Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Chapter 267: Nayra

Chapter 267: Nayra

Valkyries Immortality

Nayra sat in her room, her cell. It was small, but well furnished. She held her great spear in her arm. The awakened weapon, Erishi Resav. A golden spear that had once belonged to Eerv, before it passed to Ryun who gave it to her. She remembered that day, when she had gotten it. She couldnt believe that he was doing it, just giving her an awakened weapon. They were so valuable and sought in the Empire that even her family didnt have many. Before she left her sister, decided to abandon the Empire, she couldve only dreamed about having an awakened weapon. Her family mightve considered granting her one, but they never gave it to those who were below immortal tier. She wouldve had to prove herself worthy of one.

Yet she had been granted this one, simply because she was trusted by someone. Because he valued her as a Sect Leader. It was a strange feeling, to know that someone else looks at you with worth. No one had come for her in three years, and while sometimes she wavered slightly, she never truly had any doubt that they would come for her. She didnt quite know how to explain why, not even to herself, she just knew it. It was in the way that Ryun and Anrosh had acted in the past, the way that they interacted with other sect members, the way that they lived their lives. What Erik had done, the way that he had taken her, it was something that they wouldnt be able to forget.

We could try and slip through our captors fingers ourselves, Erishi Resav said in her mind.

Nayra grimaced. Her spear loved getting through its opponents guards, it was its nature, to slip through and strike at the heart. Nayra knew that she could do it, she had proven it last night. She was strong enough that she could overpower her guards if she took them by surprise. Though, they would be more on guard now, she could probably do it again. The strongest people were needed to defend the Wall, they couldnt waste them on keeping her prisoner. No, they werent what was keeping Nayra here. It was her sense of duty, not toward the Empire or her family, but everything else. Helping keep the line here at the Wall, also helped her other family, her sect.

And, as much as she hated to admit it, her instructors had given her a lot of power. The souls that formed the contracts with her in death had given her a lot of powerful passive perks and a few active ones. Her instructors insisted that she should focus on passive power increase, saying that it was the best way forward. Nayra had no choice but to agree, the souls that she escorted were loyal to her family. Even in death, they followed orders.

No Resav, not yet, Nayra said. She was a prisoner, yes, but she was getting stronger.

A knock on her door made her turn her head, and then stand. She walked over and opened the door, seeing her sister and brother standing there, Reyla and Emrys.

What do you want? Nayra asked, immediately on guard.

Nayra, Reyla started. Can we come in?

After a long few seconds, Nayra took a step back, letting them in. She didnt know what they wanted, but she was certain that they did want something. Her family rarely visited without wanting something.

After they entered, Nayra took a seat on her bed, and looked at them. So? What do you want? She repeated her question.

Reyla glanced at Emrys, and then took a deep breath.

Weve talked with mother, Reyla started. There is there is no one coming to help us anytime soon. They dont have anyone to spare right now.

Nayra understood immediately what that meant. The Wall had been breached, and while they had filled the hole, rebuilt it, that chunk of the Wall was not the same. It had no defenses that the rest of it had. They had probably already put some arrays on it, but in the end those could not measure up to the layers and layers of defenses put into the rest of the Wall.

That is this part of the Wall is a weakness, Nayra said, wondering what her mother was thinking. We dont have enough people to even defend it properly.

I know, Reyla said slowly.

That told Nayra that things were a lot worse than she had thought. If there was no help coming, then then perhaps there wasnt anyone to send. The war had to be going bad for them to leave the fort and the Wall in Reylas and Emryss hands. Nayra knew that they had been the ones to take command during the battle last night. She she didnt know how much faith she would place in them to defend the Wall. If Nayra hadnt decided to help, there wouldnt be anything to defend.

It is that bad? Nayra asked, just wanting confirmation. A part of her wondered if perhaps now was the best time to run away. If they couldnt send more people here, then they certainly wouldnt be able to send anyone after her. Another part of her was she remained here because she could do something. Because she had a responsibility. Not to her family, they had treated her as if she was their property, as if her emotions and thoughts were inconsequential in the long run. But, the Empire was the first line of defense against the Dome monsters, here was where she could do the most to stop them, and also grow stronger.

It appears so, Emrys answered her.

So why are you here? Talking with me?

Nayra, we Reyla paused, then steeled to herself and spoke. We, I need your help.

Nayra blinked, but before she could answer, Reyla continued.

