Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Chapter 308: Ryun

Chapter 308: Ryun


The blood was dripping slowly now, but Ryun was patient. He kept the vial beneath the wound, filling one more with Jikharuuds blood. Zenkers storage had a lot of different potions, but also reagents, resources that Ryun didnt know anything about. But, there was power in Jikharuuds blood, even after his death the blood felt like it held something. Ryun hadnt even had the chance to look at what potions Zenker had yet, he had focused on items.

He didnt know if the blood was going to be useful, but he was taking it anyway. He had ideas. And he had the wealth to experiment now. Once he filled the last vial, he looked up at the body of the lindwurm. He wondered what Jikharuud would think of him harvesting his body. The Framework wanted them to think of the monsters as well, monsters. Not to think about them in the same way as people. But they were people, just different. Put into a role, given another set of rules just like everyone else. He didnt feel bad about it though, Ryun wouldve done the same to a high tier Cultivator if he fought and killed one too. The perks that changed them gave their bodies great power. He didnt feel like it was disrespectful, the body was just an empty shell. He knew that the soul was gone.

He continued his work, taking the scales, teeth, bones, and horns. It wasnt a quick process, and he had to use his mantle and techniques to cut through. Even dead some of the lindwurms power remained in its body the same as it did in the blood.

He emptied his mind, focusing on the work and on pulling Essence from his surroundings into his conduits. Balancing using three techniques, two with his Void to harvest the body, and one with the Essence that he was pulling in. A burst of air left the back of his neck as he threw the Essence out, practicing. He worked into the night, and then met the next day before he was finished. Once he was done, the rocks and the ground beneath the tree were stained with blood and gore, the parts that he didnt take.

Finished, he turned his eyes to the sky. There were no chest rewards for this dungeon, and from what Jikharuud said the two fruits were the actual rewards. He shaped and walked up the stairs of the Void, then he picked them both from the trees.

Fruit of Laqruuds Physical Legacy

Consuming this fruit will improve all aspects of your body, it will grant you bonus base physical stats based on your current ones, it will cleanse and forge the Essences your body is made up of and bring them all to tier 9. You will undergo physical changes depending on your bodys compatibility (Death possible) and your race will change. The change is violent and painful.

Fruit of Jikharuuds Insight

Consuming this fruit will grant you heightened mental protection, it will grant you bonus base mental stats based on your current ones, and will allow you a greater insight into yourself. You will enter a mental scape where you can meet and face your deepest self (Mindbreak possible). Surviving the ordeal will solidify your truest self.

Both fruits would provide a great benefit to whoever consumed them. Ryuns body was made out of the Essence of Void, purified and concentrated, refined by his core into Qi. He was made out of tier 9 Void Qi. He didnt know if he could even use it, if he was even compatible. He could risk death by using it. Though he didnt feel the need to, his body was perfect far what he was and what he needed. There was no need to complicate it.

The other fruit was the one that drew him. He had tried not to think about the things that Jikharuud saw and said. Those words and insights had not slipped past him without impact. He had believed himself one thing, and now Was it a lie? A trick? Should he eat the fruit and find out? Those questions bothered him, it put him off balance.

He shook his head and put both the fruits inside his storage. He didnt want to think about all of that now. Instead, he busied himself with going through the chests filled with potions and elixirs stored in Zenkers storage.

Each chest was marked, and it didnt take him long to realize which ones were battle potions, which were boosting, which were alchemical weapons, and which were those with unique effects. Going through them, he found a couple dozen potions that increased stats, each unique and new to him. Which meant that they would work for him and give him stats. Sadly, there didnt seem to be enough of them for a full bath. For that one needed a couple dozen vials of the same potions, repeated for each type of potion one wanted to use. What he had here might be enough to fill a small bath that wouldnt be enough for him. The quality of them though the top three types gave a lot of stats.

