INFINITE MONEY - I Will Buy Everything

Chapter 38 - Goodbye, my friend

Chapter 38 - Goodbye, my friend

Starting from today i will try to upload three chapters a day for you guys. So enjoy and have fun and most important...  Give me some gifts.

[ User, It's time for me to go ]

Getting my attention from the huge cat that was purring from my touch I looked at the blue transparent panel which was now glitching.

"All I want to say, No All I can say is 'Thank You'" I say to the system knowing I can't give any more consolation other than this as I have none.

[ It's alright User it is my duty as a Helping System to assist you in your troubles ]

"System for you that might have been just your duty to me but for me, GOD and you gave me a new bright chance for a greater future." I said with a vigorous touch in my tone.

[ It was our way to give some lost souls a chance to reinvent themselves. ]

"But even then when I asked so-so greed fully you guys gave me two powers that no one could ever would give to someone like me."

[ ..User It was our policy to give you some powe- ]

I interrupted the system before it could say to me any more deception "F*ck Policy! who in the right mind would give some one like me- Like ME the power to have infinite amounts of money and not only that but a system which also let's me buy almost anything."

[ ... ]

[ Yes. That was really strange of us wasn't it. ]

For the first time hearing the system talk in a way that resembled it was indeed alive and not just a machine was something I never thought would happen but nonetheless it brought a smile to my face.

"Aah so you can speak in a first person mode can't you"

[ ...Yes user I can ]

"I had a inkling that you could do that. But why didn't you all this time?"

[ We have a policy, User ]

Getting annoyed at hearing the word policy so many times I said the first sentence angrily "Can you stop with the policy, your having a existential crisis over here." And the last one with a smile "And please stop calling me User, you can call me William too you know."

[ ... William ] After a couple of moments the system finally uttered.

"See how does it feel to actually say it like that and not say user like a machine does." I ask the system.

[ It was strange... at first then it kinda felt like I was speaking to a friend ]

"Good that's how your supposed to feel."

[ Are you- ]The system tried to ask but couldn't complete the sentence like something was troubling it.


[ Are you... My Friend? ]

I became completely baffled as I never even dreamed that the system would ever say something like this to me.

Seeing that I wasn't saying anything, the system took it as a denial then said.

[ I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable user that was not my intention ]

Quickly denying it's notion I said "NO! No I didn't- I wasn't thinking like that.

It was just so random for me for you to say that, but I definitely didn't take it as uncomfortable at all system" I said to reassure the system.

[ Then about my previous question ]

"Of course I'm your friend system. I have always been your friend for the past 10 years."

[ That reminds me of something I forgot to tell you William ]

"Oh? What?"

[ Happy Birthday, William ]

Suddenly it felt like my whole day was brightened as I smiled very happily and said to the system "Thank you system.. Thank You."

As I was talking to the system I suddenly had a question I absolutely had to ask the system.


[ Yes, William ]

"Do you have a name?"

[ Yes, it's System ]

"No-no not like that I meant a real name, something I can actually call you by."

[ ... ]

[ No... I don't have a true name ]

"Then will it be alright if I were to give you one?"

[ ... YES. I meant you can yes ] The system said in a sudden excitement but toned it down and acted nonchalantly but it didn't escape from me.

Now what name should I give? Should I give a muscular one or a pretty one? But Wait! I don't know if the system has a gender or not? If it does than Is it a he or a she? OR BOTH! You know what, it's better to just ask it then make crazy assumptions.

"System What's you preferance? Do you go for men or women OR... maybe both?" I asked clumsily not knowing how to actually phrase it.

[ William are you... asking about my gender? ]

"Yeeeah" I said in an awkward manner.

[ Then I'm sorry but I don't have any. The Helping System's don't generally are given priority in gender selection ]

"Oooh! Okay. But do you have any preference on what kind of name do you want? Male or Female?"

[ ... ] The system started contemplating for a while before it said to me.

[ Female... I would like a female name, William ]

Alright than what are some good female names. What about Jennifer? No she was a terrible ex. How about Hannah the wife from the next door I always used to spy on. Or maybe Magdalene my religion teacher who always wore a skirt too short.

No no I can't give the system names like this. I need to give it a name that symbolizes something or has a meaning to it. Not names that come from my ex girlfriends or the women in my past life that I couldn't bone but tried very hard nonetheless.

The system also got impatient to get a name as It wrote

[ ..... ]

Without any real reply.

Looking at the system prompt I started thinking for a while then as I got the name I looked enlightened as I said "Eureka! I got it."

"System I have it. I got the name."

[ What is it? ]


I got the name from a very old friend of mine back from the past world."

[ Anne... Anne... I like it ]

"Good! Then from now on I am going to call you Anne and you will call me William. No more of that User or System from now on, Okay Anne." I said to Anne to clarify it to her.

[ Yes William ] The system AKA Anne also happily replied.

Many different scenes began to flash in my mind as I talked to the system. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

The scene of the first time seeing the system panel and getting extreme amounts of happiness from it.

The scene of almost dying from my greediness as I generated a great amount of gold which almost suffocated me.

The scene of Anne searching the different kinds of breathing skills that just reading the names gave me goosebumps.

The scene of Anne saving me from the whispers of a multiversal entity.

And finally the scene of becoming friends with Anne.

Remembering the memories brought a distant smile at my face as I looked upwards towards no one in particular actually. The thought of losing the one friend that was actually loyal to me and never asked anything and instead gave me so much help. Thinking about it made me feel so insignificant as I couldn't do anything to help Anne.

As I was reminiscing the times with Anne, Suddenly Anne said to me.

[ William, It's time ]

Getting what she was talking about I solemnly nodded with a sigh and said "Alright then we can't delay it any longer now.

Anne thank you for all the help you gave me, it doesn't matter if you did it because of the protocol or that it was your duty." I said to Anne to leave all the bull*hit out.

[ And thank you, William for being my only friend ]

"Thank you too Anne for being MY only true friend."

As I said that the system panel started to blur even more than it already was and I knew that it was time for Anne to truly go. But suddenly I had a question that I already knew the answer but I still had to ask.


Even while blurred to quite a degree Anne answered me.

[ Yes Wil-William ]

"You remember when you said that the innate skills were your second priority?"

[ Ye-Yes ]

"What was your first priority?"

Yes I asked the foolish question.

[ M-My Firs-First Prior-rity is pro-protect-ing Y-You William ]

I closed my eyes with my hand covering them as I felt that they were beginning to fill with water and I smiled a sad smile.

The system said it's last words to me with glitched words.

[ Go-Good B-Bye Wil-William ]

"Goodbye Anne... Goodbye, my friend."


I want to clarify for most of you that the system or Anne is not dying.

It's just shutting down for a while. So it will be back in the future.

I haven't got a definite time for it as I write each chapter everyday with just that chapter in mind so I can't tell in which point of time it will return but it will return, that I can guarantee you.

Who knows it might be a few days later or even years later but it will return.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!


This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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