Inferior Magic Swordsman: Using the Skill Board to Become the Strongest

Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter 1: Prologue

A water hole? The feeling of sinking under water was so sudden I didn’t have time to brace myself.

Tonight, Toru was dragging his exhausted body along the sidewalk when he suddenly lost touch of the ground, he was free-falling.

He is wondering if his waist had stopped working from over-fatigue. Wondering why there is no ground when he tries to strech his feet.

“Huh? Hmm!?” (Toru)

his legs are getting stiff but the feeling of falling doesn’t stop and the wind rushing towards me is pressing hard against my skin.

A few seconds after the alarming feeling of suddenly free-falling intensifies. He is no longer “just free-falling”,

Even though his eyes were wide-open, it was pitch black. Now he’s “free-falling in the pitch black darkness”.

Finally he fell through.

When he finally realize that his fall has concluded, his eyes were suddenly filled with a blinding flash of light.

His fall ended anti-climatically, after that long dark fall his butt felt like he just sat on the floor.

There was no sharp pain or any kind of pain for that matter.

“Eh, what…?” (Toru)

Toru, who couldn’t understand what is happening to himself started to look around.

There’s nothing around here, just vast emptiness.

There are no buildings, no houses, no roads, nothing at all.

The space was pure white.

“What is this here…?” (Stranger)

“Hmmm… Why is another human here?” (Stranger)

Suddenly he heard a voice from behind. Toru’s shoulders stiffened when he heard a voice behind him.

As he turns around, there, a lone figer was standing alone this vast white emptiness.

The figure was wearing a simple white dress.

Her hair is long and golden like it is made of rays of golden sunlight, though her hair may look otherworldly her features are strangely Japanese-like.

However, deep purple eyes are a color that cannot be found on any Japanese.

“Who are you?” (Stranger)

“Oh, you are a girl.” (Toru)

“eh?” (Stranger)

Toru was shocked at the person’s reaction. he thought that the beautiful preson inb front of him was a girl. While he was panicking, the person smiled,

“I’ can be either. My looks depends on the person seeing me. The person before you thought I was a man.” (Stranger)

“I can’t see you being a man at all…” (Toru)

“When you are done pondering. I am going to introduce myself. I am deity. Well you humans call me one anyway.”

Then suddenly the girl started eating potato chips. She’s eating and munching quite loud.

(…Where did that potato chip bag came from?)

She didn’t looked like she’s holding anything. It’s like a magic trick.

“So once again, I am God.” (Stranger/God)

“Eh, what?” (Toru)

Her words disheartened Toru.

He comes from a country that has low belief on gods, however this person is claiming to be one.

“You people from earth, especially Japanese share similar reactions, Don’t you believe I’m God?” (God?)

“Are you some sort of scammer?” (Toru)

“… apparently I have to re-educate the Japanese once.” (God?)

Suddenly her eyes are showing an unnerving glint in them.

“By the way, where is this place? While I was walking, the road suddenly vanished and I fell.” (Toru)

“Ding! Ding! Ding! That’s right. You fell. You fell because you walked towards a dimensional rift.”

“A dimensional rift?”

“Yes. The rift is an extremely rare phenomenon that randomly appears anywhere on earth. No matter how much we try to fix the laws of the universe, it doesn’t disappear. You fell from the rift and now you’re here. You are okay being here right?” (God?)

“…Uh, yeah. Well, yes.” (Toru)

Toru was under a state of disbelief.

But whether he believes it or not, it doesn’t matter. He found himself on a place beyond his ability to comprehend.

It might be a dream he thought, he pinched his cheeks but he only felt pain. He didn’t even feel like he’s waking up.

Also he fell but felt no pain. His landing felt quite soft considering the length and his speed while falling.

There is no other answer. But he still can’t believe it.

“Well it has been nice meeting you but I have a job tomorrow. I really need to get going.” (Toru)

“I can’t do that.” (God?)

“Why?” (Toru)

“If you wan’t to go back, It’s up there…” (God?)

The girl pointed up. There was a faint but extremely small black spot in the white ceiling.

He can’t quite grasp the distance my distance from that hole, but he thinks that if proceeding toward the black hole will be his solution in returning to where he came from.

But how to get reach that hole is unknown.

“–Can you fly in the air?” (God?)

“I can’t…” (Toru)

“Then give up!” (God?)

Flying is the only solution.

What a uselessly simple solution.

“No, no! I still have work. If I don’t get to work tomorrow I will never finish my work before the deadline. You claim you are God? If so, please return me to the original world with your godly powers. ” (Toru)

“I cannot bring you back…” (God?)

The woman said as he scrutinize Toru from head to toe, while munching on potato chips.

“I can’t do it because you are in that state.” (God?)

“……What do you mean?” (Toru)

“You’re just a soul.” (God?)

“Heh?” (Toru)

“Do you really believe that if a human body suddenly falls through a dimensional rift he will be alive once he comes out of it? The human body is a three-dimensional object. It would have been fine if it were two or four dimensional, but three… uh-uh.” (God?)

“Such…” (Toru)

“Well, don’t look like that. Anyway, the job that you have is a job that anyone else can do. If people can’t find you, it doesn’t really matter, someone will surely take over your job without any problem.”

“Ugh…” (Toru)

This self-proclaimed god says things that hits where it hurts the most.

Toru himself is very aware of that. However, when he was told face-to-face, made him more aware of the insignificance of his existence.

“So… what do I do now?” (Toru)

“Well now that you’re done whining, let’s move on.” (God)

As she claps her hands, the chip bag vanish and the emptiness suddenly changed.

The once white floor immediately started changing.

White, green, and blue patterns were slowly flowing on the floor, as if the entire floor became a huge monitor.

