INFINITE MONEY - I Will Buy Everything

Chapter 2 - 02 - Second Chance

Chapter 2: Chapter 02 - Second Chance

I am rewriting the chapters. So please stick with for at least 30 chapters before you start leaving.

Don't leave.

Please don't you leave me too.


[ William POV ]


Pure Warming Light

After the harrowing experience I'd just endured, warmth spread through me, as it soothed my nerves. The cold, trembling sensation yielded to a comforting warmth that I recalled feeling only in my mother's embrace during in childhood whenever I had nightmares. As There she was, as always, my head cradled in her lap, her hand gently stroking my hair, her eyes brimming with unwavering love.

Eventually, I took a deep breath and opened my eyes, bewildered by what I saw before me.

Stretching out endlessly was a realm of pure white, resembling a temple. It stood small and pristine with no doors or walls, just a roof supported by six columns on each side.

Seated in a reassuring wooden chair, facing a small glass table extending to my feet, I was greeted unexpectedly from my side.


To my surprise, there he stood. Towering at perhaps 6.9 or 7.2 feet, his face an unfathomable void radiating a golden-yellow light from its depths. His flowing white hair cascaded down to his waist, his beard equally as white and ample, draped in a magnificent white cloth of an indeterminate, exquisite quality. In his left hand, a tall, dark grey wooden staff stood out against his otherwise white attire.

Though unnoticed before, now I was certain he had always been present - or perhaps always would be.

Yet, I couldn't comprehend his initial words, perhaps the least expected from someone - or something like him.

Attempting my first words since arriving here, I stammered, "I-I... What..."

Raising his left hand to silence me, he pointed towards a cup of tea on the glass table and offering in a grandfatherly tone, "Have some tea. It will help calm your mind."

On the table sat a glass cup filled with green tea, its ash-white steam previously unnoticed rising gently. Lifting it with my left hand, I sensed no warmth from the cup itself, yet the steam suggested otherwise.

Bringing it close, I sipped and sighed, feeling my body relax into the chair, assuming a comfortable posture on its own. My mind shed its earlier worries and confusion, replaced by a tranquil calm.

The tea was hot but not scalding, nor lukewarm. It was just right—perfectly warm—and its taste, unlike typical green tea, reminded me more of lemon tea, my preferred choice.

As I straightened up, cradling the glass cup close to my face, now truly at ease, I asked, "So, am I dead... like truly dead?"

A slight nod from his inscrutable visage. "Yes."

His confirmation elicited an even deeper sigh from me, as my thoughts echoing de-spiritedly,

'And I couldn't even get myself laid despite so many chances.'

"That's something you can still change... if you wish that is."

His interruption snapped me out of thoughts, as confusion washed over me as I inquired him, "What do you mean, and... who exactly are you?"

"I am what your kind calls GOD, and what you find yourself is my realm. And I meant that you can still engage in 'carnal interaction.' But before we delve into that, you have two choices that will define your existence from here on."

Perplexed, I asked further while taking another sip of tea, "What choices?"

Raising his left hand, he displayed a glassy orb in his palm, which was divided into two halves. One blazed fiery red, echoing with agonized cries and screams of pain; the other depicted serene green vistas, filled with children's laughter and adults engaged in joyous activities, exuding boundless happiness.

"Your first option is the Trial of Life's Judgment. Through this trial, your past deeds—both good and bad—will be reviewed. Based on this, I will pass judgment, determining whether you will spend eternity in Heaven or Hell. But I urge you not to choose this trial."

Despite his caution, I asked, feeling the underlying fear, "W-What's wrong with the first choice?"

Leaning closer, his voice heavy, he responded, "You already know what I mean." Then, reclining back and resuming his earlier tone, "You deceived many women with your tricks, even targeting those enduring marital strife. Yet the gravest was deceiving your friends."

Guilt washed over me, my eyes cast downwards.

"Though they may not have considered you a friend, they unquestionably saw you as theirs, despite their parents' warnings."

My friends—lacking in many aspects always listened to me but they never even reproached me for attempting to deceive their girlfriends (though my attempts failed). They continued to trust me, offering help whenever I asked, even lending money for matters I can't divulge without being in shame—bribing teachers, subscribing to numerous YourMyFans, purchasing countless books that tells you how to get girlfriend with deception and many more.

Finally, all the guilt surfaced as tears started welling in my eyes.

"Let us leave the past behind and focus on your second choice - the one I believe that you will favor much more."

Intrigued I asked him, "What is the second choice?"

Raising his right hand, he revealed the staff's head which was an alluring red orb. "The Realm of Reincarnation, where you will be reborn in a different world, granted one ability of your choosing. But for you In fact, I will grant you two."

"Why offer me two abilities when I should be judged for many bad thingsI had done on so many... deceptions ?"

"Despite your misdeeds, even the most reprehensible ones deserve a chance at redemption. I'll grant you two, save for one - consider it repayment for the times you actually aided those truly in need."

Placing the glass cup on the table, tears streaming with gratitude for this second chance, I thanked him earnestly. "Thank you, thank you so much."

He chuckled heartily, his voice filled with joy. "It's alright, my son. Now, wipe those tears and tell me - what abilities do you desire?"

Wiping my tears away, filled with anticipation, I sheepishly asked him, "Can I request any ability?"

"Certainly, ask away. But choose wisely—you only get two."

Rubbing my hands together eagerly, I asked, "I wish for the ability to generate Infinite wealth in any world that I enter."

God paused briefly before responding, "Well... Shit."

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