Infinite Realm: Monsters & Legends

Interlude - Yǐng Zhī Nǚshén

Interlude - Yǐng Zhī Nǚshén

Yng Zh Nshn

Everything was happening so fast. The wyverns were flying over the walls, dropping troops and throwing jars that exploded in blasts that froze anything they touched. Zach was fighting on the wall, killing the monsters that were trying to take it. They couldnt really do anything for the flying monsters, both she and Zach lacked a solid ranged kit. They had tools that allowed them to close the distance, but they were limited.

A sound of cracking stone turned her attention back behind them. In the distance she saw one of the walls explode as massive roots pierced through the stone then stabbed into the city destroying buildings. Shapes rode the roots, sliding down them and into the city. Screams and battle cries joined the flashing of gemstones, but the wall had fallen, and the monsters were in the city.

Nahas crystal flashed, and she tapped it to hear the message.

The Eastern Wall needs aid, if you can, even though this isnt your fight. I beg of you, Ikriss voice came through, and she looked up. She saw him in the distance, fighting with the dragons in the sky, his wife Hiandrin next to him. Drakes that could fly were fighting, the airships had their attention split between the dragons and the wyverns. There was no one left to provide aid for the Eastern part of the citythe Fah Kutah branch was fighting alone.

Zach created a whirlwind around them, sending any monsters flying away, then he touched his crystal too. A moment later, he turned to look down at his shadow, where she hid. She could tell that Ikris had repeated the same message to him too by the look in Zachs eyes.

Ikris was the highest ranking warrior in the sect, he had the command of their forces. If he asked for help, then he believed that the situation in the Eastern part of the city was deteriorating quickly. From the way Zach was looking, she could tell that there was no question as to if they would help.

Go, he told her. Ill hold this side of the wall, you help there, protect the people.

She worried about leaving him alone, even with all of his strength, the Great Forgotten were yet to show themselves, and none of them knew how powerful they would be.

Still, she stepped out of his shadow, and with one last look she jumped off the wall, running and keeping to the shadows to keep her speed increased. In her mind she felt him getting left behind through her True Link, and took solace in the fact that she would be able to feel him at least.

She didnt argue, because when all things were said and done, she agreed with him. This was what the two of them had decided, who they wanted to be. She shifted forms into that of a monster, a Shadowstalkera cat-like monster that was big, strong, and fast. Running on four legs she was faster than she was on two, and in this form harder to detect in the shadows. She ran through the streets quickly, jumping over barricades and people waiting behind them. She saw children holding bows, elderly with weapons that looked like they hadnt seen use in decades, people who werent warriors. The closer she got the the wall the louder the sounds of battle got and she could already tell that she would find the monster long before she reached the breached wall.

She turned a corner and saw a group of three sect warriors, two drakes and a karura fighting a big monster. It was tall, taller than the drakes, and even Nahas ravzor form. It towered over them, nearly twice the size, four meters tall at least. It looked as if it was wearing armor made out of brown and green bark, with an antlered helmet, but Naha realized that it wasnt actually armor.

Ancient Leshy Grand Druid (Tier 14)

The monster raised its hands and roots exploded from beneath the cobbled stone, wrapping around the two drakes and pulling them to the ground. The karura swooped down, his long lance pointed straight at the Leshy. The monster swiped at the karura with his two handed wooden mace, smashing the karura out of the air and sending him flying into a wall with a sickening crunch. Arrows tipped with crystals hit the monsters back, fired by warriors on top of buildings. After a moment of delay they exploded, sending the monster stumbling back. Crystals exploded out of the ground as spikes, cutting the roots that held the two drakes, and they rose, their two handed axes made out of glowing crystals rose high, and they jumped forward then attacked. The Leshy roared as they chopped at the bark, its skin, cutting deep.

It attacked and one of the drakes threw his hand out, Qi left his body and a wall of crystal formed just in time to block the attack. Arrows and their axes killed the monster, and she continued, heading toward the fighting. She turned another corner and saw two smaller monsters pursuing a small drake child who held a bow with a snapped string in hand. The monsters had the same general appearance as the other one despite being smaller, but they had no antlers and their bark was paler green, almost as if it was younger.