Eternal Grade Elixir of Titanic Strength

Drinking the contents will grant +150 to base strength permanently. (The elixir loses effectiveness based on how many elixirs of the same type have been previously consumed)

Masterwork Grade Elixir of Giants Strength

Drinking the contents will grant +120 to base strength permanently. (The elixir loses effectiveness based on how many elixirs of the same type have been previously consumed)

Relic Grade Elixir of Treants Strength

Drinking the contents will grant +100 to base strength permanently. (The elixir loses effectiveness based on how many elixirs of the same type have been previously consumed)

And he had one for each stat. There was only one of each, but even that alone was it would make him so much more powerful. Those three types alone were 370 to all his base stats, with the others he could probably gain around 500. Though there werent any extra vials of the same elixirs anywhere. Zenker had probably already used all of those types, so they would be useless to him. He just kept one of each for some purpose that Ryun couldnt know.

After a few moments of thought, he drank the three types, increasing all his stats by 370. The effects of it were somehow more impactful. He felt stronger, and it wasnt often that he could actually feel it. He pushed the sensation aside and stored the rest of the stat potions, deciding to keep them for now. There was a lot of wealth in Zenkers storage, but also a lot of things that he could trade.

He kept looking through the chests, picking up potions that caught his eye. A couple of exploding ones, a few that seemed to be acid, others that froze anything they touched or turned things to stone. It was an arsenal of alchemy. Then, he found a couple interesting ones.

Qi Refinement Elixir

Consuming the elixir will refine and improve your Qi, increasing its tier by 3 (max 9).

Grand Core Reinforcement Elixir

Consuming the elixir will add 50% more capacity to the Cultivators core as well as 50% more Qi density.

Ryuns Qi was already the maximum tier, but there were many Cultivators that would pay fortunes for that. And for a potion that could reinforce their core. He remembered how much Selia paid for it. In this storage Ryun had enough wealth to never have to worry about Essence again. He already hadnt had many issues with that, his Class was made to harvest Essence. But now, he didnt even need to use it. The core one was powerful, and it would give him so much more Qi that he could extend his battle staying power by a lot. There were a few other, weaker versions too, so he decided that he didnt need to keep it. But, he was also on the cusp of the next Realm, which would increase his core size in the process of advancement. He put the elixir aside for later.

A lot of the other potions were reagents and ingredients, though they did have effects.

He spent the rest of the day looking through the potions, cataloging them, and there were thousands of them. As the night came, he raised his head and looked in the distance, in the direction where he felt Selia from. He should hurry and return, he knew that his absence was causing issues in the sect. That Anrosh was struggling to deal with everything. But no matter how much he wanted to be around people again, he knew that he wouldnt have a chance like this one again in a long time. To be alone, to be able to completely give himself to training and experimenting. There were things that he wanted to do before he went home and had to deal with other people.

He stood up and turned in the opposite direction, toward the abandoned city he came from.

Ryun looked through the reagents in Zenkers storage, searching, while not quite knowing exactly what for. He had many ideas over the last few days, but few had any success. Today he was going to try something that was different. Something that perhaps could work.

Fire again? Ryun asked.

The type of fire might be important, Bright Star responded.

Ryun grunted. He pulled out two vials of it from the storage.

Vial of Distilled Greater Fire Elemental Essence

You can feel the heat and the power of the Greater Fire Elemental in the liquid. Passively gives off heat and in the right circumstances will burst into fire.

It was a reagent, something that could be further mixed with something else to get an effect, an elixir or a potion. The blood that he had taken from Jikharuud was just that, blood. It didnt have a Framework window because it wasnt distilled, it was raw. It held the power, but Ryun didnt know how to bring it out. This was already distilled.

He moved back into the forge, and got to work. He approached the smelter and placed the ingot of iron on top. As it melted he slowly poured the distilled Essence on top of it. He saw the heat ignite it, and it melted the iron instantly. What he got after he went through the process of refining, was a bright orange ingot streaked with gray. It became something else. Firetouched Ironhe had been right.

