Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Interlude - Gathering

Interlude - Gathering


The airship started to descend and Ryun stood on the top deck, looking out at the place they had just arrived at. It had taken them a few hours to reach their destination from the capital, at pretty impressive speeds. What surprised Ryun was that during the last hour the ground they flew over was covered in what appeared to be farms. It was strange, Ryun hadnt known that you could actually grow things in the sand. Though it was obvious to his sight that there was something more taking place. The Essence of the plants and the ground itself was of the highest tier. He knew that people with farming paths, or in this case Classes, could improve the crops, but he hadnt seen anything like this before. And especially not on such a scale.

Their destination wasnt anything like what he expected it to be. It was a palace, at least from what he could see, it was hard to distinguish everything as there was too much different Essence everywhere almost blending together. The palace was surrounded by a triple line of trees instead of walls, and nature was woven into the entire place. It was also filled with people. Some stood in the gardens, others on balconies, guards were posted everywhere on the outskirts and he was sure that more people were inside too. The closer they got, the more sounds he could sense, conversations, laughter, music, ratchet in the kitchens, the sounds of footsteps, too much for him to be able to make much sense of anything. Not at this distance at least.

The airship landed within the circle of trees, on an area paved with stone. Ryun pulled on his collar, trying to adjust it.

Stop, Selia said. It is supposed to be tight fitting.

He grimaced, but let it go. The outfits that she had purchased for all three of them were he didnt know even how to explain them. Each was unique, made to fit the one who wore it. At least that was what she told him. Erdania had her hair lose just combed back and to the right, coming down just over her shoulders, while the left side of her head was shaved. She wore a dress that left her stomach, arms, and the sides of her legs bare. It wasnt that much different than the straps that she usually wore, a bit more elaborate, with weaves of thread that glowed with dim light Essence. Ryun understood that the outfit was supposed to show her tattoos, and he felt a slight sadness at the fact that he would never be able to see the outfit how it was intended. It was a top that covered her upper chest and left her stomach bare, then it wrapped around her lower back while leaving the upper half naked. From there it wrapped low on her waist in a short skirt that had long straps in front and back that reached below her knees. He knew that all of their clothes had a similar color scheme, and hers was white for Zenshuen colors with violet streaks for Ryuns sect. He wasnt quite sure how to feel about that, but he hadnt found a reason to stop it either.

Selia had her hair pulled into an elaborate bun on the back of her head, her horns had ribbons tied around them and he was pretty sure that she had some kind of makeup on. She wore a more traditional sect robe, looking similar to a kimono, only more elaborate in some ways. It had more layers, the square sleeves had straps attached to them that trailed down from her upper arms. The skirt part was longer and wider than that of a kimono, and woven with threads of violet sown through it. He knew that her outfit was mostly white aside from the skirt thread, and that the big sash around her waist being violet only because he overheard the seamstress commenting on it.

His outfit was similarly colored. He wore a white tunic over his torso with long sleeves and a tight turtleneck like a collar. He had white pants that were tucked into boot-like foot garment that went up to just below his knees and looked something like tabi. Over all of that he had a thin violet robe and a sash on the outside of it, making it look like a cross of a some kind of a loose kimono and a bathrobe if he was being honest, but then again he knew little about fashion and especially not Infinite Realm fashion. His hair was pulled back and left loose, Selia said that wild hair looked better on him, though they had insisted on him shaving his face.

Come, Selia said and then put her right hand through his elbow on one side, and her other through Erdanias at her left side.

Together, they walked down the ramp and of the airship. They had no escort, only the three of them had come, the others from their group were all busy training and taking advantage of various gifts given by the Empire. Ryun hoped that this gathering, would prove fruitful, as he didnt like wasting time. There were things that he could be doing, ways that he could work toward growing in power despite the Empire not having much to offer to Cultivators.

Still, he put that aside as they walked toward a group of two waiting for them, surrounded by a small force of four guards. Ryun immediately recognized one of them, which made him frown for a split second before he realized who it was.

The two people, a man and a woman, each dressed in elaborate outfits themselves, bowed deeply at the waist as the three of them approached.

Honored guests, welcome to the House Ornn estate, she said slowly, then raised her head and looked at them, or rather Selia since she was in the middle.

Ryun spoke before anyone could. Its been a while, Reyla, he said slowly.

Reyla frowned as she looked at him, his clothes and everything else, and then her eyes widened as she realized who he was. Ryun didnt think that he looked that different, though he identified people more through his sense than anything else, so what did he know.

Ryun? Ah, what are you doing here? How are you here? She asked, completely taken off guard.