We cant defend the Wall alone, even with you we might not be able to. But, we need to at least try. If these monsters get through in any significant number

Nayra understood. Half of the Empire was in ruins, millions were dead. The only thing that kept the rest of the Empire safe was the Wall. And if the monsters got through, if the Empire fell then the Frontier was next. Her sect, her people. Nayra had made her choice and given her loyalty, if staying here and working with her family was going to keep her home safe then it wasnt much of a decision.

Very well, Nayra said. I assume that means I will no longer be under guard?

Reyla exchanged a look with Emrys and Nayra rolled her eyes.

I couldve escaped last night sister, if I truly wanted to, she told her.

Reyla met her eyes and then nodded her head.

Well then, I guess that we will fight side by side once again, Nayra said.

Reyla took a deep breath and then spoke again. There is one more thing. We are alone, and Emrys and I were the ones placed in charge. I know that we have little hope of holding back an attack of the same magnitude as the one that the monsters fielded last night. Not as we are now, because of that Both Emrys and I had leveled, evolved our Classes.

Nayra blinked, then smiled. You disobeyed? Or did mother tell you that you can?

Reyla grimaced. No one gave us permission, but there is little else that we can do in order to make our chances better. I know that you have at least one Evolution available. With no one else here, I give you permission to Evolve your Class.

Nayra shook her head and chuckled to herself. Reaching the immortal realm had been something that was far in the future before she joined the sect. Something that she would work toward, perhaps even work decades for. Her family had always had the expectation that both she and Reyla would reach it, theyve been put on that path since they were born. But to her, it was always something that she would get far into the future. If she was honest with herself, she never doubted that she would reach that point. Her family had been making immortals for a long time. When she had decided to leave her family, she had decided to give up on that, on everything that they had to offer to her in the future. A part of her had understood that that might mean that she would never be able to reach immortality, that she would eventually grow old and die.

And yet, there were two choices in her screens. The two choices that she had earned by walking her own path not by following guides given to her by others. One was tied to the monsters that she fought on the Wall, a Class tailored to fighting Dome monsters. A mythic Class, the same rarity as her current one, but that mattered little when it offered immortality. Many wouldve jumped on the opportunity, and she believed that many will. There had to be a lot of people that would be offered such Classes from this war. Nayra had never entertained the idea seriously. She had considered it for a few moments when she had gotten it almost a year ago, but ultimately she would never have chosen it. She mightve made a decision to live her life on her own terms, but the education her family had given her still remained. Specialization was good, but not when it concerned opponents. Getting a Class that made you powerful only against wolves might be good if you are being hunted by a pack, but it wouldnt suit after, when you encountered something else.

The second Class Evolution choice she had gained a few months ago, after she had escorted another soul to the afterlife. It was a direct Evolution of her current Class, and it was what she wanted to take. She had to have finished some requirements for it, but she wasn't quite sure what those were. The instructors had asked her to write down everything that she had done in a hope that they could figure it out. She didnt need to wait and see other options, her Class was unique and powerful, it was something that she herself had earned and she wanted to continue going down that road. The only reason why she hadnt taken the Class so far was because of her family, or rather her mother. Nayra had spoken with her a few times only, the first few times she had been filled with anger and resentment, but in the end the person she was angry at the most was Erik. Her brother who didnt listen, who made decisions for her and killed her people. And her mother was she was her mother. Nayra could see that her mother thought that she was doing what was best for her by keeping her here. She had told Nayra that she hadnt agreed with what Eriks decision, but in the end it was done and her mother didnt want to let her go. Not with the war with the Dome monsters going on. Her mother wanted her to grow strong. But in the end, she had been placed in the care of house Ornn retainers, instructors, and her older sister Vanessa.

Her mother had a responsibility to the Empire and she just couldnt deal with everything. Nayra understood and accepted that. She had seen the Dome monsters and knew that they needed people like her mother to help protect them all.

But the others were they were not her mother, and they did not seem to feel the same way. Oh, Nayra hadnt been harmed in any real sense. They limited her freedom and they threatened. Her sister Vanessa herself had threatened punishment if Nayra didnt do what they wanted her to do. Once Nayra wouldve enjoyed getting at least some satisfaction from disobeying. But the life in the sect and walking down her Cultivation Path had taught her patience. She would gain nothing by being defiant.

