Inside The Black Mist

Chapter 107 - The General Assault

On the rooftop of a building, amidst the swirling black mist, a foot covered in deep purple slime landed on the surface.

The foot had distinct human features but was covered with scales, and its thick, curved claws dug into the ground.

The slime oozed out from the scales on the foot...


A low, beastly growl echoed through the mist. In the deep haze, faint yellow lights flickered, like a few small yellow bulbs glowing in the fog.

When a wolf-like head emerged from the mist, it became clear that the yellow lights came from six beastly eyes on the creature's head.

These eyes, glowing with a faint yellow light and marked with deep brown vertical stripes, looked in different directions. The creature, with six legs resembling human limbs but with a beastly head, was accompanied by a towering figure.

Wearing heavy metal armor smeared with various stains, including what looked like skin tissues and uneven scratches, the figure’s exposed parts had noticeable purplish-red skin. Underneath, black veins bulged and wriggled like worms, with no one knowing if they carried blood or something else...

In its left hand, it held a rough but extremely heavy shield; in its right, it held a long-handled heavy weapon, resembling a battle-axe with intertwined iron chains. The chains' ends were adorned with the skulls of various creatures, most notably human ones.

Two eerie red lights glowed within the visor, as if the knight had emerged from a mysterious abyss. When it reached the edge of the rooftop, a purplish-red light subtly surrounded it.

This light, like mist, dispersed the surrounding black fog. It became apparent that the knight was not riding the beast; instead, it was fused with it into a single, inseparable entity!

At this moment, the knight gazed into the distance. The mist of the Inverse Universe couldn’t obstruct its view. Through the crimson haze, it clearly saw the distant human camp.

The camp’s bonfires made the knight instinctively loathe them. It yearned to rush into the camp, extinguish the flames, and slaughter the humans. Yet, it could restrain this impulse—this was the difference between high-ranking dark creatures andd lower-level monsters.

For over twenty hours, the knight had been monitoring the camp. It knew that a powerful Ascender resided in the base, preventing it from acting recklessly and forcing it to rely on the lower-ranked dark creatures to assault the camp and exhaust human forces.

Ancient knowledge, whose origins were unknown, warned the knight that with one or two more assaults, the camp would collapse.

At that moment, the knight saw a figure leaving the human camp. It was a man with hawk-like sharp eyes—the very human warrior the knights feared.

For some unknown reason, this warrior had left the camp and entered a zone out of the knight’s sight.

Without a human stronghold, the human camp was like a beast with its fangs pulled, no longer a threat.

Thus, the knight knew it was time to attack!

The warm scent and sweet flesh of humans made the knight unbearably hungry, but it controlled the raging desire in its chest.

Suddenly, the giant wolf-like head beneath its waist opened its nasal passages, stretching the lower jaw downward into a triangular mouth.

Inside this mouth, layers of yellow light illuminated the space, revealing several flesh-spiked, snake-tongue-like appendages.

These tongues quivered in unison, producing a silent roar that only dark creatures could hear.

In a building somewhere in town, several Wanderers aimlessly wandered through corridors and rooms. When the silent roar sounded, they stopped.

Moments later, the Wanderers turned around and exited the building through windows and doors.

These swaying figures quickly merged with others emerging from buildings, forming a filthy, plague-like river flowing toward the human camp.

In the flowing black river, the barking of wild dogs began to rise as the man-faced mad dogs joined the horde. These beasts, aggressive by nature, were unwilling to move slowly like the Wanderers.

Thus, these vile creatures pushed aside the Wanderers, with the larger female dogs even biting off the limbs of Wanderers that obstructed their path.

The Mysterious Archers with goat-like faces were comparatively quieter. These creatures, with bodies mutated into firearms, had excellent jumping abilities.

This allowed them to easily leap over buildings, whether intact or damaged.

Passing over the filthy river was evidently easier, so the Mysterious Archers arrived at the knight's designated position earlier than other dark creatures.

Seeing that the path was blocked by human demolition, this time the black river didn’t need to pass through narrow windows or scattered gaps in buildings.

A commotion erupted behind the Black River as the shadowy retainers dragged their heavy metal weapons toward them. If the Wanderers or Mad Dogs didn't clear the way in time, they would be swept away by the retainers.

