Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Chapter 251: Zach

Chapter 251: Zach

Lord of Aspects

Zach was sitting on a piece of ornamental chair, looking at his screens. Naha was nearby, keeping her eye on their teammates. Zach found his class choices and looked through them. Over the last three years he had unlocked a few more Class Evolutions, some that were even tempting. But in the end, he felt like none of them were truly right for him. Even the evolution that he had just finished the quest for was an unknown in a way. Its description made him feel like it was a good choice, and his conversation with the Dealmaker added to that, but in the end he wouldnt know until he made the choice. He brought up the Class window, since now that he met the requirements, he could see the full window.




Lord of the Aspects

Aspect bow to my will.

You are a warrior that seeks to understand and gain command over Aspects. Using your connection with different Aspects you unleash devastating attacks on your foes.

Aspectborn: You may choose three aspects as part of your arsenal. All powers using these aspects are 50% more effective (Future perk choices will be largely influenced by aspects chosen). Changes all relevant perks and abilities. Gain +15% to strength and intelligence.

!Gain one of the following:

-??? support ability (depends on the choice of aspects in the arsenal)

-??? offensive ability (depends on the choice of aspects in the arsenal)

-Might and Intellect: gain plus 15% to base strength and intellect.

The expanded window showed him the attunement and the bonus choices. The attunement itself was incredible, a 50% increase in power effectiveness was a lot, but he would need to pick three aspects that would be impacted by it. He moved the window to the side and looked at his perk list, seeing what aspects his abilities had. There was quite a few of them that were tied to different aspects, but a lot of his newer ones were more versatile and dependent on the planes that he visited. He didnt know if those would be updated and if they did, how they would be changed by it.

The additional bonus wasnt visible and would be determined by the choices of aspects for the attunement. There was no way for him to know what they would be but he wondered if he would have to make a choice blind.

It didnt make any difference, so he reached out and leveled, picking his evolution.

Immediately a new window appeared in front of him, asking him to pick three aspects from a list. A quick glance told him that all the choices were aspects that he had used before, making it certain that his soul weapon would benefit from the attunement too. He looked through the list, trying to figure out which aspects he would benefit from the most. Obviously, he would take those which would give him the most power. After a bit of deliberation, he made his choices. He picked Soul, Wind, and Time. The first two were almost obvious to him. Wind because he had several perks tied to it that had fallen behind in power and while they werent hard hitting, they were useful. Distraction and limited gliding was valuable to him, especially in his fighting style. Soul because he had perks that protected his soul and he wanted more of it, and also because he hoped that his Last Heir of Terra might get upgraded too. It was related to souls or the remnants of ones at least, spirits. He didnt know if it was really connected, but he was willing to try. The last was mostly because his Time Blade was one of his most powerful weapons, and because of the text that said that future perk choices would be impacted. Time was not something that he could influence himself.

Then, he saw a new window pop up that asked him to make a choice for the evolution bonus.


!Gain one of the following:

-Aspect Shutdown support ability: Unleash a wave of power that shuts down use of all powers related to any of the aspects in your arsenal. Can only shut down one aspect at a time, cooldown for each aspect is 2h. Duration of effect is 15 seconds.

-Aspect Investment offensive ability: You may choose one aspect from your arsenal and add that damage to all your physical attacks. Each attack will drain 2.5% of your mental stamina and the attacks will deal bonus 20% aspected damage. Once used an aspect will be on cooldown for 2h.

-Might and Intellect: gain plus 15% to base strength and intellect.

The abilities were good, and the stat gain was also increased. He didnt quite know what to pick, on the one hand the stat bonus would be incredible, on the other both of the abilities were good. He looked them over again. He was leaning toward [Aspect Shutdown], despite already having something better with his skill. The main reason for that was that his skill could be overcome and it usually lasted only for a short period of time. He knew that it would be unlikely for him to meet someone who would have the exact aspects that he had in his arsenal, but the one main one that he cared about was Soul.

What he had seen in the Tournament City had made it clear to him that death could come even for immortals. Protecting ones soul was what was most important. He already had some perks geared toward that, but having more protection wasnt going to hurt. He made his choice and then his class was evolved. A new notification popped up and he read it through.