One of them gestured, and a nearby tree bent, its root lifted out of the ground sending stone and earth flying. The girl stumbled, then fell and rolled across the ground. The two monsters approached her, each carrying a wooden club like weapon in hand. One of the raised it, and Naha stepped through the shadows. Still in the body of a Shadowstalker, she lunged out of the Leshys shadow. Illuiy was covering the claws on her right paw and she attacked.

With [Primal Bite] her jaws closed over the monsters head even as her claws bit into its shoulderskeeping it in place. The head crunched beneath her teeth, all her buffs for attacking from the shadows and when unseen making her attack that much more powerful. She pulled, ripping the head off. In one smooth motion, she launched herself from the first monster as the second turned around, mid-air she shifted into her unique form.

Illuiy changed to a dagger and another appeared in her other hand. The monster tried to respond, but she was faster. With |Perfect Lacerate: My Strikes, Tearing Apart| she struck. Her daggers ripped the front of the monster open, lacerations filled its body and green sap-like blood spilled out. She underestimated just how thick the monsters bark-like skin was, and while she did do damage, it didnt die immediately. It took a step back and roots exploded out of the ground, trying to catch her.

She twisted out of the roots reach, and evaded the monsters club by bending her spine back unnaturally, her flexible body not even complaining at the strain. She danced away, then threw the dagger in her left hand at the monsters head. It blocked with its club, and obscured its own vision. She rushed back in with [Primal Charge], her leg muscles bulging and throwing her forward as a new dagger appeared in her hand.

She saw the flaws in its defenses with her |Perfect Fatal Flaw Sense: My Sense, Critical Sight|, and she stabbed her left dagger in the monsters forearm, then twisted and pulled it off balance. As it tried to recover, she stabbed with her right hand, straight through its chest with [Primal Strike] which made her hand blur forward. She stabbed what went for the monsters heart, or core, and activated Dark Heart Dagger draining 10% of its highest base stat.

It had been a long time since she had done that, it made her vulnerable for a few moments, but with her |Shadow Sense| she was sure that she had the time. She kicked the monster corpse to the ground and looked around. She found the child on the floor looking at her with wide and terrified eyes.

Run, Naha said and snapped the child out of her indecision. The little drake scurried away, and she made sure that there was nothing in the direction the child was running in. This was the edge of the combat, so she doubted that anything would attack and there was a barricade in the direction the child was running to.

Naha turned around and headed further out, seeing the dead in the streets, warriors and not. Broken barricades, with impaled corpses on top of their spikes. Most of the barricades this far out were wooden, and it seemed that the monster turned them against the defenders. The word had to have traveled down, because most of the ones in the city she saw on her way were made out of piled boulders and crystals.

Everything was happening so fast, and as she reached more fighting she saw a group of non-combatants throwing jars that exploded on impact, setting the monsters on fire, they screamed as they died, though it didnt kill the outright. As the monsters tried to take the people down with them in death, Naha rushed in, finishing them off and saving the people running away. She wondered how these monsters would fare against the other sect branch, one of them was focused in fire and she saw a few drake warriors with smoldering scales fighting on top of buildings, but too far an between. This was the section of the city where people seemed to mostly follow a Path focused on the crystals. Was the fact that they attacked her by design? She didnt have the time to think about it.

She lurked in the shadows, killing any monsters that crossed her way, following the screams of fear and saving people. A calmness settled over her, and a sense of righteousness. She had always been a protector, it was all that she had ever wanted to be. To help people, to keep them safe.

Every time she came upon a dead body in the streets, she felt her heart wrench just a little bit more, and she pushed herself to move faster. To save more people. She had the power, she had to help, to protect. It was right.

She saw children hiding beneath a building tipped on its side, nearly fully collapsed. She rushed over, and ushered them out, then escorted them out, as far as she could until she was sure that they could run the rest of the way on their own.

More and more monsters spilled into the city, and she realized that her fighting them wasnt doing anything but slowing their advance. Once she saw no more survivors running, she moved deeper, heading toward the fallen wall.

