Infinite Bloodcore

Chapter 12: Could It Be that I Am a Genius?

Zhen Jin did not know how long he had been unconscious when he woke up.

The birds were singing, soon after, a breeze brought the fresh scent of flora.

Zhen Jin stared blankly for a moment, but soon recovered.

The first thing he found was that the sharp pain that tortured him had disappeared, with only some faint aching sensations remaining.

He tried to raise his head, discovering that all the dizziness had completely vanished.

Afterwards, he realized his body was covered in blood stained bandages, with his waist having the most.

Zhen Jin tried to use his arm to raise his upper body.

His entire body was weak due to being starved for several days and his mouth and tongue were parched.


When he succeeded in sitting upright, he froze in shock.


He looked at his arms and hands.

Originally his bones had been shattered and his flesh mutilated by the bear. But now, they had unexpectedly recovered almost completely!

However, his arms seemed to appear abnormally red, as if they were boiling hot.

“Did Zi Di really succeed? Brilliant!”


Zhen Jin couldn’t help but be surprised.

If it were magic or sorcery


then there wouldn’t be a problem. But here, Zi Di couldn’t use magic. To achieve this with just a potion showed how great its power was.

“Don’t tell me my fiance is a master pharmacist?” Zhen Jin couldn’t help but guess.

He looked around but didn’t see Zi Di anywhere.

The teenager quickly discovered he was not within the depths of the cave anymore. This was not where he had fought the bear to the death, rather, it was near the cave’s mouth.

Here, the ore was sparse, the air was not burning hot, and one could hear the birds singing outside.

As the wind blew in and out and the birds sang, the tides of Zhen Jin’s heart surged up and down.


His gaze fell on the cave entrance, he saw many red and blue wildflowers blooming on the sides, one after the other.

Zhen Jin quietly watched as his eyes welled with tears!

After being on the edge of life and death for so long, he cherished this view of ordinary scenery.

As he looked at these unremarkable wildflowers, with their small and tender petals shaking in the wind, his body and soul pulsed.


This was the pulsation of life!

“I am still alive, I am still alive!” Zhen Jin couldn’t control his emotions, his joy seemed as vast as the ocean’s water covering the beaches.

However, after a while, Zhen Jin’s intense emotions slowly dissipated.

He once again became worried.

It was still dangerous here.

Zhen Jin didn’t forget about the many dead scaled leopards outside the cave. Their fresh bodies would attract many carnivores.

After so many days, Zhen Jin had completely seen how treacherous this island was and knew that he couldn’t underestimate it no matter what.

The youngster tried to stand up but failed.

Just sitting was his limit.

His whole body had gone soft, especially his waist. He felt that it was incomplete, and he had no strength in his legs.

“You're awake!” said a familiar voice.

Zi Di appeared from the cave mouth, her face full of disbelief.

Zhen Jin nodded to her and faintly smiled.

Zi Di eventually confirmed this and threw herself onto Zhen Jin’s chest, her mind surging with emotions.

Zhen Jin nearly collapsed as she fell into his arms.

He patted his fiance’s shoulder and said with a hoarse voice: “I heard you never gave up.”

“Yes!” Zi Di nodded and released Zhen Jin. Her unblinking violet eyes fixed on the teenager.


Two pairs, four eyes.


Zi Di excitedly spoke: “Lord Zhen Jin, you really are a true templar knight!”

In that moment, the teenage knight felt all of the young girl’s admiration and love. Nothing was hidden.

Zhen Jin forced a smile and shook his head: “Not really, I am still unable to use my battle qi.”

Zi Di positively spoke: “My Lord, surely you will remember!”

The girl’s faith in Zhen Jin was more abundant than his own.

“My lord, when you were unconscious, I cleaned up the battle and processed both the leopard and bear carcasses.”

“I made use of the bear’s blood to create a last minute potion. I also sprinkled the potion around the outside of the cave/near the cave mouth. Now the bear’s scent fills the wind which should ward off any other predators.