He spent the next day preparing for the next step. He found the best oil mixture in the abandoned forges, and then added the second vial of Essence to it, mixing it all up.

Then, he got to the process of forging the ingot into a blade.

Even the shaping of it was easier somehow. It responded to heat much better, and the strikes of his hammer somehow brought the Essence of fire and iron closer, bonding further. He could see it with his eyes. There was a disparity in the quality of the iron and the Essence, but it worked.

Once he finished roughly shaping it into the blade, he pulled the fire from the forge again. He moved the Essence through his body, not through his core this time, but just in then out and into his hammer. He focused, and with each hit, he tried to force it into the blade. It wasnt changing states, it remained in the state of the fire. But, it was going into the Essence of the metal. It was working. It wasnt bonding fully, he could tell that what he was doing was keeping it there and that it would just dissipate eventually. He wasnt done, though.

He raised the blade and then pushed it into the oil mixture he made, quenching it. The oil ignited and he watched as the blade soaked up all the Fire Essence from the oil. It seeped into the blade and tied it all together.

He pulled it out and the blade burned. Orange flame surrounded the blade all the way through, burning intensely. He moved to the workstation and as soon as he tried to assemble the hilt and the guard he realized that he couldnt. The moment it touched the blade, it melted from the flames. His body was burning, regenerating so fast that he wasnt even noticing it, but the blades fire was powerful.

He reached into his storage and pulled out a piece of bone he harvested from Jikharuud. With the Void he shaped it and then slid the blade into it as a handle. He could feel the bone get heated, but it didnt melt, nor did it get damaged at all. He then searched through Zenekers storage, looking for any other high tier ingredients that he could use. He didnt find any ingredients, but he found a mythic sword of fire resistance which he took apart and pulled out the leather straps of the hilt. He used them to tie the blade and the bone, and then he bent the guard around on top in a makeshift new one. With the blade secured to a hilt he picked it up, a prompt appeared in front of him and for the first time he entered a name.

Fire Blade? Really? Bright Star complained.

It fits, Ryun answered.

The blade was still ignited, and the fire didnt seem to be going down. He pulled up its details.

Fire Blade

+450 to Intelligence

+100 to Strength

+50 to Wisdom

The blade exudes Forge Fire Essence. Holding it while in the presence of Forge Fire will increase that fires heat by 50% and provides a slightly deeper insight into Forge Fire Essence. Provides 20% fire resistance when held.

So, the choice of materials and sources did matter a lot. The distilled Essence helped bond everything, and it probably made the simple iron much stronger. But the metal wasnt on the level of relic grade materials, that was for sure. The rarity had to have come from the other materials he used. A bone of an Eternal monster, leather from a mythic sword. The bone was what had increased the rarity this much, it carried the creation. He wondered just how durable the blade was. Would it hold up to the same forces that another relic grade weapon could endure, probably not. He had wasted the materials, for something that he probably couldve learned without experimenting. He couldve found a teacher or purchased the information. But he felt that it was better this way, that it helped his bond with Bright Star and that he learned on his own. The lindwurm would probably call it arrogance, and perhaps he was right. He mightve wasted a powerful reagent, but he learned more from it.

After a moment he laid the blade back on the anvil and offered it to Bright Star to consume.

Ah, it is good, Bright Star said.I see.

Then Ryun felt a familiar sensation, the deepening of their bond. He had fed him a dozen eternal, masterwork, and relic grade items from Zenkers storage and just as many damaged items. Everything of lower grade he found in the ruins of the Empire too went to him.

He pulled out the notifications and saw the changes.

Star Forge-Bright Star

Armory of the Stars

Grants the user the ability to store up to 9items into the Star Forge up to Masterworkrarity. Each item placed in the forge will be replicated and stored alongside the original, with the maximum of 12copies. The rate or replication is:

Common rarity - 1 per 30 minutes.