She hadnt taken the Class because she had no need of it. They didnt push her into dangerous situations. Now, her sister was here, asking her to do it. After she had escaped her guards and went to the battle. Nayra knew that without her, they probably wouldve lost, and she also knew that they couldnt hold the Wall for long. Not without someone on the level of Erik or Vanessa. Nayra, Reyla, and Emrys werent there yet, but they were all that they had.

She couldnt help but think about Ryun and Anrosh. She wondered what they would do. Ryun wouldnt doubt himself, he would do what he wanted to do no matter what. Anrosh would make a decision that would help her protect those that she cared about.

Thank you for your permission, Nayra said with a grin. Reyla picked up on Nayras mocking, she had made it obvious. But it didnt change anything. If Nayra was going to stay, she might as well take the next step. She pulled up her choice of Class and read it over again.

Soul of Gunnr

A Valkyrie of battle and death. A terror to her foes, and caring presence for the dead. You are a warrior and a guide.

The Soul of Gunnr is a class focused on the battle and protecting the souls on their journeys to the afterlife. It is the most powerful on the battlefield. It shines in war and is kin to the souls of warriors. Increasing her allies power in life, and shielding them in death.

Dawnbattle Soul: Your presence in the Ethereal draws warrior souls. The effect of your presence on warrior souls is increased by 500%, and lowered on all other souls by 50%. You gain +20% to stats while protecting recently deceased souls. Your Dawn flavored attacks have their soul damage increased by 100%. Gain 20% to strength and intelligence.

!Gain one of the following:

-Battle Rally support ability: Increases stats, resistances, and morale of yourself and those around you.

-Strike of Battles offensive ability: Execute a strike that deals increased damage for every enemy that you have killed prior to using it.

-Might and Intellect: Gain plus 20% to base strength and intelligence.

It was a Class that would continue her on the same path, and she had no reason not to pick it. She accepted the Class and leveled. The choice of her immortality perk immediately came up.

Valkyries Role

You are tied to the passage of souls, you no longer age. Upon your death, your body will evaporate. Your body will be recreated in the Ethereal Realm as an amalgamation of Essence of Death. You will be tasked with ferrying souls through the Ethereal Realm to the afterlife. Once you have ferried sufficient number of souls, you will be able to recreate your body in the Real Realm. If you are killed in your Death form, you will die a true death.

Valkyrie of Battle and Death

You are tied to battle and death, you no longer age. Upon your death, your body will evaporate. Your body will be recreated in the Ethereal Realm as an amalgamation of the Essences of Battle and Death. You will retain all of your power and will be able to enter and leave the Warrior Afterlife as you please. You will only be able to enter the Real Realm for a limited amount of time based on how many souls you have helped reach the Afterlife. If your new body is destroyed, you will die a true death.

Flaming Birth

You are tied to fire, you no longer age. Once you die, your soul will be transported to the closest fire related plane where you will be transformed into a fireformed spirit. Some of your powers will change and you will retain all of your memories. As a spirit, you will be tied to the domain of fire, and will be very hard to kill as long as your fire domain remains.

Two of her choices were similar, with a few big differences. The last choice she dismissed immediately, it probably came from her fire and heat-based powers. The other two were a lot more interesting. One was obviously a more basic Valkyrie type immortality, while the other was more flavored by her Class. Her choice, ultimately, wasnt that hard. She had her path and she would follow it to the end.

She picked Valkyrie of Battle and Death. Entering the Afterlife and then leaving was far too attractive of an ability. She had seen the golden light that the souls entered, the doors to the afterlife. She had always wondered what was through there. Now, she might get the chance to see. She had to die first, but still. Then she raised her head to meet her siblings eyes.

You did it? Reyla asked.

Yes. I thought that I would feel different, Nayra said. She had the new perk, but she didnt feel immortal.

Me too, Reyla smiled, and for a moment they were back in time. In a period where they were inseparable. But that quickly passed. Nayra, do you have Essence? If not, I can take some from the coffers. We were hoping that we could level as much as we can in this Evolution.

Nayra tilted her head. She did, in fact, have Essence. Three years of fighting made her a large sum, but she had been saving up for a long time anyway. Did you level already?

Not yet, I was hoping that we could talk about it a bit? We dont have any instructors here to help us make the decisions, Reyla said slowly.

You picked your immortality, though? Nayra said, at least that was what she had gathered from their conversation before.

Yes, but that wont really impact our ability to fight, Reyla said.