The man next to her tilted his head, equally as confused. You know them?

Reyla blinked and then with a look at Erdania and Selia spoke. Apologies, she said. I am familiar with Sect Head Ryun Nacht. I did not expect this, I was only told that we would be having important guests tonight and that I was supposed to meet themyou.

Selia didnt seem bothered by it. I am Selia and this is Erdania, she said.

Ryun was surprised that she introduced herself so simply, though, if he thought about it he could make sense of it. They had lost their sect, and they were here for him, perhaps she simply didnt want to intrude on what was supposed to be his thing. He didnt particularly care.

The man next to Reyla blinked. You are all Cultivators. In the Empire?

Pardon, Reyla said slowly, glancing in his direction. How are you here?

We arrived in the Empire on an invitation from your leaders, I cannot say more if you dont already know, Ryun answered, then after a moment of silence and stunned looks on their faces he continued.

I arranged for a meeting with the leaders of House Ornn, your parents. There are matters that I have to discuss with them.

That made Reyla snap out of her reverie. Nayra?

Ryun nodded at her question.

He sensed her nervousness, still she met his eyes. She said that you would come for her.

Ryun smiled. Then she knows me well.

Reyla cleared her throat and then turned to look at Erdania and Selia. I am Reyla Ornn, and this is my brother Emrys Ornn. We will serve as your guides and escorts this evening.

I would rather have the conversation I came here for as soon as possible, Ryun said.

Selia tugged on his arm. Dont be rude, Ryun, she said. We are coming into their home, they will meet with us in their own time.

Reyla looked uncomfortable. Uh, our parents are not here yet, but they are supposed to arrive shortly.

Ryun grimaced, he had expected a quick meeting, and now it seemed he would have to truly participate in this gathering. He sighed, he hadnt really expected that. He had known from the start, when Karya told him that she could get him an invitation to the gathering, that he would need to be social. It was why he had invited Selia and Erdania.

Nayra and Daria? Ryun asked.

He saw Emrys and Reyla exchange a look, and then she answered his question. They are supposed to arrive with our mother.

Ryun tilted his head. At least he was going to see them. Though he didnt quite know how he would proceed. His initial thought was just to grab them and leave, but he was in their home, surrounded by their people. Even with Erdania and Selia at his side, he doubted that they could do it lightly.

And until then? Ryun asked.

Ive been instructed to show you around the gathering, introduce you to people, mingle, Reyla said.

Ryun wondered why she was instructed to do that, he didnt care to meet new people, but it was a small price to pay for getting what he wanted.

Well, Erdania started. I hope you have food, and lots of drinks.

Of course, Reyla said, then stepped to the side and gestured. If you will follow me, please.

The five of them started walking, Reyla and her brotherEmryswalking in front of them, the guards took positions behind them and kept a respectable distance. Ryun tried to get a sense of what was happening inside, but there were too many people for him to do that, not unless he really focused his will and he didnt want to do that. He didnt know if there was anyone there who could detect something like that, and he didnt want to overstep. For now, at least.

So, Selia started. This is your family home?

Reyla glanced back, and nodded hurriedly. One of them, yes.

Weve been told that your family is important in the Empire, Erdania said as they approached the main building.

Uh, we are one of the leading Houses, yes, Reyla said slowly.

Your home is impressive, Selia commented. Ive never seen flowers that colorful before.

Ryun glanced in the direction she was looking for, but to his eyes the flowers were just greenish Essence. There was something else there, but he wasnt that familiar with plants to be able to tell what it was. He did know that this thread, of Essence was present in all the plants around them, and that it had been present in every plant that he had seen so farthe farms included.

Thank you, Reyla said. My father made them.

He felt Selia raise an eyebrow. Really? He is on a plant based path then?

Class, and yes, Emrys said.

Ah, Selia said. I assume that your family provides most of the food for your Empire then?

Ryun blinked, but then nodded, it did make sense, especially with all the farms surrounding the property.

We do, Reyla answered.

The conversation lapsed, and they continued walking toward the building. Reyla led them up the stairs hugging the main building and then through a large open double door into a ballroom-like chamber. It was filled with people, with most in the room being human, but there were a few members of other races represented. Tables lined the sides and staff was walking around with trays filled with food and drinks. Ryun estimated at least a hundred people, but what surprised him was that there were actually children running around, laughing and chasing each other around the legs of the others.

He hadnt expected that. It took him somewhat off guard.

This is all your family? Erdania asked.

Yes, most of it, Reyla answered. Family and close associates that might as well be family. Our House retainers.

Ryun looked around, wondering how many generations were in this room if they were all, or most, related.