“You have two options. One is to die. You can go back to earth without any pain and no pain at all.” (God)

“Oh, so I can go back.” (Toru)

“No.” (God)

“Why did you even said that?!” (Toru)

“The second is…” she continued, ignoring the question from Toru. “Migrate to this planet”

A planet with splashed with white, green and blue hue was in the image.

Realizing that, Toru looked down at the planet.

“It’s difficult to bring a soul that has fallen from Earth, but it’s easy to bring it down on another planet. You don’t have a body right now, but I can put it in a good body.” (God)

“Is the body okay?” (Toru)

“Yes. It’s a body without a soul.” (God)

“Is it a corpse?” (Toru)

“You might call it as such.” (God)

“Ehhh…” (Toru)

“Hey don’t look at me like that okay! It’s hard to suddenly make a body out of nowhere. I can do it but it needs other resources, which can lead to bugs appearing in places unknown.” (God)

“Isn’t it possible to have a baby that isn’t born yet?” (Toru)

“In order to do that, you have to kick-off the baby’s soul. Even a baby has a soul you know. Do you want to transfer to steal the body of the baby and erase the baby’s soul?” (God)

“No, that is…”(Toru)

“And when you transfer to a baby, your mental age remains the same. Do you have a hobby of sucking a woman’s breast milk? If so, I can probably lend a hand—“(God)

“No, thanks!”(Toru)

If it is the only way the answer is a a clear “NO”.

Some may have such a “special hobby”, but Toru is different.

“That’s okay. You’re dead now-I’ll just send you a good body!” (God)

This guy is clearly sending me to a corpse.

Toru stared at the woman.

“By the way, I don’t know anything about the other world, can I survive there?”(Toru)

Language changes when the country changes.

There are rare people who communicate with body language without even using words. However, Toru is not that kind of person he needs to use language to communicate.

In addition, it is easy to imagine that the changes in life style are vast.

With Toru a person who grew up comfortably in Japan, a country which has the one of the best lifestyle on the planet, is thrown into other regions without prior knowledge. He does not have the confidence to be able to survive when it occurs.

“That planet is one of my domains. The people who have fallen into the rift of have all transferred to that planet with my help.” (God)

“You sent other people there too.” (Toru)

“Yes. If done right you can live a fulfilling second life. However…” (God)

“However?” (Toru)

“…Yeah. If you’re a careful, you’ll be able to have a fulfilling second life.” (God)

The woman suddenly changed the subject.

[What was she about to say…] (Toru)

Toru is feeling anxious, even if she said he would be safe.

“–About what you were about to say.” (Toru)

“You ready?” (God)

“I wonder how many people in that world die every day.” (Toru)

“…well.” (God)

It is said that 1-8 people die every second on the earth.

While they were talking like this, many people have already died.

The body that is most suitable for claiming will be “made soon”.

“Then I’ll give you this before I send you over there.” (God)

Saying that, the woman presented Toru with an A4 size transparent board. The moment I touched the plate that looked like an acrylic plate a flash of light appeared and the plate disappeared.

“Eh, what happened? Did it disappear?” (Toru)

“I’ve just handed you a skill board. I mean, you know, what a skill board is, right?” (God)

“A little” (Toru)

Toru nodded.

Toru, who likes games as much as any person, knows and has knowledge about what a skill board was.

Is a device or system that improves on a character’s/person’s potential.

“Why did it disappear?” (Toru)

“It’s tied to you’s soul. You can use it when you go to the other world. If you lived back on Earth, it would be useless.” (God)

“Eh? Is this something you can’t usually use?” (Toru)

“Yeah, you look like a serious person and you think before you act, right?” (God)

[Is it all right because I’m a serious person?] (Toru)

Toru tilts his head sideways in question.

If you’re not serious,will there be a penalty?

Toru put his hands behind his head and tried to remember what god said. Did the people who have been revived have serious personalities. Suddenly Toru felt cold sweat run through his back.

“Use it well and live long. I’ll send you there now.” (God)

“Wait a minute! I still have somethings to ask–” (Toru)

“It’s okay. This isn’t a farewell. If you meet the conditions, you can always see me. Well then, do your best.”

The girl smiled and held her hand towards me.

White light seem to be concentrated on the palm.

Then it covered the Toru’s sight in an instant.

“Do your–“

Before the end of her speech, Toru’s consciousness was cut off.

After sending the human to the other world, God exhaled slowly, “Fu”.

Although it is only a soul, it is difficult to intervene in that world. Still, it was God’s duty to send the souls that fell through the rift to a new path.

Duty… No, I’m looking forward to it.

“I don’t know how this human being will live his life.”

This time, God was secretly working on Toru’s the skill board.

The skill board is an auxiliary system used by living creatures on the the planet called “Eargard”, if used correctly, one can obtain cheat-like powers .

However, no one has been able to fully use it so far.

First of all, half of the people sent there cannot use skill boards.

The skill board cannot be used because using it requires experience from their previous world.

Equal trade.

God does not give power to indolent people.

Next, even if the skill board can be used, Most of them have not cleared the “requirements” for unlocking a skill.

There are both kinds of people; those who did not want to get it but can, and those who want but could not acquire.

How about the soul god just sent?

“Well, it’s okay for that child to use the skill board. After that, he will pick only neccesarry skills after careful deliberation.”

If he becomes aware of the essential skills, he will attain unprecedented power.

How will that person change when he has that amount of power?

Will he walk a proper life or stay towards insanity

God is now looking forward to that humans choices.

But there are more things that interest her.

It is something that is sent along with him on his skill board.

“Do your best okay.”

God took something out—it looked like a bag of potato chips—then God started eating again.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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