Crystal Dome of Protection

An Ideal, she sensed it ahead, and hurried forward. She reached the wall, or rather the ruins of it. A massive area was filled with rubble and roots that had crashed through the wall and into the city. Crystal spikes stabbed through the roots, keeping them in place, but beyond them she saw the battle.

The giant hole in the wall was filled with monsters climbing over the roots, getting into the city by avoiding the battle that was taking place in the center. Dead warriors by the hundreds were sprawled over the rubble, painting it in blood. Crushed beneath roots, or impaled by branches of blood trees that grew out of the corpses. One of the blood red trees rose to the sky, each of its dozen branches impaling a body, their stomachs open and innards hanging out. To her horror, a few of the bodies squirmed, still alive.

In the center of the rubble covered plateau stood a towering monster as tall as few of the buildings not yet torn down. Antlered head, covered in deep red bark that was weathered with age and splintered in parts. Roots grew out of its feet, rooting it in place as it tried to attack with them. Some stabbed into the ground, only to come out somewhere else and try to stab or grab someone. In one hand it carried a large wooden axe which it used to swipe at the defenders on the ground, pulverizing stone with each swing. The other hand was grown in a shape of a shield that the monster used to protect itself. She looked at its window.

Ancient Forgotten: GlarradConqueror of Ten Thousand Forests; Emperor of a Thousand Roots; Blood Druid of the Somber Call Grove (Tier 23)

Flashes of memory came to her, images of Hastur, a monster beyond any that she had ever encountered. She had done nothing against it, she helped, all of them had, but she didnt kill it, didnt harm it. What could she do against a monster like this?

Hundreds of dead bodies in front of her were a testament to the monsters power. And even though she saw the wounds on its bark, bloody sap trailing down like dark red streams, it wasnt enough. And yet, they had killed Hastur, a group of them. There were people as strong as they had been down there, fighting it.

She saw the group fighting, drake warriors holding crystal shields and weapons, standing in front of the monster and trying to protect their people. Flying karura were throwing exploding jars at it from high above as the monster fired wooden spikes at them. Parts of it were on fire, though the blood red bark didnt seem to burn all that well. She recognized the drake in the middle of the formation, Merin Fah Kutah, his crystal scales glowing with blue and yellow light and giant spires of crystal forming a dome above himhis ideal perhaps. Great spiraling shards of crystals floated above them, protecting them when the monster tried to attack. He was one of the Dragon Heart Sects strongest warriors. Others around him were strong too, but they worked together, as a team. And they were holding the monster here, keeping it in place, buying time for the city to prepare.

Her Shadows Insight blossomed in her eyes as she peered into the monsters shadow. She saw insights in the flickering shadows cast by burning light and glowing stones. Forest soaked in sap and blood of animals, trees growing out of corpses, a being sitting on a throne growing out of stone, deep green eyes peeking out of red bark. A tree so tall that it covered the sky itself, once green and blue turning into red. And then it was gone, but she knew that it was an insight into the being she looked at, a monster, a conqueror.

Her |Perfect Capability Awareness: My Awareness, True Measure| told her that it was powerful, not as strong as Hastur, but what did that matter when so many were dead all around it? Power was relative, what kind of power someone had and situation mattered, not how much one had of it.

Naha steeled herself and made a decision. She melded into the shadows with |Perfect Shadowmeld: My Presence, As Shadow|, then moved. She sneaked closer, preparing her attack. She changed Illuiy to a longer blade, a stabbing weapon, then started preparing.

With Shadow Stab all attacks she made while undetected dealt 200% more damage. While in the shadows, her Shadow Fighting increased her stats by 15% and Shadows Avoidance increased her speed by 25% when touched by Shadow Essence.

She activated her perks;

Primal Blowincreasing damage by 5x.

Powerful Strikeincreasing damage by 3x.

Primal Strengthwas always active when in her unique form, increasing her strength by 45%, she had used pieces of monsters for that form for that exact reason.

She got closer and closer to the towering form, using shadows to keep herself hidden, crawling by corpses and broken buildings. All the while the sect warriors fought and died. She steeled herself against looking, keeping only the monster in her sights. Her passive perks increased her stats further, and once she got close enough to the monster, hiding among the many roots writhing around its leg, she acted.