Uncommon rarity - 1 per 2 hours.

Rare rarity - 1 per 8 hours.

Epic rarity - 1 per 24 hours.

Legendary - 1 per 48 hours.

Mythic - 1 per 72 hours.

Relic - 1 per 96 hours.

Masterwork - 1 per 120 hours.

Any item stored in the forge is granted equip and repair while used by the user. The item copies will last for 20 minutes outside of the forge if they are not used by the user.

Star Improvement

Any item placed in the forge for longer than 7 days will gain bonuses based on rarity:

Common rarity - +5 to all stats and +10% to its durability.

Uncommon rarity - +10 to all stats and 12% to its durability.

Rare rarity - +20 to all stats and +14% to its durability.

Epic rarity - + 30 to all stats and +18% to its durability.

Legendary rarity - + 40 to all stats and +20% to its durability.

Mythic rarity - + 50 to all stats and +22% to its durability.

Relic rarity - + 100 to all stats and +24% to its durability.

Masterwork rarity - +200 to all stats and +26% to its durability.

Anvil of Stars

Allows you to pull out the anvil of stars from the Star Forge scape. Items made on the Anvil of the Stars gain +15% to their durability and +50 to one stat based on the materials they are made out of.

Forged in Stars (Bond Perk)

Any item worn by the user gains +50% to their durability.

Again no new abilities or perks, but he felt like they were close to something more. Something greater. Their bond was now tier 7, so close to the end.

I know now how to do what we somehow managed here, Bright Star said.

Good, Ryun said, then he turned back to searching through Zenkers storage. He needed to find some lower grade reagents for more testing. He didnt want to stay here for much longer. A few more days of experimenting, and then he would head home. Back to dealing with problems, other people, and forces seeking to destroy them all.

Ryun Screens


First Kill

Kill the first monster in the Framework-run World

+5000 Essence


Hunted more than 100 monsters

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence

Hero of Promise

Save more than 10 people with a single action

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence


First Cultivator in the world to reach the Foundation Stage

+10% to all stats, 100,000 Essence

First Body of Iron

First Cultivator in the world to forge their body

+20 endurance, 10,000 Essence

Beaten but not Broken

Survive torture for more than thirty days

+10 to all stats, 50 Greater Essence

First Quickened Mind

First Cultivator in the world to forge their mind

+20 intelligence, 10,000 Essence


Kill more than 5000 people of your own race for their Essence

+10 to all stats, 50,000 Essence

One Against Many

Fight against more than 10 opponents and win

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence

First Lake of Qi

First Cultivator in the world to forge their Qi

+20 wisdom, 10,000 Essence

First Lord

First Cultivator in the world to Reach the Lord Stage

+10% to all stats, 100,000 Essence

First Qi Manipulator

First Cultivator in the world to gain Qi manipulation

+5 to all stats, 10,000 Essence

Class Evolution I

Evolve your Class for the First time.

+5 to all stats

One Against Horde

Fight against more than 100 opponents and win

+10 to all stats, 10,000 Essence

First True Body

First Cultivator in the world to obtain True Body

+5 to all stats, 100,000 Essence

Hated Foe

Be hated and hunted by more than half of a worlds population

+50 to all stats, 100,000 Essence

One Man Army

Fight against more than 1000 opponents and win

+40 to all stats, Indomitable, 500,000 Essence

Butcher of Humanity

Kill more than 500,000 people of a race by yourself

+200 to all stats, Reapers Aura, 5,000,000 Essence

True Understanding II

Evolve a skill to tier 6

+20 to all stats, 20,000 Greater Essence (per Tier 6 skill)

Limit Break: Reign of Three Territories

Defeat the three Rulers in the Reign of Three Territories scenario, while on a lower Realm and lower level.

+40 to strength, endurance, vitality +5% to all stats, 10,000 Greater Essence


Reach the Monarch Stage

+10 to all stats, 1,000 Greater Essence


Become the sole ruler of a territory.

