Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Chapter 261: Anrosh and Tali

Chapter 261: Anrosh and Tali

After the Battle

Anrosh looked over the valley pass beneath her. Two days after the big battle and they were still fighting the undead. The pass was filled with corpses that had to be burnt or they would risk even worse things happening. The undead were still everywhere, the death of the necromancer had cut their strings, but that didnt mean that they were no longer dangerous. They split up, no longer pushed in a single direction, now they wandered the territory, hunting monsters and even fighting amongst themselves. Too many had also managed to get through the pass, and Anrosh had people hunting them and others warning the villages and towns in the area about the danger.

She hadnt moved from the pass, since the bulk of the undead were still on the other side of it and they were still protecting it. It was easier now, the undead werent just coming without end, but smaller bands of them were gathering and trying to attack them. They had set up a big camp high into the pass, on top of a ledge on one of the mountains. From there, Anrosh could see far in the distance, the smoke rising from the burning pits and warriors moving about. The only good thing about so many undead was that everyone was getting a lot of Essence as rewards, and some of the undead did have good items on them which the sect could use. Even things that werent as good to be used were useful as scrap, with so many undead they were gathering materials pretty quickly.

She turned her head from the pass and looked at the camp. One tent drew her eyes, the one where they kept their wounded. Anrosh wondered how long it was going to be until Tali woke up. They had found her next to the corpse of who they believed to be the necromancer. He was dead, but they of course worried that he was an immortal. So they were currently keeping his body in a cave nearby, guarded and weighed down by a slab of stone. If he was an immortal, they had no idea what kind. Since his body was still present they were going under the assumption that he would need it in order to resurrect. Some had wanted to destroy the body just in case, but Anrosh made a different decision. She had sent word to other sect searching for an expert that could inspect the body and let them know if the soul was still there. There were things that Anrosh wanted to know.

But every person in the camp knew that the only reason they had survived was because of Tali. On the other side of the camp she saw the tents raised by Reki and his people. Her display of power had been incredible. Anrosh had never even imagined that she could be that strong. Tali had always been just this arrogant cripple woman that Ryun valued, that had clearly been a good cultivator once, but was no longer one. Now there were questions that Anrosh wanted to ask. That everyone wanted to ask.

Reki had approached her with questions, his people had obviously not known that the Twilight Melody Sect had someone else that was that powerful aside from Ryun. She could see that the knowledge had put them slightly on the back foot. Before they had been content to not step on any toes, but it was obvious that they believed themselves better than the people in the Twilight Melody Sect. Now they were not afraid precisely, but perhaps apprehensive.

Tali hadnt woken up since the fight. The healers told Anrosh that she was exhausted, that her body was well in their words it was still a mess. It did make sense, she might have regained her power, but she was still injured. Anrosh had brought the totem to her tent to help her heal. Tali had left it with the guards who had quietly brought it to her. She was thankful for their loyalty, some others mightve decided to just take it and leave. Selling something like that could set them and their families up for life. Though perhaps it mightve led to their death too, others would want it and they were not strong enough to survive for long if people found out that they had it.

She had put those guards in charge of keeping Tali safe and not allowing anyone inside her room. They couldnt risk her, she was as valuable to the sect as Ryun himself was. Anrosh shook her head and went into her tent, getting out of sight as quickly as possible. She didnt want to give anyone a chance to ask for something. She was getting tired of answering questions.

Once inside the tent, she collapsed into a chair behind a desk filled with papers. The work never seemed to stop. One of the lists was filled with names of the fallen. She had a hard time going through it, but she knew that she had to. The families of the fallen warriors would be compensated, taken care of. It was a hard thing. Anrosh had been lucky, Kri had been too far away from the brunt of the fighting, but she had seen combat, more than Anrosh had intended when she picked her position.

She shook her head and pushed the paper away, not in the mood to go through it at the moment. Instead she looked at her screens. She had enough Essence that she could level up, though she knew from Tali that she should be careful how she did that. Something about balance and focus. She was currently on the sixth tier of power in her Cultivation, and third in her Class at level 239. Her Class evolution choices had changed after the battle, but she didnt know if she should evolve it quite yet. On the one hand, it was power. One the other she wanted to make sure that her build was properly formed.

She glanced at her full screens, looking at everything and trying to figure out what it was that she lacked.



Hunted more than 100 monsters

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence

One Against Many

Fight against more than 10 opponents and win.

