Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Chapter 335: Ryun

Chapter 335: Ryun


Ryun sat on the grass, his expression thoughtful. Tali looked at him with a conflicted grimace, on the verge of saying something. A spread of items was in front of him, his picks from Zenkers hoard. He had spent the last month alone with Tali, training and creating a combat style for him. He had to change some things, to tweak his techniques and develop new ways of using them. And his combat style was a lot different now than it used to be before. The only thing that was left was to pick a gear set for himself. He had never relied on items before, but with Zenkers inheritance there was no reason not to. One of the main reasons why he never relied on it that much was that his Qi didnt synergize with it well. And if he was being honest, he never really needed it.

Now, there were some concerns with his choices. The nature of his new style meant that he had to be careful with his choices. Tali and he had spent the last day comparing items, but now he had stored away everything that he wasnt picking.

He reached for the first item, which was of course his cloak. Black and made out of rough fabric, it had nothing special about it, no embroidery or flourishes, nothing to draw the eye. It made sneaking around easier than ever, even with the ways that he had learned to make himself stealthy, namely by destroying any Essence that gave away his position around his body.

Cloak of Grand Obfuscation

+400 to Dexterity

+300 to Wisdom

When worn the cloak makes your presence harder to detect, anyone looking at you will find you unimportant unless their attention is explicitly drawn. You will appear as an average and forgettable member of your race. The effects depend on the observers mental stats and state.

It wasnt anything grand, but it did work wonders even against high tiered people. As long as he wasnt doing anything out of the ordinary. And he didnt need it for any nefarious purposes like that, he needed it to simply walk around unnoticed. The range of his sense was large enough that he never really needed to get that close to listen in. He put it inside his Star Forge.

Next was one of his old rings. He had given his Grand Ring of Stamina Regeneration, Honzuls Preparation, and Halting Barrier of Aegis to Anrosh for the Sect Vault as he no longer needed it. He couldnt increase his stamina supply anymore through endurance, but he didnt get tired when he was active either, his stamina regeneration was just insanely high. Grand Ring of Stamina Regeneration might still work for him, but his stamina regeneration scaled of his vitality which was high enough, the main part of his regeneration came from his Qi. And all of those rings used endurance in some way which no longer worked for him, they werent necessary.

The ring that he picked up was his reward from defeating Hastur, the Ring of Full Reflection.Despite finding Zenkers hoard, that ring was still one of the most powerful items that he possessed. The effect on its own probably wasnt that strong, not in the hands of other people at least, but for Ryun, a regenerator of his scope, it was the probably the greatest weapon in his arsenal. It stored damage that his body suffered, and allowed him to reflect it back. He had tested it out against monsters, though not against any really powerful ones. If he lost an arm, he could reflect that damage and injury back to his attacker, making them lose an arm too. If someone cut his head off it wouldnt kill him, but with his ring it would kill them. Unless they had perks that could counter that. But then that was the reality of the Infinite Realm, there were so many different powers that he had no doubt that something out there would be able to counter him. It was still extremely powerful.

He had chosen a few more rings from Zenkers stash. Five rings on the ground in front of him were stat rings. Grand Rings of Strength, Dexterity, Vitality, Intelligence and Wisdom, all eternal items that gave 3500 to a stat, with the same ability to double their bonuses for a duration of five minutes at a cost of giving half the stats after for ten minutes. The last ring was a simple but powerful one.

Grand Ring of Health Regeneration

+400 to Vitality

+420 to Endurance

Increases your base physical regeneration by 350%.

He lost on the endurance stat as that no longer affected him, but it was incredible, for him at least. He put all the rings inside his storage, then moved to the next item, an amulet.

Will of the Wandering Drake

Reduces the quest requirements for skills by 20% when worn.

Wearing this increases the effectiveness of your tier 5 and bellow skills by 100%, tier 6 by 80%, tier 7 by 60%, tier 8 by 40%, and tier 9 by 20%.

You may evolve three skills without the need to create anchors, but the power of these skills will be capped at 70% of their potential maximum and can only be used while wearing this item.

It was the only item that Zenker wore that survived his battle with Hastur. Ryun had already tested it, and while he didnt rely on quests to evolve his skills, the other bonuses were powerful. He wasnt sure if he would ever use the anchor part of the item, but it was a good thing to have. He put it away too, and then moved to the armor.

They had discussed several different ways. Armor that boosted regeneration was notoriously hard to make as he learned in the Empire, but it was also hard to use for people like Ryun. He could survive attacks that would destroy most armors and he had no defensive perks to boost an armors effectiveness aside from oneForged in Stars from Bright Star.