+5 to all stats, 5000 Greater Essence, Small Mansion unlocked (Town Upgrade)

Alchemical Tester

Use more than 10 alchemical concoctions to improve yourself

+2 to intelligence, 500 Essence

Heartstone Core

First to clear the Heartstone Core Dungeon

+2% to all stats, 50 000 Greater Essence


Reach Heavenly Realm

+30 to all stats, 50 000 Greater Essence

Monster Hunter

Kill 5000 different monster types

+50 to all stats, 50 000 Greater Essence

Crucible of the Body

Go through a harrowing experience to improve your body by forging it in the harshest conditions possible based on your body type.

+500 to endurance and vitality, +2% to all stats, Unyielding (Unique Perk), 50 000 Greater Essence


Reach Immortal Realm

+50 to all stats, 100 000 Greater Essence

Beyond Understanding II

Focus and specialize your understanding of a tier 6 skill.

+250 to all stats, 100 000 Greater Essence (per focused skill)

Glaxon Town

First to Clear the Glaxon Town Wild Dungeon

+2% to all stats, 50 000 Greater Essence

The Witness of Journeys End (Unique)

Reach at least a combined power level of nine tiers. And embody an ideal.

+400 to all stats, +5% to all stats, Conclusion Dominance, 100 000 Greater Essence


Reach Evolved Realm

+100 to all stats, 200 000 Greater Essence

Aspect Mastery

Master your Aspect and improve it to tier 9

+150 to all stats, 500 000 Greater Essence

11th Dome

Defeat the Leader of the 11th Dome.

+500 to base intelligence and wisdom, +10% to all stats, Key to Chamber of Treasures (R'lyeh), 10 000 Immortal Essence

Dome Supremacy

First to defeat a Dome Leader.

+1000 to all stats, +15% to all base stats, 20 000 Immortal Essence

Oasis of Insight

First to clear the Oasis of Insight Dungeon

+2% to all stats, 50 000 Greater Essence


Feast (Class Perk)

Killing enemies heals you. Strength of effect depends on vitality stat.

Tinker's Mind (Path Perk)

Your mind is quickened, able to think faster than ordinary humans. Able to alter perception of time for the user. +15% to intelligence. Strength of effect equal to 2x your intelligence.

Vampire (Class Perk)

Killing enemies adds one tenth of their highest stat to your own temporarily. Strength of effect depends on level.

Regenerator (Class Perk)

Heal rapidly when in combat. Strength of effect depends on vitality stat.

Silent Hunter (Class Perk)

Your movements dont disrupt the air around you, making you nearly silent. Strength of effect depends on dexterity stat.

Qi ControllerThousand Threads of Destruction (Path Perk)

Your Qi control is nearly perfect, able to finely manipulate your Qi and use up to 3 techniques at the same time. +20% to wisdom. Control depends on wisdom stat. You weave a thousand threads of Qi, each thread filled with power. As you weave, you ensnare all those who would stand in your way.

Indomitable (Title Perk)

You are immune to all mind-altering effects from opponents that are on a lower tier of power than you.

Reapers Aura (Title Perk)

You can no longer be scanned by any abilities, techniques, or skills from people who are on the same or lower tier of power than you. You may manifest the Reapers Aura, filling all within your presence with dread.

Great Hunter (Contract Perk)

Any person whose blood you have drawn is marked by your power. The mark allows you to track them no matter the distance between you.

Void (9) Qi (Aspect Perk)

Your Qi passively enhances your body with the Essence of the Void. Making any foreign essence in your body disintegrate, the speed of the effect depends on the power of the foreign essence. While Void Qi is moving through your body, you are less susceptible to movement restricting effects. Tracking and scrying powers are less effective on you. The power of effect depends on the strength of attack. Gain +25% to strength and wisdom.