“In addition, I also explored all of the cave’s depths. There was only one path in the cave. My lord you made a wise decision!

Zhen Jin nodded again, and his worries vanished.

“My lord, how are you feeling right now?” Zi Di once again began to examine Zhen Jin’s wounds.

“I am feeling great, but my strength has not recovered.” Zhen Jin answered truthfully. He watched the busily working Zi Di, appreciating this girl even more.

The girl was only at the iron level and couldn’t even use magic, yet she had great skill in pharmacy.

It seemed that Zhen Jin risking his life to defend this girl had paid off generously.

Without this girl’s assistance, Zhen Jin feared he would have already died!


Besides appreciation, Zhen Jin’s heart rippled with another emotion.

Zi Di and Zhen Jin relationship was too close for an unmarried couple. Zhen Jin initially determined that both parties had ulterior and complex motives.


However, regardless of the details, the comradery formed from life and death experiences that both of them went through was not fake.

“My lord, your present situation has stabilized. The reason your strength is lacking is simply because of a lack of rest. As long as you have enough food and water for a few days, you should be able to walk normally again.” Zi Di issued a serious judgement after her examination.

“This was all thanks to your potion.” “Zhen Jin praised.

Zi Di shook her head: “The situation was dire, the potion I made was too simple and crude. To tell the truth, I didn’t know what would happen. I didn’t know all my efforts would result in this strange effect! Perhaps…”


Zi Di wanted to say something but hesitated, her flickering purple eyes gazing at the teeanger with curiosity.

Zhen Jin laughed: “What do you want to ask? Don’t worry.”

Zi Di then said immediately: “Senior, do you really have silver level cultivation and not gold?”

Zhen Jin muttered to himself: “Why are you so skeptical?”

Zi Di spoke: “My lord, perhaps the potion had such an effect. However I feel the possibility of this is low. I believe that it is more likely that you possess a powerful lifeforce, my lord!”

“Those at Silver level cultivation cannot possess this kind of lifeforce, only with a gold level lifeforce can such a phenomenon occur.


It seems you relied more on your innate healing ability to get past this challenge.”

“You believe my cultivation isn’t at the silver level but rather at gold?” Zhen Jin frowned.

He couldn’t help but look at his arm once more.

His arm was now nearly as good as before.

The teenager distinctly remembered that both of his arms had been severely maimed.

His waist was originally severely wounded as well. Yet, according to Zi Di’s observations, the wounds on his belly had already disappeared as new flesh grew back.

To be frank, this kind of cure is only slightly weaker than simply regrowing limbs.

“Is this truly all the potion’s doing?” Zhen Jin was also skeptical.

His heart suddenly jumped: ”Don’t tell me my talent is so unusually outstanding that I am not simply silver, but rather gold level cultivation! Could it be that I am a genius?”


“In that case, why did I hide my talents?”

“Could it be because someone wanted to strangle my growth, so I was forced to endure silently until now?

With his heart heavy with doubts, Zhen Jin found no answers and could only shake his head and force a smile.

He said to Zi Di: “Your guess might be true, but I am unable to answer you. It is because I have only remembered a few short memories, that is all.

It was quite unfortunate the youngster did not know the truth of his affairs.

Zi Di took some water out of her bag. Zhen Jin accepted it and drank it in small mouthfuls.

“My Lord, how do you feel after drinking?” The girl‘s face was nervous and concerned.

As Zhen Jin was savoring the water, he muttered to himself: “I am not feeling any pain, everything is as normal.”

As Zi Di heard that, she exhaled a bit: “That’s good, but I still need to observe you.”


Zhen Jin had only drunk a bit of water and hadn’t eaten anything.


Despite only quenching his thirst a bit, Zhen Jin knew what needed to be done.

Although he seemed to have recovered from his external wounds, he could not see the state of his internal injuries.

Zi Di couldn’t use her magic in this place and wasn't a doctor. Zhen Jin also couldn’t use his battle qi.

After drinking for a bit, Zhen Jin laid down to rest again and gradually relaxed.