Perk and ability evolution:

Winds Child > Winds Mark

Wind Lord > Wind Master

Last Heir of Terra > Last Lord of Terra

Old Heritage > Ancient Heritage

Ethereal Sword > Ethereal Blade

Double Planar Strike > Double Aspect Strike

Planar Fissure > Gate Fissure

Resistant Soul > Stalwart Soul

Planar Blink > Aspect Blink

Forceful Rift > Greater Rift Tear

Planar Whirling Wings > Aspect Whirling Wings

Planar Wings > Aspect Wings

Planar Binding Chains > Aspect Binding Chains

Planar True Sight > Aspect True Sight

He saw how many of his perks were upgraded and smiled. He skimmed through them and was satisfied with the changes, there were some restrictions with his arsenal aspects, but it felt like it was worth it. And all of his abilities were changed to again with the same kind of restrictions, but again he felt like they were better for it.

Then he turned to his other notification. He had reached the sixth evolution, and a new window with perk choices appeared.

Ethereal Walker

You are tied to the Ethereal, upon the death of your physical body your soul would be transported to the Ethereal Realm, where you would retain all of your powers, faculty, and sanity. You will get the ability to influence the Ethereal Realm with your will. You will no longer be able to gain Essence and level, cultivate, or evolve your skills, but growth through other means will still be possible. You will be unable to leave the Ethereal Realm for more than short periods of time. Destruction of your soul will lead to True Death.

Pillars of the Aspects

You seek to understand the aspects, placing the basis of your being in their pillars. Allows you to place three pillars anywhere, in any plane in the Infinite Realm. Only one Pillar can be in any given plane. Upon death, your soul will be sent to the Ethereal Realm and you will retain the power of three perks. You need to make your way to one of the pillars in order to be reborn. Every future direct Class Evolution of Lord of the Aspects Class will give you two more pillars to place and one more perk to be retained. If all pillars are destroyed, your soul will move on to the afterlife. The rebirth process takes three days, during which you will not be able to act. When you are reborn, you will not be able to use the aspects in your arsenal for nine days.

Shrine of Rebirth

Your will to live is irrefutable, you are able to place a shrine anywhere in the world. Upon your death your soul will move to the Ethereal Realm, if you reach the location of your shrine you will be brought back to life, with the price of 5 levels. If your shrine is destroyed, you will be sent to the afterlife.

Immortality. Even now it didnt seem real. He had lived in this world, and he had known that immortality was possible. He had seen people who were immortal, who had lived for a long time, but it had never felt real to him. And how could it? He had grown up in a world where those things werent real. Now now he was about to become immortal himself.

He looked at his choices. The first was obviously because of his connection to the Ethereal, and it was interesting. Powerful. But it was not ultimately what he wanted. The restriction was that he would no longer be able to survive for long in the Real Realm. And he wouldnt be able to advance, though it did say that there were some ways to still improve. The main big issue was the True Death.

The second was obviously tied to his new Class. It was a lot better if he was being honest, and the restrictions didnt seem that bad. Though going through the Ethereal Realm would be dangerous. And the downside of being reborn was small. The only issue he had was the three days that made him vulnerable. But perhaps he could get some way for Naha to be able to enter the Ethereal. That way he would have protection if he ever died. Making way to other planes from Ethereal would be difficult, but if he could retain power of three perks, perhaps he could make it.

The last perk was he didnt think that it was better than the other two.

In the end, the perk tied to his Class was the best one. He picked Pillars of the Aspects.

Then he leveled more, spending Essence that he had earned over the last three years to reach level 390 and gained two new perks.

Portal Form

Once per week you can create a portal between two planes without the need for a weak spot. The locations that the portal would connect can only be locations that you have visited before. Distance cant be more than 5000 km.

Unleash Arsenal

Once per day unleash a powerful attack in front of you, dealing 12x your intelligence damage which is based on one of the aspects in your arsenal. Once you use up one aspect you cant use it again until you use the others available first.

Hunters Mark

Once per day you can place a mark on a monster, all damage you deal to it is increased by 15%.

The choices were good. The first was based on his current perks and evolutions prior to now, the second came from his new Class, and the last was based on his achievements. He dismissed the last one immediately. He didnt plan on being just a monster hunter and he didnt need that. The first was a good utility, but he felt like he had enough of that. The second one was the best in his opinion, he lacked more hard hitting attacks.

Ethereal Son

Using this perk grants you a +35% buff to all power use, +30% increase to soul regeneration and +60% mental stamina regeneration while in the Ethereal Realm. The effect lasts for 1 hour. Can be used once every five hours.

