Infinite Mana In The Oasis

Chapter 268 Evokers, Elementalists, Body Cultivators, And Soulweavers

A vast world full of new challenges.

Eren was glad to know these details from Kino before he started his long and arduous journey.

Considering his decision to venture beyond the Shaikai kingdom and explore Gilaahan for new opportunities, Eren realized the importance of understanding these aspects. The Shaikai kingdom he was currently in lacked such diversity, leaving him unfamiliar with the various Paths to Power available in Gilaahan.

However, he knew that he would soon encounter these forces once he crossed the kingdom's borders, making it crucial to learn from Kino before experiencing these differences firsthand.

Kino gladly shared further insights into the Elementalists, elucidating that they possessed a unique approach to harnessing mana. These individuals distinctively employed elemental spirits or artifacts, enabling them to transform their very bodies into vessels for the elements.

Mastery of their dedicated elements empowered Elementalists to manifest their elemental powers through natural phenomena, evoking their abilities effortlessly through the sheer power of thought instead of conventional spell casting.

Their capabilities transcended conventional Rankers' Path, granting them the freedom to unleash their elemental might without the usual rigid constraints. Notably, Elementalists excelled in area-of-effect (AoE) attacks, surpassing the mage class of Rankers in this regard.

The panorama of mana-harnessing entities in Gilaahan extended beyond Elementalists.

Kino further enlightened Eren about Body Augmenters, a group that diverged from outward magic, instead focusing on honing their physical forms through the manipulation of mana. These practitioners dedicated themselves to refining their bodies using the body-strengthening arts.

Additionally, there were Soulweavers, individuals who solely concentrated on spirit-based attacks. They specialized in casting spells derived from their spiritual force. Some of them could utilize their awakened Soul Sense to overpower adversaries through the sheer force of their thoughts.

As the Last Spider delved deeper into the multifaceted nature of Gilaahan's inhabitants, his anticipation for exploring this diverse world grew exponentially, brimming with excitement at the multitude of wonders awaiting his discovery.

Kino recognized Eren's overwhelmed state as she bombarded him with a wealth of information about the diverse Paths to Power in Gilaahan. Understanding that Eren was new to this world and eager to learn, she allowed him some time to process the knowledge she had shared.

Aware that her explanation had only scratched the surface, Kino reassured Eren that the Paths to Power she mentioned were just a glimpse of the many possibilities within Gilaahan. She emphasized that no path was inherently superior or inferior to others, each having its own strengths and weaknesses.

Kino advised Eren to remain patient when facing opponents who followed different paths, observing their flaws and exploiting them while minimizing his own weaknesses. She reminded him of the significance of the Hex gear he carried, which would prove invaluable in critical situations. Encouraging him to practice both traditional spells and Hex magic, she imparted her final words as Eren prepared to leave the Hexers' Ground through the grand runic stone door.

Kino chuckled as she looked at Eren, acknowledging the paradoxical situation they found themselves in. "Hex magic and Hex gear were specifically crafted to combat demonic forces," she said. "And yet, here I am, guiding someone who likely carries a powerful demon's soul fragment within them. This is why I said that your existence truly is an enigma, Eren. By all accounts, you should be at odds with Hexers due to the demon residing within you."

She paused for a moment, reflecting on the changing nature of Hexers and their diminished presence in Gilaahan. "But things have changed," Kino continued. "The Hexers' Creeds have almost faded away, leaving a void in Gilaahan. Despite the chaos and turmoil that plagues this world, it somehow manages to thrive. It's as if the very essence of constant upheaval is driving its progress."

Taking a deep breath, Kino delved into her own contemplations before sharing her insights with Eren. "Demonic and divine forces can be rather ambiguous at times," she admitted. "That's why I won't advise you to pick a side. Instead, focus on doing what's best for yourself and strive to spread positivity along your journey.

My Master Illvar taught me not to judge others based on their demonic or divine inclinations but rather to assess them based on their actions and character. That's the approach I'm taking with you, Eren. So far, you've given me no reason to withhold my help."

Eren smiled warmly at Kino, expressing his gratitude before acknowledging their future meeting. Kino, in turn, shared her plans to depart from the Hexers' Ground in a few days to embark on her own quest in search of her master. With Eren having successfully claimed Master Illvar's Legacy, Kino's role as the homunculus was fulfilled, and she now had the freedom to pursue her own endeavors.

During her remaining time at the site, Kino intended to set up automated runic arrays for future challenges, allowing them to undertake tests and claim regular rewards and scattered Hexer artifacts. She explained to Eren that her purpose was to serve as the caretaker of the site until she discovered a worthy successor to her master's legacy in Gilaahan. With that accomplished, she was at liberty to choose her own path, including the option of looking after Master Illvar if she so desired.

Eren was surprised to learn of Kino's imminent journey, and he expressed his desire for her to accompany him, recognizing the strength she could bring as an ally. However, Kino explained that there were tasks she needed to complete before considering such a partnership. Instead, she handed him an array disk, informing him that if their paths were to cross again by chance in the future, the disk would serve as a means of communication between them.

Taking the array disk gratefully, Eren bid farewell to Kino as he prepared to leave the Hexers' Ground for good. Stepping out into the world, he felt a renewed sense of purpose and a fresh perspective on the journey that lay ahead, embracing the possibilities that awaited him.

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