Nayra waved her hand, it didnt really matter to her anyway. She leaned back and nodded her head. I guess that we can help each other.

Nayra wasnt an expert at all, she followed Ryuns rules for picking perks. Meaning she asked two questions; Is this going to fit well into my kit? And how will this help me smash my enemies to pieces or help my other perks smash my enemies more effectively? Simple.

She gestured for Reyla and Emrys to take seats and then asked them to show her their screens. Then, the three of them started talking about their perks and making choices. It was almost as if they were in some other reality, one where they were one big happy family. This here was what she had left the Empire for, to advance on her own terms. To make her own choices. Talking with other and getting advice was fine, but there were no instructions here. No guides and reading manuals and ancient scrolls.

Slowly, the three of them leveled and picked their perks. All the way until all three of them had reached level 419, the last level before next Evolution. Nayra of course couldnt level more, she hadnt met the requirements for her next Class Evolution. And by their reactions, neither had anyone else.

Nayra took a deep breath, then released it slowly. I guess that we should talk a bit about how we are going to defend the Wall.

She did not look forward to that discussion.



Third Heritage

Was born to the Rankers of the Third Iteration

+5% to all stats, 500 Greater Essence

Great Feat

Kill a tier one monster with at least 10x your total stats without help from someone with Essence before obtaining a Class, Path, or Skill

+Choose a Legendary Class, Path, or Skill. Gain a Unique Perk.


Hunted more than 100 monsters

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence

Hero of Promise

Save more than 10 people with a single action

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence

One Against Many

Fight against more than 10 opponents and win

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence

One Against Horde

Fight against more than 100 opponents and win

+10 to all stats, 10,000 Essence

Class Evolution VI

Evolved your class for the sixth time.

+60 to all stats, 20 000 Greater Essence (all evolutions total)


Achieve Lord Realm

+5 to all stats, 100 Greater Essence

Monster Hunter

Kill 5000 different monster types

+50 to all stats, 50 000 Greater Essence

Soul Guide

Guide more than 10 souls to the afterlife.

+100 to all stats, 500 000 Greater Essence


Reach the Monarch Realm

+10 to all stats, 1 000 Greater Essence


Twin Link (Unique Perk)

Your mind is linked with that of your twin, allowing you to speak to one another regardless of the distance.

Fortified Core (Path Perk)

Your core is fortified. Increased core capacity by 25%, +20% to Qi speed. +10% to wisdom

Valkyries Descent (Class Perk)

Once per combat, jump high into the air and then descend toward targeted area and stab your weapon into the ground, releasing a shockwave around you. Strength of effect depends on strength stat.

Heat Resistance (Class Perk)

Your body is resistant to heat. 20% passive heat resistance, gain additional 1% heat resistance for every fifteen points of endurance. (Currently 47.8%)

Goddess of Speed (Class Perk)

Once per combat, double your dexterity for two strikes.

Thousand Cuts (Class Perk)

Every injury you inflict that draws blood heals 20% slower and bleeds for 10% more.

Rapid Recovery (Class Perk)

Once per combat, heal a non-lethal injury. Speed of recovery equals twice your vitality.

Valkyries Avatar of Fire (Class Perk)

Once per day transform into an avatar of fire. Doubles your size and doubles your total stats. Every kill you make while in this form, grants you double Essence.

Valkyries Swiftness (Class Perk)

Once per combat double your speed for thirty seconds.

Ferry the Soul (Class Perk)

Create a contract with a recently departed soul, carry it to the Ethereal Realm and provide protection until it reaches the afterlife. Fulfillment of the contract will permanently grant you a boon in the form of one of the Souls perks. The perk gained depends on the soul, as the soul will lose the perk it offers.

Valkyrie's Shout (Class Perk)

Once per combat release a powerful shout that stuns nearby enemies. The effectiveness of the stun depends on your opponent's resistances.

Valkyries Stamina (Class Perk)

Once per day recover your stamina to its full state.

Valkyries Might (Class Perk)

Once per combat double your strength for thirty seconds.

Dawnfire Wings (Class Perk)

Wings made out of dawnfire grow out of your back, allowing you flight. The wings last for a maximum of three hours, and will stay on cooldown for the same amount of time that they have been used.

Dawnfire Blink (Class Perk)

Once per combat, teleport to any place in a twenty meter radius around you. Upon arrival at your destination release a blast of Dawnfire that hits everything in a three meter radius.