She stepped through a shadow and came out in the shadow of its antler, on its shoulder, just next to its eye. Out of the shadow she stabbed forward with |Perfect Unseen Stab: My Stab, From the Shadow| hitting at an exact point her fatal flaw sense told her to. Illuiy in the long blade form struck through the opening in the bark, at a deep green eye blazing within. A roar exploded out of the monster as her blade sunk through and hit something hard behind the eye, red, almost black sap-like blood gushed out as she pushed her blade in through whatever it was she hit and her |Perfect Danger Sense: My Sense, Shadow Aura| flashed around her, a dozen lines made out of shadow appeared in her vision showing her an attack that would impale her. Her perk, Shadow Anticipate activated, and her body seeped into the shadow to avoid an attack that she didnt see. A spiked root missed her from behind, and then the monsters face exploded in roots lashing out.

With Of Shadows Stride and Elusion she twisted mid-air as she fell out of the air and the protection of the shadows. The roots that intended to stab her change direction as she evaded them. One lucky one slammed into her, slapping her away. She flew through the air and struck the ground hundred meters away from the monster. She hit hard, breaking bones even with her high stats and immediately activated Rapid Regeneration then reached for a potion.

As she healed, she heard a voice thunder.


A sound of tearing filled the air and she saw the monster rip out the roots that held it rooted in place, and start to move. One eye was gushing dark blood, while the other glared at the ground, where the sect warriors prepared to meet it.

Naha stood and readied herself to move when she heard a whimper behind her. Her sense caught movement and she turned. A broken piece of a building, a slab shakily leaning on another hid something beneath. A group of children, three hid in the ruin that threatened to collapse. Her eyes widened as she saw their state, the crystal tipped spears pointing at the entrance to their little hiding place, green sap leaking from one of them.

Monster forgotten she jumped forward, rushing to them. Then the ground shook, the stone finally gave way and the slab collapsed on top of them. Through her sense she felt them get crushed and she froze. Her head turned around to see a growing cloud of dust and rubble as the monster stomped and crushed warriors beneath its feet. Crystal boulders smashed into its shield and spikes tried to stop it, but it cleaved through them with its axe and bashed them away with its shield, sending them away to crush buildings further in the city.

Everything slowed for her and she stopped.

She didnt protect them, she shouldve done that first. Gone around the battlefield and made sure that there were no other people hiding away in the carnage. But she didnt, she had seen the monster and thought herself some great hero, going to slay the great evil. They loved her on her homeworld, she led them, and they died for her. These children hiding in the shadows died too, and it made her heart ache.

When she was a child, she had always loved the dark, the shadows. Her people werent nocturnal, but she always hated the day and the sun, and loved the night. Skulking through shadows, looking out and knowing that they hid her. The light burned, it revealed, but the shadow hid you, it protected you. In its embrace, she had always felt safe.

She wondered if those children felt the same way, if they had hid there thinking that the shadows would keep them safe. They shouldve, but the world was cruel. A part of her wanted to let herself feel the blame, to curse herself, but Zachs voice echoed inside her head.

Be better tomorrow than you were yesterday.

They were supposed to protect, to keep the innocent away from harm. And she the only way she knew how to do that was with shadows. She felt the faint shadows around her, cast by the ever dimmer moon above and the burning light of torches, of glowing gemstones.

Something moved deep down inside of her, the sense of safety that shadow should provide grew more intense.

Shadow hid you,

Shadow held you,

Shadow protected you.

And then something changed deep inside of her, something new grew, stretching to fill all of her. And she reached for it.

Grasp of Shadows

She felt them all, her senses expanded to touch more shadows, her power rose. On instinct, she knew what to do. She faced the monster and commanded the shadows to rise. Everywhere around them, from beneath the rubble where the light touched through cracks and gaps, from behind warriors or the dead, from beneath the trees and buildings, from behind the monster itself. A shadow rose as a physical thing, grasping arms rushed across the battlefield and caught the monster, pulling, gripping, holding it. It roared, yelled things that Naha didnt pay attention to, and moved. The shadows too weak to do more than slow it down, they were tearing apart. Grasping hands wrapped around its weapon, trying to pull it down and the monster swiped the axe across the ground, shattering a crystal spire and killing a drake warrior. Fire rained down on it from above, but spikes exploded out of its body and killed two karura in the air and forced others back.

