Incubus' Blood Harem

Chapter 182 3 Different Pictures

[What happened a few minutes ago before Medusa and Malcolm's arrival]

Medusa and Malcolm could feel the danger lurking around Kayden. But it took her a few minutes to grasp what was happening. She had a connection with Kayden with which Medusa could clearly feel what was happening around him. However due to the distance between Kayden and her it took her a bit longer to grasp.

The succubus was unsure how to respond to the situation. Coulter had already twisted her emotions and perspective with his talks. Now Medusa was unable to decide how to react to the situation. Because the revelation had made her confused regarding whether she should pay heed to his words or not.

However Medusa could not deny the fact that those killings might be due to Kayden. But there were a lot of things which remained a mystery. It was evident that she had to look into the things herself. That was why Medusa tried to establish a mental link with him, it was the time when Kayden was fighting with the mutant.

It was significant that he was in danger and informed her via the mental link. Medusa panicked when she came to know about Kayden, it was also the same time when she completely neglected whatever Coulter said. And his request was pushed behind and none of them paid heed to it.

Medusa immediately looked towards Coulter and then shifted her gaze to Malcolm. Coulter immediately grasped that something was definitely wrong with her. Thus he narrowed his eyes and made sure that they would hear him. How could he let his only daughter, the only precious and blood relation he had, to die just like that!?

"What happened? Why are you two worried?"

He looked at them and asked, there was utter worry over his face making both of them guilty. Medusa had to inform him after all his daughter was involved too. Thus it was evident that Coulter might help them in getting to Kayden because he would save Lydia at any cost.

Medusa looked at him with a worrisome gaze as she was taken aback by his concerned tone. She had never imagined him to behave like that for his daughter. Although the reaction was justified because they both knew Lydia was his blood related daughter. Thus Medusa did not want to keep him in the dark when he had all the rights to know.

"They are in some woods nearby and are being chased by some weird kind of monsters. Kayden and Lydia are separated and that is why we have to rush to help them. Now if you would aid us a bit then we can reach them faster."

Medusa deliberately pointed out towards his vehicles which were outside the villa. However she knew that Coulter would help them just for the sake of his daughter. Thus he threw the keys at Medusa, implying that he was not going with them. It irked her regarding why he was holding back himself at such a crucial time.

Nonetheless they both crept out of the lounge, and hurried towards the exit where Coulter had already instructed the guards not to stop them. It was obvious that they both would be mistaken for thieves and somebody would definitely stop them at the doorsteps.


[Back in the forest]

"Yes, Kayden. Your powers from incubus blood are based on emotional aspects, while the vampiric ones are related to the thirst for blood. However, how your blood affects everything is still unknown."

The succubus replied to his query, while she impatiently waited for Malcolm; she did not want to stir another verbal quarrel with any of them unknowingly.

The ash slipped from Kayden' fists just like the passing time, which was the prime moment to practise the command over his powers. He knew that he had to fasten up his practises and to find a guide. Kaydne kept the fight with the mutant for later, because for now he had to find out where Lydia was.

'Does this mean even the slightest fluctuation of my emotions, which incline towards pessimism will affect my powers?'

Kayden concluded and calmed himself, when appeared out of the bushes. Kayden did not let both of them sense anything suspicious. He did not want any of them to know what had been goingg on in his mind. Kayden wanted them to trust him. Not the other a

However Medusa just gazed at him with a slight nod, as appreciation to kill the mutant.

"We should get going now. This place isn't safe, there are mutants around and whatnot."

Malcolm warned whereas Kayden averted his gaze and pretended not to see him. Medusa agreed to the statement and lunged to slip her hand in Kayden's arm to convince him.

She chirped happily to lighten the atmosphere with her voice, since the incubus [being the opposite sex] were smitten by a succubus' voice.

"What kind of mutants? What are you talking about?"

They walked back the route indicating the burnt grass, all three of them trailed back to the main road.

The forest began to thicken gradually but they were still near the middle. Malcolm was alert with his hearing and smelling senses heightened.

"Are you really unaware how viscous your kind is? You guys have been experimenting on the powerless vampires, snatching the right of living from them!"

The servant incubus was fully aware of the insights about the city, however ironically Kayden lacked the information. And the precise allegation irked him, leaving a room to ponder upon things.

"Your statement is pure..."

Kayden wanted to object but a loud growl snagged their attention, as the bushes around them rustled a bit.

Medusa clenched Kayden's arm reflexively, not because the succubus was afraid; instead her protective instincts initiated the act.

The rustling sound gradually increased while the three of them prepared to fight, since their path ahead was blocked by the unseen predator.


Back in the villa, Coulter exited the house with his premise and was outside, when his new beta intervened. He seemed to be confused over the strategy of the head. Coulter was provided with a new team which he had to tackle now.

"Sir, what if they returned while we are gone? Should I plant my men around on watch?"

The new beta was concerned about their comeback. But his boss, Coulter, was persistent to leave without any further inquiry.

He shook his head and skimmed around with a keen gaze. Coulter was in the particular field for years and his experience never failed his judgement.


[Back in Jones' Place]

However inside Kayden's home, a bright white light appeared which took the shape of a woman.


The feminine voice resonated in the room and every source of artificial light burst.

The dead body of the old vampire shivered a bit and his soul emerged from the bleeding flesh.

"My dear!"

His celestial body floated towards the female and reached for her hand.

"I never thought I would find you in such a bad state."

The woman gazed upon the dead body, when Mr Jones held her face with both hands.

"It does not matter, my love. We did our best to save our son's life."

The queen succubus shed a tear which fell off her cheeks, but vanished halfway in the air before dropping on the ground.

Mr Jones pecked her forehead and embraced her celestial body into a hug. The visible satisfaction on the man's face was an indication of Kayden's safety for a while.

"Now it's our time to think about ourselves. It feels so surreal to be able to hold you in my arms."

The old vampire chuckled softly as the queen succubus kissed his hand.

"I have waited for you for so long. Let's go."

She slipped her arm into his and moved her other hand clockwise. A sparkling dust emerged and dissipated in the air, the Queen succubus smiled and tucked her head over Jones' shoulder.

"Yes, we still have time till we meet Kayden again."

Kayden's mother held Mr Jones' face and convinced him that they will see him soon.


[Back to the Coulter]

On the other hand Coulter had been trying to contact his higher ups. They required the report on any kind of progress on the case.

He was in the vehicle with the new beta and other members behind in another car. Coulter wanted to focus on the unusual signs occurring in the city, but he was not able to find the connection.

'It's evident that this Kayden kid will survive the forest. But I am concerned for my daughter. I do not know if Lydia will survive or not. But who was that man appearing in my vision?'

He had already gotten the pictures of Kayden from his academy, and it did not match with the boy he saw during the 'image casting' spell.

'It is confirmed that we have foreign entities roaming around us, but how many? And what is their connection with Kayden? There are signals of so many such entities not just Medusa and Malcolm.'

The vehicle passed through numerous tall building, while they were on the way to the headquarters. The beep in his vehicle indicated a trouble nearby, Coulter immediately instructed the driver.

"Take the route towards the west forest."

He was prepared to deal with the dangers ever since Coulter joined the squad. The burning of a visible part of the forest snagged the officer's attention.

However on the other side Kayden and his blood servants were trapped in the midst of the forest, with the mutants surrounding them.

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