Valkyries Call (Class Perk)

While in the Ethereal Realm, summon any recently departed soul to your location. The soul is not required to answer.

Vaporizing Cuts (Class Perk)

Every attack that draws blood, sends a blast of heat into the wound, vaporizing a tiny portion of your opponents blood.

Scorching Mist (6) Qi (Aspect Perk)

When using techniques, your inner temperature rises increasing your heat resistance by 25%. When Scorching Mist Qi courses through your body your heat-based attacks deal 20% more damage. +20% to wisdom and vitality.

Body of the Greater Wolf (Path Perk)

Your body utilizes your endurance more efficiently. Your stamina is counted as if your endurance is if it 2.5 of its base. All stamina draining costs are reduced by 2.5. +10% to endurance.

Blazing Conduits (Path Perk)

Your Qi conduits are developed for great bursts of Qi, and are able to handle a greater volume of Qi moving through it at the same time. Able to unleash techniques without the need for a breathing form and able to use up to two techniques at the same time. +10% to wisdom.

Greater Steel Mind (Path Perk)

In combat your mind is additionally focused. Reading your opponent's movements comes easier to you. Mental attacks are 15% less effective against you. Effect depends on your intelligence stat. +10% to intelligence.

Dawnspirit Cry (Class Perk)

Once per combat release a cry that will increase soul protection of everyone around you by 50% for 15 seconds.

Great Lunge (Class Perk)

Once per combat, lunge forward and reset the cooldown on one of your abilities of choice.

Valkyries Mantle (Class Perk)

Passively gain +20% Essence from every kill you make even when Avatar of Fire isnt active. The bonus is added to that of Avatar of Fire when it is activated.

Dawn Stun (Class Perk)

Once per combat, send a blast of dawn flame all around you that will damage and stun anyone caught in it for 1 sec. Time varies depending on targets resiliencies.

Battle Trance (Class Perk)

Once per combat, enter a battle trance for two minutes. You gain increased awareness of the battle around you and +20% to all stats and your cooldowns are reduced by 20%.

Death Sense (Class Perk)

You are able to sense the nearly departed in a radius around you. You may gain insights about the cause of death. Radius depends on wisdom stat.

Death Empowerment (Class Perk)

You gain increased stats depending on the amount of death around you. Gain 1% to all stats per recently deceased body in a radius around you. Radius depends on wisdom stat.

Lady of Battle (Class Perk)

Once per week you can inspire every ally around you, increasing their strength, dexterity, endurance, and vitality by 10% for 1 hour.

True BodyLotus Born Cloud (Path Perk)

Your body has been reforged into your true self, adopting attributes to reflect your path. Your path is that of one untouched by impurity, of pure heart and mind. As such your body is forged in that image. Your cultivation is no longer affected by the impurity of Essence you use, and always grants the most benefit. Your movements induce dreamy forgetfulness in those who gaze upon you. The power of the effect depends on their mind resistances. Physical changes. Your Body retains all the abilities granted by Lotus Born. Lotus Born Cloud is your truest self. Your body is soaked in Scorching Mist Qi, and you may assume the state of Scorching Mist. While active your body becomes a cloud of the Scorching Mist, giving off the Essence of the Scorching Mist, increasing the effects of your Scorching Mist Qi based techniques by 20% in your immediate surroundings. While in Scorching Mist Cloud state, you gain a +80% increased resistance to physical attacks, but you also gain a -40% to special attacks resistance. You are immune to mental attack and anyone caught in your Cloud will suffer a moderate mental attack that induces forgetfulness. While full Scorching Mist Cloud is active you have none of your physical senses. Running out of Qi while in Cloud form will result in death. Entering into your Cloud form when surrounded by essences related to mist will allow you to use them to heal yourself. You gain +10% to wisdom and +10% to vitality.

Quick Steps (Bonus Perk)

You gain 10% bonus speed when in combat.

Shield Focus (Bonus Perk)

You gain +15% to endurance while holding a shield.

Minor Strength (Bonus Perk)

You gain +5% to strength when in combat.

Minor Endurance (Bonus Perk)

You gain +5% to endurance when in combat.

Grace of the Commander (Bonus Perk)

Once per day you may use Grace of the Commander to bolster morale of everyone around you and increase their stats by 5%.

Greater Endurance (Bonus Perk)

You gain +15% to endurance when in combat.