Naha grimaced, then let her image out. It tired her out, and it wasnt strong, but she let it help her now. The shadows around her grew deeper, stronger, and the monster slowed more. Crystal shards hit it and embedded into its bark. It roared, roots exploding out of its body and flying in her direction. Shadows rose, grasping hands that caught them and protected her.

Still the monster moved, the shadows made by the flickering fires and glowing stones, by the moon that was now a sun shining the light of dawn, were not strong enough. She needed more, a deep shadow with no hint of light, the highest tier possible.

She pulled out an orb out of her ring, as dark as night itself, filled with swirling shadow.

A moment later she used the Piece of Night.

The fledgling dawn was extinguished, and an eclipse filled its circle. The night fell fully and the shadows darkened. The grasping hands elongated, wrapping themselves around the monster, pulling it down to its knees, tightening around its throat.

She moved, melding into shadows and disappearing from sight. Then she stepped through her shadows, her range increased, it lost sight of her and that allowed her to trigger Unseen Death as she came out near the monster again, her first strike was increased by 1000%, and she felt her new power boost it further. A large gash opened up the monsters front. Then two more copies of her appeared and she started cutting, all three of her, carving lacerations into the monsters body as it was unable to move.

It roared through its bindings, but there wasnt anything that it could do. Hundreds of roots exploded from beneath the ground, the blood trees around them moved, but her grasping hands caught them all, held them at bay.

The sect warriors joined her attack, chopping at its legs, arms, anything they could touch. Crystals smashed against its bark, trying to impale it. She moved around its body, getting behind it to keep herself from getting hit by friendly fire.

She cut up the monsters back, dark blood gushed out. She mounted its back, and started chopping through the center, her sense guiding her toward a fatal flaw at the core of the being. She struck her blade deep, feeling the life drain from the monster with Illuiys perk. She stole its stats with Dark Greed and kept cutting, deeper and deeper.

Crystal tips exploded out of its back as the drakes managed to punch through from the front.

And then, when she and both of her illusions were soaked in dark blood she focused all of her will and made one last attack with her |Perfect Lacerate: My Strikes, Tearing Apart| cutting three long gashes along its back filled with carvings. A moment later, she activated that skills perkLife Rend.

Blood exploded out of the monster, thick like sap, and as dark as night. Like a fountain it gushed out, and the monster stilled. Still held by her shadows, it died on its knees, impaled by crystal spears from the front, and with every cut she made in its body exploded out.

Naha fell to her knees, her image shattering around her and taking away most of her will with it. The warriors pushed the monsters around them, more coming in from the city, throwing the attack back to the hole in the wall.

With a tired mind, she pulled up her notifications and looked at them.

Herald of the Shadows Embrace (Unique)

Reach at least a combined power level of nine tiers. And embody an ideal.

+1200 to intelligence and wisdom stats, +5% to all stats, Grasp of Shadows, 100 000 Greater Essence

Grasp of Shadows (Title Perk)

Once per three months, for ten minutes, all your shadow related powers have their effectiveness increased by 15x. All shadows in the range of your farthest-reaching skill come under your control, they gain physical form and substance and can be moved and shaped based on your will. The durability of the shadows is equal to their tier and your intelligence, with tier one shadows being equal to 10x your intelligence and tier 9 being equal to 90x your intelligence.

Merin approached her as she finished reading, his crystal scales muted and drained, blood covering his armor. He looked at her and nodded, and after a moment she nodded back.

Before either of them could speak, the sky exploded with brilliant orange light. And there, on the other part of the wall, a massive dragon spread his wings as flames surrounded it.



Hunted more than 100 monsters

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence

Hero of Promise

Save more than 10 people with a single action

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence

First to Ten

First person in the world to reach level Ten

+10% to all stats, 10 000 Essence

One Against Many

Fight against more than 10 opponents and win

+5 to all stats, 5000 Essence


Loved by more than half of a worlds population

+50 to all stats, 100 000 Essence

True Understanding XV

Evolve a skill to tier 6

+20 to all stats, 20,000 Greater Essence (per tier 6 skill)


Reach the Lord Realm

+5 to all stats, 100 Essence


Murder more than 10 people that you had no connection and that wished you no harm outside of war or feud setting

+2 to all stats, 10 Greater Essence


Kill more than 5000 people of your own race for their Essence

+10 to all stats, 50,000 Essence


Torture a person for more than three months

+2 to all stats, 500 Essence

Class Evolution V

Evolved your class for the fifth time.