Lord of Grace and Woe

Using this perk grants you a 50% buff to overall speed, +25% effectiveness to the powers utilizing the aspects in your arsenal enemies using the aspects in your arsenal have their related powers effectiveness reduced by 25%. You also gain +100% stamina regeneration while your mental stamina is drained at a rate of 5% per second. The effects lasts until turned off or until your mental stamina is drained.

Slayer of Spirits

Gain +100% to all power effectiveness when fighting spirits.

This perk choice was his Evolution defining one, so he had to make a good choice as it would inform his future available evolutions. Some Classes had perk requirements as well. Out of the three choices, he was most drawn by his Class one. All of the Class choices seemed to be a lot better in his opinion at least. Perhaps that was what a Relic Class got him. The Lord Of Grace and Woe was very interesting and powerful, and he could see how incredibly useful it could be.

He made his choice and finished what he had planned for his evolution. Then he glanced at his screens to see everything together.


First Kill

Kill the first monster in the Framework-run World

+5000 Essence

First to Ten

First person in the world to reach level Ten

+10% to all stats, 10 000 Essence


Hunted more than 100 monsters

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence

Hero of Promise

Save more than 10 people with a single action

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence


Create an outpost

+3 to all stats, 1000 Essence


Upgraded outpost to a town

+3 to all stats, 2000 Essence

One Against Many

Fight against more than 10 opponents and win

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence

First to Sixty

First to evolve their Class in the world

+10% to all stats, 100 000 Essence

Class Evolution VI

Evolved your class for the sixth time.

+150 to all stats, 50 Greater Essence

True Understanding

Evolve a skill to tier 6

+20 to all stats, 20 000 Greater Essence (per tier 6 skill)

Apprentice Bounty Hunter: Wardens

Complete 10 faction tasks for people no more than two tiers of power below you.

+5 to all stats, 1000 Greater Essence

Crucible of the Mind

Go through a harrowing experience to improve your mind by forging it in the harshest conditions possible based on your mind state.

+500 to intelligence and wisdom, +2% to all stats,

Enlightened (Mind Perk ), 50 000 Greater Essence

Beyond Understanding I

Focus and specialize your understanding of a tier 6 skill.

+250 to all stats, 100 000 Greater Essence (per focused skill)

True Link - Nahamassa Plainrunner

Attain a true link with a type of being

+100 to all stats, 100 000 Greater Essence

World Feat: Closer of Rifts

Closed a rift spanning most of the known world.

+200 to all stats, +2% to all stats, (Perk Improvement), 1000 Celestial Essence

Journeyman Bounty Hunter: Wardens

Complete 25 faction tasks that are no more than two tiers of power below you in difficulty.

+25 to all stats, 5000 Greater Essence

Elite Bounty Hunter: Wardens

Complete 100 faction tasks that are no more than two tiers of power below you in difficulty.

+50 to all stats, 10 000 Greater Essence

Master Bounty Hunter: Warden

Complete 200 faction tasks that are no more than two tiers of power below you in difficulty.

+100 to all stats, 100 000 Greater Essence


Riposte (Class Perk)

Once per combat, gain the ability to execute a lightning fast attack after being damaged. Speed of returning strike equals double dexterity stat.

Winds Mark (Class Perk)

During combat, every strike with your weapon sends a gust of wind in the direction of your choosing. Wind powers are 20% less effective against you. Strength of effect depends on dexterity stat.

Wind Master (Class Perk)

In combat, wind swirls around you, blowing in any direction you choose. Strength of effect depends on dexterity stat.

Consequence (Class Perk)

Every kinetic attack you block, stores a part of its energy. Once per combat unleash all the stored kinetic energy. Amount stored depends on strength stat.

Second Chance (Class Perk)

Once taking damage that would kill you, heal it instead. Once per combat. Healing speed depends on vitality stat.

Lightning Body (Path Perk)

Your bodys reflexes are enhanced, able to utilize max dexterity at a moments notice. Strength of effect dependent on dexterity stat.

Lightning Qi (Aspect Perk)

When using techniques, your Qi passively enhances you. Gain plus +30% to dexterity while any technique is active.

Quickened Mind (Path Perk)

Your mind is quickened, able to think faster than an ordinary human. Strength of effect depends on intelligence stat.