Who do we have here? A voice said from behind them. Ryun had, of course, sensed the woman arriving. Next to her was a demasi man, holding her hand.

Reyla turned and stepped forward to meet the newcomer.

Sister, she bowed her head. These are guests from the Settled Territories, theyve been invited to speak with our parents.

The woman looked them all over. Ah, you are what they sent us Ive expected more.

Ryun tilted his head, looking at her and wondering if he should say something.

If we werent guests, Erdania said slowly. I wouldve taught you some manners.

He sensed Selia grip Erdania tighter.

Vanessa, Emrys said, interjecting before anyone else could. They are guests of our parents and of the Emperor.

The womanVanessanarrowed her eyes, then turned away. We didnt need their help, she said before walking away.

Ryun frowned. It seemed, unsurprisingly, that there were some tensions regarding their presence here. He had started to wonder why everyone seemed so accommodating.

Forgive her, Emrys said. She is she survived the old war.

None of us were even alive when that happened, Selia said slowly.

The people around the room had started to notice them now, looks were thrown their way and whispers started to spread.

I dont know if that would matter to everyone, Emrys said slowly.

Ryun didnt speak, instead he turned his head to look at the other side of the room where the sensation he had been following inside of his head was getting closer. The big doors on the other side of the room opened and four people walked in.


Nayra stood on the airship as it headed toward her family home, what used to be her home at least. It was now just a house that she grew up in. A place where her family, her siblings and cousins, came to visit their parents.

She had spent years at the Wall, so this little vacation was appreciated, although she did have a feeling that something more was happening than she could see. Her mother had come to the Wall personally, along both of her fathers. Theyve been proud of what she had done. How she had defended the Wall and how she had achieved an Ideal. It was strange. It was what she had wanted her entire life, to see them look at her with those looks in their eyes. To see them and speak to them like a real family. It was good, but it only reminded her that she was missing other people who were important to her. With whom she couldnt share her achievements.

After that, her fathers stayed, helping to reinforce the Wall while her mother visited the capital for a few days, and apparently fought off a large force attacking the Wall not far from here. After that, she returned, and said that all of them would be going home. From Nayras understanding, a gathering of House Ornn was taking place. She didnt know if she could suffer through all that, but the presence of her parents meant that she didnt really have a choice.

So, her mother said, and Nayra turned to look at her.

Karya Ornn stood next to her, leaning on the railing. Both of them were wearing elaborate dresses, and had their hair styled in similar fashions. It astounded Nayra that her mother had an entire saloon on her airship, but then again who was she to judge. Her mother did a lot for the Empire, if she wanted to indulge in some things that was her prerogative.

Yes? Nayra said.

Her mother turned to look at Nayra. Tell me, what is Ryun Nacht like?

Nayra blinked, of all the questions she expected her mother to ask, that was not one of them. Over the years her mother had spoken with Nayra a couple of times, they spoke about the Sect and her life there. Theyve touched on everything a bit.

Im sure that you have Reylas reports, Nayra said slowly.

I do, but she knew him for a short time. I want to hear what you think.

Why? Nayra frowned.

Cant a mother just want to talk with her daughter?

Yes, Nayra said slowly. The precise topic of your choice of conversation is what bothers me.

Ah, her mother smiled at her. Well, you said that he is going to come for you. Maybe I just want to make sure that we deal with the situation appropriately.

Nayra narrowed her eyes, but then decided that she did want to talk with her mother, and that topic didnt really matter to her. Well, what do you want to know about him? I could describe him in a three words if you like?

Really? What would those words be?

Powerful, straightforward, simple, Nayra said immediately.

Her mother raised an eyebrow. Simple?

Not to be confused with stupid, Nayra said. He just doesnt care for complications. He will do what he said he would no matter what. And he doesnt care for things that most people care for.

But he cares about you?

It isnt really that he cares, Nayra said. It is that he has given his word to protect members of his sect. And I am a part of it. If I was to die in battle, that was one thing, this, is something else entirely.

So, you think that he will come for you, try to fight his way through all of the Empire, all of our people, just to get to you?

He will if he needs to, Nayra answered. And Erik killed his people, took me and Daria. That is a debt, and he doesnt forget things like that.

Her mother thought about it for a few moments. So, if he came and we tried to resolve this peacefully, there would be no chance of that?

I didnt say that, Nayra told her slowly. He I think that a lot of people misunderstand him. They think that he isnt open to talking and coming to agreements. He is, but he is also unbending as far as his goals are concerned. He will not compromise on what he wants.

