Inferior Magic Swordsman: Using the Skill Board to Become the Strongest

Chapter 4: Caterpillar?

Chapter 4: Caterpillar?

The creature that can be grasped by <intuition> is obviously different from human.

Toru began to prepare without any hesitation.

From the back of the cave. A huge thing crawled from the place where the light did not reach.

"It's too big for a regular caterpillar..." (Toru)

It looks like a caterpillar, but it was dozens of times the size.

If you don't like insects, you will be shocked.

"No way that all the insects in this world are huge... is it?"

The world in which giant spiders and centipedes are rampant, and this world sure is mysterious.

Toru can't help hoping that there is no such world.

The caterpillar, which had been moving until then, responded to the pool of bloodon the ground.

The blood shed by Toru's body (previously the original owner).

Crawling towards it and tasting the blood, then glanced at Toru.

"--!?" (Toru)

My spine froze.

Toru is back-stepping following his instincts.

The mouth of a caterpillar is beyond its the eyes and nose.

Then the mouth of the caterpillar cracked into three pieces, much like a chestnut in the harvest season.

Countless fangs can be seen behind the mouth.

If Toru was standing there, he would have had his second life finished prematurely.

Of course, Toru didn't actually have the power to avoid the opponent's attack.

He was only able to avoid the attack thanks to <intuition> and <thought trace>.

"I'm glad I have acquired my skills properly!" (Toru)

(If I met this guy before I acquired my skills...) (Toru)

Considering that, Toru's cold sweat trickled along his back.

The caterpillar positioned itself, again ready to attack.

But before being attacked by the caterpillar.

"Come on [Magic Sword]" (Toru)

Toru was amazed.

The [Magic Sword] that appeared is about 70 cm (2' 3") long. It was a single-edged long sword with a width of 5-10 cm (2"-4") and a slight warp.

The blade is black and there are red patterns in scattered along it.

Raising a jet black color that absorbs light, a murmur was heard inside the cave.

The sound comes from the caterpillar.

The body of the caterpillar, which was about to attack, was strong.


His body moves towards the gap in the caterpillars defense.

Toru moves his body using the <sword art> skill.

Toru's movements were so elegant that it seemed like he had always held a sword.

Toru cuts the caterpillar and escapes behind.

With a single contact, Toru was slashing the caterpillar three times.

Toru stopped himself.

With the faint sound, the body of the caterpillar was bisected and quartered.

At last, Toru relaxed and lost his tension as a squelching sound echoed behind him.

Looking back, the caterpillar is divided into four parts.


Inadvertently looking straight at the grotesque corpse, Toru glanced away immediately.

"This [magic sword] is amazing... I didn't feel any resistance."

Of course, thanks to the follow-up of <sword art> skills. Although I handled a sword for the first time, I was able to move without any discomfort.

Toru is an amateur when it comes to swordsmanship. Without skill, he couldn't wield a blade and would use the sword like a blunt weapon, or the sword would have missed.

Toru confirms the feeling by holding and opening his hand.

I've just transferred to another person's body, and I can't really grasp the feeling that this is my body. It felt like I was inside a dream.

"I thought this was a dream." (Toru)

It it was the truth, Toru didn't fall into the hole, and Toru just fell asleep due to overwork and fell asleep on the street. When he woke up, he was in Tokyo and was forced to finish work tomorrow until night...

He'll surely be back on the last train tomorrow, and if it's late not good enough, he will be staying at the company.

Most of the salary he got from his boss disappeared into his living expenses. Working like a slave, and wearing down his body and spirit.

"-I'm glad this is real!" (Toru)

Looking at hell in the sight of Japan that he recalled, Toru's life turned a 180.

Toru has no lover, wife or children. The only thing that kept me connected to the earth was work.

Once away from work, I realized that it wasn't the place I wanted to return to.


Clenching his fist, Toru nodded strongly.

I can't go back anymore.

Then he'll live here.

Once he decided to do so, the first step he has to do is familiarize himself with his new body.

The sound was coming from the back of the cave again--this time caterpillars were appearing in droves.

Toru swings the [Magic Sword] and tilts his mouth.

His back quivered and trembled with excitement.

"Well, let's have a little spar with you." (Toru)

Muttering, Toru dived into the large group of caterpillars.

With a big smile on his face.

How many caterpillars were there?