Last Lord of Terra (Class Perk)

Once per week you may call upon the Spirits of Terra, which grants you the combined knowledge, talent, and expertise of all the sword masters that had ever lived on your Earth. The Spirits of Terra imbue you with heightened senses, doubling your total stats (150%) for the duration and lowers the stamina requirements and cooldowns of your abilities by 30% (45%). All sword-based skills level five times faster. You may pull out up to (3) spirts of Terra to fight at your side for a short duration. Upon Spirits of Terras ending you will be unable to use abilities for one hour. Duration and cooldown depend on your highest stat.

Formless Core (Path Perk)

Your Qi core loses its shape, instead of containing your Qi it now lets it move freely through your body. You can now use your techniques at 50% faster rate. You gain +10% to wisdom and your Qi passively enhances your body based on your lightning aspect, giving you +10% to dexterity. You are no longer able to enforce your core or upgrade this perk.

Ancient Heritage (Class Perk)

Once per combat you may activate this perk to borrow the power of all of your ancestors, increasing all of your total stats by 120% (180%) for six seconds. Duration of effect depends on your highest stat.

Ethereal Blade (Class Perk)

Summon an Ethereal blade in any shape you desire. It lasts as long as you want, but drains you mentally while it is active. The sword deals 20% of its damage as soul damage and 80% physical damage. As it is Ethereal it can endure only 60%(90%) of the force that would break an ordinary blade. The quality of the blade depends on your wisdom stat.

Dazzling Strike (Class Perk)

Twice per combat execute a strike that will blind the target for 1 sec if your weapon connects with anything in direct contact with their body.

Double Aspect Strike (Class Perk)

Once per combat execute a strike that will copy itself. The copy depends on, and it will be boosted by one of the aspects from your arsenal. The strike follows behind the first one on a 0.5 (0.2) sec delay and deals 50% (75%) of the original attacks power. The aspect that is used cannot be used again until all others are used.

Gate Fissure (Class Perk)

Once per ten days cut through space with any weapon and open a rift-gate that will allow you to fully step into another plane. The fissure will remain open until the gate is destroyed or until you close it.

Phantom Avatar (Class Perk)

Transform into the Phantom. You gain +50% resistance to physical and special damage, and your total stats are doubled. If used in the Ethereal Realm, gain an additional 20% to all stats. Lasts until your mental stamina is drained completely or canceled.

Whirling Tempest (Skill Perk)

Your My Art, Whirling Tempest makes you unrelenting. A fraction of that power bleeds into your ordinary movements. Slowing effects are 60% less effective on you. Gain +20% to dexterity.

Enlightened (Title Perk)

Your mind is highly resistant to mind effects and can function at peak condition in all states, even after it was damaged beyond the point where most would falter.

Shade Reaver (Unique Perk)

You have gained the Shade Reaver, a soul weapon. It grows stronger with you and allows you to take power from the shades and spirits you kill. Your soul weapon can have at most nine forms, each with its own unique power. Forms are made from the most dominant aspect of the shades or spirits you take it from. The stronger the target the stronger the power and form.

You can use Source Drain to drain the power from shades and spirits. Doing so on living spirits and shades will grant you 10% of all the Essence they had ever used in life for advancement along with all of their unassigned Essence in the case of shades, and in the case of spirits 10% of the Essence that comprises the spirits power.

Planar Mantle (Class Perk)

Gain a passive bonus depending on the last plane you traveled from. Real plane, gain +10% bonus to all stats. Ethereal plane, gain +20% reduction to physical and special damage. Essence plane, gain +20% bonus to essence damage of corresponding most dominant essence type. Even when the Phantom Avatar isnt active.

Stalwart Soul (Class Perk)

Reduces any Ethereal damage you receive by 30% (45%) and increases your souls natural regeneration by 30%(45%).

Aspect Blink (Class Perk)

Ten times per combat, and unlimited outside of combat, teleport to any place in a twenty five meter radius around you, or step through a weak rift in the plane you are currently in to blink to another plane. On the blink end, you gain 15% resistance to all the aspects in your arsenal.

Essence Sense (Class Perk)

Once per day, you may activate this perk to gain a sense of corresponding to the last Essence plane you had visited. Lasts ten minutes.

Essence Elemental (Class Perk)

Once per week, you may transform yourself into an Essence Elemental for five minutes or until canceled. To activate, you need to visit a part of the Essence plane that is of at least fifth tier. Your stats and power will depend on the tier and type of Essence you take. Any wounds you have suffered will be healed. You will only be able to use planar related abilities and perks for the duration. The transformation will store everything you are wearing in a special storage place inside your soul.