Void AuraOblivions Persistence (Path Perk)

Manifest your Qi in the form of an aura around you. Dealing Void damage equal to 1.7x (0.2x) your wisdom per second. Anything marked by the Void Qi takes additional half of total damage dealt over the next four seconds. Gain 15% to wisdom. Oblivion endures.

Eternal Hunter: Reaper (Unique Perk)

You hold the essence of Twin Aspects of True Death. You are one part of two, and are inescapably linked with your other half. Your mind is linked with that of your other half, allowing you to speak to one another regardless of the distance. You may sense your other half regardless of distance. You gain Death Mark: Anything with a soul killed by you has its soul completely destroyed and returned to oblivion. You gain the ability to sense death. You gain the Presence of the Eternal Hunter Aura, when active, nearby beings based on your intentions suffer -25% to all regenerative effects and -25% to total stats, half of the drained stats are granted to you, the other half to the Scythe.

Rapid Regrowth (Class Perk)

Once per week regrow a lost body part. Speed of regrowth depends on your vitality stat.

Physical Appearance: Inner RefinementVoid Chassis (Path Perk)

Your body and features are refined. Your inner parts are a step closer to embodying the void: stat impairment and sickness have 50% less effect on you. Enhances your current capabilities. +25% to wisdom, +25% to dexterity, +25% to vitality. You are built of Void.

Astral EyesSights Unseen (Path Perk)

You have achieved a great power, your eyes reflect your achievement. Their appearance reflects your inner spirit, you are no longer able to see the real world, instead you see a world in between the Ethereal and the Real. Allows you to see Class, Cultivation, and Skill, power currents. Increases the clarity of your sight. You gain +15% to vitality, +15% to intelligence, +15% to wisdom. You thrive in the darkness. And now, your blind eyes see what others cannot.

Send Thought (Contract Perk)

You and your contracted partner are able to send thoughts to one another regardless of distance.

Endless Source of Stamina (Path Perk)

Your stamina is strengthened, effects of your endurance on your stamina are doubled. +10% to endurance.

Forging of Body and Aspect: MuPrimordial Void (Path Perk)

Your body is forged by your aspect and your path. You are able to mitigate and ignore the effects of gravity according to your will. Physical force influences against you can be absorbed by your body up to 90% of their power according to your will. Allows you to spend Void Qi to absorb special attacks impacting your body up to 90% of their power according to your will and Qi spent. Void effects on your body, Qi Conduits, and Core, are lessened by 90%. Sufficient damage to your body will turn it into a insubstantial Void mist form, expending Void Qi can allow you to reconstitute your form. All Void powers are 25% more effective. You gain +20% to wisdom +70% to endurance. The only one who influences here, is me.

Unyielding (Unique Perk)

Your body is highly resistant to physical damage and can function at peak condition in all states, even after it was damaged beyond the point where most would falter.

From NothingTo the End of All (Path Perk)

Your soul transforms into a pure piece of oblivion. Your physical body is transformed into a void-energy based matter. It will retain human-like appearance and sensations, retaining all the gifts of Mu, but it will no longer function as one. You will no longer need to breathe or eat food, but will need to consume Void Qi or Essence. Reproduction will only be possible through use of powers. Upon destruction of your vessel or upon suffering critical soul damage, your soul will be transported to the closest Void or related type Essence Plane for recovery. Time to full recovery depends on vitality and wisdom stats. Current: 8 years. Upon recovery you will be able to reconstruct your body and leave the Essence Plane. Your soul can survive without access to the Void or related Essence for only a short time, if your soul is deprived of that type of Essence or prevented from entering an Essence Plane, you will die a True Death and return to nothingness. Gain +15% to wisdom and +15% to endurance. Without a beginning and without an end. You are an agent of oblivion.