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence

Beaten but not Broken

Survive torture for more than thirty days.

+10 to endurance, 5000 Essence

Class Evolution III

Evolved your Class for the third time.

+10 to all stats


Reach the Lord Stage.

+5 to all stats, 100 Essence

First Pillar

Second best contribution in the Reign of Three Territories scenario.

+5% to all stats, 5,000 Greater Essence

Alchemical Tester

Use more than 10 alchemical concoctions to improve yourself

+2 to intelligence, 500 Essence

Heartstone Core

First to clear the Heartstone Core Dungeon

+2% to all stats, 50 000 Greater Essence


Reach the Monarch Realm.

+10 to all stats


Reach Heavenly Realm

+30 to all stats, 50 000 Greater Essence


Reach Immortal Realm

+50 to all stats,Aging process halted, 100 000 Greater Essence

Apprentice Sect Leader: Twilight Melody Sect

Improve 10 sect holdings in your care.

+5 to all stats, 1000 Greater Essence

Journeywoman Sect Leader: Twilight Melody Sect

Improve 25 sect holdings in your care.

+25 to all stats, 5000 Greater Essence


Hardened and Resistant Body (Path Perk)

Your body is hardened, gain 10% resistance to physical damage, 5% resistance to disease, poisons, and toxins and 20% resistance to cold. Gain +20% to Endurance.

Quick Steps (Class Perk)

You gain 10% bonus speed when in combat.

Fighters Heart (Class Perk)

Once per combat, ignore pain until the end of combat.

Fighters Strike (Class Perk)

Once per combat, your next attack deals double damage.

Absolute Cold (6) Qi (Aspect Perk)

When using infusing techniques your attacks inflict cold damage. Cold Qi courses through your body, making you resistant to cold, +50% frost resistance. Gain +20% to endurance and wisdom.

Enduring and Cold Mind (Path Perk)

Your mind is sturdy, -30% to any mental damage against you, mind manipulating effects are less effective against you. Any emotion altering effects on you are 50% less effective while you have a technique active. Gain +15% to intelligence.

Frosted Bottomless Core (Path Perk)

Your Qi is a bottomless well of cold. Increase core capacity by 350%, reduce Qi replenishment rate by 90%. +25% to wisdom stat. Increases Essence draw in rate based on 2x wisdom stat for all cold-related Essence.

Greater Qi Anchor (Path Perk)

You are able to prepare your techniques in advance and trigger them at a moments notice, unleashing them without the need to change your breathing form. Techniques can be anchored to five points in your body, an anchor lasts three days. You can set the anchor whenever you want. Gain +15% to wisdom.

Fighters stamina (Class Perk)

-20% Class abilities stamina requirements.

True Body - Enduring Crystal (Path Perk)

Your body retains all the abilities granted by Enduring. Enduring Crystal is your truest self. Your body is soaked in Absolute Cold Qi, and you may assume the state of Enduring Crystal. While active, your body is hardened into a crystalline state and gives of an Essence of Absolute Cold, increasing the effects of your Absolute Cold Qi based techniques by 20% in your immediate surrounding. While in Enduring Crystal state you gain +80% increased resistance to special attacks but you also gain -40% to physical attacks resistance. While Enduring Crystal is active you lose 25% of total speed. Running out of Qi while in Enduring Crystal will turn your body brittle. Entering the Enduring Crystal when your physical body is damaged will stop the progression of your wounds, and you may regenerate your body through a regenerative meditation and drawing in Essence. You gain +15% to wisdom and +15% vitality.

Aspect Manifestation: Absolute Cold Aura (Path Perk)

Manifest your Qi in the form of an aura around you. Dealing Cold damage equal to 0.7x (0.4X) your wisdom per second. After the initial blast of cold, the temperature around you will continue to drop at speed that is based on your wisdom stat. +10% to wisdom.

Physical Appearance: Extended Age (Path Perk)

You have reverted your bodys age to its prime. And have gained an increase of 70% to your life span. +15% to vitality, +15% to endurance, +15% to strength.

Cold Regeneration (Class Perk)

Your regeneration scales with the temperature around you, the lower the temperature the greater the increase to your vitality, scales up to 100% boost.

