Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 969 969: The only Hope

Chapter 969 Chapter 969: The only Hope

"Quite impressive for sure. Despite being ranked last at the start due to participation, you managed to take the spot before the end. Not bad. If I'm not wrong, this should be some kind of record, right?" The Queen asked the Administrator in the back.

Since she had already received some reports before, she knew quite well just how amazing this young man's performance was. They again, since his bloodline was so special, it wasn't surprising.

If anything, she would've been more surprised if the young man had failed instead.

"That's right, Your Majesty. That kind of performance is never seen before. Usually, getting in the top ten after being placed last at the start was already considered a miracle before, but reaching the top... Even this old man was surprised," The Administrator took the opportunity provided by the Queen. Now was the time to play his final card.

"If even with such disadvantages, he can take the top spot, winning almost every challenge, that just shows how talented this young man is. In the future, he'll really be a great pillar of support for our Star Alliance, making it even stronger. I believe we need to protect this child as much as we can," he further stated.

"A premature death would be a pity since it'll rob us of an opportunity to strengthen our Star Alliance even more. If anything, thanks to his bloodline, once he fully grows up, his strength will truly be immense. He could even be able to fight the Ancient Beings all alone if they decide to make a return."

"Fight the Ancient Beings alone? Nonsense," the Rasin Clan patriarch rolled his eyes. "Old man, I can see what you're trying to do to protect him, but you should exaggerate in limit. The Ancient Beings that once ruled over the entire universe were so powerful. I'm sure you know that as well."

Another General agreed. "That's right. Even though in the war, we managed to kill most of them, the losses for us were too many. For every ancient being we killed, we lost hundreds of our strongest warriors. Even then, one person supposedly managed to escape."

"That one person alone destroyed three General Clans that led the war against the Ancients. And you say that a person like that could be held back by this kid?"

Even Raayi's grandfather felt as if the old man was slightly exaggerating. Even though Lucifer was strong, but he wasn't strong to that level. Even in the future, it seemed unlikely.

Even for them, they needed to combine all their strength and take the help of the treasures to be able to fight back. Even then, they weren't a hundred percent sure if they could actually defeat that person when he actually makes an appearance, and the old man was saying that a kid could fight him alone when he grew up.

The entire hall was in commotion as everyone refused to believe that it was possible. The only one who was still silent was the Queen herself. Once again, she didn't chime in.

"I'm not exaggerating one bit," the Administrator stood firm on his stance. "The future that you all call impossible is definitely possible. It's just that you all don't want to accept it."

"With the possible return of the Ancient Beings in the future, we need as much strength as we could since I'm sure none of you are sure that the current Star Alliance could win against them or not!"

For a moment, all the Generals stopped speaking and only heard the old man, wondering how he could justify his impossible prediction.

"I'm sure you all know as well that Lucifer has a bloodline that we have never seen before. He is like the universe's gift for our problem! With his bloodline, he can master the ability of any bloodline. Just imagine once he grows up, how strong will he be? He would be the accumulation of our Star Alliance!"

"If he's able to use all our strength thanks to his bloodline, do you really think he won't be able to defeat the Ancients? To defeat someone like them, we need something crazy ourselves, and that's where Lucifer comes in! We need to help him grow up and become stronger now that we have the time! If we don't, then it might be too late to regret in the future!"

The old man wanted the Queen and the other Generals to see how important Lucifer was and that they needed to protect him if they wanted to protect their future.

His intentions were good, but somehow, Lucifer was not happy. He had his head down, cursing his luck.

He only wanted some protection in public in the form of backing influence, and he received that from Raayi and Ron's grandfathers. But the way that old man talked, it was going overboard.

Lucifer could feel that at this rate, they might actually assign powerful people to protect him or force him to stay here and train until he grows up. That was the troublesome part. If that happened, his freedom of movement was going to be quite restricted!

He still had to leave this place and go to an isolated world where he could use all the stone fragments to open the door to that place. Unfortunately, if he was being watched constantly, that part became very hard to execute. That's why he felt like the old man was going overboard.

Even though the old man's intentions were good, but he was creating problems without even realizing.

"You aren't wrong," the Queen agreed with the old man. "We haven't seen such a bloodline before, so he's really unique. And it's clear that he could be very strong in the future. I'm not sure if he could be strong enough to defeat them alone, but he should be a great help."

"I agree that he needs some protection, and I'm granting it. From now on, Lucifer is not only promoted to the Rank of Captain, but I'm also assigning General Nimel to protect him."

The Queen's command came as a shock to everyone, especially Lucifer! If she wanted to protect him without trapping him in a room, he expected her to assign a few guards that could inform the higher ups if something went wrong. However, this girl... She actually assigned a General directly? That was the troublesome part!

Getting a General as a guard who was always going to be with him always was definitely enough to protect him from the wrath of General Rasin, but wasn't it too much? It was hard to fool a captain-ranked member, but it was even harder to deceive a General! This one move... It restricted his movement a lot!

He couldn't help but take another glance at the Queen, feeling as if there was something more to this decision. Was this decision really to protect him? Or was it to keep an eye on him so he couldn't do the things he wanted? This thing was very troublesome for him now.

"Your Majesty, assigning a General as a guard of a Captain ranked member? Isn't this too much?"

"Agreed. This..."

Just as Lucifer expected, the decision shocked even the Generals. Eventually, the Generals started voicing their opinions.

Lucifer couldn't help but watch, hoping that that would be able to sway the Queen. For the first time, he wanted the Generals to succeed.

The General who was assigned this task was Raayi's grandfather. Even he was taken aback, not knowing how to respond. Just what was happening? He wondered.

"Don't overthink. It's not that I'm assigning General Nimel as a guard. I'm assigning him to Lucifer so he can train him. I'm assigning him as a master who could stay with him and train him," the Queen further stated, calming the Generals.

"It's true that Lucifer has a bloodline that helps him comprehend all the bloodline abilities. But without proper training, even he can't bring out that ability. That's why he needs to be trained by the people who have already mastered those skills."

She glanced at General Nimel. " You'll be Lucifer's teacher, helping him grow as a person! So don't call it guard duty. Being able to protect him at the same time is just an additional advantage. So, General Nimel, do you agree to train Lucifer and stay with him?'

"I do," Raayi's grandfather agreed as he stood up. "I am willing to teach Lucifer. In the long run, it'll only help the star alliance after all."

The old man was already looking for a way to get close to Lucifer, and what better way than to train the child? That way, he could form some good relationship with the kid. Moreover, since this wasn't called guard duty but the duty of a teacher, he didn't need to be embarrassed either. This was just perfect for him, and he saw no reason to refuse.

Seeing the old man agree, Lucifer could only facepalm himself.

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