Greater Rift Tear (Class Perk)

Once per day, you may forcefully tear a weak spot in the plane you are in, releasing a blast of corresponding Essence damage that will be boosted by 100% of your intelligence.

Greater Rift Seal (Class Perk)

Once per day you may seal any type of rift or portal that is within 100 meters of you.

Rift Shout (Class Perk)

Once per combat, unleash a devastating shout that sends a blast of planar power in a cone in front of you. The blast will deal Essence damage corresponding to the last plane youve visited, and it will weaken the area in front of you creating new rifts leading to the closest Essence planes.

True LinkNahamassa Plainrunner (Class Perk)

Allows you to make a link with Nahamassa Plainrunner, and enter a Linked State. While in the Linked State you gain awareness of Nahamassa Plainrunner and you gain a bonus of 10% (15%) her stats added to your own. Allows for the activation of True Link perks. Picking this perk will make it impossible for any other mind linking perks with other living beings or contract perks to be learned. Depth of awareness depends on your bond with Nahamassa Plainrunner.

Warriors Stamina (Class Perk)

Your stamina regeneration rate is increased by 50%.

True Link Our Power (Class Perk)

Allows your partner to designate one perk and share it with you. You will be able to use an active perk once per five days, or a passive one for four. Once the perk is used or five days has passed, a new perk can be designated. Both sides will be able to use the perk independent of one another. Cooldown depends on your bond with Nahamassa Plainrunner.

Pillars of the Aspects: Immortality (Class Perk)

You seek to understand the aspects, placing the basis of your being in their pillars. Allows you to place three pillars anywhere, in any plane, in the Infinite Realm. Upon death, your soul will be sent to the Ethereal Realm and you will retain the power of three perks (Gate Fissure, Last Lord of Terra, Rift Shout). You need to make your way to one of the pillars in order to be reborn. Every future Class evolution will give you two more pillars to place and one more perk to be retained. If all pillars are destroyed your soul will move on to the afterlife.

Unleash Arsenal (Class Perk)

Once per day unleash a powerful attack in front of you, dealing 12x your intelligence damage which is based on one of the aspects in your arsenal. Once you use up one aspect you cant use it again until you use the others available first.

Lord of Grace and Woe

Using this perk grants you a 50% buff to overall speed, +25% effectiveness to the powers utilizing the aspects in your arsenal. Enemies using the aspects in your arsenal have their related powers effectiveness reduced by 25% when used against you. You also gain +100% stamina regeneration while your mental stamina is drained at a rate of 5% per second. The effects lasts until turned off or until your mental stamina is drained.


Lord of the Aspects ( Re )



Combat Ability

Aspect Whirling Wings

Movement Ability

Aspect Wings

Support Ability

Aspect Binding Chains

Additional Ability

Aspect True Sight

Additional Ability

Aspect Shutdown



All Ethereal based powers are 10% more effective. All special attacks deal 0.5% of the total damage dealt as soul damage. Gain +10% to strength and wisdom.

Phantom Hunter

Gain +20% to stamina and -20% to ability cooldowns when fighting spirits or shades. Gain +10% to strength and +10% dexterity.


All planar powers gain +20% to their effectiveness. Change your abilities and relevant perks to Planar type abilities and perks. Gain +10% to strength and +10% to dexterity.


Passing through a rift gives you a 20% bonus to total stats and -50% to all ability cooldowns for twenty seconds. Gain +10% to strength and +10% to dexterity.


You may choose three aspects that you have used before as part of your arsenal (Soul, Wind, Time). All powers using these aspects are 50% more effective (Future perk choices will largely be influenced by aspects chosen). Perk and ability evolution. Gain +15% to strength and intelligence.

Passive Skills

Active Skills

Perfect Tempest Dance: My Blades, Whirling Tempest

Strike >> Greater Strike >> Flurry Strikes >> Greater Flurry Strikes >> Rending Strikes

Weakness Sense >> Enhanced Weakness Sense >> Vulnerability Sense >> Greater Vulnerability Sense >> Flaw Perception

Evade >> Greater Evade >> Evading Dash >> Enhanced Evading Dash >> Spatial Evade

Night Eyes >> Greater Night Eyes >> Night Vision >> Greater Night Vision >> Darkness Sight

Sealing Slash >> Enhanced Sealing Slash >> Sealing Crescent Slash

Mind Resistance >> Greater Mind Resistance >> Clear Mind >> Enhanced Clear Mind

Meditation >> Greater Meditation













Once he was done, he stood up and walked over to Naha.