In the end they decided to go with something that would provide him pure defense and allow him the freedom of movement he needed. A full armor set that would protect him from attacks as long as possible before being damaged. Everything that it could tank for him saved him Qi, and besides, he would use copies, which meant that he could replace the armor if it ever got too damaged.

The armor had been in Zenkers storage, and it had been damaged when he found it. It had a repair function, of course, but those only worked outside of storage places for some reason. Ryun assumed that items with that function they needed Essence from the world around them to repair themselves, and that wasnt present in the storage spaces. The damage had been extensive, it had a crack across the middle of its almost crystal like plates, though it was pristine now. Ryun wondered if Zenker had used it against Hastur, if perhaps it got damaged enough that he had to switch to something else. Or if it had been in his storage for longer, from some other fight. It didnt matter in the end.

Ryun looked at the blue and white armor made out of interlocking plates that were glowing faintly. It was shaped for a drakes body when he found it, but it had equip which meant that it shaped itself for his body when he wore it, it also had adaptive and durabilityone meant that it could even change its shape in the extreme ranges, like for his evolved form, the other meant that the natural materials it was made out of had their durability increased beyond normal. The helmet had no visor, no gap for eyes but it was see-through from the inside.

Armor of the Last Star Plate (chest)

+2000 to Strength

+2000 to Endurance

When worn increase all of your natural resistances by 50% and reduces the physical damage taken from all sources by 50%. Adaptive, equip, repair, durability.

Part of Last Will of An Aspect Set; If all five pieces are worn activate Last Will.

Armor of the Last Star Gauntlets (gauntlets)

+2000 to Strength

+2000 to Wisdom

When worn increases power of all physical and special attacks by 100%. Adaptive, equip, repair, durability.

Part of Last Will of An Aspect Set; If all five pieces are worn activate Last Will.

Armor of the Last Star Helm (helmet)

+2000 to Strength

+2000 to Intelligence

When worn increases your willpower by 50% and the power of all perception based powers by 100%. Adaptive, equip, repair, durability, clearsight.

Part of Last Will of An Aspect Set; If all five pieces are worn activate Last Will.

Armor of the Last Star Trousers (leggings)

+2000 to Strength

+2000 to Vitality

When worn increase willpower regeneration by 20% and reduces the special damage from all sources by 50%. Adaptive, equip, repair, durability.

Part of Last Will of An Aspect Set; If all five pieces are worn activate Last Will.

Armor of the Last Star Boots (boots)

+2000 to Strength

+2000 to Dexterity

When worn increase your physical speed by 20% and increase your balance by 100%. Adaptive, equip, repair, durability.

Part of Last Will of An Aspect Set; If all five pieces are worn activate Last Will.

Armor of the Last Star Set:

Last Will of An Aspect

When all five set pieces of armor are worn you gain Last Will of An Aspect buff.

Last Will of An Aspect: While this buff is active the armor is immune to all Heat-related effects. The wearer is immune to all special movement restriction effects and the wearers mass is counted as if it is increased by 2000% when effects impact them. The stat bonuses of all pieces are increased by 100%. Warps time and space, reducing the effectiveness of any related powers around you by up to 60%.

You can activate Last Will of Kha Yu, which inflicts high gravity of a starcore on everything around you, dealing tier 9 Gravity Essence damage and reducing the speed of everyone impacted by up to 50% based on their statsthe damage depends on the density of Essence around the wearer.

The biggest draws were that it was extremely hard to damage, despite the fact that Zenker fought something that could, in fact, damage it. The armor would provide him with protection, let him save his Qi, and with Bright Stars bonuses it would be even strongerif he managed to reach the next bond level with Bright Star of course.

Next were the two weapons. One was the reward just like his ring, the Focus of Indomitable Might. He had played around with it a bit, and learned how to use it. With the ways that he and Tali had tweaked his techniques it had proven itself as very good.

The last was a short throwing javelin. Despite not using them for a while, it ended up being the best weapon for what he based his new fighting style on.

Javelin of True Throw

+400 to Dexterity

+360 to Strength

When held allows you to mark your target, when thrown the javelin is able to curve anywhere within 90 degrees in a cone in front of it, and will prioritize any marked targets.

Increases accuracy by 50%.

It was simple, but it didnt need to be anything better. It was a disposable weapon, a masterwork, but still disposable. And it was exactly what he needed. He would of course copy it, and use copies for his use. He wouldnt want to destroy the original.