+60 to all stats, 40 000 Greater Essence

Bloody Hands

Murder more than 100 people that you had no connection and that wished you no harm outside of war or feud setting

+10 to all stats, 10 000 Greater Essence


Steal more than 10 items that you have no right to

+2 to all stats, 10 Greater Essence

Cruel Mind

Torment more than 100 people that you had no connection and that wished you no harm outside of war or feud setting

+10 to all stats, 5000 Greater Essence


Steal more than 100 items that you have no right to

+15 to all stats, 1000 Greater Essence

Skill Lord

Three skills evolved to tier 6

+For every 3 skills evolved to tier 6 gain: 2% to all stats

Apprentice Bounty Hunter: Wardens

Complete 10 faction bounties for people no more than two tiers of power below you.

+5 to all stats, 1000 Greater Essence

Alchemical Tester

Use more than 10 alchemical concoctions to improve yourself

+2 to intelligence, 500 Essence

Journeywoman Bounty Hunter: Wardens

Complete 25 faction tasks that are no more than two tiers of power below you in difficulty.

+25 to all stats,5000 Greater Essence

Elite Bounty Hunter: Wardens

Complete 100 faction tasks that are no more than two tiers of power below you in difficulty.

+50 to all stats,10 000 Greater Essence

Beyond Understanding XV

Focus and specialize your understanding of a tier 6 skill.

+250 to all stats, 100 000 Greater Essence (per focused skill)

Combined Understanding III

Combine two of your tier 7 skills.

+50 to all stats, 100 000 Greater Essence, -1 skill slot,

(per tier 8 skill)

Master Bounty Hunter: Warden

Complete 200 faction tasks that are no more than two tiers of power below you in difficulty.

+100 to all stats,100 000 Greater Essence

Immortal Skill Master

Achieve three tier 7 skills

+50 to all stats, Aging process halted, 100 000 Greater Essence

Alchemical Experiment

Use more than 100 alchemical concoctions to improve yourself

+10 to intelligence, 5000 Essence

Dome Supremacy

First to defeat a Dome Leader.

+1000 to all stats, +15% to all base stats, 20 000 Immortal Essence

11th Dome

Defeat the Leader of the 11th Dome.

+500 to base intelligence and wisdom, +10% to all stats, Key to Chamber of Treasures (R'lyeh), 10 000 Immortal Essence

Herald of the Shadows Embrace

Herald of the Shadows Embrace (Unique)

Reach at least a combined power level of nine tiers. And embody an ideal.

+1200 to intelligence and wisdom stats, +5% to all stats, Grasp of Shadows, 100 000 Greater Essence


Hunter's Nose (Class Perk)

Five times per day magnify your sense of smell by a factor of ten.

Greater Partial Shift (Class Perk)

Change a body part into a different shape. Can only shift into shapes of animals that you have personally killed. Can sustain three changes at the same time. Shape change lasts for twenty minutes.

Silent Hunter (Class Perk)

Your movements dont disrupt the air around you, making you nearly silent. Strength of effect depends on dexterity stat.

Shifting and Malleable (Bond Perk)

As long as you are bonded with Greed and Change, you are no longer affected by stat imbalance or sickness.

Hunters Stamina (Class Perk)

+40% to stamina pool.

Greater Devour Life (Class Perk)

Executing attack. Once per year kill a person to steal one fifth of their remaining life, and add it to your own. Works of people up to two tiers of power above you.

Greater Form Shift (Class Perk)

Devour a part of any type of corpse and gain its form. You can completely shift into that form and stay in it indefinitely if it is a chosen form, if it is an animal form it will last as long as you have mental stamina. You retain all your stats and powers. Your full screen will change to reflect the identity of your new form. You may have 8 forms saved at a time. Adding a new form beyond the last slot will destroy the oldest form.