Im done, he told her.

She smiled at him. Good, now you can help us go through all of this.

Several months ago

Bera sat in a room surrounded by people older and much more powerful than her. She was one of the very few that knew that Yirrel had been a part of a secret group. Yirrel had done a lot in her role in that group, and with her death a hole was opened up. The other members had invited Bera to help out, since the new Warden Commander had no idea about them. It wasnt that hard for her to fill Yirrels shoes, she had already been doing a lot on Yirrels behalf. Now, she only had to steer the new Warden Commander in the direction that the group needed. She also knew a lot more about what was going on in the world.

Weve come to an agreement, Eratemus, the Lord of Death said.

The table was occupied by five people, including her. A lot less than it usually held.

Dracael leaned on her elbows and looked at him. And?

Theyve asked for well cooperation, they never worded it in the way that it was truly intended, but they want our help. The forces of the dome are pushing them hard, they will not hold out for much longer, Eratemus answered.

I am still not certain that this is the right move, Selia Ha Jhan said, her face looking tired. Bera knew that her sect was being pushed hard. The confluence of too many events had led to her losing the grip on it, their enemies and former allies had turned on them, Bera doubted that they would be able to keep them back for much longer. There is still a force of the enemy hordes in the heart of our lands. We should focus on them.

Eratemuss current vessel, a hairless ravzor, shook his head. The others arent going to unite. And I have a suspicion that some faction had been making sure that they dont. We dont have free forces to do this, or can you afford to send an army there now?

Selia grimaced and shook her head. You are right, but what does this gain us?

Everything, Eratemus said. If we succeed, the dome forces should be far easier to handle.

What is their plan? Dracael asked. We cant send armies to them, even if I could ferry that much. We can barely agree on anything, no one wants to cooperate.

They dont want an army, their plan is to send a small task force to kill the Dome leader, Hastur. The plan is for them to cross the enemy lines through the Ethereal Realm and reach the leader. They have an Ethereal expert that will make the way, Eratemus said. Theyve asked us to send people that can help them. High Ranker level, preferably those who have experience fighting the enemy hordes. If we agree, Draceal can ferry everyone to their lands with her ships, and stay to provide a path back home.

Dracael chuckled. You think that we can get anyone to agree on going? Especially once they learn where?

I will be going in one of my vessels, since I can move back and forth easily enough. For others I understand that we are needed here, we are all that is keeping the core from imploding, and we need to be ready to take back the Tournament Territories. But we need to find people that would be willing to go.

You want us to trust their people? Bera asked.

There are issues, I agree. This is why we must be careful in who we choose. Old animosities are going to be an issue, Eratemus answered.

Dracael laughed now. You want trustworthy, powerful people, who will be able to work alongside the Third Iteration? Good luck finding them.

The fifth member of the group raised his hands.

I have some ideas, Sigmund signed. But I would be a lot more comfortable if we had our own way in and out of the Ethereal Realm.

Everyone looked around and they started discussing who they were going to ask.

Zach and his team returned to the White City and found a local Guild, a neutral one, which were slowly disappearing. Most people were making their choices and picking sides. Hopefully, Zach and the rest of the team wouldnt have any trouble. They needed a private room so that they could split up their loot and then part ways.

Once inside, they made their way to the counter where a Guild member was working and asked for a room. The attendant asked for identification and Zach gave over his warden badge. The demasi woman looked it over then used a formation next to her on it. She blinked and then turned back to Zach.

A message had been sent for you from the Citadel, top priority, she said and then placed his badge on a device next to her with formations all over it. A moment later a piece of paper slid out of the silt at the bottom. Zach took the paper and saw that it had a mark on it that meant that only he could read it. His eyes moved over it quickly, and then he frowned.

What is it? Naha asked.

Weve been ordered to head to the Brimstone harbor as soon as able, Zach said, still frowning. We are to meet with Warden Adviser Bera there. No reason for the order is given.

Zach wondered what it was about. In reality their task on the Island was done, there was nothing that was keeping them here, aside from the loot. But after they were finished with splitting it, they could go.

He turned his attention back to the attendant and secured a room. First the loot, and after that he and Naha could talk about what they wanted to do next.

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