? Maybe he came alone to hide the shameful display from his members. Perhaps he came to plead not to further dishonor his wives.

Shifre emerged from the tent, gazing at Berg.

...Vice-Captain Berg, she whispered.

For some reason, Turo felt uneasy and suppressed the emotion, continuing to observe Berg.

Unable to contain herself, Shifre inquired, ...Did you come to see me?

Her tone was respectful, almost reverent. Turo could even sense a hint of anticipation in her voice.

However, Berg just shook his head, pointing at Turo with a gesture.

Shifres face hardened.

Before the attention could entirely shift to her, Turo inquired, So?

Before that, I have one question, Berg responded with unexpected poise. There was an odd strength in his demeanor. He didnt seem to be shrinking back in the slightest. His voice wasnt even quivering. In fact, he appeared rather nonchalant.

Was it your command?

At that audacious question, Turo laughed sardonically.

Several members followed Turos lead, scoffing at Berg.

And if it was? Turo retorted, dropping all formalities.

Berg simply shook his head, No, I was just curious.


So, is our previously mentioned duel still valid?


After a brief silence, Turo burst into roaring laughter.

It seemed that Berg had finally chosen defiance. He must have chosen to come here to be trampled upon. It wasnt a bad choice, after all. At least this way, he could say he made an effort for his wives.

It meant he wasnt just hiding in fear. He probably left his members behind because he didnt want them to see him humiliated.

Its still valid.

With a smile, Turo replied.

Shifre stepped in between them, attempting to intervene.

...Hold on. A fight between vice-captains could escalate into a major issue-

-Its not your concern, Berg interrupted her.

Shifres face flushed, as if she had been spat on after showing concern.

Turo, discarding his outer coat, turned towards Berg.

Perhaps it was for the best. If he could crush Berg here and drain the last vestiges of lingering feelings Shifre might have for him, all would be well.

...Even if you die in this, I wont care, Turo taunted Berg, formulating a plan to thrust him into the center of the Red Flames camp.

Its good then, Berg responded.

I felt the same.


Ner waited in the tent for Berg, who unexpectedly hadnt returned.

She briefly wondered if he might have gone to fetch water or something.

His sudden departure, after promising to protect her, left her puzzled.

...I can understand your feelings, Arwin said after a while.


If you hadnt married Berg... perhaps you could have avoided all of these experiences.


Ner looked puzzled for a moment.

But Arwin merely shook her head gently, whispering, ...Thats why I understand.

Suddenly, a loud commotion erupted outside.

Someone was shouting.

Baran-nim! Theodore-nim! Krian-nim! Captain Adam!

One of the members ran around the camp, calling out for all the senior members except Berg.

Ner and Arwin exchanged a brief glance.

The sound of Baran, who had been guarding the front of the tent, moving was audible.

Whats happening?

Unable to rise herself, Ner watched as Arwin stepped out on her behalf.

She pushed the tent flap aside, taking in the scene outside.

Baran was speaking with one of the mercenaries.

Many more were converging around them.


Suddenly, Baran raised his voice in alarm.

He then began issuing orders.

Shawn! Fetch Captain Adam! Jackson! Gather the men!

Confused, Shawn approached Baran.

Whats going on?

While taken aback by the sudden turn of events, Ner was filled with both fear and curiosity.

Could this possibly be related to Berg?

Her heart began to race.


The fight had ended as quickly as a fleeting moment.

-Thump! Thump! Thump!

I drove my fists into Turos fallen face, then looked around.

None of the members of the Arak group could utter a word.

Their expressions were of disbelief, even as they looked at the defeated Turo.

Sometimes I often thought to myself,

As expected, showing it directly was the most effective.

Their astonishment was, in a way, understandable. Given that their captain was merely sitting behind a table, Turo was essentially the backbone of the Arak group.

That was why it was crucial to overpower him.

Wiping the blood dripping from my forehead, I once again sized up the mercenaries of the Arak group.

A few seemed flustered, unable to accept the outcome as they kept their eyes on me.

Its over!

Sure enough, someone shouted from the crowd.

Hearing that, I began hitting Turo again.

-Thump! Thump! Thump!

If they still had the will to say anything, it was meaningless.

It seemed I had a long way to go.

I continued to strike Turo until his teeth were knocked out and his face was bloodied.

I gave him the fight he so dearly wanted.

Vice-Captain Berg...!

Shifre called out to me urgently.

Pulling back my fist, I looked at her.

...Stop. I dont know why youre doing this, but its enough. Turo has lost.

Confusion filled her face. It seemed she couldnt believe the scene unfolding before her.

Yet, I had no intention of stopping.

Do not interfere in our duel.


This was a duel Turo himself proposed.

Up until now, no one had interrupted our duel.

Nothing was more disgraceful than intervening in a mercenarys fight.

Perhaps knowing this, no one dared to come to Turos rescue.

As I lifted my fist again, Shifre questioned,

...Is this because of what they said to your wives?


She continued, Ill make sure it never happens again... Please, let Turo go. He might die if you continue.




With my next punch, Turos right horn broke off.



Following that, the left horn snapped.

His head was as hazy as a lumbering cow.

I turned my gaze back to the members of the Arak group.

Unlike before, fear was evident in their expressions.

Now, no mercenary dared to meet my eyes.

It seemed things were finally drawing to a close.


I let out a deep breath and rose from my position.

Sometimes, the power of a punch speaks louder than lineage.

If they didnt fear Blackwood, then make them fear something else.

I found this approach more straightforward.