Greater Reflex (Class Perk)

Your reflexes are enhanced by 100%, speed of response equal to twice your dexterity.

Powerful Strike (Class Perk)

Once per combat your next attack deals 3x damage.

Rapid Regeneration (Class Perk)

Once per combat, increase your bodys regeneration by a factor of ten.

Shadow Step (Skill Perk)

Your My Shadow, As Night Itself allows for blending in shadows. Five times per battle, and unlimited outside of it, you may step through one shadow and come out through another as long as the distance is no longer than ten meters.

+10% to dexterity

Shadow Stab (Skill Perk)

Your My Way, In the Shadows allows for attacking from shadows. All attacks made from the shadows while undetected deal 200% damage.

+10% to strength.

Mold Power (Class Perk)

Once per day you may shift the inner workings of your flesh in such a manner that you are able to move your stats around. You can only move your base stats.

Flesheater (Class Perk)

Eating raw meat heals you, and you gain 500% increased benefits from eating high tiered meat.

Primal Strength (Class Perk)

Increase your strength by 15% (Stacking up to 3 times for partial shifts) when you have a partial or full shift active that is based on a monster form.

Primal Blow (Class Perk)

One per combat your next attack deals 5x damage.

Primal Form (Class Perk)

Gain plus 25% to stats when you shift into a monster form. Your monster forms will retain 1 unique trait that the original possessed.

Primal Channel (Class Perk)

Once per combat you may channel the power of one of your forms while in another form.

Shadow Camouflage (Class Perk)

Any Shadow related form you have, is harder to detect.

Shadow Fighting (Skill Perk)

Your Of Night Walk and Shadow Strike infuses the way you fight. Fighting in darkness increases all of your stats by 15%. +15% to dexterity

Chimeric Resistance (Class Perk)

Your body becomes resistant to all kinds of poison, venom, and disease type Essences. Current resistance = 45%

Unique Form (Class Perk)

You can shape a unique form by taking parts of any of your currently available forms. This form doesn't count toward your maximum and becomes your baseline form.

Shadowstalking Chimera (Class Perk)

Any forms or shapes that come from monsters that had Shadow related Essence are 20% more effective.

Primal Metamorphosis (Class Perk)

You can shape a unique monster form based on the monsters that you have killed. This form will retain all the unique traits that the originals possessed. This form's stats will vary depending on the final form, but the final stats will not be higher than your total stats combined, the only thing that can be different is stat allocation. The form last for one hour or until your mental stamina is drained.

Shifters Resilience (Class Perk)

While any type of shifting power is active, gain +20% to your vitality and endurance.

True Link - Zacharia Gardner (Class Perk)

Allows you to make a link with Zacharia Gardner, and enter a Linked State. While in the Linked State you gain awareness of Zacharia Gardner and you gain a bonus of 5% his stats added to your own. Allows for the activation of True Link perks. Picking this perk will make it impossible for any other mind linking perks with other living beings or contract perks to be learned. Depth of awareness depends on your bond with Zacharia Gardner.

True Link - Soul Resistance (Class Perk)

Through your link with Zacharia Gardner you gain 80% of his soul damage resistance.

Shadow Slip (Skill Perk)

Your My Body, As Slippery as Shadow infuses your movement when standing in shadows. Your speed when evading attacks in shadows is increased by 30%. +15% to dexterity.

Shadow Anticipate (Skill Perk)

Your My Body, Quick Disengage allows you to evade unanticipated attacks. Five times per day your body will drop into shadow and move away from any undetected attack that deals you damage. +10% to wisdom and +dexterity.

Shadow's Avoidance (Skill Perk)

Your Of Shadow's Stride and Elusion makes you quicker when standing in shadows. Gain +25% to speed when touched by shadow related Essence. +15% to dexterity

Shadow Mind (Skill Perk)

Your My Mind, Bastion of Shadow makes your mind slippery and hard to detect. Any mind detecting powers are far less likely to detect your mind. +15% to intelligence.

Shadow's Favorite (Skill Perk)

Your My Presence, As Shadow allows you to completely erase your presence when standing in shadows, it muffles any sound that you make, any displacement you make, and any scent you produce by 95%. +15% to intelligence.

