Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 1055 1056

Chapter 1055 1056

"What happened? Bring them back!" Lucifer exclaimed, his voice loud enough to reach every corner of the world.

He stood on the ground with the support of his sword, his body appearing frail as if he could call at any moment. However, his eyes were still like that of an arrogant god!

Dark blood trickled down his lips and the corner of his eyes, making his vision slightly blurry, yet his sword remained just as sharp, stained with the blood of the enemy.

Talia looked at Lucifer, her expressions sullen. She could still bring her people back once, but she could feel that her ring was close to getting completely exhausted. If she didn't stop now, the ring could become completely useless for her.

More than getting Lucifer tired, keeping the ring was important for her since it was the biggest protection she had. She knew that without the ring, her vulnerability would increase, putting her in danger during their upcoming battles.

Moreover, looking at the condition of Lucifer, she felt confident in being able to take him down. He was barely even standing after all.

"I don't need them anymore." Talia also landed on the ground. "I want to crush that arrogance of yours myself and end the millions of years of history between our clan and your death."

Although Lucifer was still standing, she was certain that his body was already overwhelmed by the poison. It was just enough for her to be able to kill him.

In the blood-stained barren world, where death lingered in every breath and the ground screamed in agony, a cataclysmic battle was about to unfold.

Lucifer, while poisoned, stood at the center of the desolation, his black wings stretching wide against the darkened sky. His eyes burned with an unholy fire as he prepared to face his Talia, who was still in her best condition, unlike him.

Although the sword was a very useful weapon for him, at this moment, he did something strange. For unknown reasons, he modified the bloody sword into sharp gauntlets around his fists.

The single sword transformed as per his commands, splitting and merging with both his fists, giving him an even more unique look.

The sinister glow of the gauntlets matched the dark wings behind his back, amplifying his strength and sharpening. Talia raised an eyebrow in surprise, momentarily distracted from the battle ahead.

The air crackled with tension as Lucifer summoned the black lightning from above, bolts of pure malevolence striking the earth with a deafening roar.

Talia, unfazed by the display, raised her hands, invoking a shimmering barrier that deflected the deadly arcs.

"Why are you struggling so much when your death is inevitable?"

She retaliated with a wave of her hand, sending a torrent of ice shards hurtling towards Lucifer.

He bellowed in defiance, the shards disintegrating upon contact with his skin, as his power of decay nullified their effects.

The ground trembled beneath their feet as Lucifer charged forward, his superhuman strength propelling him towards Talia with lightning speed.

With a mighty swing, he aimed to crush her, but she sidestepped, leaving only a ripple of air where she once stood. Talia retaliated with a wave of her hand, summoning a cyclone of raging flames that engulfed Lucifer. The inferno seared his skin, but he fought through the pain, his resilience fueled by the darkness within.

Lucifer's body weakened as the poison coursing through his veins gnawed at his vitality.

His movements became sluggish, his once-mighty blows lacking their former power. Talia seized the opportunity, conjuring spectral vines that ensnared Lucifer, draining his already weakened energy.

Her laughter echoed in the desolate landscape as she believed victory was within her grasp. Lucifer was already at his weakest and it was only a matter of time before she killed him.

In fact, she even looked forward to her father praising her when she brought half dead Lucifer back to their world.

The more Lucifer struggled, the more his strength was devoured. However, at the same time, his mind also started to lose its focus.

Until now, he had been fighting while keeping his thoughts clear. He didn't let his anger take over, because he wanted to be sane and clear headed, unlike wild beasts. But as he struggled, that sanity was also slowly overtaken by his anger, just like what happened when he had awakened the inheritance.

But as Talia tightened her hold on Lucifer, she noticed a glimmer of madness flickering in his eyes.

He mustered his remaining strength and with a sudden surge. Lucifer, refusing to succumb, summoned the last vestiges of his strength.

A surge of black lightning erupted from his fingertips, shattering the spectral tendrils that bound him.

He roared, his voice a symphony of defiance, as he unleashed a devastating shockwave that sent Talia hurtling backward.

With the poison still ravaging his body, Lucifer fought through the haze of pain, pushing himself towards Talia, like a hungry beast with only a single focus.

Talia kept attacking Lucifer, but Lucifer didn't even try to avoid the attack. He simply chased after Talia, subconsciously burying all the pain within him. Even as deep gnashes were left on his skin, he didn't react in the slightest.

Moreover, with the onset of madness, his blood had also started changing even further. His physical defenses had gotten stronger. He had subconsciously started controlling the elements around him, completely ignoring the poison that spread even faster the more he used his powers.

Talia, her confidence shaken, tried to conjure a protective shield, but her magic flickered, faltered, and ultimately failed.

At the end, she tried to teleport away. In that moment of weakness, Lucifer seized his chance, closing the distance between them with a ferocious speed. He grabbed her by the throat, canceling her teleportation before pulling her back, smashing her back on the ground while still holding onto her throat.

His fists, imbued with the last remnants of his power, collided with Talia's body, sending shockwaves of destruction through her being. The ground quaked beneath the impact, each blow cracking the very foundation of their desolate world.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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