Greater Defense (Bonus Perk)

You gain +15% to physical resistance while in combat.

Soldier's Gambit (Bonus Perk)

When you are critically injured, gain Gambit, for ten seconds your stats increase by 25%.

Brawlers strike (Bonus Perk)

Once per combat make a strike dealing damage equal to 2x your strength.

Minor Reflexes (Bonus Perk)

Your reflexes are enhanced by 20%, speed of response equal to 1.2x your dexterity.

Riposte (Bonus Perk)

Once per combat, gain the ability to execute a lightning fast attack after being damaged. Speed of returning strike equals double dexterity stat.

Moderate Strength (Bonus Perk)

You gain +10% to strength when in combat.

Aspect Manifestation: Scorching Mist Aura (Path Perk)

Manifest your Qi in the form of an aura around you. Dealing Heat damage equal to 0.35x (0.1x) your wisdom per second. Anything marked by the Scorching Mist Qi takes additional one quarter of total damage dealt over the next two seconds.

Valkyrie of Battle and Death (Class Perk)

You are tied to battle and death, you no longer age. Upon your death, your body will evaporate. Your body will be recreated in the Ethereal Realm as an amalgamation of Essences of Battle and Death. You will retain all of your power and will be able to enter and leave the Warrior Afterlife as you please. You will only be able to enter the Real Realm for: 10 years, per 100 souls escorted to the Afterlife. If your new body is destroyed, you will die a true death.

Death Maelstrom

Once per week you can gather the death on a battlefield and release a powerful storm of Death Essence at your target. Any additional deaths will feed the storm and make it grow. The maelstrom will end when it no longer has any Death Essence to feed on.

Grand Call Warrior Souls

Once per month, you may release a grand call to battle. Souls of any nearby warriors will hear the call in the Ethereal Realm, and if they so choose they can answer it. If they answer the call they will cross over into the real world and fight for you as ghosts that are only vulnerable to Ethereal Damage. The souls will have the stats they had in life, but no access to their other powers.

Battle Knowledge (Class Perk)

While in combat you gain a knowledge of the flow of battle around you, letting you anticipate your opponents attacks 0.1 seconds in advance.


Soul of Gunnr ( Re )



Combat Ability

Dawnfire Mirage

Movement Ability

Shimmering Burst

Support Ability

Dawnfire Immolation

Additional Ability

Dawn Dash

Additional Ability

Ethereal Cross


Shepherd for the Souls

You are able to see souls. All Ethereal based powers are 20% more effective. All special attacks deal 1.5% of the total damage dealt as soul damage. Gain +10% to strength and wisdom.


All fire based powers now create dawnfire, an intense fire that is extremely hard to put out and burns more intensely during the day. All fire based powers are 20% more effective. All special attacks deal 1% of total damage dealt as soul damage. Gain +10% to strength and wisdom.


All dawnfire abilities gain 50% more effectiveness in the Ethereal Realm. Your soul regenerates at 200% faster rate. Gain +10% to strength and intelligence.


Your stats are increased by 20% in battle. Any person you consider an ally gains 10% to their stats while fighting with you. Your base ability cooldowns are reduced by 20%. Souls of warriors think of you as kindred. Gain 15% to strength and dexterity.

Battle Soul

Your presence in the Ethereal draws warrior souls. The effect of your presence on warrior souls is increased by 500%, and lowered on all other souls by 50%. You gain +20% to stats while protecting recently deceased souls. Your Dawn flavored attacks have their soul damage increased by 100%. Gain 20% to strength and intelligence.


Path of the Lotus Dance


Early Monarch


Scorching Mist (6)

Base Technique

Mesmerizing Mirage

Branch Technique

Mist Burst

Fruit Technique

Curtain of Mist Petals


Path of the Final End


Mid Lord

Base Technique

Mantle of the Rising Mists

Branch Technique

Scorching Blast

Fruit Technique

Mist of the Scorching End

Passive Skills

Active Skills

Combat Mastery >> Spear and Buckler Mastery >> Enhanced Spear and Buckled Mastery

Block >> Greater Block >> Shield Wall

Heat Sense >> Greater Heat Sense >> Thermoception >> Enhanced Thermoception

Swipe >> Enhanced Swipe >> Arc Swipe

Pain Tolerance >> Greater Pain Tolerance >> Toughness >> Enhanced Toughness

Throw >> Greater Throw >> Hurl















Third Heritage

Was born to the Rankers of the Third Iteration

+5% to all stats, 500 Greater Essence

Great Feat

Kill a tier one monster with at least 10x your total stats without help from someone with Essence before obtaining a Class, Path, or Skill

+Choose a Legendary Class, Path, or Skill. Gain a Unique Perk.