Zi Di had attempted to scout to the ends of the cave and came to the conclusion--this cave was incredibly deep all thanks to the monkey bear. It had eaten its way into the mountain and gradually created this cave.

This extreme length of the cave was proof that the monkey bear spent a long time living here.

The monkey bear was a silver level beast and lived with great authority, capable of intimidating the surrounding predators.

Its previous victory over the leap of scaled leopards showed that no predator dared offend it.

These wild animals did not know that Zhen Jin had killed the bear.

Currently, it seems the environment was safe. This cave could serve as a temporary camp.

When Zhen Jin woke up, it was morning. At noon he drank some more water. He drank a little more this time.

Finally in the afternoon, he wanted to urinate.

However he was still limp and couldn’t stand.

“My lord, let me help you.” Zi Di had been watching Zhen Jin closely and was good at reading body language. She sensed the teenager was a bit embarrassed and understood why.

Zhen Jin was forced to lie down on the floor with Zi Di’s assistance and smoothly urinated.


“My lord, I am your fiance, there is no need to be embarrassed.” Despite Zi Di's words, her cheeks were flushed red, her hair was slightly curled up, and her entire head seemed to be steaming.


Zi Di not only put on Zhen Jin’s pants, but also carefully observed Zhen Jin’s urine.

“My lord, it seems that your injuries have recovered well. You can drink water at ease. However you need to be cautious when eating.“ Zi Di reported.

Zhen Jin nodded, and he felt a little joyful.

The human digestive system was as important as the urinary system. Zhen Jin would rather lose both his arms than have digestive and urinary problems/issues. Losing an arm was inconvenient, but having a breakdown of digestive and urinary functions would jeopardize one’s life.

Zhen Jin finally ate something when night fell.

The crude rations and the word “delicious” could not be associated with each other. But Zhen Jin was satisfied eating them and even felt blissful.

To tell the truth, the teenager was so hungry he could eat an entire cow.

But he restrained himself. Following how he drank water, he only ate a little the first time.


Upon waking up the next day, he felt a bit stronger and could stand up a bit. However, he was still unable to walk.

There was no dizziness, only a lack of strength.

He had an illusion that his arms were too heavy and unbearable.

The youngster didn’t force himself. Wisdom and patience were a part of a templar knight’s moral code.

He ate a little in the morning and ate even more at noon.

Finally, at night, he succeeded in defecating.

Although Zi Di wanted to help, Zhen Jin insisted on doing it himself.

After Zi Di observed Zhen Jin’s excrement she happily said: “My lord, your body is great. It is actually astounding. This kind of body essence is absolutely not at the silver level.

Zi Di gazed at Zhen Jin, her purple eyes burning bright.<br data-text="true">

Author Note

(Good news everyone: The Gu jie Heitian Group has been unblocked, and it has nearly 3,000 people. It is suitable for discussing "Daoist Gu". The official group for Unlimited Bloodstone has also been unblocked. The group number is 676199473. In order to discuss the new book " Unlimited Bloodstone'', the group has been upgraded by thousands of people, and it can now be added to the public. If you are interested, you can add it. The official deacon group of Unlimited Bloodstone is for genuine readers. There are certain conditions for joining. The current official group of these two new books.)

(This Saturday at about 8 pm, there will be a QQ group bubbling event, then bubbling in the unofficial group, and then will quit the unofficial group. The event mainly answers the questions of the new book, listens to the reading experience of friends, and actively absorbs. Among the suggestions. Sorry, there are too many groups, and the personal energy is too limited. In the future, it will be in the official group activities, and the groups established by reader friends can be linked. As for the linkage system, it is currently being discussed with the administrators.)

(I know the big guy’s hope for Daoist Gu, but please try not to involve the two books together. Because it will affect everyone’s reading experience. The two books are different, and the new protagonist will have new ones. The weather is the same. I am full of creativity. I actually regret telling you a slightly cold-blooded style. Many people are affected by this sentence, which reduces the reading experience.)

