Infinite Mana In The Oasis

Chapter 260 Forming Spirit Contract With Tiamat

Spirit Contract!

Eren stood on the precipice of establishing a profound bond with Tiamat.

A Spirit Contract would grant him unparalleled control over the wyvern, shaping its actions with his very will. Through this ancient and sacred soul-linking contract, they would share fragments of their essence, forging a symbiotic relationship.

This was the purpose that had drawn Eren to the hallowed grounds of the Hexers—his quest to claim the reward for conquering the arduous bonus stage of the test, culminating in this pivotal moment.

A profound sensation stirred within Eren as if unseen tendrils reached deep into his being, gently brushing against the core of his essence. He surmised that it was the effect of the intricate array, its purpose to establish a connection with his very soul. Following Kino's guidance, he willingly lowered his defenses, allowing the ethereal runic tendrils to intertwine with his essence.

Kino, her movements imbued with grace and purpose, began to weave her mastery over the ancient runic array. Observing the stable vital signs of both Eren and Tiamat, she beckoned Eren to contribute a drop of his own blood to the array's center, which shimmered with vibrant crimson radiance. Complying with her instructions, Eren produced a small gash on his finger with his trusty ax, releasing a crimson droplet that fell precisely within the array's focal point.

"Eren, now I need you to obtain a drop of blood from Tiamat. Only with his willing consent and the offering of his blood can we proceed further with the contract," Kino stated solemnly, her unwavering gaze fixed upon Eren. Raising his eyebrows, Eren glanced between Kino and Tiamat, a sense of tension coursing through his veins as he contemplated drawing blood from the magnificent wyvern.

Kino reassured him, emphasizing that since he had already emerged victorious over Tiamat, the beast would not resist this necessary step. Steeling himself, Eren swallowed his unease and began approaching the formidable creature, the encompassing presence of the Array Eye trailing alongside him, ensuring his containment within its protective perimeter.

Eren hoped that Tiamat possessed the intelligence to comprehend the nature of the process, understanding that his act of inflicting a potential wound was not an act of aggression.


As Eren neared, Tiamat emitted a low, cautionary growl, his reptilian gaze fixed warily upon the human interloper. However, the wyvern remained motionless, maintaining its resting pose. Kino, her expression filled with anticipation, observed the interaction between the two with bated breath.

Eren stood in the towering shadow of Tiamat's draconic form, appearing diminutive in comparison. This contrast was accentuated by the knowledge that Tiamat, though still a youngling and smaller for a wyvern, possessed a formidable stature.

With unwavering control over the Spirit Contract Array, Kino exercised patience, recognizing the significance of this pivotal moment. She understood the importance of allowing Eren the necessary time to forge a connection with Tiamat. Rushing this delicate process would risk malfunctioning the Array and inflicting harm upon both Eren and Tiamat's souls.

'Hm? Oh… wait, Eren!'

A momentous pause gripped Eren's actions, abruptly halting the swing of his ax as a warning resounded within his mind. It was a mysterious and timeless voice, simultaneously youthful and ancient, emanating from the depths of his being, devoid of any tangible presence.

Recognizing the voice, Eren called out to it. 'Aleph!' The ethereal entity known as Aleph resided within Eren's soul as a mere Soul Imprint, a fragment of enigmatic origin etched upon the canvas of his soul. With no time for idle conversation, Eren pressed for an explanation behind Aleph's intervention.

Aleph had stirred from his dormant slumber due to the intrusive influence of the Spirit Contract Array upon Eren's soul. As a mere Soul Imprint, Aleph's voice initially carried a groggy quality, akin to one waking from a deep slumber. Clearing his incorporeal throat, he proceeded to provide an account for his interference.

"I stopped you for a reason. To establish this Spirit Contract, you must first cast away your fears before drawing blood from the beast. This array operates on intent-driven magic, where every layer of emotion holds significance. A wyvern will never truly acknowledge someone who succumbs to intimidation in its presence.

Even if the creature consents to be bound temporarily, the resulting Spirit Contract will be pale and diminished compared to its intended form. Trust me that is not what you desire," Aleph cautioned, compelling Eren to halt his intended strike toward the beast's tail.

Aleph elucidated that for a wyvern to ascend to its true form as a dragon, it must refine its blood to its primordial essence through rank advancements. Which most wyverns were capable of. Such majestic creatures were intrinsically linked to dragonkind and would only acknowledge an individual who saw themselves as an equal—neither above nor beneath them.

After careful consideration, Eren chose to heed Aleph's counsel. Closing his eyes, he stood in tranquil stillness, allowing his ax to fall from his grasp and settle upon the ground. Engaging in the Soul Strengthening Technique, Eren started to soothe his soul and stabilize his emotions. This technique, bestowed upon him by Kino to counteract the ill effects of utilizing the Hex gear, was a soul-focused practice. It was being used by him at this critical juncture.

Observing Eren's actions, Kino swiftly comprehended his intent, perceiving the spiritual pulses emanating from him as he engaged in the Technique. She approved of his decision, silently commending him for adopting a deliberate and measured approach.

"Seek and ye shall find," Eren murmured, placing his right hand upon his heart and attuning himself to the rhythmic cadence of his own heartbeat.

The Soul Strengthening Technique served not only to augment his spiritual power but also to expedite the awakening of his dormant Soul Sense, a potential within him that Kino had previously mentioned. Initially, Eren had pursued the technique solely to harness the Hex gear without adverse consequences, a goal he had already achieved. However, as he delved deeper into its practice, he began to realize the multifaceted benefits it held.

As Eren opened his eyes, the spiritual tremors of trepidation that had once plagued him in Tiamat's presence vanished. With an unwavering gaze, he met the wyvern's eyes devoid of fear. Retrieving his ax from where it had fallen by the hilt, Eren addressed Tiamat with casual nonchalance. "This might sting a bit, so brace yourself," he calmly warned before swiftly swinging his ax toward the wyvern's tail.



AN: Soul Strengthening Technique was mentioned in chapter 208.

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