Toru calmed down his rough breathing, and sprawled on the ground, which was moist with the worm's body fluids.

I stopped counting after the number of subdued caterpillars exceeded 10.

From the back of the limestone cave, an unusual amount of caterpillars appeared.

If he was a weak person like when he was on earth, he would be out of breath and crushed by a group of caterpillars.

However, probably because this body is young, or because the body became lighter each time the caterpillar was cut, it was possible to easily repel the swarm of caterpillars.

"Hah...hah... I think I've become able to move to properly after a while?"

Gradually, I was able to master my body, which was not my own.

However, there are some discrepancies in recognition.

They are about the same height, but haven't got used to the differences in weight and limbs.

It is similar to when you enter a small room, it seems that you will always bump into things.

"...Speaking of which, there was a level in the status."

Recalling that information, Toru called the skill board.


○ Status

Thor Minaski

Level: 1 → 8

Race: Human - Occupation: Magic Swordsman

Rank: Ⅰ - Skill points: 0 → 70

There were 7 levels up. Is this the reason why my body is lighter than before?

Thanks to the level up, skill points were increasing.

"Will the skill point increase by 10 points per level?"

With this, there was a way of securing new skills.

However, raising the level of [Magic Sword] to 2 is extremely difficult. Anyway, each level is increased by 10 points. In order to earn 1000 points, you have to increase your level to 100 without spending any points.

I've killed a lot of caterpillars now and raised my level by 7. If I keep the same pace, I can reach level 100 by hunting 14 times as many caterpillars.

However, it seems impossible. The true value hard to be determined as the experience value required for leveling up gradually increases. It is unlikely that you can easily earn points.

"Really, what is level 100?"

Level 100 is the summit when on a game.

I didn't think it was realistic for Toru, as he aimed to reach the top without spending any other skill.

Unless the average level in this world is 100 and the level cap is actually higher, it will be a different story.

If so, Toru would curse the god that dropped him into such a harsh world.

"Is there another way to earn points?" (Toru)

I have no way of knowing.

Currently, Toru doesn't know anything about this world or skill boards.

"Okay" (Toru)

After calming down himself, Tooru stood up and looked up at the cliff.

It's a pity that I've come to this point and about to be starved to death.

I must leave the cave before getting hungry and stuck.

The closest exist is on the cliff.

However, the cliff is is about 10 meters (32 - 33 ft) high.

If you do not use this cliff, there is a possibility that there is another exit inside the cave.

When it comes to adventures, every boy gets excited.

However, Toru didn't feel like exploring the cave.

Even if you go to the back of the cave, you will be blocked by the caterpillars, and above all he is sensing a bad premonition.

Perhaps because Toru became more sensitive and <intuition> became more sensitive, Toru could feel the signs of danger.

There was no sense in ignoring a nearby exit and proceeding to the depths where there was strong sense of dread.

Toru turned turned towards the cliff.

The cliff surface is smooth and there is very few places to grab onto. It is a cliff that ordinary people cannot climb.

If he we slash here and there with [Magic Sword], he may be able to climb with the footholds as if he was rock climbing.

However, Toru dared to choose a different method.


He ran towards the cliff then kicked the face of the cliff, and jumped up.

Despite slowing on the way, he kicks against the cliff surface and accelerates again.

Reaching out he grabbed the edge of the cliff and lifted his body.

"Heave ho!"

Toru climbed the cliff swiftly, with a slightly screaming voice.

"I thought I could do it somehow, so I tried it, but I didn't exactly climbed..."

Toru was slightly suprised from physical abilities that cannot be considered normal on earth.

The benefits of leveling up were higher than how Toru imagined.

"But I suppose this might be normal in this world. Caterpillars were fine, but it might be dangerous if I encounter a ghost. Let's I have toughen up!"

Toru's back, standing at the entrance to the limestone cave, trembled.

It's like when I was a kid, when I was swinging a folded umbrella like a sword, or when I was wearing a jacket like a cloak and hanging it over my shoulder. Blood rushed through my body, as if I was posing in line with the heroes he's seen on TV.

--Beyond this, is a world you don't know is waiting to be explored.

What is there? What can I do?

What kind of future is waiting?

I can't stand waiting or standing by imagining.

Toru couldn't stand the excitement and a wide smile filled his face.

"Okay, I'll do my best!!"

With various expectations and hope, Toru took a step from the limestone cave to the outside world.?

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