Shadow's Intent (Skill Perk)

Your My Sense, Shadow Aura lets you feel the intent of people when they are standing inside shadows. +15% to intelligence.

Life Rend (Skill Perk)

Once a day you may trigger Life Rend, which will cause your target to bleed their lifeblood from their wounds profusely. The more lacerations you've inflicted on the target before using Life Rend, the more damage you will deal. +10% to strength and dexterity

Darkness Fall (Skill Perk)

Once a week, you may stifle any ten cube meter area into darkness for five minutes. +15% to wisdom.

Greater Flexibility (Skill Perk)

Your body is incredibly flexible and able to adapt to difficult maneuvers. +15% to dexterity and endurance.

Shadow's Insight (Skill Perk)

Your My Awareness, True Measure lets you glimpse insights into your opponents. You will see images inside their shadows. The deeper the shadow the clearer the image. +15% to intelligence.

Critical Strike (Skill Perk)

You can sense fatal flaws in any being. Your My Sense, Critical Sight allows you to deal enormous amounts of damage when striking fatal flaws. Striking a fatal flaw spot will always deal 150% damage. +20% to dexterity.

Mirror Combat (Skill Perk)

Your My Skill, Mirror Image allows you to quickly understand your opponent's combat style and mimic it. +20% to intelligence

Shadow Mantra (Skill Perk)

Contemplation and meditation is 100% more effective when done in shadows. +10% to intelligence and wisdom

Unseen Death (Skill Perk)

Your My Stab, From Shadow, allows you for quick kills from the shadows. Once a week, if you've already dealt damage to a target, then went into stealth with them losing all awareness of you, your next attack against them from stealth will deal 1000% damage. +20% to strength and dexterity

Key to Chamber of Treasures (Title Perk)

Your Soul is marked with a key that will open a certain door.

Stalwart in Shadows (Skill Perk)

When your mind is under mental attack, as long as your body is standing inside a shadow, your mental defenses can be increased anywhere from 5x to 15x depending on the tier of shadow you are standing in. Can occur once every minute, and lasts until the current attack is over before the cooldown starts. +20% to intelligence and wisdom.

Grasp of Shadows (Title Perk) (Unique Perk)

Once per three months, for ten minutes, all your shadow related powers have their effectiveness increased by 15x. All shadows in the range of your farthest-reaching skill come under your control, they gain physical form and substance and can be moved and shaped based on your will. The durability of the shadows is equal to their tier and your intelligence, with tier one shadows being equal to 10x your intelligence and tier 9 being equal to 90x your intelligence.


Primal Metamorph



Combat Ability

Primal Bite

Movement Ability

Primal Charge

Support Ability

Greater Metamorphosis

Additional Ability

Primal Mind

Additional Ability

Primal Strike



All regenerative powers have their effectiveness increased by 20%.

Greater Shifter

Your body transformation speed is doubled. Your shapeshifting forms gain plus 10% to all stats. Improve your abilities and relevant shapeshifting perks. Change +10% to vitality and intelligence.


Your body is that of a chimera, taking on the multiple parts of monsters to use as you own. Able to have as many transformations at the same time as you want without doing any harm to your body. +20% strength of shapeshifting powers. -10% cooldown for all shapeshifting abilities. +10% vitality and intelligence


Your body is used to change. All body transformations are 50% faster and all power requirements are lowered by 50%. Changes abilities and perks.

Passive Skills

Active Skills

Perfect Danger Sense: My Sense, Shadow Aura

Perfect Lacerate: My Strikes, Tearing Apart

Of Night Walk and Shadow Strike

Perfect Imitation: My Skill, Mirror Image

Shadow Sense

Of Shadow's Stride and Elusion

Perfect Darkness Sight: My Sight, Without Light

Of Stalwart and Shadow's Mind

Perfect Adaptable Trained Body: My Body, Flexible

Perfect Unseen Stab: My Stab, From the Shadow

Perfect Capability Awareness: My Awareness, True Measure

Perfect Shadowmeld: My Presence, As Shadow

Perfect Fatal Flaw Sense: My Sense, Critical Sight













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