Defensive Stance (Class Perk)

You may trigger this perk and enter a defensive stance, you gain +40% to endurance and vitality, you also gain increased balance and pain tolerance, you will be able to anticipate your enemies movements 0.01 seconds in advance. You will be able to sense the power of your opponents strike. During this stance you are unable to attack first, only respond. Perk ends when canceled. Can only use one stance at a time. Cooldown: 5 minutes.

Intercepting Block (Class Perk)

Twice per combat you may charge across a field at 200% current speed in order to intercept an attack being made against another.

Frost Resistance (Class Perk)

You gain a +60 % resistance to all cold-related effects.

Rulers Eyes: Grand Frost Eyes (Path Perk)

You have achieved a great power, your eyes reflect your achievement. Their appearance reflects your inner spirit, anyone looking into your eyes feels the chill of frost and you can activate an additional effect and lower their speed by 2%. Strength of the chill effect depends on your wisdom stat. +10% to intelligence.

Deep Frost Core (Path Perk)

Your core is a bastion of cold. You gain plus 25% to your current core capacity. Powers utilizing cold related Qi are 10% cheaper. +15% to wisdom.

Greater Enduring Stamina (Path Perk)

Your stamina is enduring, gain +50% to total stamina and 25% to stamina regeneration rate. +15% to endurance and vitality.

Grand Absolute Cold Transcendent (Path Perk)

Your Qi channels and core are immune to all damaging effects of the Absolute Cold. Your body has transcended and adapted to your Absolute Cold. All Absolute Cold techniques and powers deal 50% more damage. Absolute Cold rejuvenates you. Being in areas with low temperatures increases your vitality by 10%, moving Qi through your body achieves the same effect. Gain +15% to wisdom and +15% to endurance and +15% to vitality.

Grand Rebirth in Frost (Path Perk)

Your body has adapted to survive in a cold environment You gain immortality. In the case of death, your soul will anchor itself to your dead body for a period of time. If your body is brought to a place of intense cold and left there for a period of three days it will regenerate and you will come back to life. Upon death, your body will now be ensnared in a crystal made out of your own Qi that will have durability equal to 8.75x (5x) your wisdom. The amount of time your soul will remain anchored and the amount of body needed for your soul to anchor itself depends on your tiers of power; current:88% and 12 days. Destruction of the last piece of the body will release the soul from its anchor and send it to the Ethereal realm. Gain +15% to vitality and +15% to endurance.

Shadow's Favorite (Bond Perk)

When standing in shadows, your form blends into the surroundings. Strength of effect depends on the depth of the bond with the awakened object and the darkness of shadow.

Frost Reinforcement (Class Perk)

Five times per combat cover any item with a layer of frost, increasing its durability by 50% for 10seconds.

Frost Ring (Class Perk)

Once per combat you may unleash a ring of frost expanding across the ground, freezing anything that it touches.

Frost Cut (Class Perk)

Cuts with your weapon deal +25% cold damage, lowering their regeneration by 2% per cut, for a maximum of 10%.

Grand Frost Charge (Class Perk)

Five times per combat charge in a direction, spikes made out of ice will grow behind you in your path and deal damage equal to 2x your strength.

Grand Frost Shields (Class Perk)

Three times per combat create three shields made out of ice and have them orbiting you, intercepting any attacks coming your way. Shields will have durability equal to 3x your strength.

Grand Frostfall (Class Perk)

Once per day you may summon a blade made out of ice in the air above you that is ten meters in length and send it falling toward the ground. Upon impact the sword will radiate a sharp frost aura and create a field of ice spikes rising from the ground around it.

Grand Frost Endurance (Class Perk)

Once per day you may increase your physical endurance by 500% for ten minutes by turning your skin into hardened ice, during this time your regeneration is stopped and you can't use any abilities.

Frosted Conduits

Your Qi Conduits are made for channeling cold-related Qi. Moving Qi through your conduits vitalizes your body. Gain +15% to vitality and +15% to wisdom


Grand Frost Knight ( E )



Combat Ability

Frosted Crescent

Movement Ability

Frost Dash

Support Ability

Frost Deflect



Gain +20% to stamina and +20% effectiveness to all cold-related powers when fighting in cold environments. Gain +10% to endurance and strength.