(The new book should be viewed with a new perspective. The meaning of this sentence is to invite everyone to put aside the influence of "Daoist Gu" and devote themselves wholeheartedly to a new story. At the same time, I also hope that everyone will try to put aside some web texts. Reading habits. The vast majority of web articles are fast songs, and this book is a slow song. The two are different and wonderful. Slow songs require time, patience, calmness, and aftertaste.)

(This is a little piece of advice for everyone to read. This book will be written for 2-3 years, and let time verify it all.)


The Q&A in question was actually translated by Skyfarrow. You can read it


. Be warned the Q&A contains minor spoilers up to Book 6 of RI so read at your own risk.

This chapter contained a shit ton of dialogue and a splattering of pre-pubescent drama. Although if we are being honest, Zi Di is already more useful than the majority of “jade beauties” often seen in Xianxia and other web novels. One of the key aspects of the Chinese web novel scene is that its stories are fast paced and frankly rushed. Readers want instant gratification, faceslapping, and wish fulfillment. Due to how web novels work, authors need to grab the attention of readers fast or risk falling into obscurity. Reverend Insanity broke from that mold by constantly worldbuilding and spent time on other things that helped evolve the story beyond just a typical Xianxia. Sure we all complain about it (cough book 3 and 4) but it makes the payoff at the end even better when everything connects. You may not realize it, but going back to translate this has made me aware of a lot of foreshadowing I missed in the mtl.

Master Sweeping Monk: “Fear my ten thousand brooms sweeping the heavens!”

Deus’ Notes

well … waiting for him to get his qi back. Awkward af to urinate like that. GG

Translation Notes

  1. (口干舌燥: dry mouth and tongue (idiom)) (this sentence tho)

  2. (神乎其技: (idiom) brilliant)

  3. (魔法: magic 神术: need confirmation on whether this is sorcery. I wonder if magic and sorcery are not the same thing in this novel. It really depends on the author tbh)

  4. (悸动: so this means throb or pound but it doesn’t really translate well into english. I guess I’ll use pulse)

  5. (lol this statement by the author, is he trying to tell us something) [obviously the esteemed one is pointing us into the direction of friends with benefits]

  6. ” (气象: atmosphere/scene/meteorological scene. There has to be a better translation for this.) (so i suppose this translates into a visible phenomenon, typically related to the weather i think)

  7. (roll credits, ding)

  8. (Is that word padding I see? Could of put the small bit description in the first sentence instead of adding another one) [I feel like this sentence can just be deleted tbh] (author is adding water lol)

  9. (Friendly reminder that Zhen Jin is 16 while Zi Di is 15)

Editor Notes

  1. [Not sure what to think of the Bang/Dong… maybe deus will have some insights “it was as if something went off inside his head” is the best I can think of after some thought] (i don't see any form of onomatopoeia in the raw text so idk why its. there its more of a shock)

  2. (heart is synonymous with emotions and mood, so this means that his emotions and mood is fluctuating. Most likely to his surprises after waking up)

  3. (just realised that her name means purple is because of her eyes) (needle gold - needle for his rapier technique and gold for his blond hair)

  4. [This sounds like the start to some ecchi scene.]

  5. [Good good! Now he can analyze the usefulness of other people and let them die if they’re useless like a good MC]

  6. [Damn, this woman is dangerous. I’m waiting for the day for her to make an aphrodisiac by ‘accident.’ Fits the ulterior motives side of things.]

  7. (i used observe bc this is like what doctors and nurses say to a injured patient so as to find any remnant effects or injuries

  8. [Not sure about the ‘hair was slightly tensed up? Deus?] (idk about you guys but in most manga and manhwa, when a girl is embarrassed/ flushed, 1 their face is red and 2 their hair goes spikey/ pointing upwards. That's all I got to say. Might want to add this as a note if anyone is confused)

  9. (The wording is confusing but what it's trying to say is that he is only eating a small amount so that he can test whether he can digest properly. If he ate too much and he had internal injuries which cause digestive problems it would be bad.)

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