Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 1030 1030

Chapter 1030 Chapter 1030

The Draconian man was surprised that someone was showing such blatant killing intent in a place like this. What was even more surprising was that he felt that the killing intent was directed towards him.

He turned, his eyes eventually fixing on a young man positioned just a few feet away.

His sister also sensed the killing intent and turned around at almost the same time. As she saw Lucifer, she grew curious. Unlike the Aquarians, she could see that Lucifer was actually young.

He wasn't like those who had lived for hundreds of years only to retain his youthful appearance. Instead, he was actually young. She couldn't understand why such a young man would have a trace of hostility towards them.

"You are...?" the Draconian man asked, his expressions filled with intrigue. He could feel that the man before him wasn't ordinary.

At times, the man appeared like an ordinary human who didn't have a single trace of extraordinary energy, while at other times, he gave the impression of an invincible being in the world.

When he tried to look through the man, he failed, only to feel as if he was looking at an abyss. Only one thing was certain for him. It was that the man before him wasn't what he looked. And even more dangerous was the fact that the man had revealed some hostility towards him.

The King also looked back at the young man who he didn't recognise. Unlike the Draconians, he hadn't felt any killing intent. But when he saw the First Envoy accompanying the man, he realized that this was the person they had informed him about. The man before him was the new guest.

Still, even he didn't recognise where Lucifer was from. With the Draconians, at least he knew who they were. But with Lucifer, everything was unknown. There was no mention of a hidden clan which looked like Lucifer.

"Are you from the Star Alliance?" he asked Lucifer.

Although there weren't any hidden clams who had such physical traits as per his knowledge, but that didn't mean there weren't any powerful clans who looked like that either. But most of such clans were associated with the Star Alliance.

Although they were weaker than the hidden clans, they also held a lot of power in the galaxy. Even if the Star Alliance was at a decline, but that didn't take away from the immense power and resources that they still possessed.

Still, he preferred the Draconians more. He felt glad that he hadn't left the Draconians to welcome Lucifer. Even the Star Alliance Leader couldn't be compared to the Draconians after all.

He wanted to have a good relationship with the Star Alliance but not to the point where he could lower his dignity to welcome them like he did with the Draconians.

"The Star Alliance?" the Draconian man frowned. He didn't know why, but he felt that it wasn't quite true. Did the Star Alliance really have people like them? And why would they show hostility towards them?

The Draconian man, known as Alazar stepped closer to Lucifer. As he was much taller than Lucifer and more well built, when he stood before Lucifer, the difference was clear as night and day.

Alazar's piercing gaze bore into Lucifer's eyes, as if demanding an explanation for his unexpected behavior.

To his surprise, even in such close proximity to him, Lucifer's eyes barely showed much trace of emotion.

What was Alazar to him? In the past when his clan was destroyed, he had seen hundreds of Draconians, all rushing with the other powerful clans to kill his family. Even the Leader of the Draconian Clan was a part of that group.

Compared to the beings who had taken part in that war, Alazar was still lacking.

"I am still waiting for your answer." Alazar's voice was clear. Everyone in the hall was looking at them, wondering if there was some conflict between the two sides.

"If I don't get a satisfying answer for your disrespect, even Star Alliance won't be able to keep you safe."

Although he didn't know Lucifer's identity, the King's words made him believe that Lucifer was from the Star Alliance.

The Star Alliance was made of thousands of clans, so it wasn't surprising for there to be such humanoid clans either.

The Frost and the Lightning Clans were also identical to humans after all. Although both those clans were strong, compared to the Draconians, they were lackluster.

"How many times have I told the Star Alliance that I'm not going to work with them? We can protect ourselves. I won't let your forces be stationed in my Royal City!" The King exclaimed.

Until now, many Star Alliance representatives had approached him, asking for their forces to be stationed in the Royal City. Unfortunately, the King didn't allow that.

He couldn't let another force occupy his city because of fear of the unknown. Moreover, this was underwater. This was their domain. Did they have to be worried about anything?

It was because of his unwillingness that the Star Alliance ships could only protect this world from outer space.

The King thought that Lucifer had arrived for the same purpose to ask for permission for their forces to be stationed here.

"This at the unique guest you were talking about?" The King asked the first envoy, slightly frustrated. He believed that his assumption was completely true, especially since Lucifer hadn't denied it.

Not only did Lucifer arrive here to annoy him, but he also got in trouble with the Draconians? This frustrated him even more.

He wanted to kick Lucifer out of his banquet right away, but he controlled his anger a lot.

Now that Lucifer was here, kicking him out wasn't good either. Although Star Alliance was at its weakest now, but it was still good to not burn all bridges between the two.

His complete attention remained on Alazar. "Lord Alazar, may I ask how this person offended you?"

Alazar had thought that Lucifer would be begging for forgiveness, but to his surprise, even now Lucifer was completely calm... A bit too calm as if death didn't scare him.

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