Grand Frost

Gain +40% to stamina and +20% effectiveness to all cold-related powers when fighting in cold environments. Gain ability changes and 10% ability cooldown reduction. Gain +10% endurance and strength


Path of the Sword ( E )


Mid Immortal


Absolute Cold (6)

Base Technique

Arctic Ward

Branch Technique

Arctic Onslaught

Fruit Technique

Arctic Sword Storm


Path of the Unbreakable Wall ( E )


Early Immortal

Base Technique

Glacial Shaping

Branch Technique

Glacial Armor

Fruit Technique

Avatar of Frost

Passive Skills

Active Skills

Combat Mastery >> Sword Mastery >> Sword and Shield Art (10/10)

Swipe >> Greater Swipe >> Crescent Swipe (10/10)

Danger Sense >> Enhanced Danger Sense >> Threat Sense >> Greater Threat Sense (10/10)

Dodge >> Enhanced Dodge (10/10)

Echo Sense >> Greater Echo Sense (10/10)

Block >> Greater Block (10/10)













After a while reading through it, she just closed everything, feeling exhausted. One side she needed more power. She was leading a sect, she needed enough power to protect her people. And she was powerful, she knew that. She was an Immortal Realm Cultivator with more power than most, but then she saw people like Tali, like Ryun. Those were the heights that she would be hard to achieve.

A rustling at the entrance to her tent alerted her that someone was coming in, and she raised her head to look at one of her sects warriors.

Sect Leader? She is awake.

Anrosh blinked and then immediately stood up.


Tali woke up slowly, feeling like she had a mountain dropped on top of her. For a moment she was disoriented, she couldnt see anything and was stricken with fear. It took her a few seconds to realize that her eyes were closed and that she hadnt gone blind again. The pain that she was feeling was great, but it was nothing compared to the pain she had felt before. Even the memory of it hurt more. She was on her knees, formations pulling her down, stifling her, surrounded by the dead and fire. She remembered Awirren standing above her, and then the horrible golden fire that burned her very soul.

She survived because of arrogance. Because Awirren did not think that anyone could go through what she had done and survive. And no one else couldve, the only reason she had was because of her Bond Aspect and because of her perk. Because the bond between her soul and body was too strong to sever. It had kept her alive when others wouldve died, and it had caused her to be crippled. But now

She stood up, grimacing at the pain in her stomach. She felt for her power and had her respond, but her conduits were strained, her core close to breaking. She wasnt going to use any of her Qi anytime soon. But it was there, and that made everything better. Her power was back.

She smiled and then looked around. She saw a healer standing nearby and motioning with his hands, but she couldnt hear her as her ears were ringing. She grimaced and pushed her feet off the bed and to the floor.

Im fine, she said. She had lived through worse, and there was nothing that this healer could do to help her. Tali could tell that he wasnt strong enough to be able to help with the things that she was experiencing.

She saw him stand back and then bow deeply between quickly leaving the room. She frowned at that, she hadnt expected him to do that. But then she realized what that was.

The look in his eyes, the fear and the knowledge of how powerful she was. It was what she had seen all her life before she lost everything. People in her sect giving her recognition and respect. She didnt know how to feel about it now. She knew that she could speak and everyone around her would listen now. For three hundred years she had been a crippled slave, of no consequence, and now she was who she used to be.

She shook her head and then glanced at the corner of her vision where a notification waited for her. It had been so long since something like that had happened, she pulled it out slowly and then read through.

Congratulations! You have gone through a Crucible!

New title availableCrucible of the Soul

Only one notification, one thing that she had gained for three hundred years of suffering. She chuckled to herself, it wasnt like she had expected anything else. If she was being honest, she had learned more, far more than she ever couldve before. It wasnt her suffering that had taught her anything, it was the people that she had met because of it.

She raised her hand and looked at it, closing her fingers into a fist. Her power was back, and with that the capability to advance. And she had been stuck in the same realm for a long time. Once, she had a dream of getting to the end of her Path, and now, perhaps she would be able to reach it.

She pulled up her screens and looked at them all for the first time in a long time.


Anatalien Far Solla


Demasi (Enhell - Iteration 1)



Hunted more than 100 monsters

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence

Hero of Promise

Save more than 10 people with a single action

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence

Alchemical Tester

Use more than 10 alchemical concoctions to improve yourself

+2 to intelligence, 500 Essence


First Cultivator in the world to reach the Foundation Stage

+10% to all stats, 100,000 Essence

First Body of Control

First Cultivator in the world to forge their body

+20 dexterity, 10,000 Essence


Create an outpost

+3 to all stats, 1000 Essence


Upgraded outpost to a town

+3 to all stats, 2000 Essence

One Against Many

Fight against more than 10 opponents and win

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence


Reach the Lord Realm

+5 to all stats, 100 Essence


Reach the Monarch Realm

+10 to all stats, 1 000 Greater Essence


Become the sole ruler of a territory.

