Infinite Paths: The Raging Phoenix

Chapter 28: Magic

Chapter 28: Magic

Rain watched the training while imagining himself doing the same thing over and over again. Nothing like repetition to endure that he will learn things through. In any case, after two hours of practice, the kids had to take back all of the gear back to the warehouse.

After that, Rain would have etiquette lessons, and much to his satisfaction, the five etiquette lessons decreased to four, and the magic lessons increased by one. Rain wasn't showing much interest in the history lessons either; only when it gave him more details would be useful, so he focused his attention on the second course of the magic classes. The next teacher was also an old man that looked like a magic geezer.

"Today, we delve into the fascinating realm of elemental magic, where we will learn how to harness and manipulate the power of the natural forces around us," The instructor said. "Now, you may be wondering, what exactly is elemental magic? Well, it's the practice of working with the fundamental elements that make up our world. These elements are believed to be the building blocks of existence and hold immense power and symbolism. Some of these elements include fire, water, air, and earth."

The lesson started really interesting, but the instructor spent two hours just saying a lot of nothing… no spells were being taught. He only mentioned a bunch of philosophical and ethical stuff regarding magic. In that sense, Rain was like the other kids since he wasn't interested in that.

"So, what exactly are elements? In simple terms, elements are the basic substances that make up the physical universe. We often categorize them into four primary elements: fire, water, air, and earth. Each element has its own unique qualities, characteristics, and associations that shape our understanding of the world and our magical practices," The instructor said. "Let's start with fire. Fire represents the raw power of transformation, passion, and energy. It is associated with warmth, illumination, and the spark of creation. Fire can be both destructive and purifying, capable of burning away the old to make way for the new. It symbolizes our inner desires, motivation, and the force that drives us forward."

Even in the second lesson, nothing really useful was taught aside from the fact that the nature of the casters can affect which kind of spells they are suited to use.

"Just as each of us possesses a unique set of characteristics and traits, our individual personalities can shape our connection to specific elements and influence our magical abilities," Rain thought while checking his notes. "The elements are not merely abstract forces; they embody different qualities and energies that resonate with specific aspects of our being. Just as fire can be fierce and passionate, water can be calm and intuitive, air can be intellectual and communicative, and earth can be stable and nurturing, our own personalities align with these elemental attributes to varying degrees."

That was really interesting, but it was also quite limiting… still, it made sense. It would be weird if someone could use all of the elements without any drawbacks. Rain wasn't that interested in plain elemental magic; he wanted to learn it and see if he could apply it to the fighting style that he had envisioned.

In the end, Rain only learned something truly useful in the fourth lesson… he wondered how his oldest cousin managed to learn Fireball like that; he probably skipped a few semesters as well.

"To effectively manipulate elemental energy, we must first establish a deep connection with the element we wish to work with. This connection goes beyond mere knowledge and understanding; it requires an attunement of our energy and harmonization of our intentions with the elemental essence," The instructor said. "Through focused meditation, visualization, and practice, we can begin to cultivate this connection, allowing us to sense and draw upon the elemental energies that surround us. By aligning our thoughts, emotions, and intentions with the qualities of the element, we create a resonant field that enables us to shape and direct its energy to our will."

It was essential to approach elemental energy manipulation with respect and caution, for the forces we work with are potent and can be both creative and destructive. Just as fire can provide warmth and illumination, it can also consume and destroy. Water can bring healing and renewal, but it can also drown and overwhelm. Air can inspire and uplift, yet it can also scatter and cause chaos. Earth can offer stability and nourishment, but it can also bury and confine.

Once attuned and connected, the practitioner learns to project and direct the elemental energy toward a specific intention or outcome. This can be done through focused visualization, gestures, or spoken commands. For example, a practitioner working with fire may visualize flames bursting forth from their hands, or a water manipulator may visualize a powerful surge of water directed towards a target.

"Those two methods seem really interesting and easy to understand, but I wonder if they are the only ways," Rain rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I guess I shouldn't think too much about it until I learn the basics."

Rain assumed that he had a better affinity with water, wind, and earth. The instructor said that some people can use all four elements well, but their personalities had to be quite well-rounded. Rain wasn't like that; while he had a passion for martial arts, mainly boxing, he didn't think that it was that intense… he was calm and serene like water despite what happened to him; he also could be calm like the wind and determined like earth. Still, he also could drown in his own worries sometimes, create storms with his impulsivity, and bury the past without any hesitation.

"... Well, let's start visualizing water while using my mana," Rain thought.

Weirdly enough, the image of a water ball in his head appeared quite easily. Also, weirdly enough, Rain felt his mana being used. When he felt that, something fell on his table and drenched his notebook.

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