He put it in the Star Forge too, and then turned to look at Tali. He had given her a few more items, in addition to his gifts before. A weapon and a ring, masterwork and eternal. They were going to need it, he felt like. They were both invited to the gathering of Sect Heads. Both of them were allowed to bring one person with them, a second, who will be put under the same oaths as they were. Tali had already chosen her second, Lesamitrius, which surprised Ryun. It seemed that she had a bit more of a soft spot for the ravzor than she let on. Ryun was under the impression that he annoyed her. Ryun was still debating about who to take, but it would probably be Erdania or Selia as he didnt want to put more things on Anroshs shoulders.

He had given them some time after what happened. Both were in Consequence, talking politics. He had left everything in Anroshs hands regarding the Sect. She had demonstrated her power, and he had shown everyone that the two of them were more than a Sect Head and Sect Leader, that they were family. People didnt miss that they had the same Evolved Form. It was now her turn to make her plan into reality. To restructure the Sect. He had given her his thoughts and opinions, but ultimately it was her time to shine.

He had his attention on the gathering, which was going to happen soon. They still had some time before they had to leave. Enough for Ryun to test his powers and gear in a real situation.

You are not still thinking about doing this? Tali asked.

Of course I am, Ryun said.

She shook her head, but Ryun had already made his decision.

You ready? Ryun asked.

Cant wait, Bright Star responded.

You are insane, Tali grumbled.

Ryun saw her point. Who in their right mind would burn through a wealth of items such as what Zenker had?

Well, Ryun had never relied on items, and he had already given out what he wanted. A few powerful items he had also put aside for the Sect, for any people that were yet to rise and prove themselves. A lot of the legendary and mystic items too, aside from what he had already given to Anrosh, were set aside. But in Ryuns opinion, those items werent the real wealth that Zenker had. It was the Essence Crystals, the reagents, the potions, and elixirs. The items were powerful, but not all were useful for everyone. And in the end, they were his now, and this was what he needed.

He started pulling items out and feeding them to Bright Star. The awakened forge exclaimed in excitement with every item that Ryun let it consume, learning more, taking something from it. He didnt know how much Bright Star was going to need, but he kept at it, feeding dozens of items of high rarities to it. It was why he had taken Bright Star in the first place. Being able to improve their bond through resources had always been a draw, especially since the Star Forge hadnt been an object created for him.

Then, finally, he felt it, their bond increasing. He skimmed his notifications and saw that they had been right. He could finally store Eternal items in his forge.

Forged in Stars (Bond Perk)

Any item worn by the user gains +80% to their durability.

Star Forge-Bright Star

Armory of the Stars

Grants the user the ability to store up to 16items into the Star Forge up to Eternalrarity. Each item placed in the forge will be replicated and stored alongside the original, with the maximum of 16copies. The rate of replication is:

Common rarity - 1 per 30 minutes.

Uncommon rarity - 1 per 2 hours.

Rare rarity - 1 per 8 hours.

Epic rarity - 1 per 24 hours.

Legendary - 1 per 48 hours.

Mythic - 1 per 72 hours.

Relic - 1 per 96 hours.

Masterwork - 1 per 120 hours

Eternal - 1 per 144 hours

Any item stored in the forge is granted equip and repair while used by the user. The item copies will last for 30 minutes outside of the forge if they are not used by the user.

Star Improvement

Any item placed in the forge for longer than 7 days will gain bonuses based on rarity:

Common rarity - +5 to all stats and +10% to its durability.

Uncommon rarity - +10 to all stats and 12% to its durability.

Rare rarity - +20 to all stats and +14% to its durability.

Epic rarity - + 30 to all stats and +18% to its durability.

Legendary rarity - + 40 to all stats and +20% to its durability.

Mythic rarity - + 50 to all stats and +22% to its durability.

Relic rarity - +100 to all stats and +24% to its durability

Masterwork - +200 to all stats and +26% to its durability

Eternal - +400 to all stats and 28% to its durability

Anvil of Stars

Allows you to pull out the anvil of stars from the Star Forge scape. Items made on the Anvil of the Stars gain +20% to their durability and +100 to one stat based on the materials they are made out of.

Like before, the bond level improved the previous perksa part of him wondered if he should just continue, see if he could reach the last bond level. But something told him that he shouldnt try.

Such a waste, Tali said.

Not to me, Ryun told her with a smile. And it wasnt, he immediately entered the Star Forge scape and placed all his items in the empty slots. The two of them were on their way to a territory some distance away from the Sect. A territory filled with dangerous monsters where they could both unleash their power and train. He needed to have his gear copies ready for it.

Once he was done, he stood up and spoke. We should hurry, we dont have much time.

They had to head back within a week, if they were to make it to the gathering in time.

Visibly resigned, Tali beat her wings and took to the sky as Ryun shaped steps and followed after her. He couldnt wait to try everything out.

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