Infinite Mana In The Oasis

Chapter 224 Confronting Gian

Aleph had remained quiet for the most part during these six months.

He only spoke a few times to guide Eren on his path. After implementing his advice, the battlemage was able to observe its usefulness. He had to say that Aleph knew him and the things he could do like the back of his hand.

Aleph was also the one who told Eren that he shouldn't rush through his breakthrough into the Rank-2. He told Eren to get his basics right so that he could make maximum use of his breakthrough-induced epiphany.

As such, Eren started focusing more on other aspects of being a ranker. He started collecting resources related to various elemental attainments.

Eren had spent a huge chunk of his newfound wealth collecting runic steles belonging to lightning, fire, water, and wind. The runic steles were rare resources created by high-ranking entities to help the lower-ranked juniors. These steles had runes etched over them that contained the elemental comprehensions of the higher-ranked entities.

It was not to say that the runic steles would allow the rankers to grant the same elemental attainment as the high-ranked entities who created the runic steles. But studying these steles methodically would allow the rankers to see their own shortcomings, allowing them to sharpen their elemental comprehensions.

Eren achieved tremendous progress in the way of lightning, fire, water, and wind. He left behind most prodigies of his generation using these runic Steeles and complementing them with the experiences he had gained so far.

Eren kept on working hard in his martial arts as well. He kept on sweating it out in the gym made for rankers. He made use of progressive overload and altered gravity to push himself further than traditional limits. He was accompanied by Reece and others in his endeavors as well. They also received significant benefits from sticking to the routine.

Eren started experimenting with various weapons. Easter Eggs related to the weapon arts had already been absorbed by him. After practicing every day, he made those absorbed memories and weapon comprehensions his own.

After sharpening himself for six months straight, Eren felt that he was ready to take on Gian. He had decided to take the fight to him instead of waiting for the guy's ambush to arrive.

He had his moles ready. All he needed to do was to cast a net.


A man who looked to be in his late 30s was looking at the scene of the battle unfolding below him. He was standing at the edge of a cliff. The valley that was surrounded by the small hills was right below the cliff.

This man had black hair. His beard was well-groomed. He had dark blue eyes and long ears that didn't quite look human. He had a medium stature and build, making him relatively unnoticeable when it came to his appearances.

Gian was wearing a knee-length tunic and golden sleeveless armor over it. He wore a thick jacket over it that made him look bulkier than he was. He was wearing leg and arm guards. There was a leather pouch attached to his waist using a brown belt.

It was sufficient to say that Gian wouldn't win an award for best-looking ranker within the Spiders because of his attire. However, this man had entered an Awakened rank using his attainments over two elements. That's right. He was a dual-element wielder.

"Gian, we have mostly killed all of the demonic rankers and looted their hideout. We also recruited some of the demonic rankers for the House of Spiders and made them sign binding contracts.

What remains now are just some minor nuisances that are still putting up a front. I think our job's done here."

A young woman appeared behind Gian as he was looking at the battle unfolding. Her name was Yeti. She had off-white hair and amber eyes. There were some tribe strip tattoos around both her eyes.

Yeti always carried a cold look on her face. But somehow that made her look cute instead.

Yeti was wearing brown leather pants and brown sleeveless armor that looked like a fancy sleeveless bodice. She was carrying a small sword over her back. There was a small dual-faced ax attached to her waist using her brown belt. Plus, she was carrying a silver-like thin sword that was attached to the other side of her waist using the same belt.

Yeti was wearing an armed guard over her right arm. She had a wolf's tattoo over her petite left arm. She had a slightly short stature and a thin figure. Her feminine features were yet to become obvious over the gear she was wearing. As a result, she looked more like an early teen even when she was reaching her 30s.

Despite her cold but cute looks, nobody dared to underestimate Yeti. She presented him with a detailed report of the missions assigned to them by the kingdom.

The kingdom kept assigning more and more purging missions of demonic rankers to the House of Spiders. It was clear that the administration wanted the Spiders' number to plummet by making them fight things out with these wretched rankers.

However, House of Spiders wasn't one to go down without a fight. It used the kingdom's dirty play as an opportunity to increase its numbers. The more the hideout purging missions were assigned to Spiders, the more their numbers would increase.

Gian listened to Yeti with keen interest before commenting.

"That's good. The House of Spiders is fighting a losing fight. But we should do everything we can. At least till we are onboard. If these demonic rankers can make the organization that created me float for a few more days, so be it."

Gian watched as his party members killed the last few demonic rankers one by one who refused to sign a binding contract with the Spiders. He narrowed his eyes before asking the Yeti.

"Any news related to Eren Idril? My hands are itching to kill the bastard. I have to do this for my brother as well as for me. Otherwise, my good-for-nothing brother would keep haunting my dreams."

Gian said and clenched his fists. It was clear that the guy loved his younger brother even when he would curse him all the time. The cursing continued even after his death.

Yeti pursed her lips before responding to Gian's question.

"The guy has become a hermit in the last few months. He doesn't venture outside the city of Ludan. And whenever he does, it's always in the dark without anyone knowing where he went.

The only time he is willing to show himself is when he joins a large party. The ambushes of other Spiders' teams have failed to kill him so far. There's a possibility that he might be getting tipped by one of the demonic rankers the Spiders are hiring en masse using means we don't know."

Yeti had kept tabs on information related to Eren under Gian's orders. She was the vice-captain of his team and had just entered the Awakened rank. Just like Gian, she was also an experienced ranker in House of Spiders.

Gian raised his eyebrows when he heard of Yeti's assumption. It wasn't like he had been sitting doing nothing. He had been personally trying to hunt Eren all by himself in the beginning. But somehow Eren managed to keep his distance from him, forcing him to involve his party in his personal vendetta.

"Does he have any weaknesses? Something we can use to flush him out of the safe zone?"

Gian asked in a curious voice. Yeti shook her head in denial before responding.

"Not that we know of. He is completely dedicated to his path as a ranker and has never seen himself indulging in vices. He has maintained a personal space around him despite getting acquainted with various teams within his guild.

The connections he has with the rankers don't seem potent enough for us to force him into doing anything he doesn't want. Plus, the Spiders are not ready to invest more resources in targeting a single young man who is not an immediate threat to the guild."

Gian felt helpless in exacting his revenge against Eren. he then thought of targeting another ranker in his list that he assumed to be a part of the reason why his brother died.

"What about Lagartha? I heard she has only signed a co-op contract with the Spiders after her breakthrough into Awakened rank. Makes you suspicious of her intentions, right?"

Gian's eyes shone with a cruel light when he thought of Lagartha. The wood-element ranker's behavior after the incident convinced him that she had either abandoned her brother and his entire team. Or, she cooperated with Eren and Mia to make them spare her life.

"Were you looking for me?"

Yeti froze in her steps when someone appeared beside him. Gian too was stunned for a moment before turning back and facing the origin of the new voice.

A young and bodacious ranker was standing beside Yeti. She had lush green hair and an eye-catching face. Her eyes sparkled with life and her figure made her one of the role models for feminine perfection.

Lagartha had appeared at the scene unannounced.

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