INFINITE MONEY - I Will Buy Everything

Chapter 20 - 20 - Cockamouse

Chapter 20: Chapter 20 - Cockamouse

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In the desolate like white office of the hotel's manager.

William sat in the chair looking at the vampire look-alike of a manager who was smiling at him quite creepily.

The manager's eyes squinted as he smiled at the newcomer who was only shirinking back in his chair as the moments past.

"Helloo, what can I do for you? He said in a jovial tone."

Well not a shotacon gangrape, that's for sure.

"Ah I-I need your help with something" William said hesitatingly.

"Well do you need some towels or do you want me to do something about the Cockamouse that's living in your room"

"No I wanted to talk abou- wait what did you say just now"

"I asked if you wanted some towels or anything?"

"N-No I meant the other thing something about a Cockamouse?" William gestured with his hands.

"Oh, Yes there's a Cockamouse living in your home just beside your bathroom" The manager maid an 'Oh' expression and said to him.

"What's a Cockamouse?"

"You know a half cockroach and half mouse"

William looked with a ridiculous expression "Your joking right... Right?"

Shaking his head the manager denied "No, the Cockamouse is quite real, it's actually one of the main attractions of this establishment and the second reason why I gave the name 'Freedom from genders."

Then what's the first reason, You know what I actually don't want to know that.

"You mean there's more of those things?"

Nodding his head the manager said "Oh yes there's many more, if you'd like I can arrange someone to give you a tour"

William looked at the manager with a deadpan expression without saying a word.

The manager also looked at his newest inhabitant with a nice smile.

Finally after a few seconds passed William shook his head and said "No no I'm sorry but we went on a different topic than what I was saying."

"Oh yes, Apologies. But before that why don't we introduce ourselves, My name is Dean Dean, the manager of this fine establishment. You can call me Dean."

"Well hello... Dean. I'm William Halb- My name is William. It's nice to meet you." Squinting his eyes a little bit at the pronunciation the manager smilingly said "It's nice to meet you too, William. Well... now why don't you tell me about what you want from me."

"Ahh Hmm... well actually what I wanted to know was if you... you know, Know someone in the circle who can help me get somethings" William said and got real quite at the last sentence.

"Oh I know someone like that tell me what do you want, Acid, Amani, Angel dust, Blast, Benzos, Ching, Frenzy whatever you want I can help you get some but of course for a price." Said Dean rubbing his hands.

"No noo not that, I want something a little different"

"Well what is it, if you don't tell me clearly I won't be able to help you with anything"

"I need someone who can help me with forging a new Identification Card"

Raising his eyebrows at the peculiar request, Dean asked "Hmm... Well before that can you tell me something?"

"What" Feeling nervous at the incoming question wondering whether he's wants me to do something very nasty or a shotacon gangrape I said.

"Are you wanted?"

"What! no no... No! I am not wanted you don't have to worry about any government officials"

"What is Gov-Government Officials"

Oh shit! I forgot that there isn't any kind of government or any diplomatic party here to begin with.

I quickly say to dismiss what I said earlier "Royal forces, What I meant was Royal Forces, there aren't any kind of royal forces looking for me."

"Hmm well okay. Just one last question, How old are you really?"

W-Well I'm 9 years old, why what's the matter?" I asked and my mind increasingly started worrying about shotacon stuff.

"Well you would ask that question too if a 9 year old boy asked you about forgery at a place like this and again, are you really sure you don't have anyone hunting you"

HE JUST CONFIRMED TO SAYING THAT HIS OWN HOTEL WAS STRANGE. But about what he said... yeah he really can't be blamed for asking so many questions, I too would ask questions if a kid suddenly came and asked me to forge a id card.

"Yeah don't worry I'm pretty sure that nobody is searching OR hunting me for that matter"

"Alright you look like you can be trusted so I'll trust you."

Whoo! well that happened and here I thought he was never going to stop with the questions... even though necessary for someone in his position.

"Okay then what kind of ID do you want?"

"What do you mean by that, how many kind of them are there?"

What I was asking was how good of a card do you want, Do you want a normal one that will at least get by for a few days or a good one that will help you as long as you don't end up in any official struggle or the best one that will get you through almost anything but will be quite pricey, because I know three people who are good at these forgery things"

Hmm... What is there even to think about I will just get the best one. It's not like I am short of money or something. But I'll make it look like I am in a dilemma so that he doesn't know that I am filthy rich.

After 2 minutes of very poor acting I finally said "I think maybe I'll get the best one."

His smile widening to a scary degree "You made the best choice, wait a second let me get his address" after saying that he got up and went outside.

Well of course your going to say that I just made you a big profit today.

After waiting for a whole 10 minutes and thinking about what goes on in a girl's mind the door to the office opened and Dean walked in and sat down in his chair.

Placing a card in front of me Dean said "Now the guy your about to meet is called Delmar and here's his card, there's the address in it and the password to the entrance is Delmar's Beans. Your going to love him the guy's great to talk to."

"Well, thanks then I'll see you later" Getting what I wanted I got up and start to leave.

"Wait a second, before you leave how about I give you a little friendly advice"

Confused at his offer "Okay sure, why not."

"You may or may not have someone looking for you but still I think you should skip the city for some time until you know whatever it is blows over, okay."

"Sure, thanks for the advice."

What he said does make sense. Maybe I should leave the city and maybe start my self in a new environment.

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