+5 to all stats, 5000 Greater Essence, Small Mansion unlocked (Town Upgrade)

One Against Horde

Fight against more than 100 opponents and win

+10 to all stats, 10,000 Essence

Alchemical Experiment

Use more than 100 alchemical concoctions to improve yourself

+10 to intelligence, 5000 Essence


Reach Heavenly Realm

+30 to all stats, 50 000 Greater Essence

Hollowed Mountain

First to clear the Hollowed Mountain Dungeon

+2% to all stats, 5000 Greater Essence

Immortal Sign

First in the world to reach the Immortal Realm

+10% to all stats, 200 000 Greater Essence


Reach the Immortal Realm

+50 to all stats,Aging process halted, 100 000 Greater Essence

True Understanding V

Evolve a skill to tier 6

+20 to all stats, 20,000 Greater Essence (per tier 6 skill)

Beyond Understanding II

Focus and specialize your understanding of a tier 6 skill.

+250 to all stats, 100 000 Greater Essence (per focused skill)

Evolved Rise

First in the world to reach the Evolved Realm

+10% to all stats, 300 000 Greater Essence


Reach the Evolved Realm

+100 to all stats, 200 000 Greater Essence

Redwood Burrow

First to clear the Redwood Burrow Dungeon

+2% to all stats, 5000 Greater Essence

The Ruler of the Empty Sky (Unique)

Reach at least a combined power level of nine tiers. And embody an ideal.

+1200 to dexterity and wisdom stats, +5% to all stats, Empty Sky, 100,000 Greater Essence

Monster Hunter

Kill 5000 different monster types

+50 to all stats, 50 000 Greater Essence

Skill Lord

Three skills evolved to tier 6

+For every 3 skills evolved to tier 6 gain: 2% to all stats

Broken Eye

First to clear the Broken Eye Dungeon

+2% to all stats, 5000 Greater Essence

Ascended Soul

First in the world to reach the Ascended Realm

+10% to all stats, 400 000 Greater Essence


Reach the Ascended Realm

+200 to all stats, 400 000 Greater Essence

Aspect Mastery II

Master your secondary Aspect and improve it to tier 9

+300 to all stats, 500 000 Greater Essence

Combined Understanding II

Combine two of your tier 7 skills.

+50 to all stats, 100 000 Greater Essence, -1 skill slot,

(per tier 8 skill)

Eternal Understanding I

Improve a tier 8 skill.

+50 to all stats, 10 000 Celestial Essence (per tier 9 skill)

Dragon Peak

First to clear the Dragon Peak Dungeon

+2% to all stats, 5000 Greater Essence

Kraken Slayer

Kill one of the rulers of the Deep

+250 to all stats, 200 000 Greater Stats

Dragon Slayer

Kill one of the rulers of the Sky

+250 to all stats, 200 000 Greater Essence

Crucible of the Soul

Go through a harrowing experience to improve your soul by forging it in the harshest conditions possible.

+2% to all stats, Soulful (Soul Perk), 50 000 Greater Essence


Grand Clear Mind (Path Perk)

Your mind is clear and sharp. Mental attacks against you have their effectiveness reduced by 50% and your mental resistance is increased by 50%. +10% to intelligence.

Sky Forged Core-Weight of the Sky (Path Perk)

Your core is vast and great as the sky. Increased core capacity by 50%, increase Qi density by 20%, +20% to wisdom. Your core carries the weight of the sky, making those who can sense it experience a sensation of great weight. Strength of effect depends on the quality of Qi. Your core holds the entirety of the sky.

Sky Qi (Aspect Perk)

Your Qi passively enhances you with the Essence of the Sky. It allows you to switch states incredibly quickly, going from calm to stormy and active in an instant. While Sky Qi is moving through your body, you are less susceptible to movement restricting effects, the power of effect depends on the strength of attack. Your Qi is oppressive, reducing movement speed of anyone caught in your techniques by 20%. Techniques using Sky Qi are 20% more effective. Gain +25% to endurance and wisdom.