Hunted more than 100 monsters

+5 to all stats, 5 Greater Essence

Hero of Promise

Save more than 10 people with a single action

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence

One Against Many

Fight against more than 10 opponents and win

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence

Class Evolution VI

Evolved your class for the fifth time.

+60 to all stats, 5000 Greater Essence

Freezing Burrow

First to clear the Freezing Burrow Dungeon

+2% to all stats, 50 000 Greater Essence

True Understanding III

Evolve a skill to tier 6 (Evolved 2 skills to tier 6)

+20 to all stats, 20 000 Greater Essence(per evolved skill)

Spirit Hallow

First to clear the Spirit Hallow Dungeon

+2% to all stats, 50 000 Greater Essence

Apprentice Liegewoman: Ornn Houshold

Complete 10 contributions for your faction of a difficulty equal or greater than your tier of power.

+5 to all stats, 1000 Greater Essence

Howling Gorge

First to clear the Howling Gorge Dungeon

+2% to all stats, 50 000 Greater Essence

Journeywoman Liegewoman: Ornn Houshold

Complete 25 faction tasks that are no more than two tiers of power below you in difficulty.

+25 to all stats,5000 Greater Essence

Elite Liegewoman: Ornn Houshold

Complete 100 faction tasks that are no more than two tiers of power below you in difficulty.

+50 to all stats,10 000 Greater Essence

Beyond Understanding I

Focus and specialize your understanding of a tier 6 skill.

+250 to all stats, 100 000 Greater Essence (per focused skill)

Skill Lord

Three skills evolved to tier 6

+For every 3 skills evolved to tier 6 gain: 2% to all stats


Twin Link(Unique) (Unique Perk)

Your mind is linked with that of your twin, allowing you to speak to one another regardless of the distance.

Valkyries Descent (Class Perk)

Once per combat, jump high into the air and then descend toward targeted area and stab your weapon into the ground, releasing a shockwave around you. Strength of effect depends on strength stat.

Fire Resistance (Class Perk)

Your body is resistant to fire. 20% passive fire resistance, gain additional 1% fire resistance for every fifteen points of endurance. (Currently 25.8%)

Goddess of Speed (Class Perk)

Once per combat, double your dexterity for two strikes.

Thousand Cuts (Class Perk)

Every injury you inflict that draws blood heals 20% slower and bleeds for 10% more.

Rapid Recovery (Class Perk)

Once per combat, heal a non-lethal injury. Speed of recovery equals twice your vitality.

True Classer (Class Perk)

All cooldowns for your abilities are halved.

Classers Hand (Class Perk)

Effectiveness of all Class abilities is increased by 25%

Embodying the Spear (Class Perk)

Increases the leveling speed of any skill that can be used with a spear by 400%.

Valkyrie's Shout (Class Perk)

Once per combat release a powerful shout that stuns nearby enemies. The effectiveness of the stun depends on your opponent's resistances.

Spear Trance (Class Perk)

Once per combat, enter a spear trance for one minute. All your spear-based powers are 15% more effective.

Valkyrie's Might (Class Perk)

Once per combat double your strength for thirty seconds.

Dawnspear (Class Perk)

Increases the leveling speed of any skill that can be used with a spear by 200%. Any Dawnfire powers used with a spear are 20% more effective.

Dawnfire Raging Strike (Class Perk)

Three times per combat execute an attack that sends a raging torrent of Dawnfire forward.

Dawnfire Regeneration (Class Perk)

Once per day, consume any Dawnfire still burning around you and heal yourself by the amount of damage that the fire did before it was consumed.

Critical Attack (Class Perk)

Your attacks against injured opponents deal 20% more damage.

Dawnspirit Regeneration (Class Perk)

Increases the leveling speed of any skill that can be used to heal the soul by 200%. All Dawnspirit powers are 20% more effective.

Dawnspirit Reflection (Class Perk)

Once per combat you may release a cone shaped attack that will deal damage equal to the amount of damage that you have suffered that combat as soul damage.

Dawnspirit Rending (Class Perk)

Once per combat unleash a powerful soul rending attack that interrupts power use for 1 second.