Field of a Thousand Cuts (Skill Perk)

Your My Foes, Torn Asunder allows for great devastation. Once per day you may create a field of a thousand cuts all around you, creating spatial tears in a twenty meter radius around you that will cut any foe that gets near them and deal damage equal to 20% your current strength. One spatial tear can only deal damage once before disappearing. Undetectable except by special perceptions. Gain +10% to strength.

Adept's Conduits (Path Perk)

Your Qi conduits are made for greater control. Allows for extreme command of Qi through conduits. +10% to wisdom.

Total Knowledge (Skill Perk)

Your My Sphere, Total Clarity allows you to sense even the smallest changes in a sphere around you. Once per week, you may activate Total Knowledge and gain complete understanding of the position of everything in regards to you, the effect will last for 10 seconds. Size of the sphere depends on will. Gain +10% to intelligence.

Conclusion Dominance (Title Perk)

Once per three months, for three minutes you may see the strings of future probability of all reality in the three hundred meter radius around yourself. By expending your will you can bring/cause a False End to any and all things by cutting the string, no matter the plane of reality. The amount of will necessary and the difficulty of cutting the string increases with: length of the probable future, power disparity, opposing will, size of target.

Upon the duration's end, if possible, the cut strings will be reconnected and returned to the previous path and state. The changes may be irreversible, as everything including reality itself, ends someplace and sometime.

Wolf Claws (Contract Perk) (Contract Perk)

You can draw upon your contracted partners power. Once per day you may summon crystallized blood-claws on your hands. The claws durability depends on your contracted partners power.

Mark of the Endless CoreOblivion Well (Unique Perk)

Your core is endless. It can encompasses the whole of oblivion. Its physical size is set and will never change. The inside of your core can be deepened endlessly. Current core size equal to 150% of the original core size, your Qi regeneration is equal to 80% of the original cores regeneration. Drawing in Essence past the point of it being full will deepen the core size. Cycling has greater benefits, each cycle increases the core size by an extra 5%. You can convert drawn-in Essence to Qi and replenish your core, as long as the Essence is of the same Aspect as your Qi and it is tier 6 or higher. Gain +50% to wisdom.

Greater Swift Mind (Path Perk) (Path Perk)

Your mind is swift. Your thoughts travel at increased speeds, gain +500% to thought speed. Increases the ability to alter the perception of time by 200%. Gain +15% to intelligence.

Evolved Form: Wolf of the EndTrue Death of All (Path Perk)

Assume your Evolved form, that of the Wolf of the End. Your body turns into a giant wolf made out of your Qi aspects, your form gaining the properties of the Qi used (Current-VoidN/A: everything you touch will start to disintegrate|Gain +20% to wisdom). Gain +100% to all stats and your ability to sense death increases by 200%. All techniques cost 60% less and you gain +50% to technique speed. +20% to endurance and +20% to strength. You will see the end of all.

Territory (Path Perk)

You may craft a Territory separated from real realm that you can physically enter.

Master of Void (Path Perk)

You may exert influence on Void Essence around you. +15% to endurance and +15% to wisdom.

Key to Chamber of Treasures (Title Perk)

Your Soul is marked with a key that will open a certain door.


Harbringer ( E )



Combat Ability

Bringer of Sorrow

Movement Ability

Inevitable Step

Support Ability



Path of the Final End ( Re )


Peak Evolved



Base Technique

Empowering Null Mantle

Branch Technique

Void Beam

Fruit Technique

Staggered End


Path of the Unbreakable Wall ( M )


Early Heavenly

Base Technique

Void Shaping

Branch Technique

Void Armor

Fruit Technique

Avatar of the Reaper

Passive Skills

Active Skills

Celerity (8/10)

Perfect Cut: My Foes, Torn Asunder

Perfect Resonance Sense: My Sphere, Total Clarity

Pouncing Rush

Enhanced Adaptation

Target Mark

Enduring Trained Body

Divided Mind

Greater Restoration

Mind Shield >> Greater Mind Shield >> Mental Fortitude (9/10)













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