Greater Qi Controller-Focused Threads (Path Perk)

Your Qi control is perfect, able to finely manipulate your Qi and use up to 4 techniques at the same time. +25% to wisdom. Control depends on wisdom stat. Your control is without match, you weave techniques as the sky itself shakes.

Aspect Manifestation: Sky Cloak (Path Perk)

Manifest a cloak made out of Sky Qi around you. It protects your from weak to moderate projectile attacks and increases your control in the air. Any Sky Qi techniques used while the cloak is active are 10% more effective.

Physical Appearance: Improved (Path Perk)

Your body and features are improved. Any physical defects are removed. Enhances your current capabilities and extends life expectancy by 10%. +20% to strength, +20% to dexterity, +20% to vitality.

Ruler's Eyes: Sky Pressure (Path Perk)

You have achieved a great power, your eyes reflect your achievement. Their appearance reflects your inner spirit, and allow you to instill the pressure of sky on those who look you in the eyes. The weight will manifest as both physical and mental attacks. Effects depends on target's power. You gain +15 to strength, +15% to intelligence, +15% to wisdom.

Vast Empyrian Core-Endless Sky (Path Perk)

Your core is vast and empyrian, filled with Sky Qi. Your current core capacity is increased by 200% of current total. The effect of your core on those who can sense it is increased by 100%. +25% to wisdom. Great and endless sky follows you.

Skyformed Stamina (Path Perk)

Your stamina is strengthened by your connection to the sky. Your stamina consumption is reduced by 25% as long as you are surrounded only by sky related Essence. Your stamina regeneration is doubled. +20% to endurance.

Forging of body and Aspect: Vastness of Sky-Skysworn (Path Perk)

Your body is forged by your aspect and your path. Your body is made for the sky, all effects of Sky related Essence have 80% reduced effects against you. While on the ground or surrounded by Essence that is not related to Sky, your stats are lowered by 15%, while in the sky your stats are increased by 15%. Effects of your Sky powers are increased by 20% more effective. While in the sky your Qi regeneration is increased by 200%. You gain +20% to strength, +20% to dexterity, +20% to intelligence, +60% to wisdom. You belong to the sky.

Immortality: Daughter of Sky-Sky Heart (Path Perk)

Your body is tied to the concept of sky, you no longer age. Upon death your body will fall apart into base Essences and erupt into an explosion of Sky Qi your soul will be transported to the Sky for recovery. Your Soul will be able to act and will have access to the full power of weight of sky. By using the weight of sky on the Essence around you, you may reconstitute your body. Once sufficient Essence has been gathered, your body will be reformed. Effect can occur once every: 3 days. If your soul is sufficiently harmed injured during that period it will continue to the Ethereal Realm. Gain +25% to wisdom and +25% to intelligence. You love the sky, and it loves you in turn.

Wind Blast (Skill Perk)

Your My Will, Wind Control allows you to control the winds. Once per day you may unleash a powerful blast of wind in any direction around you that will deal damage equal to 150% of your intelligence. Gain +10% to intelligence.

Reality Crack (Skill Perk)

Your My Will, Sense Reality lets you feel the boundaries of space around you. Once per week you may unleash a powerful attack that will shatter space in front of you and let other overlapping planes to seep through. The attack deals damage equal to 200% of your intelligence. Gain +15% to intelligence.

Hold the Sky (Skill Perk)

Your My Might, Sky's Reflection fills you with power. Once per day you may shroud yourself with Sky, deflecting any attack sent your way for ten seconds. The durability of the defense is equal to 500% your intelligence. Gain +10% to intelligence.

Know the Sky (Skill Perk)

Your My Winds, True Soaring lets you fly through the sky as if you were born to it. Your flying skill, reactions, and the ability to read the sky are improved. Gain +10% to intelligence

Grand Enduring Conduits (Path Perk)

Your Qi conduits are made for extreme stress. They can endure nearly anything. Increases the amount of Qi able to pass through your conduits without damaging them by 200%. +25% to wisdom.

Grand Free Mind (Path Perk)

Your mind is as grand as the sky. Resistance against mind invasion powers is increased by 200%. +25% to intelligence.