Dawspirit Aegis (Class Perk)

Once per week you may create a defensive force around your soul that will protect you from soul damage. The amount of damaged that the aegis can take before breaking depends on your intelligence stat.

Dawn and Fire Dance (Skill Perk)

Your My Dance, Fire and Dawn seeps into your movements. Once per week you may activate Fire and Dawn Dance, unleashing intense light and fire around you that move in step with your movements. +10% to dexterity

Soul Sanctuary (Class Perk)

Release a powerful blast of light that creates a sanctuary around you, healing and calming the souls inside.

Dawn Beam (Class Perk)

Twice per combat, unleash a concentrated beam of light from the tip of your weapon inflicting 2x your intelligence as scorching damage.

Beacon of Dawn (Class Perk)

Summon the light of dawn. This light lasts for ten minutes and counts as the light of the day.

Fire of Dawn (Class Perk)

Once per day, imbue one of your abilities with Fire of Dawn, increasing any fire-related damage it deals by 100%

Valkyries Rebirth in Dawnfire (Class Perk)

You are tied to the dawn. Upon death, your body will collapse into ash. If you are under the light of dawn, the ash will catch fire and you will be reborn from the ashes. If you die at a time other than the dawn, the ash will remain inert unless there is enough fire-related Essence around it. If there is enough of it, the fire will be consumed and you reborn. If the ashes are not exposed to enough fire Essence or Dawnlight within 7 days, your soul will move on to the Ethereal Realm. As a Valkyrie you will retain all of your powers after death, but will be unable to gain regular entrance back to the Real Realm.

Dawn's Judgment (Class Perk)

Spend one mark to summon a large pillar of dawnfire that will deal 4x your strength + 4x your intelligence as dawnfire damage in a large area.

Dawning Breath (Class Perk)

Spend three marks to create a powerful blast of dawnfire from your hand, dealing 8x your intelligence + 4x your strength in a cone in front of you.

Wings of a Phoenix (Class Perk)

Summon wing of dawnfire on your back, you can detonate the wings in order send a blast of dawnfire all around you dealing 8x your intelligence. Drains 5% stamina per 2 seconds while active.


Dawn Phoenix-feathered Valkyrie ( Re )



Combat Ability

Dawn Mirage

Movement Ability

Dawn Rush

Support Ability

Dawnfire Immolation


Shepard for the Souls

You are able to see souls. All Ethereal based powers are 20% more effective. All special attacks deal 1.5% of total damage dealt as soul damage. Gain +10% to strength and wisdom.


All fire based powers now create Dawnfire, an intense fire that is extremely hard to put out and burns more intensely during the day. All fire based powers are 20% more effective. All special attacks deal 1% of total damage dealt as soul damage. Gain +10% to strength and wisdom.


All Dawnfire abilities gain 50% more effectiveness in the Ethereal Realm. Your soul regenerates at 200% faster rate. Gain +10% to strength and intelligence.


Your stats are increased by 20% from the moment the moon turns into the sun, until midday. Relevant abilities and perks changes. Your abilities are 20% more effective. Gain 15% to dexterity and intelligence.


All fire based power are 20% more effective. Once per day, for every hour of dawn you gain an instance of Dawnmark which passively increases all your abilities damage by 10%, you can spend one or all Dawnmarks that you have to increase your next power's effectiveness by 20% per mark. Marks disappear after the sun turns into the moon. Gain +20% to strength and vitality

Passive Skills

Active Skills

Perfect Fire Dance of Dawning Light: My Dance, Fire and Dawn

Stab >> Greater Stab >> Piercing Stab >> Greater Piercing Stab >> Penetrating Stab

Night Eyes >> Greater Night Eyes >> Night Vision >> Greater Night Vision

Perfect Flaming Crescent

Power Sense >> Greater Power Sense >> Appraisal >> Enhanced Aprasial >> Relative Capability Sense

Throw >> Greater Throw >> Spear Throw >> Greater Spear Throw >> Flaming Spear Throw

Introspection >> Enhanced Introspection >> Contemplation >> Enhanced Contemplation >> Soulsearch

Perfect Inner Strength

Mind Resistance >> Greater Mind Resitance >> Mind Wall >> Greater Mind Wall >> Mind Sphere

Trance >> Enhanced Trance >> Regenerative Trance >> Enhanced Regenerative Trance >> Soul Regenerative Trance













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