From now on, every time the Arak members saw Turo, they would be reminded of me.

They would be able to discern the warnings I send.

Leaving Turo where he fell, I turned to the surrounding mercenaries.

Speaking to them, I said,

...The White Tail you all mocked today.

Some mercenaries flinched, even taking steps back.

It would be wise not to even glance at it in the future.

I slowly looked around,

I wont tolerate even the slightest disrespect from here on out... Remember that clearly.

Vice-Captain Berg!

At that moment, members of the Red Flames approached, parting the members of the Arak group.

The members of the Arak group opened a path for them.

As the path cleared easily, Baran wore a puzzled expression.

Soon, upon seeing Turo on the ground, he froze momentarily.


Like the members of the Arak group, he too was aghast.

If you act so impulsively...


...We should leave for now.

He tried to lead me away.

However, I shook my head.

I brushed off Barans hand.

...Its not over yet.

In order to spread the word that Ner was under my protection, more examples needed to be set.

I had the justification, and emotions still lingered.

Moreover, it was better to make a point decisively when making it at all.


Ner couldnt quite grasp how the situation had evolved.

However, it was clear that a massive commotion had unraveled around Berg.

As the rumors began to spread, the members of Red Flames started to buzz with energy.

It was hard to resist, given the tantalizing news that kept emerging.

Rumors that Berg had severely overpowered the vice-captain of the Arak group.

News that Berg had grievously wounded the vice-captain of the Dalsaseum group.

And even word that Berg was currently taking on the vice-captain of the Dragonian group.

All of this had transpired in just one night.

The human, a supposedly weaker race, was dominating all.

The rapid spread of these tales seemed to validate their truth, providing proof of their claims.

The uproar that persisted throughout the night kept the whole camp alive with chatter.

As dawn approached, it seemed no one had slept.


From the center of the Red Flames campsite, Ner stifled a sob and swallowed hard.

Her entire body tingled with the news reaching her ears.

He was seeking out every mercenary group that had tormented her, making them pay.

He was accomplishing things she never even dreamed possible.


Ner whispered to herself.

It was a question she had pondered many times, but never with this much urgency and curiosity.

Why was he doing so much for her? And how?

Ner touched her cheek.

Bergs warmth still lingered there.

Berg, who had fought with everyone upon learning she was slightly teased.

Logically, it was an unbalanced narrative.

She couldnt understand his thought process.

Was it even a sensible choice?

So far, she had given nothing in return to Berg.

There was no evident reason for him to love her.

Nor was there any reason for him to fight those vice-captains on her behalf.

Yet, Berg had stepped forward, initiating change.

Ner tightly shut her eyes.

Her fists involuntarily clenched.

Every time pain like todays emerged, she had to acknowledge the truth.

A realization that struck her each time tears streamed down her face.

...Berg was becoming more and more precious to her.

Just the thought of it seemed to bring tears to her eyes.

Even if she tried to push it away, it wouldnt work.

He was the first person who ever saw value in her tail, which had always been ridiculed.

The only person who stood up and fought for her.

Regardless of who the opponent was, he was someone who became a pillar of strength by her side.

The dawn wind blows.

With it, a distant clamor gradually grew louder.

Berg! Berg! Berg! Berg!

Vice-captain Berg! Truly, you are the vice-captain!

The sound came closer.

Ner felt the approach of the person she had been waiting for.

-Thump...Thump Thump Thump

Her heart fluttered.

Ner slowly opened her eyes.

There, approaching her line of sight, was Berg.

A man who, over time, had become so familiar, now drawing near.

The man who caressed her, told her she was beautiful, was walking towards her.


She lets out an involuntary gasp.

Instinctively, she felt it.

She should push him away now.

Perhaps this moment was her last chance.

Yet, as these thoughts rushed through her mind, the sun started to rise behind him.

A halo formed around Berg.

It became so bright that she couldnt look directly at him.

Ner closes her eyes against the sunlight.

She tried to calm her racing heart.


But knowing Berg was approaching, her heart rate only quickened.

With her eyes shut, Ner thought.



What should I do in a situation like this?


She asked a question to which she expected no answer.

...If someone ever tries to take my heart first...

-Thump...! Thump...! Thump...!

What should I do then?


But suddenly, the sound of Berg calling her name reached her ears.

Ners breath caught for a moment.

Unbelievably, Berg was already so close.

There was no way to warn her.

No moment to resist.

He effortlessly leaped over the barriers she had built.

Ner couldnt bring herself to look at Berg.

Just the thought of it made her heart race wildly.

But soon, a hand gently touched her chin.

That damp hand lifted her chin upward.

The scent of blood, and Bergs now all too familiar aroma, wafted toward her.

Ner hesitantly opened her eyes.

Berg, covered in blood.

Yet, contrasting his gruesome appearance, he bore a bright smile.


Ner let out a powerless moan.


A Human.

A Commoner.

The person she presumed would always be worlds apart was right there beside her.

Berg spoke.

It will still take time...

Tears spilled from Ners eyes at the sound of his voice.

But Ill be here to help...

These were different tears than she had shed all her life.

So take pride in yourself.

For the first time, she realized she could shed tears with such emotions.


In the end, she covered her face with both hands.

Unable to hold back the flowing tears any longer.

Berg gently stroked her head again.

With his touch, her heart raced wildly once more.

Berg said,

Ive told you many times, havent I? Your tail is beautiful.

He even embraced her darkest parts.


Inwardly, Ner moaned as she realized.

The ally she had longed for her entire life was right here with her.

The End of The Chapter

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