Her mother just hummed in lieu of a response, and Nayra frowned. For a moment she thought that perhaps Ryun had come for her, but then she dismissed it. No matter how much she told her family that he would, she knew the reality. The Empire was too far away, and getting through it would be nearly impossible. Ryun and Anrosh didnt have the resources for something like that. Perhaps in time, if the sect grew and got stronger they could do it.

It was just a hope.

What is it that he wants?

Nayra blinked. She tried to think about her answer, and her mother let her think in silence. Finally, she started talking. Ryun he doesnt care for much. He cares for his sect and wants to see it succeed, his people grow. He cares about getting stronger, being more powerful, though I dont think that it is just for the sake of power. I think that he just enjoys Cultivation that much. As far as anything else He doesnt do much in his free time, he cultivates his Qi, or trains, or on occasion plays shah with Kri.


The other Sect Leaders daughter.

Your lovers you mean.

Nayra paused. Yes.

For a while neither of them said anything. Then her mother continued. What do you think he would accept to resolve this?

My release, Darias return, Nayra said immediately. For what Erik did that would depend.

On what?

How many of his people Erik killed, and if Anrosh was dead or not.

She saw her mothers expression sour.

So he would want Erik to pay?

He would want a price to be paid, Nayra said. If she was being honest, she didnt really know what Ryun would want.

Thank you, daughter, for telling me, her mother said softly.

Of course, Nayra said, trying not to feel awkward.

Thankfully she was rescued by her fathers arrival. The two of them walked out on the deck with Daria following close behind.

We are coming in for a landing, father Ender said as he approached.

Good, her mother said and took his and father Olems hands in hers. Then a moment later she looked over at Nayra. Come daughter.

Nayra followed behind them with Daria walking next to her.

You look forward to meeting everyone? Nayra asked her sister.

Not particularly, Daria said. She hadnt been able to do much aside from help fight on the Walls. The fact that she was still under oath meant that the family had to act against Darias will, or rather restrict her movements. She didnt have the freedom to choose for herself, only follow what others said to her. Nayra didnt think that she could live like that.

They landed and their parents led them toward the manor house. The guards saluted and her family members bowed, but mother didnt pay them much heed. She continued walking straight into the house. Nayra saw some of her cousins and older siblings looking at her and Daria and whispering, but she too didnt really care about them or what they thought.

Then, they reached the entrance to the ballroom and the guards opened the doors for them.

The people inside knew that they had arrived immediately, and everything stopped, the music and all the conversations. Her mother led them through the crowd, everyone parting to make way for them. They all greeted the three of them as the patriarch of the family.

Then, Vanessa and her husband approached.

Mother, what is the meaning of this? Vanessa asked quietly.

Nayras mother glanced at Vanessa. It is not your concern Vanessa, there are issues that we need to resolve, and how I choose to resolve them is my right.

Vanessa opened her mouth to speak again, but her mother led them away before she could. Narya glanced back only to see Vanessas expression darken.

Finally, they reached a group of people. Nayra couldnt quite see from behind them, but she noticed her sister Reyla. She bowed her head and then spoke when she straightened.

Mother, fathers, here are your guests, Reyla gestured at the group of three.

Nayra took a step to the side to seem them better, and immediately recognized them. Selia Ha Jhan and Erdania Xi Jhan, Sect Leaders of Zenshuen Sect. She couldnt imagine what they were doing here, or how. And then her eyes landed on the last person standing there.

Ryun? Nayra said, dumbfounded.

He smiled at her. Nayra, he said. Im glad to see that you are safe.

She was too struck to say anything. She couldnt really process him or the others being here at all.

Reyla spoke up. These are my parents, the heads of the Ornn family. My fathers, Ender Ornn, Olem Ornn, and my mother

Karya, Ryun interrupted her. Everyone paused as his eyes narrowed at her. You misled me.

Only a little, her mother responded.

Narya blinked, realizing that somehow the two of them knew each other, which was of course impossible.

But, her mother continued. I didnt lie, you wanted a meeting with the leaders of the House Ornn. You wanted Narya and Daria. Well, here we all are.

So it seems, Ryun said slowly. I mentioned more than just that.

And we will talk, for now, her mother glanced at Narya. You have my word, my daughter will be free to make her own choices, to leave or to stay. And Daria will finish the terms of her oath.

That is a start, Ryun said slowly. There is also a matter of blood that needs to be answered.

Nayras blood cooled. She knew what he meant, she had told her mother that he would want it. She looked around, but didnt see Erik anywhere in the room.

That we can discuss in private, her mother said. If you want.

Yes, Ryun said slowly. I would appreciate that.

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