Evolved Form: Grand Minokawa-Sky Lord (Path Perk)

Assume your Evolved form, that of a six-winged Grand Minokawa. All techniques have their effectiveness increased by 100% while in the evolved form. Your control over your aspect is increased by 100%. Gain +100% to all stats and +50% to all stamina and Qi regeneration. As long as you are in the sky, your wounds heal at an accelerated rate of +200%. +25% to wisdom and +25% to intelligence. You rule the sky, and all must bow to you or be thrown to the ground.

Empty Sky (Title Perk)

Once per two months, you may unleash the power of the sky all around you. The blast around you will stifle any active power use by 90% for ten seconds and will physically push everything away from you with the power equal to 30x your strength.

Reality Rending Wind (Skill Perk)

Your My Winds, Shake Everything makis it so that all of your Sky related powers deal damage to space around them, weakening the boundary between planes. +20% to intelligence.

Domain: Sky Expanse (Path Perk)

Summon your Realm into the real world, bringing the expanse of the sky into your surroundings. Sky Expanse is a vast and seemingly unending landscape of bright blue clear sky. +20% to intelligence, +25% to wisdom.

Master of Sky and Bond-Skybond Ruler (Path Perk)

You may exert influence on Sky and Bond Essence around you. The strength of effect depends on the tier of your Qi. +20% to intelligence and +20% to wisdom. You rule your aspects, commanding them as if they were your own body.

Bond Qi (Aspect Perk)

Your Qi passively enhances you with the Essence of the Bond. It makes your body stronger, increasing your stats by 10% when Bond Essence is used. As long as you have Bond Qi in your core the bonds between your body and soul are more solid, it makes it harder for your soul to be expelled from your body. You are less susceptible to effects that intend on breaking things apart. Techniques using Bond Qi are 20% more effective. Gain +25% to endurance and wisdom.

Knowing Sky (Skill Perk)

Your Mine Are The Winds, And The Sky gives you a great power while in the sky. All your senses are improved while you are in the sky. Gain +20% to intelligence.

Shattering Sky (Skill Perk)

Once per week you may unleash a powerful attack that will drop all the sky essence around you directly to the ground, flattening everything in its way. The amount of damage depends on the current composition of the sky. +25% to intelligence.

Ascended State: Sky Bond Ascendancy (Path Perk)

Enter your ascended state which increases your Qi regeneration rate by 20x, your Qi speed by 10x, and your stamina and health regeneration by 5x for a short period of time. +20% to wisdom and +20% to intelligence

Sky Bond Storm (Path Perk)

You may manifest the core principles behind your power. Allows you to summon a storm filled with Sky and Bond Essence that will act according to your will. +15% to wisdom.

Soulful (Unique)

Your soul is highly resistant to damage, and it can function at peak condition in all states, even if it is highly damaged it will not sever your connection to your power.


The Path of the Empty Dominion (Ma)


Peak Ascended

Aspect #1


Aspect #2


Base Technique

Empty Dominion

Branch Technique

Empty Detonation

Fruit Technique

Empty World


The Path of the Clear Sky

Aspect #1


Aspect #2



Early Ascended

Base Technique

One With the World

Branch Technique

Tempestuous Sky

Fruit Technique

One Bonded Sky

Perfect Air Current Sense

I Shatter the Sky

Mind Shield >> Greater Mind Shield >> Mind Fortress >> Greater Mind Fortress

Mine Are The Winds, And The Sky

Morale >>Greater Morale >> Inspire >> Greater Inspire >> Inspiring Presence

Focus >> Greater Focus >> Meditation >> Enhanced Meditation >> Meditative Trance

Danger Sense >> Greater Danger Sense >> Threat Sense >> Greater Threat Sense

Evasion >> Greater Evasion >> Sky Evasion >> Greater Sky Evasion













Her reading was interrupted as someone stepped into the tent, forcing her to look up. She saw Anrsoh walk in, her body bandaged in placed and her eyes looking her over.

How are you feeling? Anrosh asked.

Like I woke up for the first time in ages, Tali smiled.

Anrosh nodded. Thank you for coming, for helping.

It is my sect too, Tali said, and realized that she did mean it.

Anrosh nodded. The healers say that you are in dangerous territory, you cant use any of your powers, not for a while at least.

It was so hard for her to accept that, her power had been denied to it for a while, but She would have to be patient for a while longer. For now, she should rest, and perhaps help Anrosh deal with this crisis. She might not be able to use her power for a while, but other people didnt know that. Face was important to the sects after all, and she had gained a lot by her one display of power.

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