The unlucky ones were not only dismembered but also had their will cages smashed by the retainers!

At every intersection, two or three retainers worked together, arriving at obstacles and wildly smashing their weapons.

The purple-red mist emanating from the retainers grew thicker and spread further with their increasing aggression, driving the dark creatures who inhaled the mist into a frenzied rage. They joined in the destruction, using their claws, teeth, and every available part to help the retainers clear the obstacles in their path.

Thus, toward the human camp, soldiers began hearing the scratching sounds from afar and the rumbling thuds of pounding!

On the camp’s wall, a soldier took out binoculars and looked outside in night vision mode. On the other side of the street, a wall that had previously blocked the path suddenly crumbled into pieces.

Large and small stones scattered on the ground, and from the huge gap, he saw three shadowy retainers raising their weapons and roaring silently!

In the next moment, the Wanderers surged around the retainers like a black mudflow. Mad dogs ran through the river of black mud, trampling over the obstructive Wanderers beneath their paws.

However, the first to attack were the enigmatic archers. A black-red beam shot towards the soldier, and before he could even think of a desperate thought, the beam pierced through the binoculars and his head, causing his body to fall from the wall!

"They’re here! They’re coming!" Adam roared. "Don’t let your guard down; this is a general assault! They’re going to crush us with all their might!"

"Use all your strength! Don’t conserve ammunition. If we don’t survive this, there will be no future!"

"Therefore!" Adam looked at the approaching black tide, drew his longsword, and pointed it at the enemy. "Strike hard!"

The few automatic cannons on the rooftop roared first, with the muzzles spitting out long, bright flames. The powerful bullets formed a wild metal storm, sweeping across the dark creatures pouring down the street.

Wanderers and Mad Dogs were instantly taken down in large numbers. The bodies, with their will cages shattered, began to disintegrate. Even those with only half their bodies left still used their hands and teeth, crawling with all their might toward the human camp.

Several Elemental Heart Level 2 warriors, led by Yun Ze, threw elemental light guns over the surrounding wall.

The gray-white elemental spears arced over the courtyard wall and, after reaching the highest point, fell onto the black-clad enemy forces, causing bursts of gray elemental storms.

Two Level 3 Flame Emissaries, working together, unleashed a massive explosion. An orange-red, scorching fireball rose in the center of the enemy formation, and when the energy reached its critical point, it released uncontrollably, resulting in a violent explosion.

The superheated fire waves consumed the dark entities, turning their bodies and will cages into charred remains in an instant!

Sensor mines, stellar rifles, and even stellar heavy artillery were deployed. The flashes and flames of human weapons were clearly visible even in the misty, dark city!

The fortress-level Gu Gang continuously cast Stellar Barrier spells on the War God-level Sublimators. The Star Essence flowed out of the bald man’s body like a stream and was easily depleted. After Adam donned a barrier, only a small portion of Gu Gang’s Star Essence remained.

Even so, after taking a replenishment potion, he put on Star Essence armor. Armed with a gauntlet and shield, he charged to the front line with other melee Sublimators.

Adam had long been stationed at the very front. He bore the brunt of the line’s pressure, and once he started his first strike with his longsword, he didn’t stop.

Amidst the flying sword shadows, a mass of dark creatures laid in front of the Western man. Despite this, the darkness before him was still so dense, like a mountain crushing him.

At this moment, Adam suddenly felt a jolt, cleaving through the skull of a Mad Dog. The captain of the Sun Spear Squad looked up, using the flickering flames to view the distant battlefield.

In the distance, a dense shadow surged into the dark enemy forces, and a floating red light emitted a cold and brutal killing intent!

Just then, a stellar artillery shell flew across the battlefield and landed around that shadow. In the ensuing explosion, a heavily armed, shadowy knight appeared in Adam’s view.

A man with short golden hair immediately shouted a warning. "Watch out, the Shadow Knight is coming! Artillery, aim and fire!"

As soon as the words were spoken, a blue shell flew overhead, directly smashing towards the shadowy knight.

The Shadow Knight calmly raised his arm, swinging his heavy weapon in a circle, and then struck the stellar artillery shell with a purple glow!

The shell exploded, sending a burst of blue flames across the battlefield. Amid the blue fire, the shadowy knight emerged unscathed…

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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